THS; OONPON QLODE PAQE 2 Household Necessities are often hard to find if you have to go to one place for one thing and to a different place for another. We are in business to supply the necessities of your family and every other family in this community. Our large stock of ' Household Supplies was assembled to meet all your wants. Come to u for DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, CARPETS, FURNITURE, MATTING, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FEED AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. Prices as low as the lowest THE S. B BARKER COMPANY The Quality Store Condon, Oregon Have you paid up your Globe subscription? Talking to You You man with a GOOD caryou want to keep it good, don't you? The way to do that is always to give it the attention it needs AT THE TIME IT IS NEEDED. We are ready at all times day or night to attend to .your needs. We have the most competent mechanics to be secured, and guar antee that your 'car will never be "butchered." SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES FOR POPULAR MAKES The upkeep of your car will not be such a burden if you will let us keep it up to its work. t L. E. SHELLEY'S GARAGE CONDON ' OREGON THE C0I1D0II GLOBE B. A. Hartahora, Editor Publiahod Eyt Friday by The Glob Publiahlag Compaay. Entered m second class Bail utter at the poet office at Condon, Oregon Sahacrlatlaa rMK KM par yaan U Mil far It Mat. Adrartblaa' rata, al' aaaa A GLOBE WANT AD WILL SELL IT FOR YOU v E J WE HAVE A RIGHT TO CROW ABOUT OUR HAM AND OUR HAMS ARC SELECTED. FANCY. TABLE HAMS ARE THE BEST PACKERS. THEY ARE CURED AND SMOKED BY A NEW PROCESS GIVING THEM A DELIGHTFUL FLAVOR THAT YOU WON'T FIND IN OTHER HAMS. BUY A HAM TODAY. FRESH EGGS RIGHT FROM THE COUNTRY. HAM AND EGGS IS THE BEST BREAKFAST. GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. V'' W. S. Fair's Cash Store Condon Oregon MIOKIE'8 OOLYUM EMPTYIN' THS WASTt BASKET vwvlon't HAVE TO tt Pt9 hum so opfkm r sowse of THEtA BOOBS THAT'S TB"IN' TO dVt 1W BOSS OUTtH A tor or .ovs(msirV WOULD JEST CUT OVt $tNOtf nm so much jumk Imoo' rue aow , Just One, Please! Make one spoon of sugar Do the work of two. Every day from now Until this war is through. You may soon be asked to con tribute to the 3alvation Ann) drive. Give all you can. The Salvation Army "stands by" with hot coffee and doughnuts for the boys in the trenches. Why shouldn't we be proud of our ninety new ships? There is a sense of incongruity between the big dollars one goes out with and the small parcels he brings home. "What is so rare as a day in June?" But don't you think some of the July days have been a trifle overdone? It is bad taste to deride the business or professional man who goes into the harvest field to help save the wheat He is worthy of our highest respect. We wonder who or what will monopolise the front page next year. The man who fights weeds is behind the man who fights the Hun. ; .?' , When both London and Faris celebrated our national holiday a long step forward was taken to ward the brotherhood of nations. Uncle Sam is some magician. The income tax this year yielded nearly three billion dollars. "VI "ouiwire THE HUN" fir LIEUTENANT PAT O'BRIEN 8 Uoarrtaki. IMS. ay fat Alta O an.. SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER I-Introductorr. Pat OBrtan talla of hia purpoa la wrilin lit alory ot tola advaaiuroa. CHAPTER II-Talla of hla anllatmanl In tha Moral Klyliia rorpa. bla traiulnff in Canada ami hia tranafar to Franca lor to U duty. CHAPTER in-Daaorlba flfhti la which ha brought down two Oarman alrplanaa and hla anal Bent In which a wa arouf hi down wounded within tha Oar man Unas and waa Bind a prlaonar of Ton may bo all right as a sports man." be declared, "but you are a d 1 d murderer Just the same for bo tog here. You Americans who got Into this thing before America came lato the war are no better than common murderers and yoa ought to be treated tha aame way I" The wound In my mouth made It Im possible for me to answer him, and I was suffering too much pain to be hurt very much by anything be could ay. He asked me If I would like an applet I could Just as easily bar eaten a brick. When be got no answers out of me, he walked away disgustedly. "You don't bare to worry any more," be declared, as a parting shot "For yoa the war Is over." I waa given a little broth later la the day, and as I began to collect my thoughts I wondered what had hap pened to my comrades In the" 'battle which bad resulted so disastrously to me. As I began to realise my plight I worried less about my physical con dition than the fact that, as the doc tod had pointed out, for me the war was practically over. I had