' -f- . t - . 1 THE OOriOQM QLOCS PAQB 3 rDEECO-LIGHTs ELECTRICITY FOR EVERY, FARM P 1 "llllllMWa,IL,t I Vpumps ' WATER 8 OPERATES! CUCTPICI rOPtBAIt3TH( tMCUUMCUAKIl "The Best Lighted Farm in the County One prominent fanner says: "Dclco-Llcht hat actually added to the vulue of my farm "The neighbors speak of it a the best lighted farm in the county "Out it it more than that it it the best place in which to live and to raise a family." Dclco-Light brings city comfort and conveniences and economies to the farm. It lights the house and barn it furnishes power to pump the water, wash the clothes, churn , the butter, separate the cream run the vacuum cleaner and the electric fan. It is so simple that a child can operate it and so economical that it actually pays for itself in time, labor and fuel saved. W. G. NeVill Agent Oondon t: Oregon War Economy Is Promoted at This Store Everybody is expected to economize, to Have alt that is possible, and to this end we ask you t? come in and price our large stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES Our stock has been carefully selected and economically bought and we are now selling for cash only. This ia economy for both of us and every customer will positively get the same treatment here. The S. B. Barker Co. The Quality Store Condon, Oregon : TheIlowho( argued with Jim the other night ran up against the shock of his life. Jim knows tobacco. And before he got through, Jim made the fellow admit that Real Gravely tastes better and gives a satis faction you can't get out of ordinary tobacco. A small chew of Gravely lasts to much longer that it costs nothin&extra to chew this class of tobacco. It ft" furthtrthat't why mm ton ft tkt t4 tlt tkit tlati f Mattt w4tkt 0tru rjf. - PEYTON BRAND Heal Gravely Chewing Plug each piece packed in a pouch l ..3A..i"AttA'U"..M.M High School Hat Fine Service Flag The service flag for the school arriyed Monday. It will be formally presented Friday, De cember 6, with appropriate exw else. This flajr contain seven- tee a stars. We are glad to report that the school oversubscribed its allot ment in the United War Work quota. School was closed because of the quarantine before the al lotment was made, hence there was some delay but this week the campaign has been on in earnest with the result that the school went over the top with a rush. Our assessment wes $80. Leila Jones returned, to school Monday after a tussle with the "flu." Elizabeth Stewart and Mary Haley are both in school again. Miss Ohling's pupils plan to (five a play just before the holi days. The school has received 134 maps of the geographical survey for the use of the physical geography students. Mrs. Parker generously comes one morning each week to lead the students in singing. We like losing our national songs but after that "Katy" is the general favorite at present William Blakely entered school this week. Back to Oregon Will Wilkins writes from Camp Zachary Taylor in Kentucky that he is coming back to Oregon. A number of the officers in training there will enlist in the regular army but Will says "Oregon for me." The following verses wer written on the board In the Cam? Library there and serves to show of what the Oregon boys are thinking: When the day shall dawn that silences The battle song and gun, . I am going back to Oregon Beyond the setting sun. No breeze so soft as Oregon's No other skies to clear: The very gate of heaven,' 1 know, In Oregon are more near. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Esser have moved into the Simpson residence property on the east side of Main street. Mike Dukek was Fossil Wednesday. over from The many friends of Mrs. J. H. Knox, who has been very sick at the local hospital with erysip elas, will be glad to learn that she is recovering steadily al though slowly. Kathleen Campbell is recover ing from an attack of influenza. J. E. Downer left Tuesday for Marshfield, Oregon, after spend ing a week or two visiting in and around Condon. He ordered the Globe before leaving. Wm. Kennedy has moved to Cheney, Washington, and wants his Globe to follow him there. 