Withy combe 'and Pierce Ahead for Governor; Hie v. , , C Returns Give McNary Big Lead Over StanMd GILLIAM C0UNTTS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER m 0 Stewart a til Wrlzht Ssem to Have Nomination Cinched for Representative and Schroeder Wins Over Hull for Clerk; Vote Is Very Light in Gilliam SATURDAY MORNINC Tht VOt p't'lt'd in Gilliam county in yes lenity's primary election wss Iho lighten ever cast in the county. The percentage of the local vo:e to the registration may be erlmoted at 40 percent, prob ably Ihb, cert.ii.ly not much more. One precinct did not open the polls at all. This wan Ferry Canyon and there was nobody there to vote although a. number Conservation Program Is Adopted by Women I'rogram of Work Adopt! by tht Home Kconomlcs Commute of all ium County Agricultural Council ,at ilia 'County Organisation Meeting In Condon. May 4. 1911: , . Conatrvatlon I. Food A. Production - 1. Oarden i . 1. Poultry B. Preservation 1. Drying 2. Canning S. Storage C. Selection D. Uia of tba Substitute II. Health A. Sanitation II. Perional Hygiene C. Flrat Aid 0. Child Feeding R. Elimination of Peat III. Clothing A. Selection t). Repair and Renovation The work In each community la In charge of the repraaentatlva who will distribute the literature, bulletlna, and (thrr material which will be sent bar for that purpoao by the Extension Service of the Oregon Agricultural College. The method of carrying out the work wll vary In each community but It la urged that exlatlng agenclea. auch aa Clubs, Orange, School. Church OrganUatlon. Newspapeis.be utlllted to the fulleat extent Basket Social at Olex Secures Goodly Sum Tho basket social and dance at Olex last Saturday was attended by large crowd. The amount raised waa $190, Half of this sum went to the Red Croaa and the rest for the benefit of the Olex Home Guard. T. C. Mubley made a trip to Condon Monday. W. J. Keeney and wife, accompanied by daughter, Miriam, and Miss Edith Gray, motored la their new Paige car to lone and Heppner last Sunday. They saw aomo very good grain in both Gil lam and Morrow counties. Miaa Miriam Keeney closed her echool in Olex lost Friday. They celebrated the day with a picnic and fishing on Rock Croek. Jack Hurt went to Condon Monday. Max Aahenfelter made a trip to Arlington the flrat of the week. Jack De Spain waa a Condon visitor Monday. A. E. Rivers of lone was a business visitor in Olex this week. A number of young people from her attended the dance at lone Wednesday and all report a good time. Mrs. Ross Kennedy of Pendle ton is a visitor in Condon this week. Miss Ariel McQueen left for Portland today. She will apend the summer at her home therei Mr. W. E. Smith ia up from Port land thia week. Mr. and Mr9. E. Garrett have moved from their ranch at Ten Mile to Olex. Don't miss the parcel poat social at the Congregational church on next Wednesday evening. Ray Scott was over from the 0. K. ranch at Waterman this week. 1 Miss Daisy- Mulkey left this mornihg for her home in Wood burn. Sfc, Wm. Head of Arlingt6n was a business visitor in Condon Wed nesday. S. B. Couture returned from Portland Wednesday. Miss Elma.Ohling returned to her home in Albany yesterday. of the voters of that precinct did come to Condon later and were sworn in at Southwest Condon precinct. The returns from over the state, as far a sent in. show that Withy com be has received the nomination for governor with Simpson second and Olcott third. I This is ihe order in which they , ctrWed this county, according to available information. McNary' Condon High Sends Forth Excellent Class The graduation oxercises of the floss of 1918 of the Condon High School were brought to a succesaful conclusion last night when the Commmsement program waa given at the Congrega tional church. Thia was the largest class to finish here for several year and the personnel of it is as follows: Mary O'Rourke. Berth Haley, ilora Anderson, Nell Goodwin. Helen Sum mers, Ma Campbell. Vivien Austin, Lola Keitur. Delia Guild, Hazel Wil liams, Ani.ie O'Rourke, Inez McCaulley, Merville Moore. Wednesday waa Class Day and a breakfast for the member at the John lies home atarted th day's program. In the afternoon the Rink wo chosen for the staging of the claaa play, reading of the prophecy and will and the crowning of Miss Annie O'Rourke as May Queen. In the even ing a dinner and dance at the Summit was enjoyed by th faculty, the clan i and a number of invited guesta. Last night's program waa one of the best aver given by a graduating class from j the local high school. The first num ber was a quartette by the Miasea Helen Summers, Rose Anderson. Nell Goodwin and Cora Anderson. This re ceived hearty applause. Mias Cora Anderson