fHE OONDON QLODS PAGE 3 At teitioi 4 ' .Far. mef Cash Prices f. o. b. Mikkalo, Ore. i .on VU.t 14-lnoh 3 bottom adjustable Oliver Gang Plow Cash, $140.00 10 Inoh 3 bottom adjustable Oliver Ganft Plows Cash, $140.00 8 ft. Double Dlsosi 18 Inoh Discs . Cajh, J140.00 I have only a few of the above-named implements so do not delay. They will not last long at these prices All Prices f. o. b. Mikkalo Mail Orders Promptly Filled Yours for Better Plowing FRANK LITTLE General Merchandise Mikkalo, Oregon City Treasurer's Notice . t All outstanding city warrants up to andincludingNo. 1310 Class "C" will be, paid upon presenta tion at my office. Interest ceases May 20. 1918. Myrtle Ferguson,, City Treasurer. County Treasurer's Notice All outstanding warrants drawn on the General Road Fund of Gilliam County, Oregon, up to and including No. A 1185, will be paid upon presentation. Inter est ceases Oct 17, 1918. W. A. Graves, County Treasurer. i Fossil, Phone 3 . Condon, M51 May vllle, 3 GONE LUMBER COMPANY Lone Rock, Oregon Manufacturers of all kinds of rough and dressed lumber and mouldingi t , An up-to-date mill. Newly Improved I Good Grades Right Prices That goo d wot. 0 Real Gravely Is the common-sense chew lor men. It is economical A man gets his tobacco sat isfaction out of a smaller chew and fewer of them. The good Gravely taste lasts a long while. Two or three amallsquaresof Real Gravely stays with you longer than a big hunk of ordinary plug. Each piece is packed in a pouch. These are the plain facts about Gravely Plug To bacco. It ft furtktrtkt't why ym am ft lk$ p4 uutt artfc mm tf ittaea aAf rns Mil. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10$ a poucn-ancf worth tt -r TTTtTTTTTTTtttttI II. IfeWILBURN WEIi CONTRACTOR AND DRILLER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CONDON, OREGON "Outwitting the Huh" By Pat O'Brien Thai night lie appeared aa be bad promised. "Well, O'Brleu." be asked, aa be en tered tbe room where 1 was awaiting blm, "what do you say? Will you sign tbe order or not V It had occurred to me during tbe day that the araouut deuiantied was so fablulous tliut I might have signed the wder without any dnnger of He ever belog paid, but tbe Idea of this man, who bad claimed to be befriending me, endeavoring to make rapltal out of my plight galled me so that 1 was deter mined not to give It to blm whether I could do so In aafety or not "No, Huyllger." I replied, "I bave decided to get along aa best I can with out any further assistance from you. I shall see that you are reasonably paid for what you bave done, but I will not accept any further assistance from you at any price, and what Is more I want you to return to me at once all the photographs and other papera and belongings of mine which I turned over to you a day or two ego!" "I'm sorry about that, 0Brlen.n be retorted, with a show of apparent sin cerity, "but that is softie t hi ug I cannot do." . "If you don't give me back those papers at once," I replied hotly. "I will take steps ,to get them, and d d quick tool" "I dont know Just what you could do, O'Brien," be declared coolly, "but aa a matter of fact the papera and pictures you refer to are out of the country. I could not get them back to you tf I wanted to," Something told me tbe man waa lying. "See here, Huyllger 1" I threatened, advancing towards blm. putting my hsnd on bis shoulder and looking him straight In the eye, "I want those papers and I want them here before midnight to-night It I dont get tbem I shall sleep in this place Just once more and then, at 8 o'clock to-morrow morning, I shall go to tbe German au thorities, give myself up, show tbem tbe passport that you fixed for me, teU tbem bow I got It and. explain everything." Huyllger paled. We bad no lights In tbe bouse, but we were standing near landing at the time and the moonlight waa streaming through a stained-glass window. Tha Belgian turned on bis beel and atarted to go down the stairs. "Mind you." I called after blm. "I shall wait for you till the city clock strikes twelve, and If you don't show up with those papers hy that time, tbe next time yon will see roe Is when yea confront me before the German au thorities. I am a desperate man, Huy llger, and I mean every word I say." He let himself out of the door and I tat on the top Starr and wondered Just what he would do. Would he trj'to steal march on me and get fn