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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1918)
THE OONOCN QLOCS PAQC 4 i O o o ft Deatgaated U. S. Depositary for Portal Sarinfi DpoiU la Cundoa Member Federal Reserve Bank 3 J The Condon National Bank will be glad to furnish informa tion regarding the issues of. United States Certificates of In debtedness! These Bonds are issued at fre quent intervals, bear 4 1-2 per cent interest, can be used in the payment of taxes and are issued for short terms. We will be glad to furnish in formation regarding them to ; possible buyers. The Condon National Bank CONDON, OREGON GEO. B. DUKEK. Prw. A. GREINER. Vie Pn. WM. CRAWFORD. Cuhitr , E.J.CLOUGH L. W. DECKER. AM. Cukitr WM.WEURU "FAIR PRICE" SCHEDULE FOR COMING WEEK Commodity By J. C. Sturgtll RiTAiutR Pats I, 1 .- '-. 'The &o Store opens the door to all the music of the " " world. The hostess who has a Victrola in her home can entertain her guests ; regally. Wouldn't you like a Victrola in your home? You can easily get one. Various styles from . $20.00 to $300.00 WE HAVE THREE PHONOGRAPHS TO OFFER AT SURPRISING BARGAINS GRAVES & GRAVES The Up-to-the-minute Druggists CONDON OREGON O O o J Yl mmbmmmcms us. 1 J I t 60,000 Acres... Is the minimum quota set for fall grain in Gilliam county. Mr. Farmer... You will need the best drill you can get to be sure of getting your share in and the best drill you can buy is the KENTUCKY. We have them in stock for you. Call early. Dunn Bros., Inc. Condon, Oregon Frh Egg, per dosen .60 . Fresh Creamery Batter, per lb .65 1-8 New Potato, per lb .02 1-2 Full Cream Cheese, per lb , .41 Corn Meal, white; 10 lb bag .77 1-lt torn Meal, yellow, 10 lb bag .71 Rolled OaU, 9 to bag" .73 Rice Flour, per 10(1 lbs $9.75 Barley Flour, per lb .06 l-X Rice, unbroken, per lb ,12 Com Flour,, white lbs .07 . Rye Flour,. 10 Iba .7412 Hominy, Iba , , j ,76 mall White Beans, per pound .14 1-2 Colored Beans, per lb .9 Wheat flour, per lb .06 ornstarch per pound .11 Condensed Milk, 16 os, dot .15 8-4 Canned Tomatoes, 20 ot. No. S .17 Canned Peas, standard, 2C os. No 2 .17 Canned corn, 20 os. No 2 .1714 Canned Salmon, 16 ot can ,25 Milk, bottled, per qt Raisins, pound packages .11 1-8 Standard Hams, per pound .38 Breakfast Bacon, Fancy Standard .49 Victory Bread, 16 ot loaf .08 1-2 Onions, per lb .03 1-2 Lard, pur leaf, per lb .29 1-2 Crisco, per lb .31 Salmon, or halibut per lb .17 to 20 sugar i .10 Consumer Low .521-2 .70 .03 .45 .85 .80 .85 $12.60 .07 .071 2 .80 .85 .16 .10 1-2 .06 12 .12 1-2 .16 .18 1-2 .18 1-2 .19 .13 .43 .66 Pays High 55 ,721-2 .031 2 .45 .90 ' .85 .90 7 i-a 15 .08 .86 .90 .17 1-2 U 1-2 .11? .20 .20 .V0 .20 .30 .13 1-4 .15 .45 .10 .10 .04 1-2 .05 .33 t-2 34 1-2 .37 13 .40 . .25 .10 .11 11 1-2 Mrs. D. H. Cottmire and two i hiidren came Dp from Portland Wednesday. Mr. Fithian of the FitHian Barker Shoe Co. of Portland was a business visitor in Condon this week. We Want Sales Representatives in Every Town in Oregon We prefer men who have sold stock, insurance, real estate, books; or who have had no sales experience but would like to develop into salesmen. We train every applicant accepted and provide a system that will enable anyone who works to make from 175.00 to 1150.00 per week. Can also use women of exceptional ability. Position permanent. In applying, state age, past busi ness experience, number of years you have lived in community, and references. Address in con fidence. Kane Mfg Co . 1626- 27 L. C. Smith Bid., Seattle, Wash. Johnnie Couture came up from Portland Tuesday. New samples, new styles' in suits, coats, skirts and one-piece dresses for the ladies. J. A. Conley. 32-33d Mrs. J. B. Sparks returned Friday from lone where she visited her mother. William Kennedy, who went to Cheney, Washington, last week to look at that section with the idea of moving there, came back to Condon Friday. He says Condon still looks good to him. LOST: Sunday,, in or around post office, U. S. Marine service pin Finder leave at Globe office Reward. 