Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 31, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. 29
NO. 11
Next Wedntsday, June 5, has
been ofnciaUy designated aa Reg
. iHtration Day for all who have
attained the age of 21 years aince
the draft registration a tear ago.
On that day every 21 year old
roan In Gilliam county must ap
pour at the Sheriff's office in
Condon and register for military
service. The office will be open
from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. that day
and all must register or sufTer
the penalty and ignorance of the
fact that June 5 is the day and
the Sheriff's office the place will
not be accepted as an excuse.
The registration will be in charge
of the local board. James
O'Kiwrke haa registered already,
the first man under the new list
From Tussdsy's Daily .
Mra. Geo. Baumgartner went
to Portland today.
Mrs. C. II. Wilson and daugh
ter, Vivian, left this morning for
Elma, Iowa.
Mrs. Frank Woosley returned
last night from Seaside where
ahe went as a delegate to the Re
bekah convention held there last
Chus. Burroughs of Portland
is a business visitor in Condon.
George Cavan of Shaniko is in
Condon today.
Charles Anderson left for Bend
Mrs. C. A. Fenton went to
Portland today.
Bert Owens of Ajsx was a
Condon visitor yesterday.
Lester Wade mado a business
trip to Washington last week.
Mra Fopiano of Waterman
was in Condon Saturday.
County Agent Hawkins
Helps Farmers
Good evidence that the work
of the county agent is important
to Gilliam county is the fact that
last month Mr. Hawkins mixed
1040 quarts of squirrel poison.
He is able to sell this to the far
mersatlS cents a quart when
the usual price paid is about 40
cents. This alone is a saving of
$260. And many farmers are
fighting the squirrels who never
made much effect along those
lines before. . ,
The Pleasures of Life
They are of many kinds and derived from
many sources.
The greatest source of pleasure, and one
that is always commendable is Beauty.
And there is no object of Beauty that sur
passes appropriate
Our line is especially choice. You will experience
great pleasure in just seeing these splendid articles, and
greater still from possessing them.
South Main Street :: Condon, Oregon
Prom Tuesdsy'e Dally
OHn V. Reser and Miss Mary
Greiner were united in marriage
this morning at the Catholic
church! The ceremony, perform
ed by Father Wand, was wit
nessed by a large number of
home people, probably 100 being
present The bride is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. Greiner,
early settlers of this county, and
the bridegroom is a fine industri
ous young man who is engaged
in farming, renting the Harder
ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Reser left
on the train this morning for a
short honeymoon.
Gilliam county holds the record
for having the smallest list of
delinquent taxes in the state and
paid less for having the list pub
lished than any other county.
Prom Tuesday's Illy
Fire, fanned by a high wind,
wiped out a part of Heppner yes
terday. It fa almost impossible o
get any accurate information of
the disaster but it was reported
from Arlington this morning
that fifteen buildings had gone
up in smoke. These included a
garage. Miner's store, livery
barn, opera houae, phone office
and a number of residences.
Pat Farley and family were up
from Willows Saturday.
r ather O Kourke was over
from Heppner Friday and Satur
day to attend the commencement
exercises of St. Thomas Acad
C. W. Harris and family were
Arlington visitors Sunday.
Mrs. Dave Ccttmire and two
daughters came up from Port
land Saturday to attend the
Mrs. Virginia Wright, operator
at the local depot, went to Wasco
Tuesday for a few days' visit at
her home there.
II. J. Simmons of Fossil was in
Condon Sunday.
Cecil Cosptr, deputy internal
revenue collector, is in Condon
this week on business connected
with the collection of income
The Germans are a musical na
tion. We trust they will enjoy
Sousa's band when it plavs in
The music of chautauqua week
in Condon will range from (he
stirring martial airs played by
the New York City Marine Band
to the enchanting melodies of the
Hawaiian Islands. The Apollo
Concert Company will be here
the first day, the Royal Hawaiian
Quartet comes the second day
and the third day brings the
Metropolitan Artists directed by
Mary Welch, the well known
American soprano. The musical
feature of the week, wilt be the
big band on the fourth day with
Mary Adel Hayes, the coloratura
soprano who was here last year.
The fifth day will be a joyous one.
