THE OQNDON QL.OQE. PAQE A 1. I Designated U. S. Depositary for Portal Sarlnf Deposits ia Condon , (i , Member Federal Reserve Bank The Condon National Bank will be glad to furnish informa tion regarding the issues of United States Certificates of Indebtedness.'- These Bonds are issued at fre quent intervals, bear 4 1-2 per cent interest, can be used in the payment of taxes and are issued for short terms. We will be glad to furnish in formation regarding them to 1 possible buyers: TUe Condon National Bank - , CONDON, OREGON CIO. B. DUKBK. Pm. A. G REINER. Tie Pra. WU. CRAWFORD. Cathier CI. CLOUGH L. W. DECKER. A-t. Caihtar WM.WEBRU I The ffisflSaCll Stora The Victrola J opens the door to all the music of the world. The hostess who has a Victrola in her home can entertain her guests " regally. Wouldn't you like a Victrola in your home? You can easily get one. Various styles from . .-. $20.00 to $300.00 WE HAVE THREE PHONOGRAPHS TO OFFER AT SURPRISING BARGAINS GRAVES & GRAVES The Up-to-the-minute Druggists CONDON :: :: .OREGON COOc I- I' iW ! & V ;jj . . AIV 60,000 Acres... Is the minimum quota set for fall grain in Gilliam county. Mr. Farmer... You will need the best drill you can get to be sure of getting your share in and the best drill you can buy is the KENTUCKY. We have them in stock for you. Call early. Dunn Bros., Inc. Condon, Oregon "Outwitting the HunM From page 3 tin length of time for you to make flit necessary arrangements, and I wlU be a paUent at I can." Tht Brat thing to do, Huvllger told me, waa to prepare a passport He had a blank on and It waa a comparatively Utopia matter to Oil la tha spacee, st ing genuine pas port which HoyUget possessed aa aampta of tha hand writing of tha pasnport dark. My oc cupation iraa entered aa that of a tailor. My blrthplaca wa cava aa Spain, and wa put my ago at thirty. Aa a matter of fact, at that ttmt 1 could easily hart passed for thirty five, but wa figured that with propel food and a decent placa to sleep at night, I could toon regain my normal appearance, and tha paaaport would have to serve ma, perhaps, for atTeral weeks to come Filling In tha. blank tpacaa on the pa x port waa, at I hart said, a com paratUely easy matter, bnt that did not begin to fill tha bUL Every genu ine passport bora an official rabbet stamp, something like an elaborate postmark, and I waa at a loaa to know how to get evr that difficulty. Fortunately, however, Huyllger bad half of a rubber stamp which had evi dently been thrown away by tha Oer msns, and ha planned to construct the other half out of tha cork from a wine bottle, Ea was very aklllfal with a penknife, and although ho tpotlf a score or mora of corks before ha sue-! ctteaea in getting anytning iue we result he waa after, tha finished article waa far better than our moat sanguine expectations. Indeed, after wa had pared It over here and there, and re moved whatever Imperfections our re peated test disclosed, we had a stamp which made an impression e closely resembling the original that without a magnifying glass, wa wars sura, It would have been Impossible to tail that It waa a counterfeit Buyllger procured a camera tnd took a photograph of ma to pasta on the passport la tha placa provided for that purpose, and wa then bad a pass port which waa entirely satisfactory to both of ns and would, wa hoped, prove equally so to oar friends the Huns. It bad taken two days to ox up tht passport In the meanwhile Buyllger Informed me that he bad changed his plans about the convent and that In stead he would take me to an empty houxe. where I could remain In aafety until be told ma It waa advisable for me to proceed to the frontier. This was quite agreeable to me, as I bad bad misgivings ss to tha kind of a priest I would make and It seemed to me to be safer to remain aloof from everyone In a deserted house than to have to mingle with people or come In contact with them, even with tha best of disguises. That night I accompanied Huyllgerl to a fashionable section of tha cifyj where the house In which I was to be concealed was located. This bouse turned out to be a four- story structure of brick. Buyllger told me that It had been occupied by aj wealthy Belgian before the war, but since 1914 It had been uninhabited save' for the occasional habitation of some refugee whom Huyllger waa befriend ing, j Huyllger had a key and let ma In,' but he did not enter the house with; me, stating that he would visit ma In the morning. I explored the place from top to bot tom as well as I could without lights. The house was elaborately furnished, but, of course, the dust lay a quarter, of .an Inch thick everywhere. It was a' large house, containing some twenty rooms. There were two rooms In the basement four on the first floor, four on the second five on the third snd five on the top. In the days thst were to come-1 was to have plenty of oppor-, tunity to familiarise myself with the contents of that house but at that time I did not know It and I was curious enough to want to know just what the house contained. Down In the basement there was a huge pantry but It was absolutely bare, except of dust and dirt. A door which evidently led to a sub-basement at tracted my attention and I thought It might be a good Idea to'know Just where It led to In case It became neces sary for me to elude searchers. : In that cellar I found case after case of choice wine Huyllger subsequently told me that there were 1,800 bottles of It! I waa so happy at tha turn my affairs had taken and In tha rosy pros pects which I now entertained that I was half Inclined to indulge In a little celebration then and there. On second thought, however, I remembered the old warning of the folly of shouting before you are well out of the woods, and I decided that it would be Just as well to postpone the festivities for st while, and go to bed instead. To be continued next week FOR SALE: One hundred tons of good wheat hay. Am offering; it for $22 per ton. Call on or write H. R. Weatherford, Olex, Oregon. 27tf Send your tires to us. We pay postage one way. All work guaranteed. Arlington Vulcan izing Works, Arlington, Oregon. 30tf FOR SALE: Good, clean milk. Inquire at J. A. Knight ranch. 