3 d " naf y la. 303C NUsCbW O o o o n The Russian thistle is used in New Mexico for cow feed and said to have much value for that purpose. Some of the farmers there have put up stacks of 5 to 50 tons to be used for wintering their stock this season They might be put to good use that way in this county. . Ambassador J. W. Gerard's "My Four Years ii Germany," s document of vital importance in the history of this nation, has been screened under his direct supervision and the film version will be shown at the Liberty Theatre tomorrow, Saturday, November 30, at a 2:80 matinee and again at 7:30 in the evening. Don't miss it for it is the greatest show ever brought to Condon and worth more than the prices to be charged ' Like a thunderbolt from the sky. comes this announcement The S. B. Barker Co's $50,000 Stock in Condoa TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE One lot of ladies' waists, slightly soiled, choice to close out st lOo One big lot of women's, misses' children's, boys' underwear, choice to close out at per garment 15o One lot men's wool and cotton shirts and draw ers, soma values to fl.50, choice to close out st 39o Dsrk and light colored outing flannel on sals for leas than present wholesale cost, per yard 29o The announcement that The S. B. Barker Co'a en tire stock of Dry Goods, Clothing. Furnishings, Shoes, Furniture, Groceries, etc., is to go on pub lic sale and be closed out completely, means that one of the largest, highest grade, best selected stocks in Eastern Oregon is to be sacrificed at the most sensational prices ever known in the history of Condon. Many people will be surprised at this announcement that the Barker stock of merchan dise is to be sold but on account of the death of Mr. S. 3. Barker the affairs of this corporation must be liquidated in the shortest time possible. Everyone knows that merchandise of all kinds has been 'going higher in price every day and now that th war is over millions of people will have' to be fed and clothed so everything you eat and wear is not only going higher .in price, it is going to be scarce, and the advanced prices next season will be almost prohibitive, and there is no telling what kind of goods you will be able to buy or what up reasonable prices you will be compelled to pay, so by all means, take advantage of this great closing out sale, figure out your present and future needs and buy as you never did before. REMEMBER, there never was, and may never again be, such a salami this country. Let nothing keep you away. Famous Schilling baking powder, in half pound size, per can 24o We will sell you flour at this sals per sack $2.85 (Limit 1 sack to customer) Genuine tVyttol Whits Laundry soap will be sold st 4 bars for 25o (Limit 12 bats to customer) The famous M. J. B. Japan and English breakfast tea, 60c value, on sals per pound 48a M1GM PTFI 1 1 CIOSMGQIJ 5TH 3 0 Dens baturaa November 30, at 9 A. I M. One lot of women's, misses' and children's wool sweaters, jackets, etc., slightly soil ed, choice st 25o One lot women's dress shoes worth to 16.00, choice to close out per pair $2.88 One lot women '8 misses', children's coats, old styles, best of materials, almost given away choice at 95c - Boys' wool over coats and- Cord uroy coats with fur collars, values to $10. on sale at $3.88 Men's cotton un derwear at 63c FREE! FREE! FREE! OPENING DAY OF SALE BE WITH THE CROWD! To the first 200 people inside this store, opening day, we will give 200 sea pnvelopes,.each numbered, and 50 of these numbers will draw a prize. No salespeople will be included. Prizes awarded to outside public only, by man giving away envelopes as you enter the store. Prizes called and delivered immediately. $50,000 worth of Dry Goods, Clothing Furnishings, Shoes, Hats, Caps; Fur niture, Bedding, Hardware, Groceries the very best that money can buy will be placed on public sale at retail. Positively the greatest bargain event since the day you were born. Every article is marked in plain figures. A marvelous saving oppor tunity. Prepare to attend. Sale held rsin or shine. Doors swing back at 9 A. M. Saturday, November 30 Men's gray waterproof raincoats, velvet collar, worth to $10., on sale at f1. G3 Men's and boys' wool Mackinaws, values $12,507 will be sold at $7.85 The best parlor matches to go on sale per box So (Limit 12 boxes to customer), Our choice S5c bulk coffee, will be sold st per pound 27c One lot of men's suits, best styles and materials, val ues to 30., choice rt $17.85 One lot of men's drees shoes values to S6, choice to close out per psir $3.48 One lot of men's wool shirts and drawers, worth over $2.60, choice per garment $1.38 Sjj2S2SsS3S5si S. B; B u o 1 It f f arker Company HMMHMIHHHm H. H. WILBURN . WELL CONTRACTOR AND DRILLER eATISFACTION GUARANTEED CONDON, OREGON Get the Ge and Avoid watte The Quality Store Condon, Oregon conomv Every Cake rOOe i VsjisssdP Ci