Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, December 27, 1918, Image 1

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n uiu iium iii hi vim. iu muuiiimiu
Continued from lilt Wfek
Our rsadara will ramsmbar that wa
left tha bunteri with 2000 pounds of
lk meat hanging in camp.
AfUr cutting tha maat up and put
ting It on tha drying racks wa huntsd
irrouss and fluhad for day and bad
Una sport On October 1, hunting
mountain shssp waa the order of the
dajr ao we all wrnt up the HoUcIc
mountalna to the eaat of camp and
about noun when sitting on high
divide we located a band of nlna aheep
with our glaitei. They were about
three quarter of a mile away and were
bolow a rlmruck fully 1200 feet high
and It waa a two-mile walk over dsn
gvrous ground to get to them. Lron
and I atayed on the rira to waUh the
fun while Clyde and Vail went around
to them. When they arrived oo the
eceae they found one small ram In the
band and Clyde opened Are at him with
his automatic Remington at about 200
yaida hut did not score. At the sound
of the gun the sheep, not knowing
where the shot came from, rsn toward
Clyde and stopped broadside at 100
yards. Clyde hit him this time la the
horns which stunned him ao badly that
nuimiine Dana, uyae Kept up a
fusillade at the running ram until be
had fired 18 shots and by thia time the
sheep waa so bndly wounded that Clyde
and guide ran him down and cut bis
throat. Mountain sheep art very wild
for 1 crossed the trail of thia band tan
miles from there the next day and they
were still running. On our way back
to camp Leon and I taw , band of
seven ewes and lambs. The next day
all went east up a canyon on our horses,
Clyde and guide Intending to go after
his dead ram and Leon and I meant to
try our lurk for a big ram. Wa were
approaching the head of a steep canyon
when we began to see bear sign In
plenty and Vail suggested that wa sepa
rate and surround a patch of woods which
waa on our right to get ahot at a
bear. Clyde Immediately objected to
this, saying that if we were going to
bunt bear wa would bava to stay to
gether. So we went on our way, Clyde
Oscar Malay
and Vail taking all the horses and Leon
and I going on foot over the roughest
mountain country until 8 In tha after
noon. Then we sighted a band of eight
aheep trailing along a steep rim and we
aat perfectly still. They came up within
60 feet of ua and looked ua over to
tbelr own aatisfaction and went their
way. Tbey were all awes and lambs.
Had I tha camera, I could bava taken
picture of a scb sheep alone and one
of tha group. The next day we decided
that hunting rams was uphill business
and decided to hunt grouse and explore
tha country. We gt IS grouse and
found tha remains of ona cow elk thst
had bean ahot down by some misguided
sport. This cow had been dead about
two weeks and there waa no evidence
of any part having bean taken but the
teeth. About ton o'clock I noticed
Clyde changing bis apur to tha other
foot again and I asked for an explana
tion. Ua said hia foot and leg had
given out from spurring ao much and
had begun to cramp but tha old gray
waa still trying to go in a circle. We
eould plainly see that many hundreds of
alk winter in the sheltered spots st this
high altitude and there was no evidence
that any of them winter kill except the
ojder bulla and then only In very hard
winters. This shows that these elk can
easily take cars of themaelvea on their
natural range where the grass and
browse is not eaten off by cattle and
sheep in the summer. The next day
Leon and I scaled slide rock and moun
talna at an average altitude of )S,(K)0
fact in quest of sheep but with no suc
cess. Wa found plenty of sign but they
War alwaya two or three hours ahesd
of ua. 3yde went grousa hunting and,
for a joke, I raised tha sights on his 22
so after shooting at grouse for two or
three hours ba Drought in only one
little grouse. On October 6 the guides
packed for tha return trip and camped
ight miles down the creek. I took my
saddle bora a and kept on the bench on
the east side of the creek all the way
down. Hera 1 aaw three big bull elk
and a number of cows and ahot a nice
lot of grouse. Clyde fished down the
creek and came Into camp with all he
The Condon Globe
Vol. 29
Friday, Dec 27, 1918
No. 41
We wish
to thank our patrons
and wish all
a prosperous and happy
New Year
could carry of cutthroat trout that
averaged 21-2 - pounds each. Mora
than this, he had at last found what old
Whltiu was good .for he could leave
him anywhere along the creek to try a
likely looking' whirlpool and the old
gray would be right there when be got
back. . It started raining at dark and
poured all, night and was still raining in
the morning. It slackened about 10
o'clock but the ateep mountain trails
were too Slippery to travel with our
heavily loaded pack horses. We abet
pine squirrels until noon and after noon
went after grouae. We bad not gone
far when wo found two mora dead cow
elk with no part taken but the teeth.
These cows hsd been dr ad about 15 daya
i r
Do you know that
. . . .
With fairly good winter range you can dispense with bay
by feeding Cottoncaka to sheep
Cattle can ba finished on pasture very economically by giv
ing a daily allowance of Cottonseed Cake or Meal
' f L
Stock take mora good out of other feeda if Cottonseed Cake
is included in their rations
Two pack horses can carry aa much feed in Cottoncake, as
they could haul in wagon on a good road in hay
Cottonseed Cake ia the cheapeat feed for sheep and cattle at
this time
For price and further particulars tee or write
Concluded on last page
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cameron
entertained a number of friends
Sunday at their ranch home.
T. C, Brown was arrested in
Arlington Tuesday ona gambling
charge and returned to Condon
Tuesday evening. He was given
a hearing that evening before
Justice Wheir and bound over to
appear before the grand jury.
riis bail was fixed at $10).
