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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1918)
THE 00 N DON GLO&S PAQE 3 .Ua m AmmotinccMeiit Eventsjn the last few weeks have forced us to make a radical change in conducting V i our business affairs Beginning November 1 we will sell for CASH ONLY In making this change we wish to thank all our friends and patrons for their loyalty in the past and hope they will continue to give us their support. We will try and make it to their interest and and advantage to do so :-: :-: :-: :: 1 :-: :': THE S B. The Quality Store , YOURS FOR BUSINESS BARKER COMPANY Condon, Oregon The Doeition in modern dancing is to be corrected and standard ixed-which means tbat there will Drobably bo less curvature of the spine in the near future. The war industries board has reduced the production of talk ing machines 40 per cent It is hoped that we will not have to increase our own talking by a like percentage. Some of v us would find it difficult. A noted physician has in structed his patients to turn six somersaults in the morning and six at night. He expects them all to take a turn for the better. ii "Outwitting the ljun" By Pat O'Brien Government Regulations are strictly followed in the conserving of sugar in all our CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAMS . You will always find at our store the purest of confectionery and the best, grades of ice cream. Purest fruit juices. Clean tables and clean glasses- cater, to particular people. Courteous attention always. JOHN JACKSON .: Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner SYNOPSIS. orr. Fat O'Brien Mia of tola purpoee la writing U alary CHAPTER I-Introduct ot tola adveniurea. CHAPTER II-Tella of hit enlistment In tb Hoyel Flying corpa, hla training In Canada and hla traaefer to Franca fur ae uva duty. CHAPTER Ifl Deecrlbet flaata In which Dcouani auwn two uerniaa atrpianea a hla final Saht In which ha waa brought down weunded wllhla tha Oar man Una and waa aaade a prtaonar of war. CHAPTER IV Discover that Oarman hospital ataff barbarously naclaclad tha ratauy wouoaea ana davotad Ihalr eoer- ftea to . reatonna tboao who intent returned to Iba flrlna lines. Wliaa death la Dht Ot bla beet chum, Ueut. Paul Ralnay. CHAPTER V-Ha Is lakaa to tha of- X coi capi i aev two dally rations of bread. flcere' prlaon camp at CourtraL l planning nia eecape. uy great ha manages to aava and bid away began nOca 1 Thara ha aac- Have you paid up your Globe subscription? Talking to You You man Vith a GOOD car you want to keep it good, tlon't you? ' The way 'to do that is always to give it the attention it' needs AT THE. TIME IT IS NEEDED, We are 'ready at all timesday or night to attend tf ) your needs. . We have the most competent J .nechanics to be secured, and guar antee that your car will never be "butchered." SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES FOR POPULAR MAKES The upkeep of your car will not be such a w jden If 'jou will let us keep it up to its work. L. E. SHELLEY'S GARAGE CONDON . OREGON THE COflDOH GLOBE H. A. Hartfthora, Editor Published Etctt Friday by Tha Globt Pabliahing Company. Entered aa second .class null natter at the poet office at Condon, Oregon faaetriatlea ratai: tl.M par yean Sis ateatae for 7 at. Aarertiatng rala slrea ai poUeetlea. A globIe want ad will sell it for you MIOKIE'8 OOLYUM ''ONE GUV TWAt RONS NECK. fcND NECK -NrfM ' AROUND HIS OPFICB IS '-The cowa.roln wampus V4HO LET 4 HIS PrVPSt OlT RS FOSES W Art "THC POS'T- OFPlCB T AMOf TAMIM" NHKT HE OVJS.S US you Sai SOMETH DEUCIOUS TEAS ako COFFEES WHAT IS MORE INVITING THAN A CUP OF DELICIOUS TEA OR RICH FRAGRANT COFFEE? WE TAKE A SPECIAL PRIDE IN OUR COFFEES AND TEAS. BECAUSE WE KNOW THEY ARE CAREFULLY SELECTED AND PROPERLY