The Eichhorns, veteran leaders
of mass singing are coming to
put over the community singing.
Community singing is a force for
unity. The last day brings two
thoroughly enjoyable and inspir
ing programs by the Schubert
serenade, six girls of rare
charm and talent.
David Miller is a Condon visi
tor this week.
M. Fitzmaurice returned from
Portland Sunday.
Mrs. John Hetzler returned
from Portland Monday.
W. A. Darling, who represent
ed the local Odd Fellows at the
Grand Lodge meeting at Seaside
last week, returned Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank' MOnahan
and family of Heppner were in
Condon Friday and Saturday.
Hollen & Sons sold W. B. Smith
a Mitchell Six touring car last
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Slurgill
and daughter, Margaret, re
turned Saturday evening from ' a
week's visit in Portland.
Peter Monahan left Monday
morning for Baker. Oregon.
C. W. Morris of r'osail was a
Condon visitor Sundav.
J. W. Lillie returned Sunday
from Portland.
Mrs. J. W. Lillie. Mrs. Chas.
Lillie and Mrs. Elfie Campbell
visited in Arlington Sunday.
Father Butler of Hermiston
was in Condon Friday.
H. C. Nelson went to Arling
ton Saturday.
Strictly Fresh Fruits and
are" to be had at this store. We
endeavor to give our customers the
best that can be purchased in this
line. :: :: :: :;
Our stock of groceries is complete.
Cleanliness and satisfactory goods
are our objectives. :: ::
Men's Clothing;
Call and see our display of furnish
ings for the men. New effects . in
ties, shirts, sox, hats, caps, ets.
Corf Summit and Main
' Washington, May 28. The American
farmer If carrying on, though his tons
and hit boraea have gone to tha war by
regiments and by drovea.
Om hundrad thousand tractors are
cbugchugging away In tha fields, early
and lata, doing the work of at least
200,000 farm bands and 800,000 boraea.
Tha former haa pinned bis faith to
the tractor, and if he can win ever the
submarine with it this year, neither the
I. W. W. nor the Halthualan law ever
again can worry the food producer.
The tractor la solving the American
food production problem, the back-to-the-land
problem, and many other
things that Died to give the good Ameri
ean gray baira.
' Last summer not mora than 40,000
traetora were in uae on American farms,
and the gasoline plow horse waa looked
upon as an experiment. Now twelve
factories are running night and day to
aupply the demand for traetora, and
the railroad administration la rushing
thaiaahda of traetora to the fields.
More than 200,000 of these, gasoline
laborers will be in uae by the end of
this year, officials of the department of
agriculture estimate. '
Frank Anderson, who has been
working at Kennewick, Wash.,
for some time, returned to Con
don Sunday evening.
WritUa by th Room Cautrntka CoounhtM
' Due to the fact that it requires seven
thiploada of food stuff each day to feed
our army in France and, bearing in
mind that this cannot be furnished un
less half our population abstain from
using wheat flour until after harvest.
it is the patriotic duty of every house
sif to use substitutes until that time.
During the last German offensive,
Franca waa obliged to put ber men on
half rations. This should appall us.
We do not want our boys to be forced
to such measures and the only way to
prevent la for us to spread the truth
and all of us join the forces of conser
vation. Tested recipes have been eent
to every community and aa the number
of leaflets is limited it la strongly urged
that every housewife cut out these re
ci pea from the paper and use them.
Bakeries, aa a necessity, must use a
precentage of white flour, -for raised
oread loses, its consistency and delicacy
without it, and bakeries must exist for
the succor Of congested districts where
bread cannot be made at home. So
housewives, who can dose, should make
use of hot bread and nothing else for
the next five months. The following
recipes has been tested by the committee
and is splendid.
Cornmeal and Barley Bread
1 cup cornmeal, 2 tablespoona sugar
(or sirup), I cup barley flour, S tea
spoons baking powder, 1 cup milk. 1
egg, 1 teaspoon . salt, 2 tableapoons
shortening. . Sift dry ingredients in
to a bowl; add milk, beaten egg and
mtlted ahortening. Stir well. Put
into greased pan, allow to stand in
warm place 20 to 25 minutes, and
bake in a moderate oven 40' to 45
Condon, Oregon
sm mmmmmtmmmmmmm
mm TMsiissw -ssssnii mm ;ism n
Harry Roland and Miss Addie
Hollen were united in marriage
Friday evening in North Yakima.
