it THg OOhDON GLODEPAQE 2 H r 4 H ousehold Necessities are often hard to find if you have to so to one place for one thing and to a different place for another. ' . " We are in business to supply the necessities of your family and every other family in this community. Our large stock of Household Supplies was assembled to meet all your wants. Come to us for DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, CARPETS, FURNITURE, MATTING, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FEED AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. Prices as low as the lowest THE S. B. BARKER COMPANY The Quality Store ' ' Have you paid up your Talking to You You man with a GOOD car -you want to "keep it g6od,"don't you? The way to do that is always to give it the -attention- if needs AT "THE TIME IT IS DEEDED- - We are ready at- &V times day or night to attend, tn'vour . needs.. We have the most competent inecfiahics to., antee thatryotir; car "will never be "butchered." StJPPllES AND ACCESSORIES FOR POPULAR MAKES ;.' ? v "The; upkeep :of your, car will not be such a J . burden if you will let us keep it up to its work. L. E. SHELLEY'S GARAGE CONDON ' OREGON A GLOBE WANT AD WILL SELL IT FOR YOU WE un. ARE YOtI SUE THAT THE THINGS VOU PUT ON THE " TABLE ARB GOOD AND PUREf TOU CAN BE SURE THEY ARE IF THEY COME FROM OUR STORE. WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST QUALITY OF GROCERIES AND WE SELL THEM FOR THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. WE KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE HOW MUCH TO ORDER SO WE CAN ALWAYS KEEP A FRESH SUPPLY COMING IN. YOU- WON'T - GET STALE GROCERIES FROM USBUT FRESH HlCH QUALITY GOODS. V GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. W. S. Fair's Cqndon Globe subscription? be secured, and guar SELL THE GOOD KIND Gash Store ; Oregon Condon, Oregon THE CONDON GLOBE H. A. Hartshorn, Editor PnbUed Every Friday by The Globe PabUahing Company. Entered as second daat bU Batter at the post office at Condom, Orefoa laWcrlaOoa rate SI J ear yean alt far 71 . Advertieiae nttm ftim asea eaaUeeOea. MIOKIE'S OOLYUM ""., rrte. CCB NOTCt W.WWr-. v- tun's ,. 1 SON Th FfcU. ww. i -r Bkfll OMTMttR 1 VJ ' W ' " " " J Old Sol is the greatest hot air peddler we know of. It's an unreasonable man who insists that bis wife be reason able. - - Why don't they use rubber fn stead of silk thread in making our money? The dress doesn't necessarily make the woman but some of them show how she is made. Europe has never been sur prised that the unspeakable Turk should be allied with the un thinkable Hun. Too much truth telling cost Von Kuehlmann his job. Truth, like many other commodities, is strictly conserved in Germany. Germany h$3 claimed that she is holding Belgium merely 'as a "pawn." Ordinary pawnbrokers hold the article pawned in good condition and return it as re ceived. Can the imperial pawn broker do this with Belgium? - "Beyond tho Alps lies Italy." The Austrian ' are willing to accept this .'statement as the whole truth. They investigated and found it too true. The "bone dry" amendment will cost the government $300, 000,000 in revenue taxes. But it will aave the people 1600.000, 000 in drinks and make that amount available to buy Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps. "0UI1T1G Tlif HUfr LIEUTENANT PAT O'BRIEN uaey nki, ru Ain e anaa SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER '-Introductory. Pat O'Brien Ulla of hla purpuee la wrillnf aba alory of bla adventurea. CHAPTER II Tlla of hie enltetment In tha Rojral Flylnf corpa, liia training In Canada and bla Uaneler to franca for ac te duly. CHAPTER Ilt-Daacrtbaa BhU In which ha brought down two Oormaa elrpUn. and bla final Bht In which ba wee brought down wounded within tha Ov inia llnea and waa mada a prtauoar of war. . CHAPTER IV-Dlacovara that Oerrcan boapltal ataS barbaroualy neglected tha fatally wounded and devotad thalr ener iee to reatortaf thoaa who might ba returned to tha firing llnea. Wltnaaaea death In fight of bla beat chum. JUeul. fceul Ralney. CHAPTER V-He la taken to tha of Bcere' priaon camp at Court rei. There ba began planning hla eecapa. By great aac Mflca be managea to aava and bide away two dally ratiooa of bread. Wbeneyer a Hew priaoner came In and nil German hotti bad aaUafled themselves aa to hit fife history and taken down all the details that Is all he would give them he was Immedi ately surrounded by his fellow prison ers, who were eager for any bit of news or Information he could possibly give them, and as a rule be wss flad to teU us, because. If he bad been In the hands of the Huns for any length of time, he bad seen very few English officers. The conditions of this prison were bad enough when a man was in nor mally good health, but It was barbar ous to subject a wounded soldier to the hardships and discomforts of the place. However, this was the fate of a poor private we discovered there one day In terrific pain, suffering from shrapnel In bis stomach and back. All of us officers asked to have him sent to a hospital, but the doctors curtly refused, saying it was against orders. So the poor creature went on suffering from day to day end wss still