THE CONDON GLOBE PAGE S Designated U. 8. Depositary for Portal Saving Deposits In Ctndoa Member Federal Reserve Bank A MAN and HIS BANK A civ eking account is a moJ. rn necessity lo every man wht desires to handle Jiis affairs in a business like ard methodical manrer. It is a great convergence to women. ' " I affords jtu the greatest element of pafet aid is always an exact check on your expenditures. This bank invites you to open an account. Make it YOUR BANK. Condon National Bank CEO. B. DUKEK. Pres. A. GREINER. Vice Pres. . CRAWFORD. Csshier E. J. CLOUGH L. W. DECKER. Asm. Cuhlcr WM.WEHRLI The &&gJLL Store International Stock Food Now is the season of the year to use Inter national Stock Tonic. Horses, hogs and chick ens especially need it. We hive a full supply. POISON SQUIRRELS use wuuuLAKJtv ruiauiN ana siKiunmiNti KRESO DIP No. 1 for all antiseptic purposes. Lime and sulphur and all sprays. GRAVES & GRAVES The Up-to-the-minute Druggists CONDON :: OREGON n QOO c Spring Showing eeeOf sees New and Up-to-date Dry Goods Ladies' Coats, Skirts, Waists Fancy Neckwear and Shoes We have just received a splendid line of silks, woolens and wash fabrics Your Inspection Invited Dunn Brothers, Inc. Merchandise of Merit Condon, Oregon HARRY LAUDER'S ADVICE j Harry Lauder la being serious these days. The tanioua Scotch comedian : la subordinating his comedy to the all-embracing demands of war. Along with , his work tor bla Injured Soldiers' fund and the Y. M. C. A., Lauder la maklaa j an earnest appeal to Americana to prepare tor the next Liberty Loan. OenenU ! subscription Is the theme of Lauder's message. Here Is what he says: Liberty Is the dearest word In any language. It la the thing the Oermans are fighting to take away. It la the one big thing we must fight to keep. What have yoa done to hejp win the war? What are you doing to preserve HberiyT Every Sunday 600.000 Germans la the United State sing sunn of pulling the trigger; they are talking of you of ths t'nlted Stales. What are you doing to do about them? Might now our answer must be BUT LIBERTY BONDS! We have given trat answer once, twice already. - But we must make it agate and again aa need la. We must turn our dollar Into sliver bullet. Tun is tbe way we ean become shareholders tn the Dank of Humanity Our irt la to provide the wherewithal, since we can t do what the boyi out there are doing. Back In France I saw battalion of young fighter marching along and chanting a song any old song right Into the mouth of death. They knew where tbey were going. They were fighting to save LIBERTY. And they are calling on you to help tbem, you back here. Our part Is eay compared with t.hlr but It Is OCR PART and It must be done. Put your money Into Ubert supports. Sign up as share holders In humanlty'a bank. OVER THE TOP By Arthur Cay Empejr. u Amerieu soldier From page 5 the hottest kind of fire, each time re turning with a wounded niHQ on his back. On the third trip he received a bullet through his left arm, but never reported the matter to the doctor until late that night Just spent hi time ad ministering to the want of the wound ed lying on stretcher. The chaplains of the British army are a fine, manly set of men, and an greatly respected by Tommy. To be continued next week An important meeting of Farm era' Union members will bo held the last Saturday in this month The purpose of the meeting is to elect members . for the Gilliam County Agricultural Council. Every member of the Union is expected to be present. C. R PEUGH. NOTICE Notite is hereby given that the undersigned will take up, adver tise and sell in the manner pro vided by chapter 71 of the Gen eral Lhws of Oregon for 1905), any and all livestotK. found run. ning at large: or being herded, on any of our lands in Schott canyon, Cason canyon and Buck Hollow and on any of our lands "in" the vicinity of said canyons. S. B. Barker 1 Barker & Cameron W. B. Cyrus J. M. Cameron. T. A. Weinke srjent Sundav in Spokane with his wife and daugh ter. H. C. Nelson has moved into he Shown house in northwest Condon. Miss Grace Brown spent Sat urday evening and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fro man west of Condon. William Jensen so d a Stude baker Six Tuesday to John Rich mond of Ferry Canyon. Dr. Turner, eye specialist of! Portland, will be in Condon again Wednesday and Thursday, May 1 and 2. In Fossil Tuesday, April 30.