THE CONDON QLODE PAQE 4 "FAIR PRICE" SCHEDULE FOR COMING WEEK Designated U. S. Depositary for Postal Siring Deposits in Condon Mntbr Federal Reaerrt Bank n C0NC The Condon National Bank will be glad to furnish informa ' tion regarding the issues of United States Certificates of In debtedness. These Bonds are issued at fre quent intervals, bear 4 1-2 per cent interest, can be used in the payment of taxes and are issued for short terms. We will be glad to furnish in formation regarding them to possible buyers. The Condon National Bank CONDON, OREGON 1 By J..C Sturglll , Commodity - . Retailkh Pays Conrumrr Tayji Low High Fresh Eggs, per doien .45 .45 ' .45 Fresh Creamery Butter, per lb .63 .67 1-8 .70 New Potatoes, per lb .02 I S .03 ,03 1-2 Full Cream Cheese, per lb .32 1-2 . 37 1-2 ,4ti Corn Meal, white; 10 lb bag .77 1-2 .85 .90 Corn Meal, yellow, 10 lb bag .71 .80 .85 Rolled Oats. 9 1! bag .73 .85 .90 Rice Flour, per 100 lb $9.75 $12.50 Barley Flour, per lb .06 1-2 .08 8 l-i Rice, unbroken.per lb ,U .13 13 1-2 Corn Flour, white 10 lb .77 .86 .90 Rye Flour, 10 lb .75 .85 .90 Hominy, to lba ,76 .85 .90 Small White Beans, per pound .14 1-2 .17 1-2 .18 Colored Beans, per lb .9 .10 1-2 tl 1-2 Wheat flour, per bbl $12.00 $13.00 Cornstarch per pound .11 .12 1-2 .16 Condensed Milk, 16 oi, dot $1.80 ' $2.00 ' Canned Tomatoes.standard, dot $2.15 $2.70 Canned Peas, standard, dot $2.26 $2.75 Raisins, pound packagea .12 to .13 .16 2-3 Standard Hams, per pound ,45 Breakfast Bacon, Fancy Standard ,55 Victory Bread, 12 oi loaf .09 .10 .11 Onions, per lb ,03 1-2 .04 1-2 .05 Lard, pure leaf, per lb .27 1-2 . 32 1-2 Crisco. per lb .32 v .38 .39 Salmon, per lb .20 .271-2 .99 CEaB.OUKEK.PM. A. GREINER. Vic Pm WM. CRAWFORD. Cashier . E.J.CLODGH L. W. DECKER. Awt. Cuhnr WM.WEHRU The sugar situation is such that merchants having old stock on hand will sell ft last quotation. New stock will require an additional amount added at new sugar will coat more. COURT PROCEEDINGS Continued from page 1 The mtC&l Store J"I 1,1 IT""'' -""I The Victrola opens the door to all the music of the world. The hostess who has a Victrola in her home can entertain her guests regally. Wouldn't you like a Victrola in your home? You can easily get one. Various styles from ' $20.00 to $300.00 WE HAVE THREE PHONOGRAPHS TO OFFER AT SURPRISING BARGAINS O O GRAVES & GRAVES The Up-to-the-minute Druggists k a n Wm aVf uunuun :: :: unuun 60,000 Acres... Is the minimum quota set for fall grain in Gilliam county. Mr. Farmer... You will need the best drill you can get to be sure of getting your share in and the best drill you can buy is the KENTUCKY. We have them in stock for you. Call early. Dunn Bros., Inc. 4 Condon, Oregon Henry Greenfield, hauling coat Shed Grider, repairs on building Red Cross Drug Co. supplies S B Barker Co, supplies Horner Moore Co, supplies A S Hollen & Sons, supplies Standard Oil Co, distillate for engine John Jackson, supplies Arlington Lumber Co, supplies Condon Electric Co, supplies Graves & Graves, suppliea Geo W Biggs, supplies O. N. Lauchrigs COUNTY CLERK. 1526 16 60 1 81 1125 235 20 53 210 15 38 6 45 265 1756 MORE NURSES WANTED Gilliam county has not filled her quota for the Nurses Re serve. 1 his county is expected to furnish five girls to take train ing for nursing and so far only two have volunteered. It is a good work and essential to the winning of the war and aside from this the training these girls get will be of groat benefit to them all through life. Make ap plication for this service to Mrs John Jackson in Condon. FRANK BURNS MEMORIAL One of the largest crowds that has ever gathered at the local Catholic church was there y ester day morning to do honor to the name and memory of Corporal Frank C Burns who was recent ly killed in action in France. The services were very impressive. HERMAN H0SK1N SUICIDES Word was received in Condon Wednesday night that Herman Hoskin had committed suicide in Portland. No particulars were received. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Hoskin, left for Port land yesterday morning. D. N. Mackay was on the sick list this week with an attack of influenza. He is improving. "Outwitting the Han" From page 3 STORK IS BUSY BIRD Dr. Wilhelm reports recent births as follows: A daughter Tuesday, October 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grant of this city. A son born September 29 Mr. and Mrs. Will Reis. A daughter on October 4 Mr. and Mrs. Will Cooney. A daughter on October 4 Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Taylor. A son born Sunday, October 6, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cimmi yotti of Mikkalo. to to to Card of Thanks We desire to express our heart felt thanks for the many ex pressions of sympathy and the many acts of kindness given us In our recent bereavement when we lost bur son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Evans and Family. Boy Scouts of America, now actively engaged in aiding the United States government in the sale of Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps, in food and fuel conservation, and in distributing