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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1918)
Are you keeping your W. S. S. pledges? Do not wait Buy them at once. . The Fourth Liberty Loan drive starts September 28th. i Will you be ready? GILLIAM COUNTY'S LEADING HOME PAPER VOL. 29 CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUG. 9, 1918 NO. 21 GILLIAM WOOD USED IN NATION'S SHIPS Locusts oh Rock Creek Cut and Shipped to Shipyards JU Uiei in Making Pint (or Ships and It Beit Wood (or That Purpoit In addition to furnishing an average crop of wheat to help feed the allies, the required num ber of men and amounts of money, Gillium county also fur nitthet another necessity which does its small part in winning Patriotic Meeting Is Interesting and Instructive; Large Crowd The Congregational church was filled Monday night by peo ple of this city and vicinity to hear John Kollock, executive secretary of the State Council of Defense, and Major J. B. Hib bard, head of the Home Guard organizations of the state, speak on the various defensive organi zations of the state. Mayor Fitzmaurlce presided and a sex tette of K'irls furnished patriotic music. First on the program was a duet by the Misses Marie and Helen Summers. Mr. Kol lock was then introduced and told very interestingly of the many war activities being carried on in the state. lie lauded Pres ident Wilson as the one man who could have mobilized the senti ment of tlfe American people in the war crisis and warned his audience not to become over confident in an early termination of the war because the Allies were rapidly pushing back the German armies. He said Ger many's dream of an empire in , middle Europe is true today and The man who had been engag ed to head the Condon Public' School for the coming school year will not be here and nobody has been secured to take his place. It is reported that the board is trying to engage the services of Prof. Mulkey who formerly taught in Arlington. Mrs. T. G. Johnson returned Sunday from a few weeks' va cation spent at the Schott home on Rock Creek. Is Your Watch ,Sick? Didn't know watches got sick? Well, they do. The balance wheel of a healthy watch makes 18,000 vibrations every hour. But it must be healthy to do this. Dirt in your watch make it sick. It loses energy and so loses time. I AM THE WATCH DOCTOR If your watch is not fully up to its work, bring it to me. It may only need the fraction of a drop of oil, but it must have that or become disabled. A little speck of dirt in a pinch will make it very Eick. BRING IT TO ME. I CAN CURE IT. E. W. Hutchinson South Main Street :: Condon, Oregoit the war and this is locust wood. A carload was shipped out of Rock Creek last Saturday and another carload will so next Wednesday. It is sent to the Western Ship Supply Co. at Portland and is used in making pins for the ships which are be ing constructed there. Each car carries eighteen to. twenty cords of this wood cut into lengths four feet long and these two cars will make a large number of pins. .The locust is rut about three miles above Rock Creek. It is said that locust wood is the best for the purpose and is be coming scarce. warned against her anticipated offer to pay big indemnities and relinquish all gains on the west ern front for an early peace leav ing her in actual possession of her war aims. His talk was fol lowed by a duet by the Misses Cora and Rose Anderson and then Major Hibbard told how the new soldier is received at camp and how ho is taught to take care of himself, being made a better man by his experience in the army. Mrs. Gross and ; Nell Goodwin closed this part of :the program with a duet after 'which the ladies present were !excused&nd Major Hibbard talk 'ed to the men and particularly to the registrants. The dance in the rink was well attended and enjoyed. The visitors were enthusiastic over the ' reception they received here and said their audience here was one of the best they bave had in the state. Both praised the work of the Oregon Military Police and the Home Guards in all parts of the state and pointtid out the neces sity for such organizations. Mrs. M; Fitzmaurice left Mon day for Seaside. Mrs. El fie Campbell and child ren returned Monday from Arl ington where they visited rela tives and friends for a few days. Mrs. W. S. Farr and daughter, Mrs. Ray Morgan, returned Tues day from a visit to Portland and other points. J. C. Sturgill was a Lone Rock visitor Wednesday. Wants to Be in Class 1; First Case in County Herbert Walton is the first man in Gilliam county to ask for a transfer from a deferred classi fication to class one in the draft. Mr. Walton was in class four as he is a farmer and has a crop of wheat to harvest but he appeared before the Local Board Tuesday and asked to be transferred and passed a fine examination. This is the first case of the kind in the county. Mr. Walton has the spirit of true patriotism. Another Grain Fire in Wheeler County A stack of barley on the Lee Butler runch just over the line in Wheeler county in what is known as Greasewood was totally de stroyed by fire Saturday night about 11:30 o'clock. The stack was 50 feet long by 16 wide and probably 12 high and was all the grain just cut from 40 acres on that ranch. Sheriffs Kelsay and Lillie and the Military Police ar rived at the scene in a short time and atter working together on the case arrested Herman Strese on the charge of having set the fire. Strese was taken to Fossil by Sheriff Kelsay and locked up. He was given a hear ing Monday and bound over to apj.ear before the next session of the grand jury under bonds of $1000. The sheriffs of these counties and the police are work ing in full accord on these cases and it is probable the public will soon hear of more arrests in con nection with these fires. A. B. Robertson and D. N. Mackay made a business trip to lone Wednesday. D. R. Parker land Sunday. went to Port- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boyd re turned to Condon Wednesday. Mr. Boyd has been a member of the Military Ponce but will enter the war service August 15. Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Hollen and Mrs. H. N. Anderson re turned Sunday from a week's visit in Portland. Mrs. W. E. Smith and two daughters came up from Port land last week, for a visit with friends and relatives. Strictly Fresh Fruits and Vegetables -. are to be had at this store. We endeavor to give our customers the . best that can be purchased in this line Our stock of groceries is complete. Cleanliness and satisfactory goods are our objectives.. :: Men's Clothing Call and see our display of furnish ings for the men. New effects in ties, shirts, sox, hats, 'caps,' ets. FRANK SMITH Cor. Summit and Wain SEND IN NAMES FOR COUNTY HONOR LIST Business Man Says Ad Is Different but Good A Condon business man stop ped the Globe man on the street and said: "Say, that ad you wrote for me is a good deal dif ferent from any I ever had be fore but it brought results for it brought me business from eight or ten people that I know of. It's all right." This should, be en couraging to local people as Well as to the Globe man for it is an other good illustration of the fact that Globe ads get results. John Bishop Contracts to Carry Mail i . . - J. II. Bishop has received the contract from the government to carry the mail on the Ajax route at the compensation of 11800 a year. Thus the John Day High way still has plenty of post road to get government appropriations and the Ajax people will get good service from Mr. Bishop. In addition to this .work Mr. Bishop will operate the Trimble ranch directly southwest of town but will discontinue his dray business. ' State Fair, Salem, Oregon, September 23 28. Splendid ex hibits, excellent music, high class entertainments and a su perb racing card. For particu lars write A. H. Lea, Secretary, Salem, Oregon. Wilbur E. Bennett left Tues day morning for Camp Lewis to fill one of the vacancies re cently caused by the rejection of a number in this county's regu lar draft quota. Ross Kennedy, Albert Boyd and Roy Harris will leave August 15 to enter the Benson Polytech nic Institute in Portland for in struction in mechanics to fit them for war service. ' H. Karstadt, who was thrown from a hack two weeks ago and suffered serious injury to one of his hips is still confined to his bed and suffers considerable pain Campbell Brown retnrned on Tuesday from Portland. Mrs. Brown is at the coaat. Ed Dunn came up from Port- ' land Monday. - : Condon, Oregon 3I3.E ' Gilliam Connty Hoaor List E. S. Aahenfelter J. J. Aahenfelter L. B. Andrew O. R. Andrew! F. C. Burn A. Beecroft Thorn aa Barker W. tf. Brown H. C Clark T. G. Chatterton ' Harry 2hatterton Alfred Chapman J. W. Dehler Geo. E. Davia W. E. Danlap J. V. Edwarda G. D. Eltia ' ' Ed. A. Finley -L. E. Fry John Gruber W. D. Hardle S. C. Hawson B. H. Hull H. W. Hull A. J. Jamea John Jelderka A. H. Judktna J. E. Kirk F..L, Laughrige J. F. Loftin ' E. S. Ltnville E. M. MeCalley ' H. L. MeConneli H. E. Miller C. A. Miller N. M. Mack John MeCartan , Van A. Norder H. D. Nichola. Robert Nicol Arthur Oldfleld R. E. Pratt Humphrey Parry O. P. Rinehart A. H. Robey Harry Roland Earl Rickard Fred Rickard F. A. Shaffer J as. Shell v J. F. Simmons W. K. Stanlake HONOR LIST COUPON Editor Condon Globe, Condon, Oregon. Following are the namee of those who I know have gone from Gilliam county to aerve their country. Signed Mrs. W. A. Kirkpatrick" of Portland arrived in Condon Sun day and is a guest at the B. A. Cathey home. A number of Condon people attended the dance at the Palmer home in Ajax Saturday night. A fine time is reported. l i J C OJ ! I ompare We invite you to compare' our "Ed. V. Price suit values with any in town. .. .. .. We are not afraid of any compari son you can give these offerings as we know if you give them a rigid test it. will only bring out their merits more clearly. . .. The new samples 'and styles look good to us. They will to you. Come and see. . Open Sundays...... A t! 1 Lester Wade's Exclusive Store for Men. Condon, Oregon 1 When Finished list Is To Be Displayed in ' Courthouse V Idea Is to Get Accurate Receri ( AD 'Gillian Ilea New ' tie Service Every day the Globe is receiv ing a number of Honor List Coupons like that printed below; with the name of some relative VI 1 IdJU TCUV UM gVUV I VIM -- mm ami a kan A Anl Gilliam county into the service ox me uoueu oiaics. n jrim - 1 - TT -i.-J Oi. - - It .... Know oi one noi yet. given jb ue Honor List below, fill cot this coupon and send or bring to the , Globe. The idea is to gef an ac curate list of ail the men who have gone from Gilliam county. AS It IB DOW DUlWUJf luUWB uuw . ... i . t. many uove wv uur wuu iuc; are and there should be some record. When the list is com plete it will be hung in tbe court' house and kept op to date as others go and in this way an ac curate record may be kept if you will co-operate in making it. E. A. Stephens T. E. Tate E. A. Thompson R. W. Todbunter R. P. Tracey J. E. Tullia W. E. Wilkins A. Walkenshaw T. N. Workentin V,. C Wristen K. M. Welahona Herbert WeUhona C N Laughrige is again help ing in the harvest ac the Parman ranch. Frank Hollen returned from Portland Sunday. W. G. NeVill spent a couple ef days in Portland last week. . Yake n 0 IE IBs!