FRANK BURNS IS KILLED IN ACTION HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED Somewhere In Franc In a haro'i gravt eleep Frank Burnt. II paid f th uprem sacriflc Autfuat 30 In ac tion with th 128th Infantry which did auvb plorloua work through July and Abgiut. When tha meMiir arrived hara from Waihington, September 29, a feeling of aadneaa for a departed frland and of deep lympathy for th bereaved family pervaded th eommun ity fur Frank numbered everyone among hi friend. It may be that tha aadnes wat tetnbertd somewhat hv th fact that th price ha paid In fac ing the foe which menaced th liberty of th country be loved ie the a-raafeat moat wonderful, any man can pay and it I comforting to know that th flam of patriotism which burned in bia heart waa ao great that It wa poaaibl for him to face death calmly with th aat Ufactloii of knowing it wa In duty for hit country. There could be" no greater monument for any llf. If waa th flrit Gilliam county boy to pay juat aa h wa among th flrtt to try to go. 11 nhatd in th cavalry a year ago UttJun but wa finally ditcharged becaua he wat underweight, lie cam home, tried to build up to th required weight and tried to eniiit again before th draft but waa m. jected. He kept on trying and by th urn n wa called in th draft waa Juat a trlflo underweight but waa ac cept!. Soon after entering th aer Vic he aaked to be tranaferred to a certain divlalon that wat going over aeat at one and waa aucceaafuL FJank Burn waa th aon of Mr. and Mm. F. W. Burna of thia city and wat born in Toledo, Ohio. September 80, 1894. He cam to Condon ten year ago ana alter a few year became aa- aqciated with tha Arm of Dunn Broa., Inc. of which firm h wat treaaurer at tha time of hia death. In addition to th family her he leave two tiaUrt, Mr. Kelly in Rhod Itland, Mr. Slick In Indiana and a brother, J. W. Burna, In Nebraaka. FOR BONDS? Gilliam county went over th top for ner quota or Liberty Bonda at the tero hour lait Saturday but th campaign la ttill on tnd will be until verv Derann rated and nillfll l,u tkV mltte take hit or herametaed amount o If you have not taken your ahar yet you will know that you ar not re leased from your dutv iuat berauaa t, county It over. Some have tha IH. that by aubacribing later after the county' quota it railed they will get a larcer dlacount kilt atiik la m cat. Whan any rebate ia mad it will be evenly distributed and nothing la to b gained by delaying. Th committee desire to tay that every perton who haa not taken their quota it expected m ao to at one. " ANN M'LAREN HARDIE V IS CALLED MORE NURSES WANTED Gilliam county has not filled her quota for the Nursfts Re- , serve. This county is expected to furnish five girls to take train- Ingior nursing: and so far only two have volunteered. It is a good work and essential to the winning of the war and aside from this the training these girls get will be of groat benefit to them all through life. Make ap plication for this service to Mrs. John Jackson in Condon. Get your bond now. NO BUILDING OVER $2500 The State Council of Defenso has been dejtanated bv th Wop Industries Board as its repre sentative in passing upon pro posed construction in tha Stat of Oregon, in order that all build ing which is not absolutely neces sary may be stopped. Permits will be required for all new con struction projects and all repairs and extensions to existing huiM. ings involving an aggregate cost . at or. over $auo. Applications for these 'permits must bemadAtn the chairman of the County council of Defense. An investi. gation will be made after which the request and a sworn state. men will be sent to the state coun cil for review. All applications must be in duplicate and sworn to. Make all application for per mits to D. R. Parker, countv chairman. Another Gilliam countv nlonaar Called t her final reward Monday September 80, when Ann McLaren ilardie pawed away at tha home- of her daughter Mra. Wra. Chriati. In rorliand. She wti born' in Scotland November 2. 