n mm ANNUAL RACE MEET EDITION CILUAM COUNTrS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Number 2 Monday, May 28, 1918 Sc ob lie Street As - GERMAN WEIGHT OF NUMBERS FORCE ALLIES , BACK SLIGHTLY AT SOME POINTS ALONG A1SNE nemy Pays for Ground Gained; Allied Reserves Are in Position; Uritish Are Stubbornly Holding landon. May 23. By using very superior forces the Germans are making a little advance in the drive starts! yesterday morn ing. They are still pressing their offensives on two fronts theAisne and n Flanders. After forcing their way. at great cost, across the Aisne it various points between Vailly and i lorry boe last night, the enemy wits attacking furiously alongthe entire Aisne front this morning. The French war office declared this- morning thai the British and French forces are greatly outnumbered on this front but reported that the reserves are arriving rapidly behind the Aisne plateau. On the Flanders front the fight ing today centered east of Dick enbusch Lake where the Frem h repulsed the Germans yesterday. .JUNES WILL REGISTER 55 MORE INTIIE COUNTY Next Wednesday, June 5, has been officially designated as Reg istration Day for all who have attained the age of 21 years since the draft registration a year ago. On that day every 21 year old" man in Gilliam county must ap pear at the Sheriff's office in Condon and register for military service. The office will be open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. that day and all must register or suffer the penalty and ignorance of the fact that June 5 is the day and the Sheriff's office the place will not be accepted as an excuse. The registration will be in charge of the local board. James Q'Rourke has registered already, the first man under the pew list. Mrs. F. L. Miller of Eugene, a sister of J. A. McMorris, is visit ing here. Her daughter, Mrs. G. E. Howe, of Clark9ton, Wash ington is also visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Cottmire will leave next week in their car for a tour through California. Haig says: "The enemy ex erted continuous pressure against j the British on Aisne front throughout yesterday and severe fighting still is continuing. On our right the Twenty first Divi sion. maintaining contact with the French, held its battle posi tion all dav. On the center and left, the Eighth, Fifteenth and Twenty-fifth Divisions, in de termined resistance, sustained the second line until a late hour." The French report says: "The Franco British forces are facing very superior forces but are drawing back progressively and making the enemy pay dearly for every foot of ground gained. The battle is still going on fur iously around Lovesla on the Aisne sector behind which the reserves are continually arriv ing." ' ANOTHER LARGE CALL United PtM Washington, May 28. It was learned here this afternoon that CrowdeV plans to call many more men to service immediately fol lowing the registration next Wednesday. RESER-GREINER Olin V. Reser and Miss Mary Greiner were united in marriage this morning at the Catholic church. The ceremony, perform ed by Father Wand, was wit nessed by a large number of home people, probably 100 being present The bride is a daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. A. Greiner, early settlers of this county, and the bridegroom is a fine industri ous young man who is engaged in far'niing, renting the -Harder ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Respr left on the train this morning for a short honeymoon. Gilliam county holds the record for having the smallest Jiat of delinquent taxes in the state and paid less for having the list pub lished than any other county. ALLIES RETAKE YPRES GROUND UotUd Prwa At the British Front, May 23. British and French troops are counter attacking southwest of Ypres and furious fighting is still under way. When this report was cabled the Franco-British troops had already retaken prac tically all of the ground won at heavy cost by the Germans ya terday. BAD FIRE AT HEPPNER Fire, fanned by a high wind, wiped out a part of Heppner yes terday. It is almost impossible to get any accurate information of the disaster but it was reported from Arlington this morning that fifteen buildings bad gone up in smoke. -These included' a garage, Miner'a store, livery barn, opera house, phone office and a number of residences. - MUCH INTEREST SHOWN AT WORKERS' MEETING The meeting of the farm la borers which was held , in the courthousw Saturday night was one of the best meetings of the kind ever-held in Gilliam county and representatives from all parts of the county were present. The workers showed a real inter est in the matter and showed a willingness to get together with the farmers and co operate in the matter of wages as one means of winning the war. It was decid ed to send a committee to Pendle ton to attend the farmers' meet ing there next month and repre sent the laborer? of this county. The committee was selected 'as follows: George Hardie. chair man; Lee Shelman and J. J. Hetzler. Mrs. C. H. Wilson and daugh ter, Vivian, left this morning for Elma, Iowa. The Home Guard at Fossil will observe Memorial Day in fitting Style. T. A. Weinke ot this city will deliver the patriotic address. The races start tomorrow. AMERICANS GIVE' HUNS A TASTE (JoiUd PrM Washington, May 28. A cable just received from Gen. Pershing states that American troops bava occupied German trenches in the Picardy sector after inflicting heavy losses on the ei.emy. This followed an attempt of the Ger-. mans to enter the American fines at which time they were com pletely expelled. Although Amer icans are there in sufficient num bers to constitute a formidable reserve it is believed they are being held back until the crisis becomes more acute. Word comes from Portland that R E.Summers is recovering from his recent operation and has re turned to his home from the hos pital. . - . , ALL MUST SAVE WHEAT Writtc br Of Home CocuervMiaa Committer Due to the fact that it requires seven shiploads of food stuff each day to feed , our army In France and. bearing; in mind that this cannot be furnished un fess half our population abstain from using wheat flour until after harvest. it is the patriotic duty of every house wife to use substitutes until that time. During the last German offensive, France was obliged to put her men .on half rations. This should appall us. We do not want our boys to be forced to such measures and the only way to prevent is for ua to 'spread the truth and all of us join tha forces of conser vation. Tested recipes have been sent to everv community and as the number of leaflets is limited it is strong-ly urged that every housewife cut out these re cipes from the paper una" use them. Bakeriesas a Deccei-aity, Tnust use a precentage of white flo'ir, for raised oread loses iU consistency and delicacy without it, and bakeries taust esist for he succor of congested districts where bread cannot be made at home. So housewives, who can do so, should make usof'h'oVTbread' aniT no"t)ung else 'for the next five months. The following recipes has been tested by , tie committee and is splendid. Cornmeal and Barley Bread 1 eup cornmeal, 5 tablespoons sugar (or sirup), I cup barley flour, 6 tea spoons baking powder, 1 cup milk. li egg. 1 teaspoon salt, 2 UbltspooM shortening. Sift dry ingredients in- 6 " to a bowl; add milk, beaten egg and 3 melted shortening. Stir well. Put into greased pan, allow to stand in warm' place 20 to 25 minutes, and bake in a moderate oven 40 to 45 minutes.