pamphlets and other literature for the Department of Public Information, have a serial photoplay being shown through out the country, under their auspices, providing in a keenly thrilling dramatic story, an insight into the work done by the British Boy Scouts, particularly in the present war. "Boy Scouts to the Rescue or Aids of the Nation," which is played by professional English adult and juvenile actors, supported by Sir Robert Baden- Powell and many of his British Boy Scouts, will be seen at the Liberty Theatre, Tuesday, October 15th in ight reels. arms or other weapons, then place me under arrest and march me off to the guardhouse. I bad not the slight est Idea but that I was captured and there didn't seem to be much use In resisting, unarmed as I was and with two other German soldiers within a few feet of us. Like a flash It suddenly dawned on me. however, that for all this soldier could have known I was only a Bel gian peasant and that his object la searching me, which he proceeded to do, was to ascertain whether I hud committed the common "crime" of smuggling potatoes. The Belgians were allowed only a certain amount of potatoes, and It Is against the lawa laid down by the Huns to deal In vegetables of any kind except under the rigid supervi sion of the authorities. Nevertheless, It was one of the principal vocations of the average poor Belgian to buy potatoes out In the country from peasants and then smuggle them Into the large cities and sell them clan destinely at a high price. To stop this traffic In potatoes, the German soldiers were In the habit of subjecting the Belgians to frequent search, and I was being held up by this soldier for no other reason than that he thought I might be' a potato smuggler! He felt of my outside clqthes and pockets, and finding no potatoes seemed to be quite satisfied. Had be but known who I was he could have earned an Iron cross 1 Or, perhaps, In view of the fact that I had a heavy water bottle In my uplifted hand. It might nave turned out to be a wooden cross I He said something lnf German, which, of course, I did not understand, and then some Belgian peasants came along and seemed to distract bis atten tion. Perhaps be had said: "It's all light; you may go on," or he may have been talking to the others In Flemish, but at any rate, observing that he was more interested In the others than be was In me at the mo ment, I put the bottle In my pocket and walked on. After I walked a few steps, I took a furtive glance backward and noticed the soldier who had searched me re join bis comrades at the curb and then top another fellow who bad come along, and then I disappeared In the darkness. I cannot say that the outcome of this adventure leftme In the same confident frame of mind that followed the earlier one. I was sure I had come out of It all right, but I could not help thinking what a terribly close shave I had. H. H. WILBURN WELL CONTRACTOR AND DRILLER fifoclern PerfccOon. t VViMM 1 9 Our Ranges bake to fskyour husband Tor one MRS. HOUSEWIFEi ASK YOUR HUSBAND TO BUY ONE Or OUR EASY REGULATED, EVEN-HEATING NEW RANGES. YOU'LL SOON SAVE THE PRICE OT IT IN FUEL AND THINK OF THE THINGS YOU CAN COOK. WHEN YOU EXPLAIN TO YOUR HUSBAND HOW MUCH WORK AND TIME YOU CAN SAVE AND HOW PROUD YOU'LL BE HE WILL BUY YOU A NEW RANGE AND BE GLAD TO DO IT. USE OUR HARDWARE IT STANDS HAROWEAR A. S. HOLLEN & SONS Hardware and Implements Condon. Oregon Good Roads in Banking Have you ever driven over one of the new "good roads?" If so you know what the Federal Reserve Banking . System is doing for its member banks and their depositors. , No more ruts and sandy spots, gullies and steep hills, but a smooth surface and even grades for the financing of business and farming to travel over. You can get on this good road by be- coming one of our depositors. Drop in and talk with us. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM First National Bank JEWELRY OF IIIC1II CLASS at moderate prices may be seen here in greater variety tha.i can be found else where. Here you have the widest choice of gift from the least expensive to the most costly. In every case the value represented by the price is the greatest that T1I permit , a guar antee dependability. A visit la solicited. E. W.5 1 1 UTCI I INSON, 'JEWELER War Emergency Course and Certificate OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL Owing to the scarcity of teachers the Oregon Normals School will offer a War Emergency Course of twenty weeks outlined by the Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. The course will begin with each of the terms com mencing Nov. 16, 1918; Feb. 8, 1919 and April 22, 1919. The Superintendent of Public Instruction will consider it equivalent to the Teachers' Training Course and issua a certificate upon, its completion valid to teach in the elementary grades for one year. This Course will be open to those who have had two years or more of high school work or its equivalent and who are at least 18 years of age. For detailed information address REGISTRAR OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CONDON, OREGON i