Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, November 29, 1918, Image 1

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VOL 29
Wrt ft
At ipecikl meeting ef the County
Court held tt Condon, Orejron, on No-
vtmbor 26. 1918, whan wm preeent
Q. W. Parman, County Judge
J. W. Maldment, CommlMloner
8herman Wade. Commlulontr
the following proceeding! war bad
In tha matter of opening bids for
road work, grading, ata., Columbia
Highway, BlalockArllngton lection m
par no tic:
-Btdi opantd and. tha matter of
warding tha contract takan under
consideration until tha neit register
meeting of tha county court which will
be December 4, 1918.
la the matter of viewing and aaaeaa
Ing damage to property owners on
Columbia Highway. Blalock-Arllcgtoo
-Regular board of Road Viewers
ordered to meet and aasees damages oa
December Z, 19:8,
C N. Lauorbios
County Clark
A committee from Arlington
met with the court in regard to
the Columbia Highway work but
the right of way haa not been se
cured yet and inasmuch as no
bidder will undertake the con
tract until thia is done there ia
no prospect of work being com
menced immediately. It ia not
kno vn yet who will have charge
of construction.
Let's give a little mors and
help to make Christmas h little
more merry for the, poor Belgian
ThsS. P. Barker Company's
store is soon to be entirely re
modeled. A new front will be
putin, all new fixtures, glass
showcases, etc, and the second
floor will be made into one large
room for displaying goods. A
heating plant will be installed
and in every way the atore is to
be mads as up to-date and con
vnient as possible. Before this
is done, however, a big sale will
be held and every piece of mer
chandise in the store will he sold
at greatly reduced prices. This
sale will start tomorrow morninsr.
See the big ad on page 3 of this
Big Dinner Enjoyed
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Couture
served a dinner Sunday to a
number of frienda which is re
ported to be one of the biggest
feeds ever prepared in Gilliam
county. Forty people partook of
tht bounteous feast and enjoyed
the true hospitality of the Couture
Will Build New Bridge
County Roadmaster Smyth re
ports that the county will put in
a bridge across Trail Fork where
the road crosses just above the
Maddock ranch. This will be a
welcome improvement
To raise a more substantial
sum for the Belgian children.
who are now and will be for some
time to come greatly in need of
continued assistance, the con;
mittee which has in charge the
raising of these funds -will offer
for sale small Christmas greeting
cards at the small sum of 15
cents each. These cards are
simple but exquisite with the
words peace on earth, good will
towards men" printed beneath
the Christmas decoration. There
will be only 50 sold in this com
munity and these should eaaili
be disposed of in less than an
hour. Condon has so far raised
by the milk bottles $206.18.
While' thia , is appreciated and
will go far toward relieving much
suffering among ' the Belgian
children, it is not up to the
amount Condon should have
raiscJ for thia great work.
Compare Values
We invite you to compare our Ed.
V. Price suit values with any in
town. ,", ,, ,,
We are not afraid of any compari
son you can give these offerings as
we know if you give them a rigid,
test it will only bring out their
merits more clearly,
The' new samples and styles look
good to us. . They will to you. Come
. , and see. Open Sundays
Lester Wade's
Exclusive Store for Men. Condon, Oregon
ui iiBSismm
Condon's new meat market opened for busi- '
ness this morning. Fresh meats, sausage,
etc. always on hand. Your patronage solicited
I am now dealing in Real Estate, Jacks,
Mules, Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs.
Anyone having anything of this kind for
sale or' trade will do well to see me :: ::
Condon, Oregon
Change in Garage
W. V. Pryor has secured the
half interest in the Condon Gar
age formerly held by N, P. Pal-
mer and the firm name is now
Naylor & Pryor. They are ad
vertising to do high class repair
work and to guarantee all their
work to be satisfactory. ' They
have a Hudson car for hire.
Old Timer Never For
gets the Game
Fred Anderson, cashier of . the
Mitchell bank, was in Condon
Saturday and called at the Globe
office to see that everything was
all right in the mechanical de
partment ' Several years ago
'Fritz" was a printer and a good
one, a Globe veteran, and he has
never been able to get the germ
out of his system which after all
is nothing strange. So every
time he comes to Condon he calls
in to get his hands smeared with
ink and grease and the old never
to be forgotten smell in his nos
trils. vHe came at an opportune
moment too for one of the presses
bad developed a streak of mulish
ness which defied the present
force and the best mechanics in
town. In ten minutes "Fritz"
located the trouble and fixed it.
He had ink on his fingers, and
the fervid blessings of the Globe
force and was happy again.
Dr. Reynolds has -been sick
with the "flu" at Monument and
is recovering nicely.
Graves & Graves are displaying
their Christmas stock.
Miss Blanche Myers returned
to, Portland Monday to take up
her school work again.' -
. J. C. Sturgill was in Portland
this week on business connected
with the Food Anministration.
Bert Cason of Lone Rock who
was very sick last week with in
fluenza has been Jaken to Hepp
ner and is recovering.
