THE CONDON GLOBE PAGE 2 CENT VALUES WE HANDLE NOTHING TO SELL AT' "HALF PRICE" The plain reason we are not offering our goods at half price U that every article you purchase at pur store is guaranteed to be 100 per cent value. We can sell only cheap articles at a cheap price. Houses that advertise goods at half their real value must, in the -, nature of things, make up the short . 11 ' age from other sales or misrepresent - the article sold. They "rob Peter to ' - -; ' pay Paul" and you are as apt to be . Peter as Paul. To avoid this chance 4 ? trade at the 100 per cent value store THE S. B. BARKER COMPANY ; The Quality Store Condon, Oregon Hava you paid up your Globe subscription? FEDERAL TRUCKS We have a carload of FEDERAL TRUCKS , . coming and we are anxious to quote our prices' to our Farmer Customers or anyone who is . interested in a way to haul their wheat to the , market in less than half the time it take3 to haul it with a team. - Trucks from 1 to 5 ton capacity. ,v We sell the United States Royal Cord Tires. - They meet every motor in need and price and are the "INDIVIDUALIZED TIRES " We handle Monogram and Valvoline Oil. Val voline Tractor Oil 65c per gallon f. o. b. Portland. We can do a lot for our customers. We even help them do away with profanity by filling their tires with the Universal Tire Filler , ' guaranteed for 100.000 miles. L. E. SHELLEY'S -GARAGE THE CONDON GLOBE H. A. Hartahorn, Editor Published Ercrr Friday by Th 61eb Publiabing Company. Entered aa aeeond claat mail mattet at tha poat office at Condon, Qregoa SaUcriptiaa rata: tlJI pm imn ; far 75 eaata. AdrartUU mm appllcatiaa. CONDON OREGON A GLOBE WANT AO WILL SELL IT FOR YOU ,r1l&gH: 'T ISA t PICNIC "'K2r.y - sr J fffTO BUY OUR PICNIC GOODS I .11 g f , Service to the Nation It ia said that there are tome in Con don wbo hare been preaching the go pel that the chautauqua thould not eome to Condon this year because of the war activities and the sacriiices tha people ( are making for that purpose. But if : anyone tries to tell you that, just re member that he is not well posted or one of the few who have been against the chautauqua from the beginning. The great central aim of the chau tauqua program this year ia service to the nation. First, by mobilisation of the public opinion which shall back up the government In the prosecution of the war. Second, br bringing a cheerful and brightening influence to relieve the tension of mind naturally caused by the seriousness of war time. Much depends on the way puolic opinion in the country ia stimulated and directed. A ceuntry of one mind is invincible and the chautauquas, reaching practically into every town and city, offer a manner of reaching the people and affecting a solidarity of opinion rivaled only by the press. Our Government recognizes this and is squarely behind the chautauqua. GET UP A PtCNIC. IT IS Gift AT FUN. THE CHILDREN WILL ENJOY IT MOST. BUT YOU WILL ALSO HAVE A GOOD ; TIME. ' . FILL YOUR PICNIC BASKET IN OUR STORE. WE HAVE " LOTS OF PREPARED THINGS READY FOR USE THAT ARE DE LICIOUS. YOU CAN THROW AWAY THE TINS AND JOIN IN THE FUN. IT COSTS LESS TO BUY OUR AREPARED .THINGS THAN IT DOES TO MAKE THEM YOURSELF. V GIVE US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. W. S. Farr's Cash Store Condon , :: Oregon MICKIE SAYS The president showed excellent judgment in selecting hia secre tary of war for who could be bet ter fitted to handle doughboys than a Baker. OLEX NEWS ' E. G. Grady ia working on the new elevator at Mikkala Mrs. Effie Martin visited rela tives in Portland a few days last week. C. E. Bolds arrived in Olex last week to attend to interests here. . A strawberry social will be given in Wade's Hall Saturday, June 8, for the benefit of the Home Guard Everyone invited. Miss Miriam Keeney will at tend business college in Portland this summer. Jas. Wilson ' of Waterman Bhipped a car of cattle to Port land Sunday. The North wert Sheep Co. shipped four cars of sheep from the local yards-Monday. They were consigned; to Iron Mountian, Montana. GRADUATING EXERCISES ! FRIDAY ARE ENJOYABLE The commencement exercises of St. Thomas Academy were held at the Liberty Theatre last Friday night before a large audi ence. The program consisted of songs, dances, recitations and instrumental selections. The address of welcome was given by Miss Frances Summers, the only graduate at this time. After the play, "Golden Hair," Father Wand presented the diploma and awards of merit The evening's eutertainment, which was con eluded by an address by Father O'Kourke of Heppner, was very enjoyable and reflects great credit on those responsible for its success Mr. and Mrs, F. B. Stevens motored to Heppner last week and brought back their niece, Mrs. Esther Turner and her little daughter, Pattie. Mrs. Turner, who has just completed a very successful term of school at Pilot Rock, will live on her homestead this summer. . W. A. Graham, brakeman on the local train, is enjoying a vacation this week. Miss Eunice Ebbert was. a passenger to Portland on Sun day's train. