; i 11 FOOD MUST BE SAVEDl V lis Vpumps WAT .a OPERATES 1 ELICTRICI VMCUUMCUAKR The Quality Store : ELECTRICITY FOR.EVEnYTARM IV DELCO-LIGHT -nr i "The Best Lighted rarm m the County" One prominent farmer says: "Delco-Ught has actually added to the value of my farm 'The neighbors speak of it as the best lighted farm in the county "Hut it i more than that it is the best place in which to live and to raise a family." LVIeo-Light bring city comfort and convenience and economies ; to the furm. It lights the house and barn it furnishes power to pump the water, wash the clothe, churn the butter, separate the cream run the vacuum cleaner and the electric fan. It is so simple that a child can operate it and so economical that it actually nay for itself in time, labor and fuel saved. W. G. NeVill Agent Condon :: Oregon 5 War Economy Is 'Promoted at This Store Everybody is expected to economize, to Have nil that is possible, and to this end wv ask you t come in and price our large stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES Our stock has been carefully selected and economically bought and we are now Belling for cash only. This is economy for both of us and every customer will positively get the snme treatment here. The S. B. Barker Co. Condon, Oregon Ike always thought a man was foolish to buy plug of the Gravely class when he could get a big plug of ordinary tobacco for the same money. But one day Bill gave him a chew of Gravely just two or three small squares. Then Ike got the pure, sat isfying Gravely taste. It lasted so long, you can't tell him nowadays that it costs him anything extra to chew Real Gravely. . ; , It ti furtktr-tkat'i wif ytm tan fit tht tooj tatlt tftklscUum tftokut without 4tru (tat ' PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each, piece packed in a vouch H. H. WILBURN . WELL CONTRACTOR AND DRILLER ' '' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ; CONDON, OREGON By County Food Administrator Though the end of the world war is in sight, this is no time to throw off the food regulations. Over two million of our boys are still acroKs the eea and there are other millions of civilians and refugees to be fed. It is impos sible for the European countries to bo self supporting for some time to come. Over four years of war have so devastated the farm lands and country in en- eral that it will be many months before food stuffs in any amount can be raised. The peoples of the world are looking to the United States for food and it is our duty to make sure their ex pectations will be met. The people of this country have been very considerate and all those who conformed to th food reeul ation can rejoice and feel that they have had a great part in winning-this war. If by chance there should be a few who have not held to tbe regulation, they are not elated at their short comings and will not tell the coming generations how they evaded the government requests. The government has played fair It took the substitute regulations off flour as soon as possible and will loosen thd restrictions on other food stuffs as soon as con ditions will permit. Yet with all the restrictions no one has suf fered; no one has gone through any hardship on account of the food regu!a'ioii8. Now. just f the end is near, are we goin slacken ardpeimii mi lio, starve? We have tH tniK in the American people to tt . this will occur. The great ma.-' ut the people will stili Co operat.. :n and heed the request of the gov trnment. .This request is to .con serve, save and conform. ' Mrs. Nancy Smith Mr. Nancy Smith, one of the real iniilders of Gilliam county, passed to I her reward Tuesday, Nuv. 19, 1918,"" at the home of her son. The funeral srr vioea were held at the home Thursday and she was laid to rest in the MayvilU cemetery beside her husband -who died in 1891. Nancy Maxwell was born in 1SJ8 and crossed the plains to western Oregon in 1847. She was married Feb ruary 18, 1855, to Josiah B. Smith and to this union were born seven sons and one daughter, all of whom were at the I funeral. They came to this county 85 1 years ago and settled on Beecher Flat. George Hanson, pioneer of Gilliam county, died thia week at Bandon, Ore gon, where he lived the last few years. He wanted to be buried here where he had lived so long po his body was tent I here and the funeral, conducted by the 'Masons, was held yesterday. Henry uense, uniiam boy, was wounded in France October 6 and ia now in a hospital over there. His left arm wait shattered and he came out of I the fight with two bullet holes in his helmet. Homer McDaniel, a former Gilliam boy and well known here, waa recently I killed in action in France. The Liberty chorus announces that on Thanksgiving evening at 7:30 a patriotic commun ity song service of thanksgiving will be held in' the rink. This hour will be given to song all over the nation and everybody is requested to attend on this oc casion and help sing. ' Deals in Dirt O A Tschauner to C E Cripe, 160 acres, sflO. ' v E D Lantis et ux to E J Klink. 480 acres, $6000 , A S Tate to Harry Palmer, 320 acres, $3400. Bessie M. Warren et vir to J E & AM Flett, 160 acres, $1. FOR SALE: Man's saddle in fine condition. Can be seen at Dunlap's shop in Condon. 36d37 BANKERS MORTGAGE CORPORATION If you want 'to borrow money on your Livestock, Wheat, Wool or Lib erty Bonds, talk with Wm. Crawford of Condon National Bank : about our terms and service or write us direct. The war is over and we want to help you do your part in taking care of the reconstruction, which is our next duty. . Porland, Oregon u M Y AUTHORIZED VERSION OF THE GREAT BY AMBASSADOR GERARD 'V. - i - -;T i; r, 9 f'h : r. ' sJ V i I . , - tmmti.mfaftt'l The greatest picture ever brought to Condon. It is blood-stirring facts and not fiction. Come and see how the kaiser and his henchmen made plans to divide America anh how Gerard defied the former ruler of Germany. Leltoy's jazz or chestra of Portland will furnish "good music - S: a - fr. m wir aw; i o o hJ VL 1L 11 U1 CAL V ' o o o No vein-be Fa 30 Matinee at 2:30 Evening Show at 7:30 Get Your Reserved Seats Early ' lLlPIiy i ffiSMF(g 0 u R BOOK 1 "V Jaw :' . .-v- Jtmaammmf Sl n iiri i "i " in n'iT ,