31tf Ann McLaren Hardie A Mrs. Ann McLaren Hardie waa born November V 1835, at Old Rattray, Perthshire, Scotland; was married there to Alexander Hardie tn tha year 1864; died September SO, 1918, in Port land, Oregon, at tha noma of her daugh ter, airs. William Christie. Twelve children were born to this couple, of whom nine are still living. There are also S3 grandchildren and "27 great grandchildren. In the year 1884 the family came from Scotland to Trailfork. Gilliam county. Oregon, which baa been the family home aver since. There a few year ago tha father died. Last year, owing to failing health. Mrs. Hardie went to Portland to live with bar daughters who ministered to her every want with tendereet, loving car. Hav ing coma of a long-lived race, of sturdy Scotch Presbyterian stock (her father was 95 when he died), Mrs. Hardie waa hale and hearty almost to the end, when, at the ripe age of 84 years, she passed on to her reward. For many yeara Mrs. Hardie, who waa often referred to in Gilliam county aa tha "Queen of tha Clan," kept open house and dispensed hospitality with laviah hand to all who came to her home. Many a poor homesick Scotch immigrant has had causa to bleu her for many kindnesses shown to him in time of need, and all tha neighbors round about sensed the kindness of her heart Sba was a typical Oregon pio neer, who leaves her adopted state much the better for her having lived in it To the end aha was Intensely pa triotic, supporting, every war activity. She waa a woman; of noble character and great intelligence, who had a large outlook upon life, born of much read ing, observation and contemplation. Those who knew ber best never expect to look upon her like again. On Friday, October 4, she wss laid to rest by the side of her husband in the Condon cemetery, In the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing rela tives and friends. Prior to the inter ment, funeral aervicea were conducted In the Congregational church by Rev. Williams of Arlington, who psid a splendid tribute to this grand old lady In spits of her advanced age, her face, viewed in the casket at the church, was strikingly handsome in its rugged beauty, her strong character and purity of life being depicted in every line. To gate upon the remains wss like a benediction; there wss no call for grief nor sorrow there. She had fought t good fight, she had fin ished her course, she hsd kept the faith; she was at rest Her whole life was a better sermon then the minister was presching at her bier, and his ser mon wss far above the ordinary at that A wonderful display of flowers, prod ucts of hill and dale and choicest blos soms from the hothouses, typifying the final resurrection when sll shall tee Him face to face, were placed upon the casket and grave by many loving hands. The surviving children, sll well known and highly respected citizens are: Alexander, David, George and Joshua Hardie of Condon; William Hardie of Casper, Wyoming; Mrs. Alex Outhie and Mrs. George Wensley of The Dalles; Mrs. William Christie and Mrs. Ada Bouchet of Portland. . J. S. S. CARD OF THANKS . We, the undersigned, take this means of expressing our sincere thanks and gratitude to those kind friends who aided us on the death of our beioved son and brother, Herman. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Hoskin and Family. The dance at Alville last Sat urday night was an enjoyable affair and everyone had a good time. There was a large crowd from Condon. Mrs. Elfie Campbell received word this week that her brother, Glenn Frum, a Gilliam county boy and well known here, was seriously ill with pneumonia at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky. How are your War Stamps? County Treasurer's Notice All outstanding warrants drawn on the General Road Fund of Gilliam County, Oregon, up to and including No. A 1185, will be paid upon presentation. Inter est ceases March 15, 1918. 'W. A. Graves, . County Treasurer. FOR SALE: I have 24 fine wool ewes and one full-blooded Lincoln buck, one Lincoln and Merino buck, one full-blooded Shropshire buck and a fine big Merino buck for sale at my Lost Val ley ranch. I. A. Hoskin. : 25tf e 3 is &k 'MS Jr -Jilt NEW GUN. Its lots of fun Our Ammunition is reliably loaded. OWN YOUR OWN GUN. - 'THEN YOU ARE ALWAYS READY TO OO HUNTING WHEN YOU HAVE A FEW HOURS TO SPARE. WE HAVE A TINE LINE Or HANDSOME. WELL MADE. RE. LIABLE GUNS AND IT WON'T COST YOU MUCH TO OWN ONE. BUY YOUR AMMUNITION FROM US. WE CAN SELL YOU SHELLS LOADED EXACTLY AS YOU WANT THEM. USE OUR HARDWARE if STANDS HARDWEAR A. S. HOLLEN & SONS Hardware and Implements . Condon, Oregon Good Roads in Banking Have you ever driven over one of the new "good roads?" If so you know what the Federal Reserve Banking System is doing for its member banks and their depositors. , No more ruts and sandy spots, gullies and steep hills, but a smooth surface and even grades for the financing of business and farming to travel over. You can get on this good road by be coming one of our depositors. Drop in and talk with us. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM First National Bank JEWELRY OF HIGH CLASS at moderate prices may be seen here Id greater variety than can be found else- where. Here you have tha widest choice of gift from the lesst expensive to tha most costly. In every case the value represented by tha price is the greatest that will permit a guar antee of dependability. . A visit is solicited. ' E. W. IHJTCI IINSON, JEWELER War Emergency Cours and Certificate OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL Owing to the scarcity of teachers the Oregon Normal School will offer a War Emergency Course of .twenty weeks outlined by the Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. The course will begin with each of the terms com mencing Nov. 16, 1918; Fb, 8, 1919 and April 22, 1919. The Superintendent of Public Instruction will consider it equivalent to the Teachers Training Course and Issua a certificate upon its completion valid to teach in the elementary grades for one year. This Course Will , be open to those who have had two years or more of high school work or its equivalent and who are at least 18 years of age. For detailed Information address REGISTRAR OREGON ; NORMAL SCHOOL