THE CONDON QLOQE PAQE 2 Events in the last few weeks have forced us to make a radical change in conducting our business affairs Beginning November 1 we will sell for CASH ONLY In making this change we wish to thank all our friends and patrons for their loyalty in the past and hope they will continue to give us their support. . We will try and make it to their interest and and advantage to do so THE S. B. The Quality Store Have you paid up your Talking You man with a tJOOO car you want to keep it good, don't you? The way to do that is alvv ays to give it the . attention it needs AT TH)S TIME IT IS NEEDED. We are ready at all times day or night to attend to your needs. We have the most competent mechanic, to be secui-ed, and guar antee that your car 'will never bo "butchered." SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES FOR POPULAR MAKES The upkeep of your car will not be.such a burden if you will let us keep it up tto its 'work. L. E. SHELLEY'S GAKAGE CONDON OREGON . ".M GLOBE WANT AD WILL" SELL' IT FOR YOU fn 'Writes WHEN WE TELL YOU OUR EGGS ARE FRESH. WE KNOW THEY ARE. WE DON'T JUST "GUESS" THEY ARE FRESH. WE KNOW THAT THEY COME RIGHT IN FROM THE COUNTRY WHERE THEY ARE GATHERED AS SOON AS THE HENS CACKLE AND SENT US. EVERY DAY. YOU WON'T GET "COLD STORAGE" EGGS FROM US-WE DON'T KEEP ANY KIND BUT THE STRICTLY FRESH COUN TRY EGGS, . . " .: ( GIVERS YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. I W. S. Farr?s Condon nnouncemeiiit YOURS FOR BUSINESS BARKER COMPANY Globe subscription? to You PKESM LAID EGGS FROM THE COUNTRY Cash Store Oregon Condon, Oregon THE CONDON GLOBE H. A. Hartshorn, Editor Published Every Friday by The Glob Publishing Company. Entered aa second class mall matter at the post office at Condon, Oregon SabacriptJoa titan fl-M ft nan Bis HMtlu far 75 casta. AdwtlMas Mm etna mptm apolieaUaa. MICKIE'S COLYUM OtT WUNO OP AT fHS POSt OFFICE FCR ftOOWW Eft POSTAGE , VMttH NOTMttV OH THE E KM ELOPE SOS THE POStMAStCRl KIN lEU. WHO TO B.ETUB.N ENt . to, t 5ho Think tT would ftC A GOOD IDEA FCft SVBRN BOON T VAM OS PRNt 'EM A BO Of SNNELOPES NtV THEtt NAME AN AOOMSS V JP IN ONE CORNER "CARRY ON," OFFICIAL CRY - The caution Issued recently In Portland by James F. Pershing, brother of General Pershing, against relaxation of war work actlYlties, has been echoed In messages Issued by departmental heads In Washington, D. C, copies of which were sent to Executive Secretary John Kol lock, of the Oregon State Council of Defense. "Carry on" Is the theme of those telegrams, whose senders felt the German peace proposals might Interfere with campaign plans iust formulated. Consequently, the United War Work drive, -which opens Novem ber 11, will be conducted with even more vigor than had Ger many not sought to bring about peace on her own terms. The departmental heads, as well as Mr. Pershing, emphasize the need of continued activities by the several affiliated organiza tions participating In the drive, even after hostilities have ceased. Referring to the Hun's protest against the American's use of shotguns, an eastern newspaper inquires whether it is not still customary "to shoot skunks with shotguns." The only way to be sure that the home paper get to your boys in . France is to put it in an envelope" and send it by first class mail. If it is wrapped and sent iu the ordinary manner he may never get it or if he dose it wilt only be at widely separated intervals. , It only costs a few cents more to be sure that he will set it and the soldier over there will certain'y appreciate your thoughtfulness. HOW YOUR MONEY WILL HELP "BOYS" Official Statement of Seven Great Welfare Organizations. Cltliens of Oregon, In the week ot November 1118, will respond to call ot the United War. Work Campaign for funds to make happy and effective the fighting men Of the Nation. That the cltisena will uphold the common wealth's notable record In doing Ita share to win the war ta taken tor granted, once the needs are under stood. , Oregon's quota in the Joint drive ot the seven great organisations doing war service work Is 770,000. Presl dent Wilson authorized this united drive and named the participating oodles. The purposes tor which the funds are needed and to which they are dedicated art vital to the war's success. 