gave the salutatory and her treatise on the Americsn Red Cross was very interesting Merville Moore waa next with an oration on "Joan of Arc," and he discussed his subject in an able manner. "Russia" wax the topic which Mias Vivien Austin chose for her thesis and she handled it in a creditable way. Miss Nell Goodwin, as valedictorian, delivered a splendid ora tion on "Shall Wa Open Our Door to Russia?" Following this Miss Helen Summer sang a pleasing aolo. Prof. Richards of Willamette University ad dressed the clans, taking for his chief mougtii, "Service. He was a con vincing speaker and was enjoyed by all. The diplomas were then presented by Supt. Sturgill after which Prof. Ham ma'ck awarded a scholarship to Helen Summers with Mary O'Rourke as al ternate and one to Mae Campbell with Vivien Austin as alternate. Have a free chicken dini.er Sunday. Tomorrow night, Sat urday, which is Gold Rooster night at the Liberty Theatre, Mrl Sparks will give to each person attending a big red rooster It's a fine picture too. Horace L. Cooper, one of Gil liam county's boyw in Uncle Sam's service, is stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, r.ow and has written to have his Globe chang ed to that address. Miss Daisy Leonard, who has had charge of the commercial department of the local high school, left this afternoon for an extended visit in the East. James Shell, who has been in training at Camp Lewis for sev eral months, is visiting his wife and other relatives in Condon this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Anderson of Monument are Condon visitors this week. A son was born Monday, May to Mr. and Mrs. ('laud Clark of this city. Dr. Wllhelm attended. Pat Campbell and bride re turned from New York the first of the week. Byron Kinsley is a new sub scriber on the Globe's list. FOR SALE: Two milch cows. Fletcher, Condon. See H. H. 9dl2 NOTIOEi After Monday, May 20, all laundry parcels will be C.O.D. All laundry will, be raised 20 per cent 9tf will get the nomination for tea ator over Stanfleld by two to one is the word from Portland. McNary beat Stanfleld in this county. On the democratic tick et Pierce has the nomination for governor aud West for senator. Stewart of Fossil and Wright of Moro are ahead on all returns in this district for representatives. Schroedtr received the nomina tion for county clerk over Hull. June 15th Is Gilliam County Day at Moro Everyone is urged to plant as many potatoes as possible for the price in 1919 will be high. Farmers should rush their sum merfallow and follow closely with the harrow. Remember June 15th is to be Gilliam County Day at the Ex periment Station and plan to spend the day there. It will be profitable and pleasant. The County Agent still has plenty of squirrel poison. Farmers who want the Farm Account Books ottered by the County Agent must get them this month. Sacks are 31 cents now and the farmers who haven't bought should make arrangement at once for graneries to hold their grain. Death Claims Young Girl; Buried Today Flora, the young daughter of Mr. and Mr. W. B. Maley.died Wednesday afternoon at th family home. She wa strlcksn suddenly with convulsion and before a doctor could reach her sha had passed away. Flora Waa an un usually bright and lovable child and the sincere sympathy of the entire com munity is extended to these parents in their hour of sorrow." The funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. Weidman in the Grange Hall at Alvillethi after noon at 2:30 and th remain were laid to rest in the Alville cemetery. The office and kitchen of the Summit Hotel have been painted and renovated for the summer and present a very attractive appearance. Mrs. T. G. Johnson returned Sunday evening from Seattle where she attended the Red Cross convention held there last week. A daughter waa born Thursday, May 16, to Mr. and Mr. J as. Shell. Dr. Miller wa the attending physician. Buy isxparv.el poat package at the Congregational church social next Wednesday evening. Mrs. Jessie D, McComb, assis tant state leader for the Home Demonstration Work in Oregon, is in Gilliam county helping along with the work that was outlined for the women May ; 4. Her work is very effective and she is getting splendid co-operation from the ladies in this county. Adolph Shaffer 'is a new sub scriber on the Globe's list' Miss Helen Summers visited in Heppner Saturday. Condensed Report of the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Condon, Oregon at the close of business, May 10th, 1918. (Comptroller's Call) RESOURCES Loans and Discounts I $608,677.68 United States Bonds and Liberty Bond 23,260.00 Stocks, Wai rants and Securities - 88.343. 82 Furniture and Fixtures...... ........... 