Your advertisement will have a much greater effect if it appears in the Globe. Don't miss Empcy'a great jvar story this week. Every chapter interesting." " GILLIAM COUNTY'S LEADING HOME PAPER CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY. APR. 26, 1918 NO. 6 VOL 29 MAYV1LLE SCHOOL TAKES HONORS IN SPELLING HATCH FRIDAY Feature of Match Is Spelling of Wilma Dyer TIki plllng match which was bald iMt Friday at the Mayvllie school from 9:30 to 4:00 wu an Interesting event and largely attended. Tbe honor of the meU-h were worTby Mayvll'e. -Following art the results by grades; Second grade: Grace Hardl and Hlto llyart of Condon ai.d Grace Butler of Msyviile could not be spelled down In thalr see tlnn of the spelling boob, ao war all given lirst prise. Louise Wright of Mayvills only mlseed on word and waa given tecond prlie. Ulrd grade: lst-Suasn StlmhfWId, Msyviile, 100 8nd-Artla WilUby, Condon, 98 3rd-Viv an Wilton, Condon, 90 Fourth Qrade: 1st- Ruth J arvl and Ivan Beeeon, 100 (Could not be spelled down) 3rd Marian Weidmaa, Coudoo, 90 Fifth gradet . lat Georgia Farguaon, Condon, 96 2nd-- Dorothy Wtllaby. Condon, M 3rd--No entry ' Sixth grade: 1st Howard Beeson, Msyviile, 93 Wilkin Is Now Sergeant Will Wilkms is now a 1st Sergeant of the 1 33rd Aero Squadron atatiuned at Rockwell Field, A letter from him aayat "1 left Berkeley Ground School on April 1 for my preaent atatlon. I am enjoying life and like the flying game. Hying Sergeant la a new rating for the aviation service and commis sions in this branch will not be given to every flyer hereafter which ta for the good of the aervice I think although 1 am hoping to get a commission either for flying or non-flying. At preaent 1 am a npn-commlssioned officer, lat Ser geant of a flying squadron. Thla squad ron wa created aince 1 arrived at the Island. 1 am in charge of a splendid claaa of 122 men and some were very well-to-do in civilian life. It la very warm down here and at times I am re- minded of Gilliam county duet storms, especially when a wind cornea from lower California or Mexico which la 14 miles from here. Gilliam county la not the duatieat place in the world, although we uaed to think o occasionally. We eat dust here some afternoons and the higher we get In the air the more we notice it San Diego ia a beautiful ctty and certainly nice thla time of year. Today we all ahelved our O Da (olive drabs) and donned khaki uniforms which are much more comfortable in this climate. Ex-mayor Mitchell of New York la one of us lesrning the flying , game. He I a major but common as 1 an old shoe. A week ago Sunday I went out to Balboa Park and aaw Charles and Bob Flttmaurlce. They were packing up and I think are some diatanee from here now. Both were In the beat of epirtta. I wiah I could tel you more of our game here but to show hat it Is important will aay that we cannot leave the Island without a pais and civilians cannot land here at all. Tou may rest aasured that thlnga are O. K. and the time will come when our branch will have a big part to play in thla war." Special price on 200 pairs of shoes at The S. B. Barker Co. 6J7 Mrs. Frank McKay of Pitts burgh, Pa., is visiting In Condon HOME GUARD IS ORGANIZED AT OLEX WITH 25 MEMBERS; OFFICERS ARE CHOSEN - - The Olex Home Guard met and organized Saturday evening. Twenty-five members joined and they expect to have that many - more next Saturday, jwpeorge Newell was elected captain. They will meet every Saturday at 8 P. M. All people in the Olex vicin ity are invited to join. Bruce Hull passed through Olex last Saturday. : C. W. Martin purchased an Oldsmobile touring car from Ray Martin this week. ' The people here are enjoyinsr the fishing this spring. Cal Graul Und-Veda Dyer, Mayvllie, 97 8-4 lrd-Letha Baker, Condon, 97 12 Seventh grade: 1st Laura MeConnell, Mayvllie, 99 Ind-Elliabeth Evana,MayvlIle, 98, I 2 Srd-Elsle Hoakln, Condon. 93 1-2 Eighth grade: lat-Wllma Dyer, Mayvllie, 99 12 2nd Francia Evans. Mayvllie, 95 3rd Viva Edwarda. Tblrtymile, 94 1-2 Io scoring, each first towrted 3 point, each a coed 3 and each tWrd I, and the final score was Mayvllie 40, Condon 19, Thirtyrolle 1. Tbe Foaall epelleM fail ed to appear. Th feature of the event was the spelling of Wilma Dyer of Mayvllie. Out of 200 words, and they were hard words, too, ahe miaaed only on. She has practically perfect average for the entire year. The in structors and students of the Condon school are very grateful and wiah to extend their thanks to the people of Mavville for their klndneea in opening their homes to the visitors snd also to Al Searcy, Mr. Wlllaby, Elton Clarke and Joe Hawkins of Condon for the ue of their cart. What Other Papers Say Monitor, Independence, Oregon. There Is a feeling you feel it here and you feel it there -that the next governor of Oregon will be a Repub lican and bla name will be Ben Olcott Lincoln County Sentinel, Toledo, Ore. Ben Olcott, the people's Secretary of tftate, will be Oregon'a next governor, He atanda