Both are popular young Condon
people, the bride being a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Hollen.
Mrs. Roland went oh to Portland
where she is visiting with Mrs.
W.E.Smith. Mr. Roland returned
to Condon yesterday. They are
not sure as to where they will
' Word comes from Portland that
R. ElSummers is recovering from
his recent operation and has re
turned to bis home from the hos
pital. Gilliam county has passed the
2O,000 mark in the sale of thrift
stamps, according to Postmaster
McMorris. Of this amount Con
don has sold over $12,000. This
means that Gilliam has raised
approximately one-fourth of her
quota which is $82,000.
Mrs. C. H. Horner, who has
been visiting relatives in the
Willamette valley for several
weeks, returned to Condon Sun
day. S. H. Silkworth, a traveling
salesman, bought a Mitchell Six
touring car from Hollen & Sons
last week.
C. N. Laughrigewentto Hepp
ner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harder of
MUton are visitors in Condon this
Miss Maud McMorris, niece of
J. A. McMorris, is here from
Mollala for a visit at the McMor
ris home in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith of
Arlington were over Sunday vis
iting at the Adolph Shaffer home
south of town.
The Condon Milling Co. is
building an 80,000 bushel eleva
tor for the Farmers' Elevator
Company at Mikkalo.
Dick Kichards, secretary of
the State Stallion Registration
Brd. was in Condon Mond:j
night- He visited the Parmrn
ranch and inspected the stallions
tiers He said the trillions he
found in Gilliam county were as
good as any in the state.
the news on pages 2 and 3 of
this issue of the Globe appeared
in Monday's Daily.
F. R. Brown, county agent of
Morrow county, was in Condon
over Sunday visiting J. C.
We invite you to compare our Ed. ' .V'.J
V. Price suit values with any in
town. .. .. :. ,.
We are not afraid of any compari
son you can give these offerings as
we know if you give them a rigid
test it will only bring out their
merits more clearly. .. ..
The spring samples and styles look
goodtous. They will to you. Come
and see. Open Sundays..............
, Lester Wade's
Exclusive Store for Men. Condon, Oregon
The meeting of the farm la-'
borers, which was held in the
courthouse Saturday night was
one of the best meetings of the
kind ever held in Gilliam county
and representatives from all
parts of the county were present.
The workers showed a real inter
est in the matter and showed a
willingness to get together with
the farmers and co operate in the
matter of wages as one means of
winning the war. It was decid
ed to send a committee to Pendle
ton to attend the farmers' meet
ing there next month and repre
sent the laborers of this county.
The committee waa selected as
follows: George Hardie. chair
man; Lee Shelman and J. J.
Chain Letters Disapproved
by the Treasury Department
Ute following:- -
Chain letters, which in the paat have '
been used to get food (or worthy pur
poses and for soma unworthy one, have
been started by soma enthusiastic work
ers (or the tale of war saving stamps.
The Treasury Department has official
ly disapproved their use, and the Nation
al War Savings Committee wishee the
public to understand that these letter
were not instigated by the national
Gves Shower for Miss Greiner
Mrs, B. A. Cathey entertained
at a miscellaneous shower Satur
day afternoon in honor, of Mss
Mary Greiner, who became the
bride of Olin V. Reser this morn
ing. A number of Miss Greiner'a
intimate friends were present and
a delightful afternoon was en-
joyed. The hostess served dainty
Mrs. C F. Cathey of Portland
is a guest at the B. A. Catbey
home thiw week.
Mrs. F. L. Miller of Eugene, a
sister of J. A. McMorris, is visit
ing here. Her daughter. Mrs.
G. E. Howe, of Clarkston, Wash
ington is also visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Cottmire
will leave next week in their car
for a tour through California. -
W. E. Smith shipped a car of
hogs and a car of cattle to Spo
kane Sunday. V
Get your chaatauqua tickets
Alex Hardie returned Sunday
evening from Portland where he
viaited his mother.