THE OCWOOfl QtOBE PAOE 3 H ousehold Necessities are often hard to find if you have to go to one place for one thing and to a different place for another. We are in business to supply the necessities of your family and every other family in this community. Our large stock of Household Supplies was assembled to meet all your wants. Come to U3 for DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOESrCARPETS, FURNITURE, MATTING, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FEED AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. Prices as low as the lowest THE S. B. BARKER COMPANY The Quality Store Condon, Oregon Have you paid up your Globe subscription? Talking to You You man with a GOOD car you want to keep it good, don't you? The way to do that is always to give it the attention it needs AT THE TIME IT IS NEEDED. We are ready at all times day or night to attend to your needs. We have the most competent mechanics to be secured, and guar antee that your car will never be "butchered." SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES FOR POPULAR MAKES The upkeep of your car will not be such a burden if you will let us keep it up to its work. L. E. SHELLEY'S GARAGE CONDON OREGON THE COM GLOBE H. A. Hartshorn, Editor Published Erery Friday by The Glob Pabliahinf Company. Enteral aa second daaa mall matter at the poet office at Condon, Oregon SaWcrlpttea lata: tIJt far yaari III smbUm far 71 at. AOarttaUc mat etna ibm MIOKIE'S COLYUM n X GU GLOBE WANT AD WILL 8ELL IT FOR YOU LI TRY OUR TEAS ano COFFEES THE COST PER CUP DEPENDS UPON THE STRENGTH vmiD TPi rte rnCTPF TP vnn mrv a anno nn a r itv jjlT TAKES MORE TO THE CUP AND. REALLY THE POOR KIND COSTS MORE THAN THE GOOD QUALITY. , WB HAVE THE GOOD QUALITY OF TEAS AND COFFEES "SELECTED AND BLENDED BY THE BEST EXPERTS. OUR COFFEES ARE VERY POPULAR. GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. W. S. Farr's Cash Store london Oregon IN MERE JVND HANOS THE BOSS AvUNCOF CKATTCR OUt H HZNSSS 'N VXMAt fc UOft fcOMSR--TSN& Hl'l CKMM OO , GKS OS.ST vmKt HE fclS FEB. "aOVJNO "TWtS OftCf. FER A QUARTER. PfeOe ?Tf THE NEAR DON'T EveN GT A FREE -TWO-avf LOCIM OUt A. TA NO WOUfiV SMS THE BOSS 4 OUt A TA NO WOUfiV J I THE POS8 - Germany thought she had put Russia to sleep. But Russia has a way of turning in her sleep. There are folks who try to create trouble and imagine they are of some service in the world. Experience is one of the few costly things that is always worth just as much to its owner but for which there is no sale. A goodjaugh always makes you feel better and helps the other fellow. We trust that after harvest the biggest burden of the farmer will be a heavy sack of wheat. The only American troops that will ever "take to flight" are our squadrons of "Eagles" and their flight will be toward the Huns. If the Creator ruled things ac cording to the law of supply and demand, think of the number of people who would have never been born. A successful candidate ia some times a failure. "Why la Wall Street?" the question which the ordinary mor tal has oftentimes asked, has been answered. . Wall Street has paid over $450,000,000 in revenue taxes for the last year. "THE KAISER'S TALK TO DELL" We have had teveral requests to pub Hah the following poem which hai been ftoing the rounds, and which we here with preeent; The Kaiser called the Devil up On the telephone one day. The girl at Central Usnened to All they had to say. "Hello," he heard the KaUer'a voice "la old man Satan hornet Just toll Mm this la Kaiser Bill That wants him on the phone." The Devil aald "Hello" to Bill, And Bill said "How are you I'm running here a hell on earth, So tell me what to do." "What can I do," the Devil said, My dear old Kaiser Bill? ' If there's a thing that I can do To help you I sure will." The Kaiser said, "Now listen, And I will try to tell The way that I am running On earth a modern Hell. I've aaved for this for many years, And I've atarted out to kill. That it will be a modern job: You leave to Kaiser Bill. My army went thru Belgium, Shooting women and children down, We tore up all her country, And blew up all her towns. My Zepa dropped bombs on cities. Killing both the old and young, And those the Zeppelina didn't get Were taken out and hung. I started out for Paris, With the aid of poison gas, The Belgians, darn 'em, stopped us, And would not let us paaa. My submarines are devila, Why, you should see them fightl I hey go sneaking thru the sea, And aink a ship at sight. I waa running thinga to auit me. Till a year or more ago, When a man called Woodrow Wilson Wrote me to go more slow. He aaid to me, 'Dear William', We don't want to make you