1 3,106.00 Cash on Hand and In Banks..,.. 111,074.40 "$779,460.80 LIABILITIES Capital Stocks ...1 $50,000.00 Surplus .........i J 25.609.48 Circulation .i 12.610.00 Re-Discounta and Bills Payable with Federal Reserve Bank.. 74,950.00 DEPOSITS .J..; 616,891.32 : "$779,460.80 '" " t ' i ' ""I ' Velam 29 CAR LOOPS THE LOOP BUT OCCUPANTS NOT SERIOUSLY INJURED County Agent J. C. Hawkins and Mrs. Jessie D. McComb nar rowly escaped serious injury Wednesday afternoon when the Ford car in which they were rid ing turned over. They were on their way to Olex to attend an agricultural meeting and Mr. Hawkins was losing no time when they ran into the sand just below the Clem school house. The sand was damp and the car skid ded, the right front wheel smash ed and the car turned over twice. Mr. Hawkins and Mrs. McComb turned over with the car the first time and. were left in the road with the cushions, oil cans and everything else the car contained. They were both bruised consid erably ana Mrs. McComb's arm was sprained but neither sustain ed any serious injury. They walked across to the railroad and came back on the train. Parcel Post Social to be Interesting Event Next Wednesday night the 'Congre gational church will be the scene of a parcel pott social and everybody i cor dially Invited to attend and have a good tune. Everyone who comes Is expect ed to urine; a parcel poet package worth at least 85 cent and the children are supposed to bring packages worth 16 cents. Those who bring no packages will pay an admission at the door. The 26 cent packages will be auctioned and the children' package will be put in to a fish pond. An ice cream booth will be another feature and a number of good games have been planned. One or two other specialties may be intro duced. There will be lota of fun for everybody and the money raised will be in a good cause for the organ fund. Farm Laborers Will Discuss the Situation Another meeting to discuss the wage scale for farm labor will be held in the courthouse Saturday night. May 25, at 8 o'clock. Thia meeting ia called by County Agent J. O. Hawkina for the purpose of giving the farm workers the opportunity of having representa tion in the fixing of a scale of wages for farm labor in eastern Oregon. All farm laborers are urged to be present to discuss this matter and a committee will be selected to attend the meeting next month in Pendleton at which time committees of farmers from all parts of eastern Oregon will gather to decide upon a scale of wages. Lewis, the ll-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Couture of Ferry Canyon, died in Port land last Friday rooming. The remains were brought to Condon and interment made in the local Catholic cemetery guaday. Mr. and Mrs. Couture have the sym pathy of their many friends in their bereavement Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Wicker left Monday for Portland to make their home there. Their son, Paul, is working there in the wholesale house of Lang & Co. Ceadoa, Oregon, May 17, 1918 Lieut Kocker Grabs Big Booze Shipment A letter from Lieutenant Kocker contains the following: "Al though we still need 15 men, the Eastern Oregon company is rounding into shape and we ex pect to leave here about June 1st We captured 280 quarts of booze last night from the man who is supposed to furnish the Condon district . I don't think he will send any more over for a while. The company is doing good work here and we expect to do good work in eastern Oregon when we get there." Gilliam Boy Writes of California Earthquake A letter from Orfa R. Andrews of Blaiock describes the recent earthquake in southern California. He is in the U. S. Navy and wa stationed at San Diego. He says In part: "Just a line to say that I waa in a real earthquake yesterday. It was no joke a'nd people fainted by the score. I was standing on the hugtat plaza when everything began to move. Ray turned to me and said: "What is the matter, are you rocking the boat?" We couldn't real ize what was happeniag. I thought 1 was nutty, for the buildings began swaying, cement walks raised up and cracked open and everybody waa run ning. We stood and watched things fall and straighten up again. We could see 75 outlets from buildings and the way people poured out made me think of when we untd to go rabbit shooting in Gilliam county, rabbits scooting from every bush, sometimes twenty at a time. From every arch the people came running a if Satan himself, were after them, their hands high above their heads and many screaming but all running. I have recently taken the final examination and been promoted and it took hard work. I studied all the time I was in the hospital, 36 days, and I could see dots and dashes