1 The V. M. C. A. has more than 2000 huts In the great battle none and la ministering to the toys overseas. In trench and camp, leaving undone notta lng it can do to help them. In America the "Y" Is in every camp and canton ment. It Is with the boys "crossing over" and, at request of the War De partment, has recently Jolneo In the task of instructing aeiectives even be fore they are called. War work ot the Y. W. C. A. Is thus outlined by Mrs. William MacMaster, state chairman: "Already we have in this country 1,000,000 women doing actual war work, while another 2,000,000 have re leased men for service by undertaking their work. To the Y. W. C. A., 'the best big sister in 'the world,' has betn committed by the government aui mili tary authorities the serious reapon' siblllty of directing the thought, crest lng the environment and furnishing the material needs of this army of girls. Already 10S hostess houses hare been opened. War Service Clubs organ ized, the Patrlotto League created, nurses sent where needed and now we are asked to furnish emergency hous ing for thousands ot girl war workers." John W. Keller, associate drive di rector, says of the Knights of Columbus: 'Knights of Columbus halls are In operation In all cantonments, training camps and naval stations in the United States and the halls are also establish ed , with the American Expeditionary Forces in France, Italy, Russia and England. The motto la 'Everybody Welcome', service being given irrespec tive of race, creed, or rank. Millions of cigarettes, pipes, bouillon cubes, gum packages and tons of chocolate have been given free to the soldiers over seas. One of the specialties is the pro motion of athletics and a considerable Item In the budget la for baseball equip ment, boxing gloves, etc. In the war lone the troopa are followed with motor trucks which are virtually traveling huts, fully stocked with ath letic goods, stationery, cigarettes, and the like." Needs and activities of the Jewish Welfare Board, explained by Ben Sell ing, are: "In one year the number of our field representatives has grown from 10 to 813. Now we axe faced with the de mand for 400 additional Workers In this country and 100 overseas. The money going into our fund pays nec essary expenses and salaries, furnishes Bibles and prayerbooks by the thou- lands and letterheads and envelopes by the million, and provides camp, edu cational and recreational activities far the fighters, both here and abroad." "War Camp Community Service," explains Emery Olmstead, state chair man, "developed from the commission created by the War and Navy Depart ments, first known as the Fosdlck Com mission. The community Is its partic ular field and thousands ot workers sr assisting the towns In caring for visiting soldiers and sailors, providing wholesome amusement and clean rec reation and surrounding the camps with hospitality." , . Functions of tbs American Library Association, says William L. Brewster, itate chairman, are "to provide books and reading matter to the soldiers and lallors through co-operating agencies and directly." Thirty library build ings have been provided at canton ments; 3,760,000 donated books dis tributed; 1,000.000 bQQko and toni of magazines sent abroad, and (00,000 needed military technical books bought and given the men.' These are some things the Salvation Army does, according to O. C. Bortz meyer, state chairman: "On lines of communication our huts