there when I left another victim of Ger man cruelty. At one time in this prison camp there were a French marine, a French flying officer, two Belgian soldiers, and of the United Kingdom one from Canada, two from England, three from Ireland, couple from Scotland, one from Wales, a man from South Africa, one from Algeria, and a few Zealander, the latter being from my own squadron, a man whom I thought had been killed, and he was equally surprised when brought' Into the prison to flnB roe there. In addition there were a Chi' Daman and myself from the C. S. A. It was quite a cosmopolitan group, atil at one typical Irishman said, "Sure, and we have every nation that's worth mentioning, including the darn Germans with us whites." Of course this was not translated to the Ger mans, nor waa It even spoken in their hearing, or we probably would not have had quite so cosmopolitan bunch. Each man in the prison was ready to uphold his native country in any argu ment that could possibly be started, and It goea without saying that I never took back seat In any of them with my praise for America, with the Capa- dian and Chinaman chiming in on my side. But they were friendly argu ments; we were all In the same boat and that was no place for quarreling. Every other morning, the weather allowing, we were taken to a large' swimming pool and were allowed to have a bath. There were two pools, one for the German officers and one for the men. Although we were offi cers, we had to use the pool occupied by the men. While we were In swim ming a German guard with rifle across his knees sat at each corner of the pool and. watched us closely as we dressed and undressed. English interpreters accompanied us on all of these, trips, so at no time could we talk without their knowing what was going on. ' , , Whenever we were taken out of the prison for any purpose they always paraded us througfc the. most crowded streets evidently, to give the popu lace an idea that they were getting lots of prisoners. The German sol dlers we passed on these occasions maae no enori 10 niae tneir smues and sneers. . J The Belgian people were apparent ly very curious to see us, and they used to turn out In large numbers whenever the word was passed that we were out. At times the German (kmtinued on next page Government Regulations are strictly followed in the conserving: of sugar in all our CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAMS You-rvill always find at our store the purest of confectionery and the best grades of Ice cream. Purest fruit juices. Clean tables and clean glosses we cater to particular people. , Courteous attention always. JOHN JACKSON Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner .... W-A-T-E-R .. on the Farm Is An Absolute Necessity. A Good Well on your Farm Increases its value ten times the cost of the well. ' WE FURNISH IT Anything In the plumbing line will receive our prompt attention. JAMIESOM & MARSHALL Sanitary Plumbers tMMMMHUMIMMMM Chas. II. Horner ABSTRACTER Abstracts of Title to Gilliam County Lands Office in Court House 0. K. SHOP up-to-date: TONSORIAL PARLORS Randall & Seale PROPRIETORS 1st Door N. First National Bank FEED We are headquarters for feed of all kinds. We make a specialty of feeding stock in transit. When you want to buy Hay. Rolled Feeds, Mill Feed of all kinds you naturally ,'think of tlje store that carries the largest stock' of all kinds of feedp. Arlinfton Lumber Co.' WEDNESDAY Ironing Day in Condon On that dayt we will run the electric plant from ' 8 A. M. to 12 M. for the con veniehce of the ladiet of Condon. .. ee aaa aaa ; CONDON ELECTRIC CO. TAKEN UP: One . black sow with 'slits in each ear. Owner cati get ani mal by paying all charges. W. D. Hughes, Condon. 19d20 TAKEN UP: Onejbay horle weighing about 1200, branded 76 connected) on left shoulder. Owner can get same by paying all charges. Inquire of John Dennison or phone 515, Condon. 17tf '"' i Condon, Oregon tWtMMMMMMM PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T. A. Weinke Lawyer Office to Court Hotiae CONDOM. . OftBOON, Drs. Miller & Wilhelm Physicians & Surgeons First Nat'l Bank Building CONDON. OREQON Dr. W. II. Reynolds Chlropractle Nerve Specialist If you are alck and have tried everything elaa with no reaulta try Chiropractic spinal adjualmanu and tt well. Plrat Nat. Sank Bldg., Condon, Or. S. T. Cat hey, M. D. A. Cathey, M. D. Drs. Cathey Physicians & Surgeons Condon National Bank Bulldlnf CONDON. ORKdON Dr. J. G. Turner Eye Specialist Portland, Oregon Regular monthly visits to Condon Watch paper for dates I L. Taylor, M. D. V. Veterinary Physician & Surgeon CONDON. OREQON Dr. R. W. Hanneman Dentist All Work Guaranteed Pboae la Condon National Bank Bulldlnf CONDON, . OREGON Dr. J. O. Kenyon Dentist First Nat'l Bank Building CONDON, V, OREGON D. N. Mackay Attottiey-at-Law CONDON. OREGON Let the Service Shop do your printing It gives satisfaction . ATTENTION! 'I wish to closd put ray largo wallpaper stock-and will, until further notice, give 26 per cent discount cn al Bales. Nearly all rhy stock was-ordered, before tho rise of paper stock. Paper is still going up 'and this is the time to buy. ; Wt A. Darling, 47tf. ; Armory Hall Annejtv