BLENDED. THERE IS A SUPERIORITY ABOUT OUR TEAS AND COFFEES THAT YOU WILL FIND WHEN YOU DRINK THEM. THEY COST YOU LESS BECAUSE YOU DON'T USE SO MUCH IT'S THE QUALITY. GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. W. S. Fair's Cash Store CHAPTER VI Ha eonSecatee a man et Qermaay and luat bait aa hour laiar la put on a train bound for a prlaon camp In Germany. Ha leapa Ihrouin a window whlla tha train la traveling at a raid ef muea an sour. CHAPTKR VTI For nine dan ha erawla through Germany, hldlna during tha day. traveling: at night, guldaa ay tne atara and aubalatlng on raw vagatahlea. Ha oovara U aallaa Bafora raachlng Imx- amour g. CHAPTER VIII For nine dara mora ha itrunlea on la a weakened condition through Luxemburg la the direction of tMigium. CHAPTER IX He enduree terrible hardahlpe. awlma rlvera whlla dellrtoue from taunaer. living like a hunted animal and on the eignteentn aay aiier jumping cram tne traia na oroam into ueigiui CHAPTER X-When well on hla way through Belgium he la befriended one ot e r leroiu peaeant, wno Kevqe nd dlrecta him to a man In a Bel gian city who will help blm to get a peee. port. fU iPTirw. Xt Sv 'mlncllna with Bel- eisn mimaIi be ninua to elude Ger man xildlra end reechee the Belalan city where he nnda the noma 01 tne man rrom whom he expect aeip. Suppose tha aoldler had questioned rati Tha rnaa I had been following In my dealings with the Belgian peas- antsDretendlnx I waa deaf ana dumb might possibly hare worked here, too. bat a soldier German soldier might not so etall have been fooled. It was mors than an even chance that It wonld hive at least aroused his suspicion snd resulted In farther Investigation. A search of my clothing would hare revealed dosen things which would have estab lished my Identity and all my sham ming of deafness would have availed ma nothing. As I wsndered along I knew that I wss now approacmng ue Dig ciiy which my Belgian friend had spoken ot and which I would have to enter if I waa to get tha passport, and realised now how essential It was to have something to enable ma to get through the frequent examinations to which I expected to be subjected. While I was still debating In my mind whether it was going to be pos sible for me to enter the city that plght, I saw In the distance what ap peared to be an arc light, and as neared It that was what It turned out to be. Beneath the light I could make out the forma of three guards, and the thought of having to go through the same kind of ordeal that I had Just experienced filled me with misgivings, Was It possible that could be. fortunate enough to get by again? As I slowed np a little, trying to make np my mind what waa best to do, I wss overtaken by group of Bel gian women who were shuffling along the road, and I decided to mingle with them and see If I couldn't convey the Impression that I was one of their party. , As we approached the arc light, the figures of those three soldiers with their spiked helmets loomed before like a regiment I felt as if I were walking right Into the Jaws of death. Rather than go through what was in store for me, I felt that I would In finitely prefer to be fighting again In the air with those four desperate Huna who had been the cause of my present plight then, at least. would have a chance to fight back, but now I had to risk my life and take what waa coming to me without a chance to strike a blow In my own defense. I shall never forget my feelings as we came within the shaft of light pro jected by that great sre light nor the faces of those three guards as we passed by them. I didn't look directly at them, but out of the corner of my . . i - i a i - w i i .a era never umbiwu a ueiau. 