are open day and night. Then, follow ing their methods, our men and women go right to the trenches and distribute chocolate, coffee, doughnuts and pies, Sixty per cent of the 1000 workers are women. We have now 703 huts and 60 ambulances In service. In the past tew months aid has been given the Red Cross in sending abroad 100,000 nsxcaiaV' . .. . Government are strictly followed in the conserving of rniffar in all our CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAMS You will always find at our store the purest of confectionery and the best grades of ice ' cream. Purest fruit juices. Clean tables and clean glasses we cater to particular people. Courteous attention always. JOHN JACKSON. Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner W-A-T-E-R .. on the Farm is An Absolute Necessity. A Good Well on your Farm increases its value ten times the cost of the well. WE FURNISH IT Anything In the plumbing Una will receive our prompt attention. JAMESON' & MARSHALL Sanitary Plumbers County Treasurer's Notice . All outstanding warrants drawn on the General Road Fund of Gilliam County, Oregon, up to and including No. A 1185, will be paid upon presentation. Inter est ceases Oct. 17, 1918. W. A. Graves, County Treasurer. City Treasurer's Notice All outstanding city warrants up to andincludingNn. 1310 Class C" will be paid upon present a tion at my office. Interest ceases May 20, 1918. Myrtle Ferguson. City Treasurer. WEDNESDAY Is Ironing Day in Condon. On that day we will run the plant from 8 A. M. to 12 M. for the . convenience of the ladies of Condon. :: :: :: :; CONDON ELECTRIC CO. Dl Aft l0SSK SOSELT PREVENTED nl 111. II to euTTtra iuckies ruts nieil LEG ""l "IT! PV Tnim awaia noes. trait waara atnar stk . . I'll. jT WtttolartwialMandunlmaaUla. !- Hi. SIKHItf. Hilt, 11.00 INm ska, SiMSlM fills. 14.00 Vh tar lalrta, but CutWt atmpMMl wad rtiwi't Tba auoarlaritv ol Cum, proriuu. Is 4u W s.rr II jmn ! apullrtof I. vaccinal ako aaaima ONI. iMUtTOTt CICTU'l. 11 nu'"uUa, 61m dffwt, .. TIM C attar Uksratery, lartafay, Cl.tntla HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY OF ENVELOPES? FEED We are headquarters for feed of all kinds. We make a specialty -of feeding stock in transit. When you want to Hay, Rolled Feeds, Milt Feed of all kinds you naturally think of the store that carries the largest stock of all kinds of feeds. ' . ,: Arlington Lumber Co. Chas. II. Horner ABSTRACTER Abstracts of Title to Gilliam County Lands Office in Court House raa Tb. Regulations Condon, Oregon PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY . T. A. Wiinke Lawyer Office in Court House CONDON, ' . OREttON Drs. Miller & frilhclm Physicians & Surgeons First Nat'l Bink Building CONDON, OIIKOON C. F. Culhey, M. n. II A. On I hay, M. D. Drs. Cathcy ,. Physicians & Surgeons Condon Nnllon.l Rank nullrtlng CUNUON, . , . OHUUON Dr. J. G. Turner Ere Specialist ' . Portland, Oregon Regular monthly visits to Condon Watch paper for dates , L. L. Taylor, M. D. V. . Veterinary , Physician & Surgeon CONDON, ORKCJON The Condon Globe High Class Job Printing PHONE 43 5 CONDON, OREGON Dr. J. O. Kenyon Dentist First Nat'l Bank Building CONDON, ORKQON " . D. N. Mackay Attorney-at-Law CONDON. ORKOON TYPHOID Is no more necMMry tout Smallpox, imf axparleDGa baa uamoril ttatag tha almoat nlraculouf iffU Cscr, and taarmlattneal, ol Antityphoid Vacclnatloa. Ba raccloaud NOW by you phyalclap, you U4 your family. It la mora rltal thanfcousa Inauranca. A,k youi vhyaldao, dnijgiM, or aaod for Haaa you bad T.',vhold" tailing of Typhoid Vaccina, ulu f ro n ua , and danfar from Typhoid Carrlara. TrK CUtTC lABOMTOKY, BtlMtUY, CAU aaoiMiur a wcuaaa aaauaa aaaaa a. a, aa, uctaas Let the Service Shoo do your prin'.inz It gives satisfaction. 0. K, SHOP UP-TO-DATE TC-tfsORIAL . PARLORS Randall & Seale PROPRIETORS Irt Dcvfjr N. First National Bank