1834. belns- nearl 8i yean old at th time of ber death. For SO yeara, Mra. Hardia waa on of th Duiidera or th Gilliam county of today tnd her work waa alwaya well don. Th body waa thlpped to Condon Tuet day and funeral tervicet were held thia morning at ten o'clock In th Congre gational church where a large crowd waa In attendance and man followed to the cemetery to Day their Uat ra- epect to an honored woman. Full obituary next week. C P CILLIaM COUNTTS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Volume 29 Coadra, Oreioav October 4, 1918 Naaber 23 TEACHERS WILL MEET IN CONDON MEN TO BE EXAMINED Examination of the Class One men in the late draft will begin next Thursday mornine and uro- ceed as rapidly as possible for it will be only a short time until a number of these registrants will be called into military service. F. B. Steven renewed hia auhacrln. tion to th Glob thia week. L. P. .Davidson of Eiirhtmile waa a Gondon visitor Monday. J. B. Leater and Wm. Bartlemav were up irom th Nook Monday. Wia GIVE HARVEST BALL The Condon Home Guard will give a Harvest Ball tomorrow night, October 5, in the rink ha in this city. The Guard is Dlan ning on making this a most en joyable affair. Good music and a well-waxed floor will insure a good time for those who like to dance. You are invited. SCHOOL HAS HONOR LIST The Condon High School has an honor roll numbering twenty one names. That is 21 students who have at some time attended the local high school are now in .... . A . tne military service or their country and eight of these are in trance and England. REPORT ALL INFLUENZA Local Health Officer Cathev has received an order from th1 State Board of Health asking for an immediate report on all cases of influenza or grippe. )f you are suffering from an attack of either of these diseases report it to Dr. Cathey at once. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Hurlburt and Miss Lucile Hawson went to Portland yesterday. Mr. Hurl burt will visit in Tacoma before returning Art Miller went to Portland Wednes day to enlist in the British army. Mrs. Pittman and Mrs. Fred Anderson are visiting at the VV. A. Graves home this week ELECTRICITY SAVES TIME AND LABOR MjjjSSKBfcMEjB . .., mi,, I When you consider the time and labor that electricity will save on the farm, the greater efficiency that it brings in practically every line of farm work, and the increased production that naturally follows an electric plant for light and power becomes not the luxury which you may have regarded it in the past, but a real necessity to a wide awake progressive farmer. . A full page Lalley Light advertisement will appear in the following papers as well as in 27 other well known publications. ; Th teacher of Wheeler and Gilliam countie will hold a Joint institute at lonclon Uctober 16. 17 and 18. Plana are being mad for a moat Interesting ana instructive session. E. F. Carlton will represent! the State Deoartmont- Dr. Robert Mai Garrett of Seattle will do Junior Red Cross work: Dr. H. D Sheldon of Eutrene. who haa twn in Washington ttudying war conditions win give us the benefit of bis atudy; Professor E. T. Reed will represent tne U. A. C; H. C. Seymour will ex. plain club work: Mrs. Outran of the Oregon Normal will take up primary worn and rural education and Prof Carl Doney, who it juat from the trenches of France will addresa a mate meeting at the Rink Hall. Thuredav vening, October 17. lie will explain war a real condition! ts he saw them. Everyone is. urged to attend some or all of these meetings. The school children win take part in the evening programs. Th schools at Buckhorn. MawilU Gwendolen and Clem were recently viaitca ana round to be starting oft the year' work In good ahape. in pupils of the schools of thia county did excellent work in gathering clothing for the suffering Belgians. ny weir efforts w were able to shin from southern Gilliam county 1800 pounds of clothing. The pupils are not idle when one job ia completed thev atart on something else. Thev are now gathering peach, apricot and plum pita ior use by tne government. No ounil it a."wbiner" the all fully realize the importance of assisting the government ana in aoing it in any way they can. EPH WILSON IS BACK TO COMPANY CHURCH SERVICES Rev. George McCIure will preach at the Congregational church next Sunday mornine and evening. Rev. McCIure will con sider a call to this church and everyone is cordially invited to come out and hear him. i Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hollen and Mrs. Harry Roland are at Lonsr Beach, Calif., for the winter. hey want the Globe. It is reported that Harry Ro land will be keDt in California ! all winter taking special instruc-J tion in some particular line of the service. . , In a letter to his sister. Eph Wilson, a Gilliam boy serving in France, says: "I am back with my company now and feeling fine: Haven't been tin ih the lines yet but my company has and 1 will be in soon. I left for the hospital just before they went in. ThU makes the second front for them. The first was a tame, one but this is auite differ. entfwehaveno trenches at all but are right out in -the open. Our Division drove the Fritzies back about, 18 kilometers and that's farther than anv ntW Division has driven them. I was in a town a few davs ntro and while I was there the Huns threw nine "box-cars" Into the place. I call, them "box-cars" for you can throw a box ear into the hole they make. Pat Cor. I rigan is in the hospital. He accidentally shot himself in the foot. Walter Davis is in the Military Police at the 5th Army Headquarters. 