i THE OOftPON QLODE PAQE 9 nMMSIS 'H. ?fT"'a"MM"MM,MM,IIMM"l wl niv ikn j ir.if I i I K Household Necessities are often hard to find if you have to go to one place for one thing and to a different place for another. We are in business to supply the necessities of your family and every other family in this community. Our large stock of Household Supplies was assembled to meet all your wants. Come to us for DRY GOODS, CLOTIIING, SHOES, CARPETS, FURNITURE, MATTING, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FEED AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. Prices as low as the lowest THE S. B. BARKER COMPANY The Quality Store Condon, Oregon Have you paid up your Globe subscription? Talking to You You man with a GOOD caryou want to keep it good, don't you? ; . The way to do that is always to give it the attention it needs AT THE TIME IT IS NEEDED. We are ready at all times day or night to attend to your needs. We have the most competent mechanics to be secured, and guar antee that your car will never be "butchered." SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES FOR POPULAR MAKES The upkeep of your car will not be such a burden if you will let us keep it up to its work. L. E. SHELLEY'S GARAGE CONDON OREGON IHE CONDON GLOBE H. A. Hartshorn, Editor Published Ettt Friday by Th Globt rnbiianJng Company. Entered aa aecond daaa mail matter at the poet office at Condon, Orefon Sakaerlptiaa rataai tl.M Mr nui Blx auaiW far 71 ante AdrcrUalas rata firaa eta appUcaUoa. MICKIE'8 OQLYUM NOW T fftOrA OO SOUOdftl BONS. V4t OUfcO TO WlNt SM. SO VII OOH &T TOO NAMN PRO M4N ONt suae paooo o" our. bons AO TO FROWt , -THEM W GLOBE WANT AD WILL "SELL IT FOR YOU MM JAMS "UKE MOTHER Dig Deep and Hardt The Salvation Army drive will soon be here. Keep your pocket book hand; for this organisation it doing a wonderful work at the front If you wish something pleasant to think about, remember there will be a fourth Liberty Loan drive this fall. Live Ones? The government in addition to taking over the telephone and telegraph systems is taking con trol of all physicians. Must con ider the doctors as live wires. II stands for Heroic. Hold Haig; Ffor Foxy, Fighting Foch: r for Pent-up Power Pershing; W for War Weary William. Quentin Roosevelt's life should not be considered as incomplete. However brief the life mav be. no man's life which is elven for his country falls short of full completion. Do not fail to DUt in vour rnal Black diamonds will nrobablv be as scarce and hard to get next winter as the blue-white ones. Only On Way to Stop It The talk by John K. Kollock at the church Monday night was good but the meat of his re. marks was served when he spoke of the peace offer which will be coming from Germany soon and said that time would be the real test of our endurance to stand fast The test will be met squarely. Nobody wants peace until the mad Hohenzollerns, the world s military parasites, are wiped from the face of the earth. Germany absolutely satisfied with her original borders and humbled in a way she will not forget in a thousand years. When this in accomplished, along with a num ber of other little things, then will we have peace, not before. Co-oneratlon Doaa It Gilliam county has been more fortunate this year in the matter of fires than her sister counties This is due to a large extent to the vigilance of our county and city officers and the military po lice, all working together to that end. This vigilance, however. would be practically of no value were it not for the fine eo oners. tion these officers are receiving from the farmers in all sections of the county. With this co-op eration it may be that Gilliam will market her crop without a disastrous fire and save the wheat for the war cause. With out such co operation there would be danger. Government Regulations are strictly followed in the conserving; of suffar in all our CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAMS You will always And at our store the purest of confectionery and the best grades of ice cream. Purest fruit juices. Clean tables and clean glasses we cater to particular people. Courteous attention always. JOHN JACKSON Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner a. WATER a. on the Farm Is An Absolute Necessity. A Good Well on your Farm Increases Its value ten time the cost of the well. WE FURNISH IT Anything