THE OONDON QLOQE PAQK 4 IV- Designated U. & Depositary for Postal Sating Depoaita ia Coadoa Member Federal Reeemre Bank - The Condon' National Bank will be glad to furnish informa tion regarding the' issues of United States Certificates of In debtedness. These Bonds are issued at fre quent intervals, bear 4 1-2 per cent interest, can be used in the payment of taxes and are issued for short terms. We will be glad to furnish in formation regarding them to possible buyers. The Condon National Bank CONDON, OREGON GEaB.OUKBK.PiM. A.GREIMES.VkepTM. WM. CRAWFORD. C-hin B. J. CLOUGH L. W. DECKER. Aut. Cuhlr WM.WEBRU ftr ' QfJ QCZUC .-h JQCX Store SELLS DRAY BUSINESS Frank Bennett, who has ben in the dray and transfer business in Condon for seven years, recently sold his dray and . coal business, his woods w and two lots adjoining the elevator to the Farmers' Elevator Co. The Elevator Company in turn dis posed of the dray and coal busi ness and woodsaw to Wm. Kennedy, retaining the two lota. Mr. Kennedy is now handling the dray business. Mr. Bennett has not decided as to ' what he will do but is at present hauling wheat with : a truck from the Goosebery country. ' Entertains for Mrs. M. R. Weidman Mrs. T. A. Weinke was hostess to the members of the Reading Club last Wednesday afternoon in compliment to' Mrs. M. R. Weidman who left Wednesday morning for Huntington. The afternoon was very enjoyable and the guest of honor received the best wishes of those present for happiness and success in her new home. Mrs. Weinke was assisted in serving by Mrs. W. A. Graves. Additional guests were Mrs. Victor Marden of The Dalles, Mrs. Marie Flint of Rose burg atid Mrs. W. A. Kirkpatrick of Portland. The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin" will be shown at the Liberty Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday. September S and 4, and at the Fossil theatre Sep tember 5. This ia the picture which has made such a hit wherever shown. The prices will be 75 cents for reserved seats and 25 and 60 cents for general admission. Reserved seats will be on sale at Jackson 'a store in Condon and Little's store in Miklcalo. Commencing September 1 the performance at the Liberty will start promptly at 8 o'clock. "Even as You and I" will be the special for next Tuesday and Wednesday. o o The Victrola opens the door to all the music of the world.' The hostess who has a Victrola in her home can entertain her guests regally. ' Wouldn't you like a Victrola in your home? You can easily get one. Various styles from $20.00 to $300.00 WE HAVE THREE PHONOGRAPHS TO OFFER AT SURPRISING BARGAINS GRAVES & GRAVES The Up-to-the-minute Druggists .KMAAKB) SW CONDON :: :: ureuuw ,nr Your Working Capital Your BEST working capital is your HEALTH. Health , is often lost through insufficient nour ishment. You will always be weU nourished if you eat our Groceries They are rich, wholesome, pure and nourishing. They give you that vim and vigor so necessary in the present strenuous times, when you have need of every ounce of energy you can muster. Fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds in season. Dunnfo Merchandise of Merit :: Condon, Oregon FOR 8ALE: Five cords 16-inch seasoned wood. One mile from Balding place, Phillip's woodyard, Lost Valley. See O. C. Vkatch. 23d24 FOR 8ALE; Williard storage battery. Less than half price. . Call at light plant ' 23pd24 WANTED: Pair of crutches, at Globe office. Leave word 23tf WANTED: Man and wife with two small children wish emyloyment on grain or stock ranch for bach elor or party with separate house. Address M. Vaughn, Condon, Oregon. 23pd TAKEN UP: One bay horse weighing about 1200. branded 76 (connected) on left shoulder. . Owner can get same by paying ell charges. Inquire of John Dennison or phone 515, Condon. 17tf State Fair, Salem, Oregon, September 23-28. Splendid ex hibits, excellent music, high class entertainments and a su perb racing card. For particu lars write A. H. Lea, Secretary, Salem. Oregon. 