THE CONDON QLOOE PAQE . 4 "Outwitting the Hun" Bob Hall to Ride Again Broncho Bob Hal), winner of third honor In the bucking contest of the 1918 Round-Up and second place win DeslgaateJ U. S. Depositary, for Portal Sarin Deposits la Condon Member Federal Reserve Bank By Pat O'Brien From pair S was absolutely necessary tor me to chance my course, even at the ex pense of fotng somewhat out of my way. I decided to to duo west and I kept Id that direction for four day. Aa I waa In a vary weak condition. I did not com mora than Or tulle a night. I kept away from the road and did all my Journeying through ner last year, la back in Pendleton Perfect Confidence getting in ihap to make a final try for the world champlonahip In the ronteata next month. He haa been in aouthern California cowboying for the movie with Doug Fairbanks and Bill Hart When he land the championship he declares that he will get a commission from Uncle Ssm to bulldog the ksiser, 3p iHi M$Wf 3RiL jir--v. T .d o 0 o 6 No other words can describe the re lations that should exist between a bank and its patrons. If you have no confidence in the soundness of a " bank you certainly will not trust your money to it This bank invites your careful inspection of its finan '' cial strength and sound business meth ods. We know they are above criti- cism, but the point is, we want YOU . to know it for we solicit your busi . ness on our merits. Condon National Bank CEO. B. OUKEK. Pro. A. CRE1NER. Vice Pre. WV. CRAWFORD. Caitaiar E.J.CLOL'CH L. W. DECKER. Aut. Cuhier WM.WEHRLI Miss Katheryn Schott left Sunday for Long Beach to spend a few wptks. She will visit in Salem before returning. W. S. Farr and daughter, Mrs, Roy Morgan, left Monday after noon for Camp Lewis to visit Ray Morgan who expects to go east soon. They drove part way in their car. (T1 The y&ai Store TheVictrola opens the door to all the music of the world. The hostess who has a Victrola in her home can entertain her guests regally. Wouldn't you like a Victrola in your home? You can easily get one. Various styles from $20.00 to $300.00 WE HAVE THREE PHONOGRAPHS TO OFFER AT SURPRISING BARGAINS GRAVES & GRAVES The Up-to-the-minute Druggists CONDON :: OREGON O o o O0 iv."""""i OOO n J) C30C Your Working Capital Your BEST working capital is your HEALTH. Health is often lost through insufficient nour ishment. You will always be well nourished if you eat our Groceries They are rich, wholesome, pure and nourishing. They give you that vim and vigor so necessary in the present strenuous times, when you have need of every ounce of energy you can muster. Fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds in season. Dunn Brothers , Inc . Merchandise of Merit Condon, Oregon Map Showing the Progress O'Brien Made In Passing Out of Luxembourg Into Belgium. The Heavy Dotted Line Shows the Course if That Part of Hie Journey Toward Holland. fields, beet patches, woods, swamps anywhere provided I waa not likely to be eeeu and captured. Food was an Important consideration to me, but It was secondary to concealment At last I brought np at the Meuse river at a place between Namur and Huy, and It was here that I came near est of all to giving up the struggle. The Meuse at this point Is about half a mile wide aa wide as the Hud son River at West Point. Had I been In normal condition I wouldn't have hesitated moment to swim across. San Diego bay. California. Is a mile and a half wide, and I had often swam across and back, and the San Jaoquln, which la also a mile and a half wide, had never proven an obstacle to me. In the wretched shape In which I then was, however, the Meuse looked like the Atlantic ocean to me. I looked for a boat, but could find none. I tried to get a piece of wood upon which I hoped to ferry across, but I was equally unsuccessful. Get across I must, and I decided there waa nothing to do but to swim. It was then about 3 o'clock In the morning. I waded In and was soon In beyond my depth and bad to swim. After about an hour of It I was very much exhausted, and I doubted whether I could make the opposite bank, although It was not more tbac thirty or forty feet away. I choked and gasped, and my arms and legs were completely fagged out I sank I little and tried to touch bottom wltl my feet, but the water waa still be j yond my depth. There are times when everyone will pray, and I was no exception. I prayed for strength to make those few wicked yards, and then, with all the will power I could summon, struck out for dear life. It seemed a life time before I finally felt the welcome mud of bottom and waa able to