THE CONDON QLODE PAQE 6 Move into Pryor House Local High School Has Give som ething Use! I Dobinated U. & Depositary for Postal Stringa DepoaiU In Cundoa in South Condon Mr. and Mrs. John Knox have Good Thrift Record Opal Turney is ill at the hos 'v. Member Federal Reserve Bank if Ale 4- j. V 1 I ( :, I. ' The Condon National Bank will be glad to furnish informa- tfon regarding the issues of United States Certificates of In debtedness. :. i These Bonds are issued at fre ; " quent intervals, bear 4 1-2 per ; cent , interest, can be used in, " the payment of taxes and are issued for short terms. We will be glad to furnish in " formation regarding them to ' possible buyers. V; The! Condon National Bank CONDON, CKQ.B. bUKEK Prm. A. GREINEH. Vic "f tJ.ClOGH L. W. DECKER. J a if. TheVictrola L nrw-nr the door to all i i y world. The hostess who has a Victrola r in. her home can entertain her guests 'regally. j ") Wouldn't you like a Victrola in your home? I i 1 "- Vnn nn pnsHv p-et one. Various styles ., - , A V fc V r "- from ... v $20.00 to o "WE HAVE THREE PHONOGRAPHS TO OFFER I 1 O. . AT SURPRISING BARGAINS GRAVES & GRAVES U TkA ll-A.4UA.mfntjfA Druoreists IO W I a, CONDON :: 1 1: f30C r- "fir 60,000 Acres... Is the minimum grain in Gilliam Mr. Farmer... You will need the best drill you can get to be sure of getting your share in and the best drill you can buy is the KENTUCKY. We have them in stock for you. Call early.- OREGON ?tm. WM. CRAWFORD. CuhUr Atrt. Cuhiar WM.WEHRU lOQv the music of the F $300.00 - oa OREGON X :: OOO c 31 quota set for fall county. TO Dunn Bros., Inc. Condon, Oregon moved into the, Pryor residence on Main street in eouth Condon. Anyone wishing to seo Mr. Knox on real estate matters or in re gard to livestock may find him there. Mr. Knox has proven himself a successful business man along these lines and will give satisfaction in any such business entrusted to him. Is Convalescing Nicely Frank Randall, who was very ill at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, with the pneumonia, is improv ing slightly and has good chances for recovery. John Randall left Friday for that camp to be with his brother. Stray Dogs Kill Rabbits Dogs broke into James Walker's rabbit hutch last Friday night and killed twelve of his young rabbits that were just right or eating. Considering the present high cost of living, the loss is considerable and probably 4 five times the value of the worthless curs that did the killing. NOTICE Dr. Hanneman will return to Condon about December 19, 1918. 38d40 Mrs. J. E. Crowe is still at the hospital and does not seem to improve very rapidly. Mrs. L. W. Chiids of Olex is spending a few days in Condon. Mrs. John Scewart of Fossil was a Condon visitor yesterday. R. B. Chaney of Mikkalo was a Condon visitor Wednesday. 0. B. Robenson returned Thursday from Portland. Charles Iremonger was over from Fossil Tuesday. Bert Brown of Fossil wa3 in Condon Wednesday. John Stewart of Fossil was in Condon yesterday. H. D. Randall was up from Olex Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Crum were up from Olex Monday. CARD OF THANKS We wiah to thank the people of Con don and Mayville for their kindness in our recent bereavement. C. N. Smith Mrs. A. D. May a. M. Smith F. M. Smith E. B. Smith G. M. Smith J. B. Smith ( L. B. Smith TCrUCDC Y aMINATIDN I ILItVIILlw uinuuimuvii ! Notice is hereby given - that the County Superintendent of Gilliam County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination for State Certificates at the High School in t'ondon, Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, December 18, 191S at 9:00 o'clock a. m. and contin uing until Saturday, December 21st 1918, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Forenoon, U. S. History, Writing, Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon, Physiology, Reading. Manual Train ing, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Methods in Arithmetic, Drawing. Thursday Forenoon, Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Meth-ds in Geography, Mechanical Drawing", Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon, Grammar, Geography, Stenography, American Literature, Physics, Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary Cer tificate. Friday Forenoon, Theory and Practice, Spelling, Physi cal Geography, English Literature, Chemistry. Friday Afternoon, School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday Forenoon, Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon, General Histoiy, Bookkeeping. Application for renewals should be made at this time. J. C. Sturoili;, Superintendent of Schools, pital. Louolla Brandon of Ajax is back in school after caring for her parents through their illness. The girls are organizing a bas ketball team.. Games with Fos sil and other places are expected. Miss Annie Walker is back in school after assisting friends during thq recent epidemic. The following it a tummariied itate- ment of the Thrift Report Cards of the Condon High School: Number of pupils actually in attendance when Thrift Card , were issued 84 Donations prior to Oct. 5, 1918: Red Cross t 83.00 Y. M. C, A 26 .00 Other war activities. 