first word to the autborlUes m that my atory would be discredited when I put It to themt Home Is With the Boys By Bruce Barton I visited a home where a ser vice flags hangs, and while we ate we talked of the boy who is over there. ' I wonder if he is cold tonight'' the mother said, "I wonder if he has a place to warm himself and dry his clothes, and something good to eat." ' . "What wouldn't I give to be with him," she said and we were silent, knowing her heart But I thought of the Soldiers of Friendliness who that very night would crawl out across No Man's Land to take chocolate and hot coffee to that boy. Of the huta with their warm fires burning; of tbe great lec turers and preachers and actors and motion pictures that are over there. And I thought to myself: "There is a difference between this and every other war. For when the boys have marched away before, the Influence of their homes has stopped at the front gate ai.d could go no farther. But in this war it follows the flag, across the ocean, over the shell torn battle land, straight up to the front line trenches. ' Home is where the boy is in this war. From every town and village the lines of helpfulness run out. ; And no boy leaves his home behind him;' step by step it travels with .him, financed by the fotKs behind him-a token of their love. Continued on next page New samples, new styles in suits, coats, skirts and one-piece dresses for the ladies. J. A. Conley. 32-33d NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' 016124 . ... ' Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon ; September 23, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that Bert D. Keiiur, of Gwendolen, Oregon, who on October 11th. 1916, made Homestead Entry No. (116124, for NW 1-4, W 1-2 NE 1-4, W 1-2 SE 1-4, Section 9. Town ship 4, S South, Range 22 East Wil lamette Meridian, haa filed notice ef in tention to mike Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before C N. Laughrige, Clerk of the Circuit Court st Condon, Ore gon, on the 14th day of November, 1918. Claimant namea aa witnesses: J. E. Brown, of Condon, Oregon ; Walter A. Graves, of Condon, Oregon Joseph Trevett of Condon, . Oregon Jack Trevett of Condon, Oregon. H. Fbank Woodcock, Register. n FREE TRACTOR I0NSTRATI0N THE LA CROSSE HAPPY FARMER the tractor which has been creating such a sensation throughout the North west, will be demonstrated at the Skelly ranch, one mile north of Condon,. Fri day, November 1st. At this demonstration we will prove that where ordinary conditions of soil, etc., exist there is no need to pay more for an efficient tractor. The HAPPY FARMER TRACTOR sells for $1275.00 f. o. b. Portland. ' NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Portland, Oregon Distributors for Oregon and Washington iwaX'5 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, I fl THE SKELLY RANCH FOR THE LAND'S SAKE! fi 1 Improycit Best for yen aci bett for the land Real estate is going up and certain men are go ing up with it These are the men who are getting some Gilliam county land today. We have lots and property exchanges that will interest you. Advantageous bargains that you should inves tigate NOW. .... FOR SALE ' Dwelling house cheap. $400 down and balance in easy payments I need more farms to sell list yours with me NOW " ; F. Ti HURLBURT How's Your Insurance? - I Can Fix It HOW ABOUT YOUR FUEL? I have the agency for Rock Springs coal have plenty on hand and can deliver it at any time. I do all kinds of light and heavy hauling. Phone in your orders H. P. SMITH, CONDON 100 Printed Envelopes for $1 at Globe! Lompare yal ESS We invite you to compare our Ed. V. Price suit values with any in town. .. .. ... ... We are not afraid of any compari son you can give these offerings as we know if you give them a rigid ... test it wil only bring out their merits; more clearly. .. .. .. The new samples -and styles look good to us. They will to you. Come attd see. Open Sundays. ; ' "fc .- ' . '"" - ., :: . ., Lester Wade's .Exclusive Store for Men. t Condon, Oregon 1 CAN YOU FIGE?! i If you care to stop in and investigate we will show you how we can. save you from 5 to 10 per cent on every article in our line of i Staple and Fancy Groceries but Btill maintaining our well known reliable qualities guaranteed to be the best we can possibly procure for you. FRANK SMITH Cor. Summit and Main :: Condon, Oregon