THE 00 N DON QLOPE PAQE 0 i . j - ' - . ea Gasoline Metropolitan Artists Noted Musical Company Headed by Mary Welch, American Contralto Dcaifnat4 U. S. Depositary for Portal Savings Dcponllt In C nH Mentxf Federal RcacrTt Dank Engine do your work I , 'I fir O 0 O Perfect Confidence No other words can describe the r-, lations that should exist between a bank and its patrons.. If you have no confidence in the soundness of a bank you certainly will hot trust your money to it this bank invites your careful inspection of its finan cial strength and sound business meth ods. We know they are above criti cism, but the point is, we want YOU to know it for we. solicit your busi ness on our merits. .. Condon National Bank H i 111 lifers t 1! I l mm i M CEO. B. DUKEK. Pm. A. G REINER. Vic Pre. W1I. CRAWFORD. Cashier E. J. CLOL'CH L. W. DECKER. Asst. Cshir WM.WEHRLI The ftcJlt Store The Victrola opens the door to all the music of the world. The hostess who has a Victrola in her home can entertain her guests regally. Wouldn't you like a Victrola in your home? You can easily get one: Various styles from $20.00 to $300.00 WE HAVE THREE PHONOGRAPHS TO OFFER AT SURPRISING BARGAINS o o o Lrfl L JTrJiW v j L j B7 &ZTTT ui MaVy Welch, the American contralto, hfils the Metropolllao Artists o be heard on Ihe third day,, of Chautauqua In two programs. Her rare ontraltd voice with Its rich colorful tones, has won distinction for her throughout the Middle West The CJilcmgo Record-Herald apeaka of her aa "having a contralto voice of treat richness, range and power, and aha charnia her audience by the earnestness and simplicity, of her manner." The cellist with the Metropolitans Is Jo Polak of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Be has appeared as solo cellist In practically all of our (trout musical centers since his coming to this country In 190& . Miss Agnes Bodholt, the third mem ber of the company. Is a true artist at the piano. Her offerings glow from the sureness, shading and musical thought with which she plays. EICHH0RNS LEAD COMMUNITY SINGING GRAVES & GRAVES The Up-to-the-minute Druggists CONDON :: OREGON a C OODc Spring Showing of New and Up-to-date Dry Goods Ladies' Coats, Skirts, Waists Fancy Neckwear and Shoes We have just received a splendid line of silks, woolens and wash fabrics Chautauquaa to Hear Pioneers In Great Movement That la Sweep ing the Country, The community singing movement that is sweeping the land Is bringing la reports from every part of the country of Immense gatherings. The first Na tional Community Sing Day was cele brated In Washington last December and thousands were turned away from the great Auditorium. In Pittsburgh over 10,000 people attended their first -THE ADVANTAGE OF A HANDICAP" Dr. Elliott Boyl Returns to Chautau qua With New Lecture. Dr. Elliott A. Boyl hns many friends In th Wit. Il lectured on this Chautauqua circuit two years aso and in response to the mnny requests ne is returning with a new lecture. "The Ad vantage of a nandicap." Dr. Boyl has become one of the strongest Inspira tional lecturers on the platform. lie Mr. and Mrs. Eichhorn. community sing and this has been re peated in practically every large city of the country. Mr. and Mrs. Eichhorn hare been pioneers In the "community sing Idea" and are among the best-known lenders of public singing In the country. Their appearance at Chautauqua on the fifth day will be one of the Joyous events of the week. "WORLDS IN THE MAKING" Doctor Carpenter Presents Lecture of Absorbing Interest at Chautauqua. Dr. A. D. Carpenter, scientist and astronomer; interprets the marvels of science In terms of the popular mind. And he does It without putting a "dry" minute in his lecture. He makes the wonders of the universe an absorbing subject, telling his audiences Just what they have always wanted to know but Dr. Elliott A. Boyl. Is not only a splendid orator, but a deep thinker, a close and logical rea soner