drag myself np to the bank, but I got there. The bank was rather high and I was shaking so violently that when I took hold of the grass to pull myself np, the grass shook out of my bands. I could not retain my grip. I was afraid I would faint then and there, but 1 kept pulling and crawling frantically up that Infernal bank and finally made It. Miss Arra Tobey of The Dulles is a guest at and Mrs. T. week. the home of Mr. G. Johnson this NAZARENE CHURCH 10 A. M. Sunday School, 11 A. M preaching, 7:30 P. M. song and praise service and preaching at 8 o'clock. GINGER BREAD, always liked and inexpensive: one cup corn-meal; one cup wheat flour; two teaspoons cinna mon; two teaspoons ginger; one-half teaspoon salt; one teaspoon baking powder; one teaspoon baking soda; one cup molssses; one cup sour or butter milk; two tablespoons fat Sift the dry ingredients and add molasses, milk and fat Beat well and pour into greased, pan. Bake twenty live minutea. Note that this recipe uses cornmeal for half the wheat flour ordinarily used. How are your W. S. S. pledges? Continued next week Birthday Party Enjoyed A few friends of Miss Mollie Dams gathered at the home of Mrs. Simpson Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Dams' birthday. Light refreshments were served and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed. FOR SALE Nine head young, well-broken work mares, weighing from 1200 to 1450; 4 with colts at side; 6 with foal for next season. One 3 year old gelding weighing 1400. One extra good yearling mule, Some good milch cows and bunch jf hogs. Cream separater, narness, collars, halters with chains for 12 horses. All kinds )f farm machinery. Will give liberal terms on half, balance cash. Party wanting to farm can buy this c mplete outfit and t AAA secure gooa lease on W) acre ranch on which my lease expires October 1. Address 0. C. Veatch, Gwendolen or Condon, 22d23 Taken Up Under the Gilliam County Herd Law Notice is hereby given that I did on the 11th day of August, 1918, in Gilliam county, Oregon, take up the following personal property, to-wit: One black sow, weighing about 140 pounds with one esr partly cut off and with another mark which appears to be a split in left ear. Said sow will be sold on what is known as the E. B. Schomp, Buckhorn Ranch, nine miles west of Mayville, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of September 4th, 1918, to the highest bidder for cash, unless redeemed by the owner er his agent according to law prior to aaid date. First publication August 16th, 1918. H. A. Haley. Is Your Watch Sick? Didn't know watches got sick? Well, they do. The balance wheel of a healthy watch makes 18,000 vibrations every hour. But it must be healthy to do this. Dirt in your watch makes it sick. It loses energy and so loses time. I AM THE WATCH DOCTOR If your watch Is not fully up to its work, bring it to me. It may only need the fraction of a drop of oil, but it must have that or become disabled. A little speck of dirt in a pinch will make it very sick. BRING IT TO ME. I CAN CURE IT. E. W. Hutchinson South Main Street :: . Condon, Oregon M We have the 7 Wre fencing you need. OVR WIRE FENCING IS HORSE HIGH. BULL STRONG AND PIG TIGHT AND) WILL SAVE YOU WORRY AND TROUBLE ABOUT YOUR STOCK. OUR CHICKEN FENCE WILL KEEP THE CHICKENS OUT OF YOUR GARDEN. OUR PRICES WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. USE OUR HARDWAREi IT STANDS HARDWEAR. as. HOLLER & SONS Hardware and Implements Condon, Oregon A National Shock Absorber Do you remember any period in which our country has been subjected to so many anxious moments as during the past two years? Can there be any doubt that confidence in the Federal Reserve Banking Sys tem as a national shock absorber has contributed largely to the tranquillity of business and banking during these tense months? If you appreciate what this new nation wide system has been doing for you, you can support it and add to its strength by prompt ly becoming one of our depositors. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM First National Bank Hot Water Heat In Every Room ' ' Hotel Fenton C. A. Fenton, Proprietor Clean Rooms Best MealsHome Cooking In Condon, Oregon I D - - H. H. WILBURN WELL CONTRACTOR AND DRILLER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CONDON, OREGON WE ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE YOUR TIRE TROUBLES IN EVERY WAY IT "WILL PAY TO HAVE IT VULCANIZED Send them in by Parcel Post or when in Arlington come in and see what wg can do for your old tires. Arlington Vulcanizing Works Arlington, Oregon ' ,