been In It but a short time, and now I would be a prisoner for the duration of the wart The next day some German flying officers visited me, and I must say they treated me with great consideration. They told me of the man I had brought down. They said he was a Bavarian and a fairly good pilot They gave me his hat as a souvenir and compliment ed me on the fight I had put up. My helmet, which was of soft leather, was spilt from front to bar & 't- X -7! -"""" ' "-- - Pat O'Brien and Paul Raney. by a bullet from a machine gun, and they examined It with great Interest When they brought me my uniform I found that the star of my rank which had been on my right shoulder strap had been abot off clean. The one on my left shoulder strap they asked me for as a souvenir, as also my K. F. C. badges, which I gave them. They al lowed me to keep my Mwlngs,""whlch I wore on my left breast, because they were aware that that Is the proudest possession of a British flying officer. I think 1 am right in saying that the only chivalry In this war on the Ger man side of the trenches has been dis played by the officers of the German flying corps, which comprises the pick of Germany. They pointed out to me that I and my comrades were fighting purely for the love of It, whereas they were fighting In defense of their coun try, but still they said, they admired us for our sportsmanship. I had a no tion to ask them If dropping bombs on London and killing so many Innocent people was in defense of their country, but I was in no position or condition to pick a quarrel at that time. That same day a German officer was brought Into the hospital and put in the bunk next, to .mine. Of cgurse J, Continued on next page Government Regulations are strictly followed in the conserving of sugar in all our CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAMS You will always find at our store the purest of confectionery and the best grades of ice cream. Purest fruit juices. f; Clean tables and clean glasses we cater to particular people. Courteous attention always., JOHN JACKSON Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner a. WATER a. on the Farm Is An Absolute Necessity. A Good Well on your Farm Increases its value ten times the cost of the well. WE FURNISH IT Anything In the plumbing line will receive our prompt attenUon. ' JAMIESON & MARSHALL Sanitary Plumbers Condon, Oregon 2 Chas. II. Horner ABSTRACTER Abstracts of Title to Gilliam County Lands Office in Court House PROFESSIONAL DIREOTORY 0. K. SHOP UP-TO-DATE TONSORIAL PARLORS Randall & Seale PROPRIETORS 1st Door N. First National Bank T. A. Weinke Lawyer Oftlct in Court Mouse CONDON, OKBOON Drs. Miller & Wilhelm Physicians & Surgeons first Nat l Baak Building CONDON, ORKOON Are you fully equipped for harvest We have some light ceiling for cook house repairs. You will need some fly screen over the windows and a screen door this sessnn. Galvanised screen is worth . 4 l-2c per square foot. Heavy screen doors, fully equipped with spring hinges, hook and eye and hand hold, also" patent latch that will hold the door " tightly closed, at $2.60. ' You cannot afford te do without. Arlington Lumber Co. WEDNESDAY It Ironing Day in Condon On that day we will run the electric plant from 8 A. M. to 12 M. for the con venience of the ladies of Condon CONDON ELECTRIC CO. FOR 8ALE: My property east of Academy. Fwe-room house and one-half acre. 1650 terms. C. L. Menke. 17dl9 TAKEN UP: One bay horse weighing about 1200, branded 76 (connected) on left shoulder. Owner can get same by pay ing all charges. Inquire of John Dennison or phone 515, Condon. 17tf Dr. W. H. Reynolds Chlropraotle Nerve Specialist If you ara alck aid have triad avarythlna alaa with no raaulta try Chiropractic spinal adjuatmants and (at wall. First Nat. Bank Bldfl., Condon, Or. C. r. Calhay, M. D. B. A. Calhay, 11. D. Drs. Cathey Physicians & Surgeons Condon National Bank Building COW DUN, UHKUON Dr. J. G. Turner Eye Specialist Portland. Oregon Regular monthly visits to Condon Watch paper for dates L. L. Taylor, M. D. V. Veterinary Physician & Surgeon CONDON. OREQON Dr. R. W. Hanneman ; , . Dentist- All .Work Ouarantaad Phono la ' ' Coadon National Bank RulMlnv 'ttCONDOrf. V , ORBOON f'V Dr. J.1 0. Kenyon Dentist ; first Nat l Bank Building CONDON, OREQON D. N. Mackay Attorney-at-Law CONDON, OREQON Let the Service Chop do your printing It gives satisfaction ATTENTION!, I wish to close ojut my large wallpaper stock "and will, until further fiotic,' gfve 25 per cent discount on al sales. Nearly all my 8to4k was ordered before the rise off paper . stock. ' Paper is still going up and this is the time to buy. ; -W. A. Darling,.. 47tf Armory Hall Annex,