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Cottmlre will leave next week in their car for a tour through California. The Condon Milling Co. is building an 80,000 bushel eleva tor for the Farmers' Elevator Company at Mikkalo. Hollen & Sons sold W. B. Smith a Mitchill Six touring car last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sturgill and daughter, Margaret, re turned Saturday evening from a week's visit in Portland. New SPRING SUITINGS are now here. Guaranteed all wool and perfect fit and style. HHMaMllftaVIMfaMeWaMM Only First Class Work on Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing J. A. CONLEY Phone 48B ' CONDON :: :: OREGON Notice (or Publication 01S928 (14126 Department of tbe Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April 24th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that James S. Smith, of Condon, Oregon, who, on Oc tober 9th, 1914, made H. E. 0)3928 and December 19, 1914, made Additional Rntry, No. 014125, for Lots 1, 2, Sl-2 NE 1-4, N 1-2 SE 1-4, 8E 1-4SE 1-4, See 1, NE1-4NE1-4, Section 12, Townkhip 2, South, Range 19, East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to ettablUh claim to the . land above de scribed, before C. N. Lauerhrise. Clerk oi the Circuit Court, at Condon, Ore gon, on the 22nd day of June, 1918. Claimant names aa witnesses: J. S. Burres, of Condon, Oregon. William Underwood, of Condon, Oregon. A. B. Robertson, of Condon, Oregon. Earl 8mith4pf Condon, Oregon. t Frank Woodcock, Register. HELLO, SPRINGI AND YOU, TOO, READER! mmmmmmmmm mtmmmm mmmm mm mm Welcome to our pnrlors again, where ice cream and soft drihks are always to your liking! Every flavor and the best that can be made. Price? Well, that is the smull part of it. Tell your friends Jo meet you here,' the popular spot In town. You see most everybody here, anyway. Then, too, you can always get the best of candUa, fiuits and mixed nuts. JOHN" JACKSON Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner A GOOD PLACE TO EAT j G. P. Giles has re-opened the; Condon Restaurant on lower Main j street and ensures his patrons courteous treat rhent and good, clean food. Give him a trial. PROFESSIONAL DIREOTORY Let the Service Shop do your printing. It gives satisfaction. FOR 8ALE: Two milch cows. Fletcher, Condon. See 11. II. 9J12 NOTIOE: After Monday, May 20. all laundry parcels will be' CO. D. All laundry will be raised 20 per cent. 9tf O.K. SHOP 'UP-TO-DATE TONSORIAL -PARLORS Randall & Seale PROPRIETORS 1st Door N. First National Bank Chas. II. Horner ABSTRACTER Abstracts of Title to Gilliam County Lands Office in Court House NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will take up, adver tise and sell in the manner pro vided by chapter 71 of the Gen eral Laws of Oregon for 1909, ny and all llvestotK found run oing at large or being herded, on iny of our lands in Schott canyon, fason canyon "and Buck Hollow tnd on any of our lands in the vicinity of eaid canyons. S. B. Barker Barker & Cameron W. B. Cyrus J. M. Cameron. 31 A rir LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED 1 BLACKLEQ HI 11 i fresh, reliable I preferred br I Mtctt mit at. men, because) tney ; yrotett wlitrttther vueinw fan. ff m Wrfte toe booklet end tetrtmottlatl. llrQOW pftC ftCKIig PHIS. ll.UU S04m ike. UmMm rills. 14.00 Veeaar llctot, but Cutter's ttmplett vA etrongert. The guorrloritv of Cutter prodiKts it due to over 11 ymtn of epcclallrtng In Vaccinia AND ftHRUMH ONLY. lNUr OM CUTT'. 11 tlMtt 'laUfc ft order direct, , TM cut i UMrwy, vtnwty, tiiimi mi D. N. Mackay Attorney-at-Law CONDON, T. A. Weinke Lawyer Orric in Court HeuM CONDON, Of.ROON Drs. Miller & Wilhclm Physician & Surgeons Flrtl Nail Bank BuUdln CONDON, OJUCOON Dr. W. II. Reynolds Chlropracllo Narva Spaclallat II you r. ali-k mn4 h. rU4 v.rihli Im with bo rmulta try tliliupr.iilc ipln.l adjuainiMiia tltl i w.ll. rir.t Nat. Bank aide., Condon, Or, g. r. Cathay, M. D. A. Cath.r. M. O. Drs. Cathey Physicians & Surgeons !?.1,,?, "allunal Bank BulMln CUNUON. OlUCuO.f Dr. J. G. Turner Eyt 8pclallat Portland, Oregon Regular monthly vislta to Condon Watch papar for dataa L. L. Taylor, M. D. V. Veterinary Physician & Surgeon CON DON, ' OREGON Dr. R. W. Hanneman Dentist AU Wurk Guaranty Pbuna la Coiulun Natlaoal Rank BuHJli CONDON. ORKOON Dr. J. O. Kenyon Dentist First Nul l Bank BulUlnf CONDON. ' ORKOOW OREQON ATTENTION! I wish to close out my large wallpaper stock and will, until further notice, give 25 per cent discount on al sales. Nearly all my stock was ordered before the rise of paper stock Paper is still going up and this is the time to buy. W. A. Darling, 47tf Armory Hall Annex. County Treasurer's Notice All outstanding warrants drawn on the General Road Fund of Gilliam County, ' Oregon, up to nd including No. A 1091, will be paid upon presentation.. Inttr est ceasf s March 15, 1918. W. A. Graves, County Treasurer. City Treasurer's Notice All outstanding city warrants up to andincludingNo. 1310 Class "C'l will be paid upon presenta tion at my office. Interest cease May 20. 1918. Myrtle Ferguson, City Treasurer.