aore, So be sure to tell your U-boata To sink our ships no more. We have told you for the last time, So, dear Bill it's up to you And if you do not stop it. You have got to fight us: too.' I did not listen to him, A .id he's coming after me With a million Yankee soldiers Prom their homes acroia the sea. Now, that's why I called you, Satan, For I want advice from you, I knew that you would tell me Just what I ought to do." "My dear old Kaiser William, There's not much forme to tell, For the Yanks will make it hotter Than I can for you in Hell. I've been a mean old Devil But not half aa mean aa you. And the minute that you get here I'll give my job to you. I'll be ready for your coming. And I'll keep the fires bright, And I'll have your room all ready When the Yaiiks begin to fight. For the boys in blue will get you I have nothing more to tell, Hang up the phone and get your hat And meet me here in Hell" W. E. Curry "OUTWITTING THE HUN" Br LIEUTENANT PAT O'BRIEN vopynf at, uu, D7 rw jura unnu Of course, It would have been a com paratively simple matter for our men, when they saw how things were going against them, to have turned their noses down, landed behind the Ger man lines and given themselves up aa prisoners, but that Is not the way of the It. P. c. A battle of this kind seldom lasts many minutes, although every second seems like an hour to those who par ticipate in It, and even onlookers suf fer more thrills In the course of the struggle than they would ordinarily experience In a lifetime. It la appar ent even to a novice that the loser's fate Is death. Of course, the Germans around the hospital were all watching and rooting for their comrades, but the English, too, had one sympathizer In that group who made no effort to stifle his admira tion for the bravery bis countrymen were displaying. The end came, suddenly. Four ma- Continued on next page Government Regulations are strictly followed in the conserving of sugar in all our CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAMS You will always find at our itore the purest of confectionery and the best gradea of Ice cream. Purest fruit juices. Clean tables and clean glasseswe cater to particular people. Courteous attention always. JOHN JACKSON Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner W-A-T-E-R on the Farm is An Absolute Necessity. A Good Well on your Farm increases its value ten times the cost of the well. x WE FURNISH IT Anything In the plumbing line will receive our prompt atteuUon, JAMESON & MARSHALL Sanitary numbers Condon, Oregon X Chas. II. Horner ABSTRACTER Abstracts of Title to Gilliam County Lands Office in Court House PROFE88IONAL DIRECTORY 0. K, SHOP UP-TO-DATE TONSORIAL PARLORS Randall & Seale PROPRIETORS 1st Door N. First National Bank T. A. Weinke Lawyer Office id Court House CONDON, ORBOON Drs. Miller & Wilhelm Physicians A Surgeons First Nat'l Baak BuUdlaf CONDON, ORBOON FEED We are headquarters for feed of all kinds. I We make a specialty of feeding stock in transit. When you want to buy Hay, Rolled Feeds, Mill Feed of all kinds you naturally think of the store 'that carries the largest stock of all kinds of feeds. Arlington Lumber Co. WEDNESDAY Is Ironing Day in Condon. On that day we will run the electric plant from 8 A.M. to 12 M. for the con venience of the ladies of Condon. .. CONDON ELECTRIC CO. FOR 8ALE: My property east of Academy. Five-room house and one-half acre. - 650 terms. C. L Menke. 17dl9 TAKEN UP: One bay horse weighing about 1200, branded 76 (connected) on left shoulder. , Owner can get same by paying ail charges. Inquire of John Dennison or phone 615, Condon. 17tf Dr. W. II. Reynolds Chlropraetle Nerve Spaolallat If you art sick and hav triad varythlna alM with do rwulta try Chiropractic spliuU adjuatmauu and (at wall. Flrat Nit Bank Bide., Candcn, Or. C. F. Cathay, M. D. B. A. Cathay, M. D, Drs. Cathey Physicians & Surgeons Condon National Bank Building CUWDON, OIIKUON Dr. J. G. Turner Eye Specialist Portland, Oregon Regular monthly visit tocoodoo Watch paper (or data L. L. Taylor, M. D. V. Veterinary Physician & Surgeon i CONDON. ORJtQON Dr. R. W. Hanneman Dentist All Work Guarantaad Phone ta Condon National Bank Building CONDON, OREGON Dr. J. O. Kenyon Dentist First Nat'l Bank Building CONDON, OREQON D. N. Mackay Attorney-at-Law CONDON, ORBOON Let the Service Shop do your printing It gives satisfaction ATTENTION! , I wish to close out my large wall paper stock and will, until further notice, give 25 per cent discount on al sales. Nearly all my stock was ordered before the rise of paper stock. Paper is still going up and this is the time to buy. W. A. Darling, 47fef Armory Hall Annex,