In the plumbing Una will receive our prompt attention. JAMIESON Sanitary Plumbers MARSHALL Condon, Oregon Chas. II. Horner ABSTRACTER Abstracts of Title to Gilliam County Lands Office in Court House PROFESSIONAL DIREOTORY 0. K. SHOP UP-TO-DATE TONSORIAL PARLORS Randall & Seale PROPRIETORS lat Door N. First National Dank T. A. Weinke Lawyer Office in Court llouae CONDON. OREQON Drs. Miller & Wilhelm Physicians & Surgeons Flrat Nat'l Bank Building CONDON. OREGON The Condon Globe High Claaa Job Printing PHONE 43 CONDON, OREGON iV T- :.vsj WHY PUT UP YOUR OWN JELLIES AND JAMS IN A HOT STUFFY KITCHEN WHEN YOU tam bitv oit AND PRESERVES FOR LESS THAN YOU CAN MARE THEMT OUR JELLIES AND PRESERVES adp uam v t,t, mnvu U X LArCK 1 S OUT OF SELECTED FRUITS IN A SANITARY FACTORY AND COOKED TO PERFECTION. WE USE ont v tup unci. .t.. Uaw A WwAaU' ITY OF INGREDIENTS AND NO BETTER tptiipd SERVES COULD POSSIBLY BE MADE. GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. W. S. Fair's Cash Store 811 ft Sweeping Them Back Carl Sandburg says: "The kaiser will be thrown out on God's great dustpan. " Yes. and the allied army is God's great broom. OUTWITTING THE HUN if Br LIEUTENANT PAT O'BRIEN Prince Lichnoweky has been expelled because he has told the truth the most heinous crime in the judgment of the Hun. Yea, Indeed! The kaiser didn'fraise his eldest boy to be a soldier and that's perfectly plain just at present. The Germans have aDnarentlv given up their desire for Paris cookery. General Foch's policy of na- tience and waiting has been amply vindicated. Condon Oregon 1 Overeatinor kills neonla nr. vol cally, procrastination kills them j financially and dissipation kills them morally. Uoprrif at, U14, bj PM Aira O'Bclaa As toon as the window was rinaui uie noise ox ue train naturally nh. aided and Its speed aeemed to dlmln- isn, ana my Dlan annealed tn m stronger man ever. I knew the nard In front at m didn't understand a word of Knitiiah. and eo. in a aulet tone of voice I Ann- flded to the English officer who eat next me what I had planned to do. "For God's sake. Pat chnck I" h urged. "Don't be a lunatic! This rail- roaa is aouble-tracked and rock-ballasted and the other track la on vmiii Side. Yon stand everv rhanxa In th. world of knocking your brains out against tne rails, or hitting a bridge or a wnistiine Dost, and if Ton wose you win probably be hit by an other train on the other track. You haven't one chance In a thnnaonrt make It I" There was a eood deal at inoin in what be said, but I floured that one T was In that reprisal camn I mt?ht never have even one chance In a thou sand to escape, and the Idea of re maining a prisoner of war Indefinitely went against my er&ln. I resolvni tn take my chance now at the risk of breaking my neck. The car was full of smoke. I Jopked Continued on next page . - FEED Dr. W. II. Reynolds Chlropractlo Nerve Specialist If you i are alck and hava triad Flrat Nit. Bank Sldg., Condon, Or. C. F. Calhay, M. D. A. Cathay. M. U. Dm. TflthAv Physicians & Surgeons r- M a.. . . . UUUUON COM DOS, We are headquarters for feed of all kinds. We make a specialty of feeding stock in transit. ,When jou want to buy Hay, Rolled F-eds, Mill Feed of all kinds you naturally think of the store that carries the largest stock of all kinds of feeds. 1 WEDNESDAY Is Ironing Day in Condon On that day wa will run the electric plant from 8 A. M. to 12 M. for the con- venience of the ladies of Condon CONDON ELECTRIC CO. TAKEN UP: One bay horse weighing about 1200, branded 76 (connected) on left shoulder. Owner can get same by paying all charges. Inquire of John Denuison or phone 515, Condon. -17tf Dr. J. G. Turner Eye Specialist Portland, Oregon Kegular monthly visits to Condon Watch paper for dates L. L. Taylor, M. D. V. Veterinary Physician & Surgeon CONDON. OREGON Dr. It. W. Hanneman Dentist AH Work Ouarantead Phono la Condon National Bank Bulldlna CONDON, OREQON Dr. J. 0. Kenyon Dentist Flrat Nati Bank Building CONDON, OREQON D. N. Mackay Attorney-at-Law CONDON, OREQON Let the Service Shoo do your printing It gives satisfaction ATTENTION! I wish to close out mv laro-a wall paper stock and will, until further notice, give 25 per cent discount on al sales. Nearly all my stock was ordered before the", rise of paper stock. Paner in still going up and this is the time to buy. W. A. Darling, 47tf Armory Ilall Annex.