17.50 Money saved or invested prior to Oct. S, 1918: First Liberty Loan 76. 00 Second Liberty Loan 125. uO Third Liberty Loan 1,100.00 Fourth Liberty Loan 60.00 Total invested in loans " I360.00 War Savings Stamps . $415.77 Thrift Stamps 34.25 Deposited in banks or savings accounts. 390.26 Ben Greiner of Mayville has the influenza. . - Will Smith came up from Port land Sunday. Next Wednesday, December 11, Rex Beach's greatest work will be shown in the photo dramatization of his book "The Auction Block." This is the life drama of millions of girls In our big cities and should be seen by everyone, In addition to this wonderful picture. The Liberty Theatre will also present the Hippodrome attractions, Msrcelle & Morrette in musiral number and the Warren Company of blackface artists, Big double show, 25 and 60 cents, Circuit Court in Session Circuit Court has been in session this week but so far only one case, has been brought to trial. This is a case brought here from Fossil and was such a mixed affair that even the jury could not un derstand it and disagreed. The case of the State vs. Alfred Anderson is on now. Jake Haney, a Siwaah Indian, is in the jail awaiting a hearing. He has been indicted by the grand jury for de struction of property. "Outwitting the Hun" By Pat 'Brien uppenreH, feeling very proud of myself: and with a good deal more confidence than I had enjoyed at tbe start I had passed a night which will live In my life as long as I live. Tbe bill of fare and program and a "throw away" bill advertlHlng the name of the attraction which was to be pre sented the following week which was handed to me as I came out, I still hnve and they are among the most valued souvenirs of my adventure. Continued next week City Treasurer's Notice All outstanding city warrants up to and includingNo. 1393 Clast "C" will be paid upon presenta tion at my office. Interest cease Dec 9. 1918. Myrtle Ferguson, City Treasurer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 014941 Department of the Interior v U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon November 11, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that Henry J. F.Karstadt, of Gwendolen, Ore, who on June 7th, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 014941, for Lots 1, 2," S 1-2 NE 1-4, SE 1-4 NW 1-1, W 1-2 SE 1-4, SE 1-4 SE 1-4, Section 2, Town ship 3 South, Range 22 East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before J. D. Weed, 17. S. Commissioner at Condon, Oregon, on the 23rd day of December, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Nelson Johnson of lone, Ore. Herbert Brown of Gwendolen, Ore. Bert Keizur " " Clarence Canning " " H. Frank Woodcock, Register. DI A TV LOSSES SURRY PREVENTED ill iil.lV CUTTirS SIACKLEQ PILLS mmmmu awaa Low-priced, LEG1 frwtw reliable t prelected hy men. because thay protect wrier other vaocinei ran, JVV Writ for hoolclrt and testimonial, llHIOft pkf. BiKKI tf PUIS, 11 .DO 6Hm iki. NKftlM Pill. 14.00 Use any Injector, but Cutter's tlmplett and itrofigeet. The upertoritv d Cutter-products la due to uvA 15 yearaoliptilalUlnfi la Vaccines AND SKRl'Mft only. JNHibT OH CUTTBJt'e II uuobt1 table, order direct, fk. f.Lttmm I .kftni iailralM P. .1 At Ml A (if CHS w. xL WHAT'S THE USE Or BUYING CHRISTMAS PRCS. ENTS THAT ARE FORGOTTEN AND GONE IN A DAY! WHEN YOU BUY YOUR GIFTS TROM US YOU GET SOMETHING THAT WILL LAST AND BE USED FOR MANY YEARS. YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS PREFER LASTING GIFTS AND YOU CAN REALLY SAVE MONEY BY BUY ING YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS IN OUR STORE. COME IN AND SEE OUR GIFT GOODS. USE OUR HARDWARE IT STANDS HARDWEAR A. S. HOLLEN & SONS Hardware and Implements Condon, Oregon Good Roads in Banking Have you ever driven over one of the new "good roads?" If so you know what the Federal Reserve Banking System is doing for its member banks and their depositors. No more ruts and sandy spots, gullies and steep hills, but a smooth surface and even grades for the financing of business and farming to travel over. You can get on this MKMBKR FEOKRAL RESERVE SYSTEM First National Bank an ARE YOU CONTEMPLATING E. W. HUTCHINSON, JEWELER Look Well to Feed Bin.... While it is hard to get certain feeds, ive are very fortunate in having a good stock on hands. A special feed for every critter. A good stock of alfalfa and timothy hay on hand at all times Arlington Lumber Co. We have ih Come see. 11!. I III ml li Ji good road by be coming one of our depositors. Drop in and talk with us. the purchase of watflhT Come to us. We can fur also you with one that will out-live you. That i strong statement, but ire know the material from i-which our watches are i'tAide, and we know the painstaking care with . which they are asembled. We are agent for the Sherman & Clay pianos.' A line which has no equal on the coast. Prices from $860 to 1500. Your