THE OONDOfl QLODC PACE 3 12 X P IS R T H 1 1 0 12 11 K P A 1 1 1 1 N O I have bouuht tha Condon ah ihop from K. 0. Car land kiwi ikiw have full eharg. I hava had lung eiperlensa la my work ami It I II guaranteed fl rat-clan. Tour (boas are worth moneyaave them CIIARLliS GRANT. Sammll Slirat , I I I i Condoo, Oregon tMtHmHWM ! W-A-T-E-R .. on the Farm U An Absolut Necessity. A Good Well on your Farm Increases Ita valut ten time the cost of the well. WE FURNISH IT Any thiol lo tfaa plumbing lis will receive our prompt attention. JAMIESOH & MARSHALL Sanitary Plumbers s" ' Condon, Oregon X tMtesse m Foaell, Phone 3 Condon, MSI Mayvllle, 8 I GONE LUMBER COMPANY Lone Rock, Oregon Manufacturers of all kinds of rough and dreeaad lumber tod mouldlnca I An up-to-date mill Newly Improved Good Grades Right Prices X X eeeeeeiMetteeeet CHAUTAUQUA TO BRING FINE LECTURERS HERE Condon folks will remember with a great deal of interest Dr. Hoy I and his creat lecture at the 1916 chautanqua. H will be here again thin year. And he is only on of the truly great lecturera the chautauqua is bringing to Condon. Some of the others who will be here are Henry War ren Poor, the noted illuatrated war lecturer; Mrs. A. C. Zehner, accredited Government represent ative; Minosoku T. Yamamoto, Japanese educator and diplomat; Dr. A. D. Carpenter, celebrated astromomer and lecturer; Arthur Walwyn Evttns, of the Lloyd George family, whose great lec ture "What America Means to Me" is a stirring patriotic appeal, and. Beatrice E. Heskett, with a splendid message on physical training. It will be a great week from the lecture standpoint And it will bo an interesting week for the children for "Mother Goose" is to be here to work with them. ' Mrs. II. A. Concannon re turned Sunday from Kansas City. Missouri, where she has been visiting for the past month. Mrs. 0. A. Miller went to Port land Saturday and will be met in that city by her husband who is stationed at American Lake, MWWm, i i, K I ?J , V" A P i -mm ' V.H t.,,n..ffit.v-"y. Running WaUr It Another Lattty-Ught . Concwni'.nce Better Light at Lower Cost Lalley-Light actually costs lets than poorer light. It costs lets because of the time it saves and the labor it saves. It coats less because it gives better light for after-night work. ' Because it makes the home more cheerful. Because its electric power runs the chum, and the separator, and the women can do other needful tasks. Because it enables you to have running water in house and bam. Consider Lalley-Light as an economy, and you will not be wrong as owners' testimonials show. Call for the book of these letters, and for a free demonstra tion. ; v fife Plant ia 27 inches' Ion, ii ti no. j m ' J4 Inch wlda, 21 Inch high A. B. R0DERT80N, LOOAL AGENT CONDON, OREGON aw t kilm-Am cm m I See That He Never Lacks a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Your fighting man will go to almost any lengths to get good tobacco. Many a man has paid $5 for less good tobacco than you "will smd him in a pouch of Real Gravely Chewing Plug. OnljrcosU you 10 cents. Gira any man a ehw of Real Grarely Plug, and ha wfll tall you mai m im ' ". Ordinary plus la fl aeonoroy. It eoit lata vraak to chaw Real Gravely, beeauia a amall chew Uit a long while. per of it lit a long wniie. .. . . ... t -r It VOtt IDOH F1i ( -., - nd add a lUUa to your tmoking tobacco. It will giro flavor improa your amoka. END YOL'R FRIEND IN THE II. S. SERVICE A rOlCU OF GRAVELY Bubn n areuml lire errr It ta tOe. pouchfc A Sc. will wt U tolobi hnd. in any Tninioi Cmp or S..port el the IJ SV. E owr" S Ump will t-6. lt to hi-. Vour j:.lJrfU lepe end We reu offk.Wdire.uoe. bew te 44teN Uk . B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO.. Danville. V. n . D L U mm J Clum mm IMA A U ao Itcal Grusxly viUoif fu hottHhn Stmt EateblUhad 183S ' 1 1 i 1 .,... OLD MILL IS TO HUM VrllEN NEW CROP COMES The Condon Milling Co. is re building the old mill on upper Main street and will have it ready for operation as soon as the new crop is harvested. The ex terior will be partly refiniahed and a coat of paint will cover.up all traces of thefire. The inter ior will be almost entirely renn iahed. The machinery all needs overhauling and fixing. The flour ground last year by this mill was as good as any ever brought to Condon and under the management of W. G. NeVill the same quality will be produced when the mill starts grinding hgain. E, J, Clough of Portland is iu Condon looking after his busibess nterests. - Franklin Hurlburt returned from Portland Saturday. He has been attending school there. D. B. Trimble is a new subscri ber on the Globe's list. H. H. Hendricks of Fossil was in Condon Sunday on his way home from a visit in Portland. Mike Foley went to Gwendolen yesterday. J. L Dill Is Injured BUS- this was He and J. E. Dill, Clem rancher. tained a . broken collarbone morning when the horse he riding fell and threw him. was chasing another horse was close up when the first horse fell and his saddle horse fell over the other horse. The first horse was killed but the saddle horse was uninjured. Dr. Wilhelm was called and reduced the fracture. Six race horses from Walla1 Walla arrived at the local track Sunday. Miss Georgia Smith of May- ville is visiting her friends in Condon this week. FOR 8ALE: 1917 model Deering harvester in first class - running order. Call or address J. Z. Weimar, Clem, Oregon. 8tf WOOD FOR SALE; J will bell 16-inch wood at my place in Lost Valley for $4 per cord. This wood is full 16 inches and will be sold only for cash. See J. J. Hetzler. - ltf FOR 8ALE: Water pipe, dump wagona gas oline engines, and other ma terial and equipment. WAR rn Construction Co. Seel A. B. Robertson or Sidney Smyth. 46tf LOST: Brown mare weight about 1800 pounds branded JB (connect ed) on left shoulder. Suitable reward for her recovery. A. B. Smith, Hotel Oregon, Condon. 6tf 8TRAYED: One grey mare, branded NH (connected) on right shoulder. Has roached mane. Suitable reward offered for information )eading,to her recovery. Notify Ned Howland, Olex, Oregon. 6tf FOR SALE: ' 6 good fresh milch cows from 3 to 6 years old. Apply Doc Brown, Condon. 8pdl2 Housekeeper Wanted: One capable of taking care of children, Wages $30 per month. Write or. see Mrs. Gross at Barker's Store. 6tf . FOR SALE: Purebred Barred 'Plymouth Rocks of quality aud . from heavy laying strains, eggs $2 1 per 15. Also Mammoth Bronze turkey eggs 20 cents each. E. H. Hartman, ' Fossil, Oregon. fV) SACK (l WHi dJmmtty m?J&r 1 iWf fr-V T J WHICH VILL IT BE Are you going to tack or bulk your grain? We can supyly you with sacks at 23 12 cents, , with a nine cent differential making your tack cost you about 8 12 cents net. : ... If you are going to bulk your grain, prepare now. We have a good supply of grain bin material on hand. ' Buy a thrift stamp today. ..ARLINGTON LUMBER CO.; Hot WaUr Beat in Every Room Hotel Fenton C A. Ftnton. Proprietor a a a . a - Clean Room Beat Maa's Home Cooking in Condon, Oregon . EH. WILBURN f WELL CONTRACTOR AND DRILLER ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - CONDON, OREGON , I WE ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE YOUR TIRE TROUBLES IN EVERY WAY IT WILL PAT TO HAVE IT VULCANIZED ' Send them In by Parcel Post or when in Arlington come in and see what we can do for your old tires. Arlington Vulcanizing Works ' Arlington, Oregon