21d24 LONE ROCK NEWS Mrs. I. K. McConkie returned last week after a three months, visit with her mother, Mrs. W,H. Ayers, at Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ne) started last week on an auto trip through Fox Valley and other timber points. Haying is practically finished and many Lone Rock citizens have gone to other places to work through heading and threshing. Willis Cason recently purchased a house and lot from David Spalding and after making a few repairs will take up his residence there. ' Mrs. P. H. Donoghue Mr. P. H. Donoghue, 12, pioneer of this city, passed away early yesterday morning at her home here, following an lllneM of several months. Death was due to uremic poisoning. As one of the residonts of this city who cam here during the boom days of the district, Mrs. Donoghue was well known and universally liked. Her death comes as great blow to her relatives and friends here. She came to Cripple Creek in June 1895 an J has resided here continuously ever since, Mrs. Donoghue traced her ancestors back to the time of the landing of the Mayflower. She was born at Bingham ton, New York, the original home of the flrst aristocracy of New York tate and waa a direct descendant of the Knickerbockers and von Rintelens, who were among the flrst Dutch fam ilies to form a settlement on the Hud son river. She had many heirlooms that were handed down from colonial times when the thirteen original col onies were shaping the great republic of the west. Mrs. Donoffhue is nurvlved by her husband and three daughters, Mrs, Verne Raymond of ths city. Mrs. F. A. Klaas of Bridgeport. Washing ton, and Mrs. W. G. NeVill of Condon, Oregon. The Cripple Creek Times and Victor Daily Record. July 27. 1918. E. H. Bloomingdale of Mikkalo transacted business in Condon Wednesday. ' Sheriff Lillie went to Portland Wednesday. Mrs. W. H. Reynolds returned Sunday from a two months' va cation spent in Portland, Salem and other western Oregon cities. Judge and Mrs. D. R. Parker and daughter, Rosalie, returned from Portland Monday. H. Karstadt, who was recently injured in a runaway, is conva lescing slowly at the local hospi tal. D. N. Mack ay went to Port land Sunday on business. Dr. Wilhelm reports the birth nf a dauchter on Wednesday. August 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dykstra of Clem. Dr. Kenyon went to Portland Thursday. Mrs. Rae of Walla Walla is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. O. Kenyon. LUMBER ,We now have on hand for sale 260,000 feet of dry lumber of all kinds, rough and dressed and mouldings of all kinds. Also slab wood for sale. The prices are low so get your order in early. Watch for our ad next week. Cone Lumber Company Phone connections. Lone Rock, Ore. Mklli f.1 si m$ks ' Is Your Watch Sick ? : Didn't know watches got sick? Well, they do. " The balance wheel of a healthy watch makes, 18,000 vibrations every'-hour. But it must be ' healthy to do this. - . , ' ' v Dirt in your watch makes it sick. It loses energy and so loses time. I AM THE WATCH DOCTOR If your watch is not fully up to its work, bring it to me. It may only need the fraction of a- drop, of oil, but it must have that or become disabled. A little speck of dirt in a pinch will make it very sick. BRING IT TO ME. I CAN CURE IT. E. W. Hutchinson South Main Street Condon, Oregon neea Kitchen Things? THERE ARE HEAPS Or THINGS IN OUR STORE THAT YOU NEED IN YOUR KITCHEN. HANDY THINOS Or VARIOUS SIZES SO THAT YOU WILL HAVE THE PROPER SIZE DISH FOR EVERY PURPOSE. COME IN NOW AND SEE THE FINE KITCHEN UTEN SILS WE SELL AT A LOW PRICE. YOU WILL THROW AWAY YOUR OLD WORN-OUT THINOS AND BUY A NEW OUTFIT FROM US. SAVE WORK AND WORRY. USE OUR HARDWARE, IT STANDS HARDWEAR. A. S. HOLLEN & SONS Hardware and Implements Condon, Oregon A National Shock Absorber Do you remember any period in which our country has been subjected to so many anxious moments as during the past two years? Can there be any doubt that confidence in the Federal Reserve Banking Sys tem as a national shock absorber has contributed largely to the tranquillity of business and banking during these tense months? If you appreciate what this new nation wide system has been doing for you, you can support it and add to its strength by prompt ly becoming one of our depositors. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM First National Bank r Hauling and Draying H. P. SMITH, successor to J, H. Bishop, Prop. Transfer and Trunk Work solicited. Light and Heavy Hauling.' Phone in your orders ) .- . . . . H t M t 9 iw H. H.WILBURN WELL CONTRACTOR AND DRILLER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CONDON, OREGON Wm I Wm WE ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE YOUR TIRE TROUBLES IN EVERY WAY ITWIIXPAY TO HAVE IT VUIfANEED ' Send them in by Parcel Post or when in Arlington come in and see what we can do for your old tires. Arlington Vulcanizing Works Arlington, Oregon , IB I