The great picture. "My Four
Years in Germany," which is to
be shown tomorrow. November
30, at the Liberty Theatre in a
2:30 matinee and in the evening
at 7:30, gives the outstanding in
cidents of the story, visualizing
scenes of the great strueele so
graphically told by Ambassador
Gerard. That the picture is a
great success is evident by the
enthusiastic reception it has re
ceived in all the big cities.
Practically the whole picture
s concerned with the Ambass
ador's experiences in Germany
from the time the war broke out
until this nation joined with the
Allies. . Perhaps the incidents
shown which will prove of the
greatest interest to spectators
are Mr. Gerard's audiences with
the madman who ruled Germany.
lheir conversations are illus
trated in the sub titles. The cli
max is reached when the kaiser
slurs the United States and its
fighting ability and the screen
displays multitude of our land
and sea forces. What the Huns
did to Belgium and to northern
France is shown with marvelous
and realistic fidelity to the facta.
Gerard's visits t6 ihe Hun ptison
csmps are pictured and also that
scene where Gerard is handed
hia passports after having told a
pompous German that he would
stay right in Germany till hell
freezes'? before he would sign an
agreement to permit interned
German ships to depart from our
Art Eeeson was ill this week
with the influenza.
Vaudeville Wednesday
Hippodrome . vaudeville again
at the Liberty Theatre Wednes
day night, December 4, and do
not forget the dance at the rink
Saturday. November 30. Music
by LdRoy's orchestra. Tickets
II 50. Coming soon our $5,500.
pipe organ. it
Babbie Jackson has the "flu'
but is not seriously ill. .
W. G. NeVill was on the sick
list the first of the week.
George Madden ' was down
from Lone Rock. Tuesday.
The smallpox epidemic at Lone
Rock is abating and all ihe cases
are recovering nicely., '
Lloyd Pannan of Davville was
in Condon the first of the week
transacting business and visitinor
relatives and friends.
Dr. J, F. Wood was called
from Portland Saturday to oner
ate on Orva Dyer. Accommnied
by Mrs. Wood he drove up from
Portland in an auto and returned
to Portland Sunday to leave
Monday morning for England.
While at Camp Lewis he was
first assistant to the chief surgeon
and was promoted to the rank of
major. He is loaned by this
county to the British government
which is short of surgeons.
Convention Postponed
The State Convention of the
Farmers' Union which wss to
have met in The Dalles next
Tuesday, December 3, has been
postponed on account of the eni-
demic of influenza which ia still
prevalent there and public meet
ings are still banned there. The
Executive Committee hopes to
hold this conventionMn that city
later. , '
5000 Men Wanted
Graves & Graves, local enroll.
ing agent for the U. S. Merchant
Marine, report that 5000 men are
wanted at once in 3eattle and
are asking all young men who
care to go into this work to call
at their store at once. This is a
good opportunity and is good
Three Ask for Citizenship
Henry Schieveen of Shutler.
John Stores of Rock Creek and
Duncan Robertson of Condon
will appear at 7:30 P.M., Decern
berZ, to take examination for
their final citizenship papers.
W. J. Mariner of Blalock was
in Condon Monday on road business.
Rev. A. J. Sullens preached'
two very good sermons at the
Congregational church Sunday.
At the close of the morning ses
sion a church meeting was held
to determine whether the church
wished to call a pastor and it was
the sense of the meeting that
one be secured soon although
Rev. Sullens stated that no man
would come for less than S1200.
Several present were asked to
express their opinions and were
unanimous in declaring in favor
of a resident pastor and thinking;
the salary could be raised.
Get Many Geese y
The best luck in goose shooting .
reported so far was enioyed br '
a party of six, including Judge '-
Parker. Judge Parman and C N.
Laughrige of this city, who went
Saturday to northeast Gilliam
and brought back twenty
and two ducks. . I
Bids on Road Work
R. D. Hoy t of the Warren Con-"
struction Co. of Portland was a
Condon visitor the first of the
week. He entered a bid at the
meeting of the county 'court for
the grading work to be done on
the Columbia Highway in thia
county. '
Remodels New Office
F. T. Hurlburt, the real estate
and insurance man, is. getting
his new office on north ' Main
street in readiness to handle tha
business.. . .
Dr. J. W. Donnelly of Arling
ton met here Monday with the
county court regarding matter
pertaining to the Columbia High
Jas. S. Stewart was over from
Fossil Monday. .
A. B. Robertson was in Port-
iand a few days this week.
C. E Neal of Lone Rock was
in Coudon Monday.
L. E. Shelley sola a Hudson
Supersix on Saturday to L. L.
Jones of Mitchell.
Sidney Smyth went to Port
land Tuesday to eat Thanksziv
ing dinner with his family.
Fred Phillips was up from
Olex Tuesday.
The Firsl U. S. Official War Film
"America's Answer"
presented by the Division of' Films
Sunday, December 1
Matinee 2:30, Evening 7:30 ',
25c :: Admission :: 35c
I have the agency for Rock Springs coal
have plenty on hand and can deliver it
at any time. I do all kinds of light and
"heavy hauling. Phone in your orders
announces the arrival of
and a complete stock of
the regular line of
for old and young. Call and see them
C. Beverlin, Proprietor
Condon, Oregon