1 saw him the other day for the first time since we arrived in France. He is at tached to the 5th Army Corps for the duration of the war. Van Dawson is cooking for the old Co. 1, 162nd. He will stay there for some time. Don't send me anything for I have all I can carry now and then some." iarland Gerguson and Will Jnan left yesterday for Fort McDowell to CHARLES EVANS DIES IN PORUAKD Chart Event, th ton of Mr. and Mrs. Georre C. Evana of MarvlH. died Toeaday, October 1, at th Good Samaritan hospital in Portland from the effect of burn received th day before. He wat cleaning soma clothes in a tub of gasoline which eaacrht lira. Although only 18 year old he wat serving hit country by doing hia bit in the shipyards iq Portland. Funeral ter vicet were held at Merrill yesterday and were conducted by Elder N. E. Austin of the Latter Day Saint church of Condon. ; serv their country in limited service. MEMORIAL SERVICES Memorial services in honor of Frank Burn, who waa recently killed In ac tion in France, will be held at the Catholic church next Thursday morn ing, uctober 10, at 9 o'clock. Every one ia invited to be present. Mr. and Mra. N. E. Austin anA daughter, Gladys, returned Wednesday, from a visit in Montana. ' Major C. S. Noble, who haa been working OH the hiirhwav In WYiar county, patted throuirh Condon thia morning on bia way to Franc, having been called to the Y. M. C A. service. A. B. Robertson, agent for th Lal-ley-Light, told three plants but week. Those who got them are Mra. Berthold of Shutler, E. E. Dyer of Mayville and H. E. Baker of Wheeler county. ? Condon it improving this fall in mite of th war. Thia ia ahown in one way oy uie i act uat A. ts. Bower reports that he haa wired 16 houses this fall. - The Liberty Chorus will meet in tha. rink tonight at 7:30 and everyone inter- esiea in uie tinging of patriotic tongs ia cordially invited to be present. V' The Country Gentleman The Breeders' Gazette Pacific Rural Press Orange Judd Parmer Oregon Farmer October 12 Octaber 17 October 26 October 19 October 17 I will be glad to show you by actual demonstration what Lalley Light will do on your farm: YOU CAN DO MORE - MORE EASILY WITH ELECTRICITY A. B. Robertson CONDON DEALER OREGON Mrs. A. L. Duthie of The Dalles was in Condon to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Hardie. Mrs. Wambold. who': has been spending several months with her daughter. Mrs. Gerald Burns. left Tuesday morning for her nome in Toledo, Ohio. NEW FUEL ORDER Fred J. Holmes. Fuel Admin. i3trator for Oregon has issued the following order: Mine oDer- ators, wholesale dealers in coal, and others engaged in the sellinc a of coal, are hereby ; prohibited from making shipment of coal in car lots to any individual, or group of individuals, firm or cor poration, other than recularlv recognized retail dealers. This order shall in no wise apply to coal sold for industrial use, or for use by public utilities, munic ipal plants, factories, schools. city, county or state institutions. ir an exception to this order be comes necessary, the county chairman may make application to the state fuel administrator for special permit, which will he granted, provided the reason given is sufficient. Mra E. W. Hutchinson went. to Portland Tuesday. ; Y Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ChrisHp former residents of thia citv. are in Condon, having come up from fortland to attend the funeral of Mrs. Christie's mother, Mrs. Hardie. CAN YOU FIGURE? sir If you care to stop in and investigate we will show you howwe can save you from 5 to 10 per cent on every article in our line of Staple and Fancy Groceries i1 .- 1 . ' -'-: - ' but still maintaining our well known x reliable qualities guaranteed to be the best we can possibly procure for you. ' , FRANK SMITH Cor. Summit and Main :: Condon, Oregon WANTED: Compare Values We invite you to compare our Ed. V. Price suit values with any in town- We are not afraid of any compari son you can give these offerings as we know if you give' them a rigid test it will only bring out their . merits more clearly. y .. ... The new samples and styles look good to us.' They will to you. Come and see, Open Sundays. Lester Wade's Exclusive Store for Men. Condon, Oregon 8 Man and. wife Want job on farm. Experienced ih farm wnrtr Poll tLiapsxii.