and has a mind stored with per tinent facts. Teople are thinking and talking about his lecture for months and years after he has gone. MOTHER GOOSE AT CHAUTAUQUA Wants to Meet All the Children en the Last Day. Dear old Mother Goose Is coming on the last day of Chautauqua. She Is bringing with her all the pretty cos tumes of her kingdom and Is going to make the last day and night at Chau tauqua the very happiest one of the week for all the boys and girls. She 1 ! wt' f Dr. A. D. Carpenter. ; Your Inspection Invited y:uhn:Bwtheii9 Inc Merchandise of Merit :: Condon, Oregon have but vaguely understood. To Illus trate his lecture, "Worlds In the Muk ing," he uses a Mat lick Tellurian ma chine, a revolving miniature of the universe. Mother Goose. will have charge of the big Mother Goose Festival nt night, when Little Bo Peep, Jack Horner, Jack and Jill and all the other children of Mother Goose will gather for a frolic. FOR SALE, CHEAP: One Mitchell wagon. 3i inch with wheat bed: Two header beds; One McCormick header One cook car; All in good condi tion; Also ten heid of horses If interested, address H Cctoke, 604 Dekum Bldg., Port land, Oregon, for particulars. Wese the besr made. V 3 )-A x BUYING A GAS ENGINE FOR YOVR FARM IS JVST IN. VESTING A LITTLE MONEY IN YOVR PLACE THAT WILL BRING BIG;RETVRNS. YOU CAN RUN ALL THE MACH INERY ON YOUR PLACE. DO THE FAMILY WASHING. SAVE TIME AND SAVE LABOR .. AND YOU KNOW THAT LABOR IS COSTLY AND UNCERTAIN. WE WANT TO SHOW YOU AND TELL YOU ABOUT OUR OAS EN GINES. COME IN. USE OUR HARDWARE! IT STANDS HARD WEAR. A. S. HOLLEN & SONS Hardware and Implements Condon, Oregon Helping Farmers With Their Grain The Federal Reserve Banking Sys tem enables us to offer special facilities for carry grain in elevator. The vast funds of the Federal Re serve Banking System are available only for legitimate farming and busi ness needs, and in some respects farm ers' paper is given preference over merchants' paper. If you are not already one of our depositors drop in and let us tell you about this system. MEMBER. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM First National Bank . . . j . mmm s S The fine Percherori 'stallion, No. 97761, will stand the season, of 1918 at the Shaffer farm south of Condon COPY STALLION REGISTRATION BOARD-STATE OF 0REC0N LkMM Ctrtilicil UREBRED Sullka II. 20C2 Dated t CorvaJUi. Onvoa, March 10. 1910. The pcdltree of the 1111100. Smpton No. WKl. regtitered In the studkoolc of Percheroa Society of America. Owned by Shaffer Brother. Conifcn. Gilliam Co., Orea-on. Bred by 1. B. Stump, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon. Described a follow: , Black; ttar; little whit on lft hind foot. Pedigree: Tafia S4D11' (61634) by Amllcar (MOTS) and Bijou (48220). and Hallpott 61003 (70731) by Plcoteur 11. (68629) and Telol t (4009). Breed. Percheron; foaled In the year May 80, J91S, haabeen examined by the Bullion RecUtratlon Board of Oregon, and It I hereby certified that the aald atallloa I of PURE BREEDING la registered In the studbook that Ii recosnlted by the aatoclatlons named la Section nine of an Act of the. Legislative Auembly of the But of Oregon presiding for the liceniing of tallions, etc., filed in tile office of the Secretary of Bute, February 23. 1911, and that the above named aulllea Aa been examined by Pt. R. O. McAlliver. veterinarian appointed by the Stallion Re titration end la hereby reported free from Infectlou. conuurloui or tranmljibl dlwaWc or unaoundneM and l hereby Ucenead to atand for public aervlce In the Sure of Or gon. . DALE E. RICHARDS. -Secretfary.SUllion Regiatratloa Board. ' Note.Thia licotiae murt be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of true county In which stallion la to be used for public service, and must be renewed January. 1, 1919. SEAL Reissued with change of ownership Feb. 26. 1917. For terms and other particulars see or address ADOLPH SHAFFER Condon . . p Oregon - 1 '