Mr. find Mrs. F. B. Stevens
went to Portland Tuesday. They
expect to remain in that , city
during ,the winter and have
bought a home there.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Echols
went to Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. Dan Thouvenel went to
Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. Carl Anderson returned
from The Dalles Thursday.
Red Crott Notes
The Red Cross work room will
be open Friday January 3. All
who can' are requested to be
present is there is much work
to be done.
The Clem Red Cross unit re
cently turned over 1311.60 to the
Condon, brunch , . .,
H. L. Johnson of Alville turned
over $81.08 thia week.
The Condon Red Cross received
two dollaVs from the rental of
A son was born December 19
to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Fisher of
Oregon City.
Condon, Oregon
D. N. Mackay spent Christmas
with his family in Portland.
A. B. Robertson went to Port
land Sunday.
Miss Elsie Pitzmaurice visited
her parents here this week.
Tuesday, December 81, 1918.
is the last day in -which to re
deem that pledge to purchase
War .Savings Stamps. Do not
permit the postoffice and banks
to closeon. that day until you
have made goor. W. S. S
stamps (ire gilt edged securities
ant are just as good as when you
signed' up for them. So don';
forget that, Tuesday, is the last
day to make your word good
' ., , . ,
T. H. Shannon will talk in tha Bap
tist church at 11 o'clock next Sunday
morning. Dec. 29 1918, on '"For thia
Purpobe the Son of God Was Manifested
that He Might Destroy the works of
the Devil." ,
' Cuff-link bearing insignia of
Knights of Pythias. Call at
Globe office. . 41kf
Set of .6 dining chairs, 1 sewing
machine good as new. 1 la rge
wardrobe. Call at Globe
office! '- , 41d "
Roy Robinaon and Miss Eva
May McDonald were united in
marriage Christmas eve by Jus
tice Wheir at his home in this
city. The are two of the fine
people of the Lone Rock neigh
borhood and will make their home
Dr. Hanneman returned Tues
day from an extended visit with
relatives in Minnesota. While
in Minneapolis he took a post
graduate course in operative den
tistry. When he went east Dr.
Hanneman expected to enter ser
vice at once but he now expects
to remain in Condon perma
nently. Gilliam county is well over the
top in the Christmas Red Cross
Roll Call. Teachers, pupils and
members or the Red Cross units'
have done a great work in bring
ing this matter to the attention
of th4 people. Several teachers
visited all the homes in their
district and to accomplish this
some of them had to ride thirty
miles on horseback. It is hoped
that the official reports will credit
Gitliam with ever $1600.
Fred Parrish is home from
Camp Lewis He "ecured a fur
lough of ten days and came homt
to see the folks.
In a letter written after the armistice
waa signed. Newton Brown says:
"Well they have loosened up the cen
sor a little so I will start with the port
where we left and tell you the whole
thing. We left Hoboken the 27th of
February on the Agamemnon which
before the war was a German boat but
waa taken by the U. S. She ia ona of
the largest ahipa afloat. After eleven
daya wo landed at Brest Wa were in
camp near Bordeaux about five months
and left for tha front July 8. Our first
front wss Chateau-Thierry and we
were in the big drive there which started
July 13. We did very good work there
and received a citation from tha com
manding general. Wa used 155 rifles
6 inch French guna and ail pulled
Costdoa Boy
Writes Basse
by tractors, not a horse In the regi
ment. These guna have a 20-foot barrel
and very long range. The next move
we made wss to tha Verdun front but
were there only a short time before
going to the Toul sector where wa took
part in tha St Mihiel drive. From
there wa came to thia front the Verdun
front again and were in this last battle)
of tha Argonne along the Manse river.
We got a very bad shelling at ChaUan
Tbierry but thia up here wss the worat
we aver aaw. Our last position waa
near Anereville about 10 mi lea north
west of 'Yard an and we are now at
Blercourt" Newton Brown ia tha eon
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown, who lira
north of ConJon.
A large crowd attended the
dance at the Rink Christmas
The dance at Fossil Christmas
night was attended by many
Condon people.
H. F. Schilling arrived in Con
don Wednesday evening from
Camp Lewis. He has a ten day
Bessie Simmons, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simmone,
passed away in this city Satur
day. Her death was caused by
heart trouble. She was 9 years
and 6 months of ' age and was
born in Oregon. The funeral
services were held in the Con
gregational church Monday afternoon.
Prof. H. K Shirk is spending
the week in Portland.
Mrs. W. H. Reynolds went to
Portland Saturday to spend
Christmas with friends.
' Miss Miriam Keeney .spent
Christmas on her father's ranch,
near Olex. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Hardie and
family spent the holidays visiting
friends in Condon. ,
James S. Stewart ia up from
Corvallis on business this week:
He spent Christmas in Condon.
Miss Helen Summers came up
from Portland Sunday to spend
Christmas at home.
Nona ;
Rev. Phillip Koenig has ac
cepted a . call to the Congrega
tional church and will be here
Sunday January 5. ,
William S. Hart
25 and 35
CisTissaBaaS ssmemiMlSnMaMr
i reel
. picture
V.: "Our.,
; Fridge
If AVE struck it rich on that last grub stake
171 you gave me, and I've come to settle ufc ."
From the love scene between Yukon Ed. and r
Ruby McGraw. in this virile melodrama of the
Northland. . , .
It is different be sure and see it
Tomorrow Night, Saturday, December 28, 1918
TflMirUT Frank Keenan in "The Long Chance", which fehows he
1 UiUUlI I code of the west and twenty years of love for an idefc
QIIMMV Bert LyteU in "The Trail to Yesterday" showing how
uUlllft 1 fate robs a man of revenge to give him his heart's desire
These Are Three Great Pictures
The liberty Theatre