roll up in a ball bigger than the hospital. Ray coached me every night. He sailed for France and we may only hope he gets back but if not the principles he or any man gives his life for will live forever. Those who are single and can fight and are too much of cowards to enlist won't make a very brave nation for the future. I waa second in a class of 150 and only 60 passed. Fred Harford was sent to Florida with a flying corps. Talk of dust in Gilliam you have very little and nothing at all like Mexico. My next letter may be mailed far from here. We can't tell." Mr. Andrews is a. wireless operator in the navy. He atill says that Gilliam county beats all of Mexico or lower California. The Farmers' Union . will' .hold an important business meeting Saturday, May 25, in Condon and every member is expected to at tend. Dinner will be served by the ladies, The Union has order ed 600 cords of 16 inch pine and fir wood which will be here be fore August The government has asked us to order fuel early so let us have your order and we will fill them as the cars arrive. The Union expects to handle fruit this season. . CR. Peiigh Dr. Turner, eye specialist of Portland, will be in Condon again Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 80 and 31 and June 1 at the Summit Hotel. Don't forget' to consult him about your eyes arid glasses -9dl0 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kelsay of Fossil were Condon visitors Sunday. '' '" Mrs. Fred Anderson left Sun day for Mitchell. WILL IT BE SACK OR BULK? Are you going to sack or bulk your grain? We can supply you fith sacks at 30 cents ,with a 9 cent differential, making your sack cost about 10 cents. If you are going to bulk your grain, prepare now, We have a good supply of grain bin material on hand. Buy a thrift stamp to day. Arlington Lumber Co. Nnasber 9 t MANY FAST HORSES WILL BE AT RACES; ENTRIES ARE FILLED The race meet is only a little over a week away and prospects for an unusually good meeting grow better each day. There are 28 head of bones at the track now and 100 are expected by the opening day, Wedresday, May 29. The harness races are all filled and the entries are good. There is a strong rivalry existing between some, of the harness horses and -the people will see some real horse racing at this meet, Some of the fast horres of the Pacific Coast are here and others are coming. The track is in the best condition it has ever been. Eph Wilson Writes Letter from France Eph Wilson writes from "Some where in France" and his letter is in part as follows: "I'm get ting so many .letters lately that I cannot get them answered as soon as I would like to. I'm out on a Brassy hillside ttbout five minutes from camp and it is aa ideal place to write letters. There is a magpie sitting in a tree just a little distance away chattering with all its might. I guess it is spieling me a little French for I don't understand it That's just how the French language sounds tome. Even the crows in this country make a different noise than they da in America. This is a beautiful day here and makes me halfway homesick.- Clarence writes that there is no place like Alberta but I have the same idea of Oregon so he need not write me any of that old stuff. I guess that I had better finish this letter for there are about a hun dred kids around me asking for souvenirs. All that I can write is that I'm well and doing fine. We can't tell where we are nor what we are doing." Fourteen More Will Go Last of Month Fourteen more Gilliam county men will be called to their coun. G?y'a service on May 29 or a few qays later and they will all report at Fort McDowell in -San Francisco.- This is the report just received by Sheriff Lillie, chair man of the Local Board. Mr. Lillie also received word that the last quota of men who went from this county have all been ac cepted. Mr. and Mrs. John Htss and children returned from their va cation Wednesday. The latter has been visiting in Cnliforuia for a month while Mr. Hess has been spending the past two weeks in Portland. ; Mrs. -'Kate Russell and Mrs. J. C Cooney returned from Port land the first of the week. They were called to Portland last week by ithe serious illness of their brother. R. E. Summers. Mrs. Catherine Lindsey of La Grartde arrived iu Condon Friday evening; for a few weeks' visit at the -home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. M. O. Clarke. Mrs. Victor . Marden of The Dalles is visiting. her daughter. Miss Amelia Steeves, in Condon . this week. . A J L . T'" ' 1 . n uaukiuu nu uuiu iu air.. and Mrs. Will McFurlane Sunday morning, May 5. R. R, Butler was up from The Dalles the first of the week. Mr. Crees of Olex was in Con- don Wednesday.. ; : V