Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, June 01, 1918, Annual Race Meet Edition, Image 1

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Number 6
Saturday, June 1, 1)18
5c on tie Street
dumber Who Have Not Paid
Lane County and some of the
other counties of the state are
publishing the names of those
who failed or refused contrib
ute to the Second lied Cross War
Fund. The committee in charge
in Gilliam county are going to
defer publising the names of the
delinquents in this cou.ity until
alt have been given enough time
to respond to the notices mailed
them. There ure approximately
one hundred and fifty in the Con
don District who have failed to
pay the amounts HHsessed against
'them, but Hubxcriptions are still
coming in, and the committee is
confident that there will be few,
if any who will fail or refuhe to
contribute their proportionate
.share to this fund. '
The amount so far subscribed
in this county amounts to a little
over $8500 for both funds and
the total quota is $11,900.
United I'm ,
London, June 1. It is admitted
here this morning that there is
no disguising the fact that the
.military situation is very serious.
There are two reasons for this
outlook. First, because the Ger
mans . have advanced twenty
eight miles in five days and,
'second, because thf Germans
Istill have a large number of fresh,
reserves ready for battle at any
moment. The situation will re
main anxious untill the Allies
Itnow where these reserves are
to be used.
At the same time it is pointed.
;out that the troop transport's for
tthe British and French reservas
fts working smoothly now and
Jthere are plenty of reserves to
check the Germans advance with
every hopo of holding the enemy
to little more progress.
Mr and -Mrs. Wv Pfyar.,aud
ft; '"Asa. 'tre in town Tor" the
(jftM Cm .
Washington, Jarre 1. As tn
other step in policy of militarist
training for American youths the
War Department has issued a
call for 21,674 able grammar
school graduates to qualify for
gtneral military service. These
will enter various , colleges on
June 15 for special military train
ing. Voluntary recruits accepted
j until June 7. Oregon'! quota
will be 309 and the state will be
oivided into two school districts,
Portland comprising one.
II Mud frm
Portland, Or., June 1. That
Oregon behoves what is worth
doing at all is worth doing well
and without loss of time, ia'shown
by the reports that are pouring
into the State Food Administra
tion headquarters here from ev
ery section of the state. V
"Every county" said Assistant
Federal Food Administrator W.
K. Newell today, '"seems to be
enthusiastically in the race for
first honors in getting on an ab
solutely wheatless basis. Dealers
and consumers in every Section
are eager to assist in every way
they can to save every possible
pound of wheat and to help
gather in the turned-back flour
for export overseas to the Allied
By J. C. Sturgill
County Food Administrator
Gilliam is working right along
with the other counties of the
state in getting Oregon on a
wheatless basis. All the dealers
have taken the matter up and
will carry out tneir part in good
shape We are required to go
on this wheatless basis until af
ter harvest. Under the working
plan 'the 'people will turn back
their flour to their dealer and re
ceive cash or credit at retail
rates. In turn the dealers will
turn back the flour thus gathered
and it will b liSdembled at one
point and shipped overseas.
Portland. Juue 1. The num
ber of men to be sent from Gil
liam county under the new draft
of June 24 will be nineteen. This
call is not affected by the Gram
mar Graduate draft.
UnlMil Praaa -
Louden. June l.HaiVs re
port thib morning contained the!
information that local fighting
on the Picardy front yesterday
resulted in all cases to the ad van
tageof the' British forces. The
only action here is artillerying
and raiding.
t Tench Front; June l.The
French are still' solidly holding
every 'bridgehead ' and passagej
across the Marne.' The result
is that the Germans have appar
ently abandoned the edge of the;
river and are concentrating on!
the plateau above the valley
where they are' noto" seeking to!
advance westward. ;
The lied Cross, w.UJ sell, at auc
tion tonight oil Main .'street in
front of Bock's, meat market and
Farr's store a saddle pony which
was given to the. Red Cross by
J. E. Downer.
Will Cooney's house on Trail
Fork was totally destroyed .by,
fire yesterday evening about fiver
o'clock. Most of the furnishings
downstairs were taken out but
everything on the upper floor was
burned. The fire sUrted from a
defective flue.
Mrs. M. J. Lynch of Gwendo
len bought a Mitchell Six club
roadster from Hollen s&omj this
weeky. This- is a .veryjficar
and will give Mrs. , Lynclj. good
?H'r-t , "''5,rfV"i f
See flollen & Sons for "Republic
and Silvertown cord tires. d6
Fail to Cross in Face of the.
French Forces
Paris, June 1. The Germans
have advanced the main thrust
of their present offensive to the
extent that they now occupy a
tront of thirteen miles on the
north bank of the Marne river
between Chateau Thierry and
Vernnel. At various points they
have mude repeated attempts to
force a crossing of the river but
each attack crumpled before
fierce French resistance, accord
ing to the French Communique
this morning. The FrancoErit
ish forces still bold Rheims in
the face of determined efforts to
drive them from their positions
there. Violent fighting contin
ued yesterday evening and all
last night oh the left flank. South
of Soissons the French counter
attacked and hurled the Germans
back on the Oise river, gaining
ground everywhere, recapturing
Chandeau and Viezy and taking
several hundred prisoners. Chan
deau and Viexy changed hands
several times in the fiercest of
fighting but the French hold both
places. Sharp fighting is contin
uing along the road from Dor
mans to Kheims. The situation
is unchanged, north and north
west of Rhims. ' In jthe Nevelly
region a: fierce battle is under
way but at all points here the
French have broken up the Ger
man attacks and maintained
their lines.
Every man in Gilliam county,
whether "a citizen or not, who
has reached the age of 21 years
since Registration Day on June 5
a year ago must -register ajt
Sheriff Lillie's offices next Wed
nesday or pay the penalty one
year in jail. Every man will be
given a registration certificate
and should have it with hun at
ail times Veady to' show ..oh
demand. Sickness or absence is
no excuse ' for 3 hot registering.
Registration hours are from 7
Mr. and-Mrar-E. H. Hartnwtn
were over from Fossil yesterday.