1 ueiu UUJuuraiuoHiius j I tMUirtlteivhlef nn to me fara aa wa get or do you get a livinff you passed them and endeavored to iml- don't earn? tate the alouchlng gait of the Belgians na wen aa a vuuiu, auu apimreuuj ii worked. We walked right by those guards and they paid absolutely no attention to ns. ; - ThC I s And now they tell us that Spanish influenza, in spite of its name, comes from the Orient. A name has not much significance. For instance, everyone knows that German kultur, in spite of its name, came direct from hell. The motto for the German Dress might well be. "Hope for the hopeless." Some women will be pleased that needles are getting scarce. The boy who is taught to keep things in their proper places, thinks that his parents should practice what they preachand that the proper place for a slipper is not on the rear of his anatomy. Mil I W-A-T-E-R on the Farm Is An Absolute Necessity. A Good Well on your Farm Increases Its value ten times mt ton or ui ; well.' WE FURNISH IT Anything In the plumbing line will receive our prompt attention. ' . JAMIESON & MARSHALL ' Sanitary Plumbers Condon, Oregon County Treasurer's Notice All outstanding warrants drawn on the General Road Fund of Gilliam County, Oregon, up to and including No. A 1091, will be paid upon presentation. Inter est ceases March 15, 1918. W. A. Graves, County Treasurer. City Treasurer's Notice All outstanding city warrants up to andincludingNa 1310 Class "C" will be paid upon presents tion at my office. Interest cease May 20, 1918. Myrtle Ferguson, City Treasurer. WEDNESDAY Is Ironing Day in Condon. On that day we will run the plant from 8 A. M. to 12 M. for the eonvenience of the ladles of Condon. : :: :: :: CONDON ELECTRIC CO PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T. A. Weinke Lawyer Otftce la Court House CONDON, ORIOON Drs. Miller & Wilhelm Physicians & Surgeons First Nal'l Bank BuUdln CONDON, ORKQON BLACKS LEG LOSSES SOT PREVENTED euntl't UCKltt FILLS fled, trle,Mdbr arateM eiwe & WitahvfcnkMMdHMliMetak. H le-flaaieka.Slesaleirmi. 11.1 in man.aieeUaaail!a. M.0O Vm tar Ww. tut Cimtr, itmrnt. tht Moatortr, Cum prMfau. W " to If ran oTMcWht VACCIMM AMD MVHAaV Tee tetter UHfrtetv. Sertaier. CXeteU HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY OF ENVELOPES? FEED We 'are headquarters for feed of all kinds.' We make a specialty of feeding stock in .transit. When y6u want to buy Hay, Rolled Feeds, Mill Feed of all kinds you naturally think of- the store that carries the largest stock of all kind's of feeds. Arlington Lumber Co. C. r. Cither, M. D. H A. Calhey, at. D. Drs. Cathey Physicians & Surgeons Condon National Bank Building COMJON, OhKUON Dr. J. G. Turner Eye Specialist Portland, Oregon Regular monthly visits to Condon Watch paper for dates L. L. Taylor, M. D. V. Veterinary Physician & Surgeon i CONDON, ORKQON I Solomon was the . wisest man of his day, yet he was numerous Chas. H. Horner ABSTRACTER Abstracts of Title to ' Gilliam County Lands Office in Court House The Condon Globe High Class Job Printing PHONE 43 CONDON, OREGON Dr. J. 0. Kenyon Dentist First Nal'l Bank Bulldlns CONDON. " OREGON D. N. Mackay Attorney-at-Law CONDON, OREGON TYPHOID h M more naeeaearr than Smallpox, aimf epei leece b4norifti.lctt the aliaoit adnctUoua effl. CCTi and himltntt, at Antityphoid ViocluUoa. Be nccliiunt MOW by your ahyilclu, you ane Soar family. It la mora vital thaa bouia lonruce, r Aik your phytlclu, draff lit, of Mod (of Bate you had Typhoid!" tailing ot Typhoid Vaccina, rcauiu from m , and fUnyat from Typhoid Carrlara. THE OJTTM UdOKATORY. BtMIUV, CAL riotwema naoeiiui mmm eeeU . a ee. uctaai Let the Service Shop do your printing It gives satisfaction. 0. K. SHOP UP-TO-DATE TONSORIAL PARLORS Randall & Seale PROPRIETORS 1st Door N. First National Bank Condon yiJ Oregon ly and hopelessly married. Continued on next page J V.