8 P E O I A L O HAUTAUQU At D I T I O N Speak (or your ticket now. It start two wccki from tomorrow Get your War Stamps V'n- ' before Jane Zstb and put Gilliam orer before Jane 28th ' V . VOLUME 9 CONDON, OREGON, JUNE U. 1918 NUMBEK 134 finite A) : DOCTOR YAMAMOTO AT CHAUTAUQUA Noted Japan Scholar, Author ana Lecturer on Japan-Amr loan Rotation. Dr. Tomanioto woo educated la tho universities of both Japan and tho United States, hoi wrtttta several au thoritative book on tho relations of tho two countries, and I perhaps bet tor fitted than any other road on tho platform to bring thla vital subject to American audiences. Few subjects are mor Important la tho public mind at tho present time than tho ono concerning our relations Chautauqua Audiences to Hear New York City ; Marine Band Or, Mlnosaku Toshl Yamamoto. with Japan. And perhnps few subjects aro leas understood. It will bo a pleas uro at Chautauqua to hear Dr. Minn saku Touhl Yamamoto, Japanese schol ar, author and lecturer, discuss thess problems from an Impartial stand point i 1 ' .rv -A:'. ' i VV 11' .,f,,u - , ; - - tLL CHARMING ENTERTAINER""" " AT CHAUTAUQUA Elsie Mao Gordon Cxools In Child lm personations. Probably no reader baa aromed mors genulno enthusiasm or glrea deeper enjoyment than Elsie Ma Gor don with her appealing charm, rare artistry and versatility. Gifted with a voice of wonderful range, rich Qual ity and a dramatic Instinct that makes her characters fairly live before her . Two years ago the New York City Miirlno Band made a tour of the West and were enthusiastically received by the music loving audiences In the larger dtles. Their engngcmeiit for u second Wentrn trip for 1018 over the Chautauqua circuit Is a notable one. This Is the same band which for sev-, oral seasons past has been In such dt-mnud for conventions and big gatherings In the East and has achieved an unusual record for repeated engagementa at Palisades Psrk In New York. . ' ' Tho director, Mario Lo Zlto, Is one of America's foremost bond loaders, the oldest brother and most widely known of the famous Italian family of that name. Tho soloist with the band Is to be Mary Adi-I Ilnys, the New York coloratura soprano, who captivated Chautauqua audiences last year. Miss Hsys has been returned ss soloist on the exprexs request of town after town. She has a glorious voice that renders tho most difficult coloratura arias With easo, and a charming personality that Inxtantly wins every audience. Elslo Mao Gordon. audiences. Miss Gordon's program at Chautauqua will be one of tho most enjoyable events of the week. As a child impersonator she Is Inimitable her "kiddle" characters live knr in tho memory of every ono who hears mem. . : . Chautauqua to Present Apollos Famous Concert Company, Headed by Arthur Wells, Give Two Programs on the ' . Opening Day PHYSICAL CULTURE AUTH0RITY COM'MG Beatrice E. Heskett to Glvo Lecture During Chautauqua Week. . Beatrice E. Heskett, who lectures at Chautauqua on health and physical culture, 4s eminently .fitted to cover this subject In a practical and compre hensive manner. A graduate of Wel- I lesly, Instructor In Physical Culture at War Pictures Coming Remarkable Views Straight from the . Fighting Zone lin ... . z - ( iv : ) V ' rp- c vv 1 . ,JMr.-,lJ wxlh..- 1 J) ; . Hi There Is probnbly no better known musical organization lit the Lyceum or Chautauqua world than the Apollo Concert company. For a dor.en years this company, under the leadership of Arthur Wells, has been piling up a rec ord of successes in every sluto and territory of the Union. They are to open Chautauqua this year with two smash lug programs featuring the Apoltophone. n specially constructed Instrument, embracing the be.t qmilltles of the mniimbnphone nnd xylophone. Their program Is of Infinite variety, saxaphono quartets, banjo, trombone, viola and vocul solos, planologues, readings and cusemble numbers. Hawaiian Music at Chautauqua Moana Vierra Brings Singers and Players 0 A-v g J Miss Beatrice E. Heskett. the Physical Department of the Y. W. 0. A. in both Lincoln, Neh nnd Port land, Ore., she has now been drawn to the platform that she may reach a wider field. Her lecture on every-day health Is, above all, practical a sane and helpful message that every man, woman and child should hear. The most remarkable set of war pictures which the country affords will be shown at Chautauqua by Henry Warren. Poor, expert photographer and well-known lecturer. Mr. Poor's collection has been secured In two trips to the war cone and through his particularly fortunate position as head of tho Slide nnd Color Department of the great photographic firm of Underwood A t'nderwood. He is the first to see and select from the vast amount arriving each week from Europe.. ...... . His lecture has been voiced by Eastern papers as one of the most In formative and interesting of the platform. The views shown Include trench systems, Pershing and "our boys," liquid Are, gas Waves, Zeppelins, subma rines and how destroyed, shell exploding on R helms cathedral, methods of camouflage, tanks; in fact, wy new wonder of the-great war. JOYOUS MUSIC AT CHAUTAUQUA The pure music of tho Hawaiian Islands as It Is played and sung In the native huts of Hawaii will be featured In . two concerts at Chautauqua by Moana Vlorra'a Royal Hawaiian quartet. The unusual pqmilttrUy of Hawaiian music p tho past few yMMWihflsJd to the organization of many companies, but few of these; compare with the quartet brought to this country by Moana Vierra. This g!fted young lady Is a descendant of one of the oldest Hawaiian families, and is n favorite la both the social and luunlcal worlds of Honolulu.' . , 1 I j A flash of the most delightful vocal music a beautiful solo perhaps, or a pleasing duet or quartet followed by an equally delightful program of .Instrumental numbers violin, cello or piano solo,-Instrumental duets, quartets and ensemble numbers such Is tha program of the Schubert Berenaders, to be presented on tho lac day of the Chan auqua. Probably no other organisation of six young ladles combines In Itself as much artistic talent as does the Schubcv- Few. programs offer such originality, such a varied and ever-changing succession ot melody fcM enter- '. c,