32d NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 015124 Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon September 23, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that Bert D. Keizur, of Gwendolen, Oregon, who on October 11th, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 015124, for NW 1-4, W 1-2 NE 1-4, W 1-2 SE 1-4, Section 9, Town ship 4, 3 South, Range 22 East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before C. N. Laughrige, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Condon, Ore gon, on the 14th day of November, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: J. E. Brown, of Condon, Oregon Walter A. Graves, of Condon, Oregon Joseph Trevett, of Condon, Oregon Jack Trevett, of Condon, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. The Hotel Oregon dining room is being over-hauled and remod eled making it a pleasant place to dine. It will be opened Mon day morning, October 29, under new management and new ser vice throughout. Old patrons are invited to return and we hope to secure many new ones. S2d ' New samples, new styles in suits, coats, skirts and one-piece dresses for the ladies. J. A. Conley. 32 33d John Dysart of Spokane ar rived in Condon Friday to visit friends and attend to business matters for a week or ten days. Prof, and Mrs. J. J. Sturgill of Arlington returned to their home Saturday. I A letter from Will Wilkins who is at the Central Officers Train ing School at Camp Zachary Taylor in Kentucky', says that he is recovering from an attack of Spanish influenza. At that time he says there were 9,500 cases in , that camp. Earl From an and Tink Womel dorf returned the first of the week from a hunting trip to Logan valley. FOR SALE: 18 1-2 cords of 16-inch pine wood at my place in Lost Val ley. Will sell cheap if taken at once. Ayply at Condon Restaurant. D. H. Courtney "Outwitting the Hun" From page 3 jnlnd so oEstloateIy"I would advise yon to think It over, ril be back this evening." My first Impulse, efter the man had left, was to get out of that house Just aa soon as I could. X had the passport he had prepared for me, and I figured that even without further help I could now get to the border without very much difficulty, and when I got there I would have to use my own Ingenuity to get through. It wa evident, however, that Huy llger still bad an Idea that I might change my mind with regard to the payment he had demanded, and I de cided that it would be foolish to dp anything until he paid me a second visit At the beginning of my dealings with Huyllger I bad turned over to him some pictures, papers, and other things that I had on me when I entered his house. Including my Identification disk, and I wag rather afraid that he might refuse to return them to me. All day long I remained In the house without a particle of food other than the breakfast Huyllger had brought to me. From the windows I could see plenty to Interest me and help pass the time away, but of my experiences while In that bouse I shall tell In de tail later on, confining my attention now to a narrative of my dealing with Huyllger. .1 To be continued next week HOW ABOUT YOUR FUEL? I have the agency for Rock Springs coal have plenty on hand and can deliver-it at any time. I do all kinds of light and heavy hauling. Phone in your orders H. P. SMITH, CONDON Yes, we have Electrical Goods. J iS Aa V We bought the best Electrical Goods we could buy b cause we knew that is the only kind you would want it la the only kind we could afford to handle. When you come to us for electrical things you will find high grade goods, quality, workmanship and finish, that will give you lasting satisfaction, Come to us for your electrical goods our prices won't shock you. USE OUR HARDWARCi IT STANDS HAROWEAR A. S. HOLLEN & SONS Hardware and Implements Condon, Oregon Good Roads in Banking Have you ever driven over one of the new "good roads?" If soyou know what the Federal Reserve Banking System is doing for its member banks and their depositors. No more ruts and sandy spots, gullies and steep hills, but a smooth surface and even grades for the financing of business and farming to travel over. You can get on this good road by be coming one of our depositors. Drop in and talk with us. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM First National Bank ARE YOU CONTEMPLATING the purchase of a watch? Come to us. We can fur nish you with one that will out-live you. That U a strong statement, but we know the material from which our watches art made, and we know the painstaking care with which they are asembled. We are agents for the Sherman & Clay pianos. A line which has no equal on the coast. Prices from $360 to 11500. E. W. HUTCHINSON, JEWELER Look Well to Your Feed Bin.... V While it is hard to get certain feeds, we are very fortunate in having a good stock on hands. A special feed for every critter. y A good stock of alfalfa and timothy hay on hand at all times BS1 Arlington Lumber Co.