- Consult him. Dim't forget the date. 5d6 , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS I?aac Hosktn et ux to Walter E Seale. land, $10. L Freedman et al to Fred M Weatherford, land. $24.1 10. F D Potter to M E Weatherford 12) acre, $10. S B Barker et ux to Wm M Cooney, 160 acres, $10. Ole Osness et al to W K Crutches, 150 acrts, $10. Mabel Couey to F M Pliter. lots Condon, $150. Belford P Nois to G L Newell, land, t2500. AUCTION SALE I will sell the following at pub lie auction at Portwood'a barn on Saturday, May 4, at 11 o'clock A. M. : Two mares, 5 years old; one mare, 7 years old; one mare 4 years old, and two yearlings: collars and halters; also one 312 Studebaker wagon. Terms of sale: Cash in hand or will take 50 per cent in Liberty Bonds. Remember the daie, Saturday, May 4, at 11 A. M. at Port wood's Barn, Condon, Oregon. Oscar Carlson, ' Owner. JAMES S. STEWART Republican Candidate for Representative 28th District, including the coun ties of Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler. Mr. Stewart is Wheeler coun ty' only candidate for Repre sentative, and in common fair ness each of the three counties in the district is entitled to direct representation at Salem. He served in the 1915 session as a member of the Legislature, and at the 1917 session as Legislative Committeeman of the Oregon State Grange, and invites inspec tion of his record in both capac ities. John Hanley is one of the Globe honor subscribers. He always pays in advance and renewed this week. K. J. Foreman of Rock Creek is a new subscriber on the Globe's list. Jf'j'bt rm 1 REMEMBER TBiTUSqWIAJiUYA BOND. r ) Get New. Garden Tbos. TO HAVE A GOOD GARDEN YOU MUST HAVE GOOD GARDEN TOOLS. DON'T GO ON -BREAKING YOUR BACK" BY WORKINO WITH A FEW OLD WORN OUT THINGS THAT DON'T HALF CO THE WORK. COME TO US FOR THOSE NEW GARDEN TOOLS YOU NEED AND YOUR WORK WILL BE A PLEASURE AND YOUR GARDEN A BIG SUCCESS. USE OUR HARDWAREi IT STANDS HARD WEAR. A. S. HOLLEN & SONS Hardware and Implements Condon, Oregon RACE PROGRAM First Day 2:20 trot $150 2:17 pace 150 3 8 mile run 100 1-2 mile run 125 Second Day 3:00 pace .......... $200 2:10 pace 250 1 4 mile run..: 100 5 8miIerurK 150 Third Day Fre for all trot. : $200 2:25 pace 150 1-2 mile run 125 3-4 mile run 150 Fourth Day Free for all pace $300 3:00 trot 150 1-2 mile run 150 I mile run 300 In addition to thes-j purses the sum of $250 has been reserved for special races. Marshall A Jamleaon have finished an other well for A. Greincr, this one Is only 66 feet deep and furnfuhc over IS gallons of water per minute. i CATCHES 25 INCH TROUT Steve Fletcher haa the record so far tbia year for the biggest Ash taken out of Thirtymile. About a week ago while fishing near the Stewart plaoe he landed a trout that measured 25 inches' in length. W. M. Farrar of Ferry Canyon purchased a Studebaker Six from William Jensen last week. FOR 8ALE: . 120-egg incubator. Phone Mrs. E C. Matey, Condon. 6pd6 FOR 8ALE: Water tank and wagon, fine condition. Call at Oregon Ho. tel. 6pd7 Housekeeper Wanted: One capable of taking care of children. Wages $30 per month. Write or see Mrs. Gross at Barker'e Store. 6tf J. B. Smith transacted business in Condon Saturday. Jack Andrews was down from Lone Rock Tuesday. J. B. Go ft was down from Lone Rock a couple of days this week. W. B. Towmend. who has bcun pending the winter in Arixona, rejr turned to Condon the first of the week. Walter Calloway, who has been em ployed at the Liberty Theatre in this city, left yesterday for Portland, where he will join tho Mounted Police. 8TRAYED: One grey mare, branded NH (connected) on right shoulder. Has ronched mane. Suitable reward offered for information leading to her recovery. Notify N. Howland, Gwendolen, Ore gon. . 6tf LOST: ; ,Brown mare weight about 1300 pounds branded JB (connect .. ed) on left shoulder. Suitable ;' reward for her recovery. A. B. Smith, Hotel Oregon, Condon. r 6tf HELPING BUSINESS The federal Reserve Banking System was created largely to, protect and benefit those engaged in industry, commerce ' and agri cultureboth 1 employers and employees. Its main purpose is to help those who bor row and provide a currency more responsive to business needs. " We are members of this system and you can secure its benefits and add to its strength by becoming one of our depositors. . ira mm : .,- Stop in' and let us see just how we can meet your particular needs. We will be glad to serve you. " MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM First National Bank