aquarely with the common people. Coqullle Herald, Coqullle, Oregon. The man whom the people of this atate can afford to promote to the of fice of governor Is Ben W. Olcott. In his service to the state he baa made good: the people know where to And him, on the job. And when they ask for Information concerning atate af fairs they get it. Ben W. Olcott for Governor of Oregon. Aurora Observer, Aurora, Oregon. Without doubt Olcott iathe atrongest man for the place in the atate. Turner Tribune, Turner, Oregon. Mr. Olcott la a broad-minded, aound conservative man, and what ia right In atate affair he atanda for. Cornelius News, Cornelius, Oregon. Ben Olcott s platform strikes tbe keynote of the people's need. Express, Forest Grove, Oregon. Few men have filled a public job a well aa Ben Olcott f Tribune, Port Orford, Oregon. Mr. Olcott haa ahown fine executive ability and is eminently fitted to fill . the office of governor. ' Oregon Voter, Portland, Oregon. His judgment and aagacity In public . affairs have established for him a ? high degree of confidence among leading citicena of all parte of the atate. Banks Herald, Banks, Oregon. The next Governor of Oregon haa an nounced hia candidacy Ben W. Ol cott preaent efficient Secretary of State. He haa made good; ' ' Mrs. Fred Anderson is over from Mitchell this week. Paul Wicker, son of Rev. and Mrs. Wicker of this city, haa gone to Portland. He will finish school there. went to the Burton & Wilson ranch last Sunday and caught 50 trout. Fred Phillips went to Pendle ton this week to purchase a com bine. U i. wade is putting a new office in his store. D. E. Grady is doing the work. W. J. Keeney made a business trip to lone the first of the week Bert Crowley and family were Condon visitors last Sunday. Ed Gradey and family made trip to Arlington Sunday. ' LIEUTENANT KOCKER TAKES POLICE RECRUITS TO PORTLAND FOR FIRST TRAINING Ti Applicants Go From Tbii Cotulj; Recruiting AH Oyer State Lieut. J. W. Kocker of the Oregon'Police went to Portland Monday on business. He was accompanied by the following re cruits: L. A. Sybouts. L. A. Edelman, A. Wimpey, GL. Lflli?, W'fliiard Warren. Marvin Warren. Virgil Hoskin. A. D. Darland, Wm. Nois and Charles Sweetin of this county; F. A. Sims, James Rice and Frank Mitchell of Mor Grange for Economy The following resolution has been adopted by Buckhorn Granjre No. 449. RESOLVED: That whereas lame sums of money are being i expended by the candidates fori office In printing, advertising and in many other ways, which would serve a more patriotic and much needed purpose if invested in Liberty Bonds, Thrift Stamps or donated to the Red Cross, and the same appears to be in direct violation of the provisions of the Corrupt Practices Act, which was designed to protect the pur ity of the ballot and honesty of election. RESOLVED: That in the judgment of the members of the Buckhorn Grange, No. 449, P. o H., that no candidate for office violating the Corrupt Practices Act by the expenditure of large sums of money to advance his candidacy, u& worthy f - public trust or confidence, and it Is the duty of th proper officers of the law to collect the evidence of such violation and see that the provisions of such act are strict ly enforced. Lovina M. Spalding, Secretary. Tents, at Barker's. 6d7 A daughter whs born fester day, April 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lusby of this city. Frank Hollen went to Arli ngton Tuesday and received a new Mitchell Six club roadster which he drove to Condon. Hollen & Sons have this car as well as other styles of the Mitchell for sale. The new roadster is a beautiful and popular car. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Lillie were Condon visitors Saturday. - j UNCLE SAM- Well ncRti a SCRAP o PAPER. KB wOrtt MMTRCy W AftVRR BlMSfl. row county, and Lester Proctor, G. C. Welsh and Arnold Keyes of Sherman, county. These re cruits, . will receive their first training in Portland. Lieut. Kocker reports that applications are being received from all parts of eastern Oregon. He intends to accept a few from each section. Labor Outlook Bright "The farm labor situation just at the present time is well in hand," says J. W. Brewer, farm help specialist. The establish- ment of a uniform "wage of $60 in tbe wheat-raising counties has done away with one farmer bid ding against another for farm labor and has resulted in a con siderable less movement of tran sient labor continually on the lookout fur riiofc pay. . , CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sermon topic for next Sunday morning, "The Evil Conse-' quences of a Perverted Religious Faith:" evening theme, "Abra ham a Man of Peace." Rev.'Weidman cenducted the funeral service of the eleven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chaney at Mikkalo last Friday morning. The body was taken to McMinnville, Oregon, for burial. . - , .. , The Mid Columbia Conference of Congregational churches will be held at Lexington April 30 and May l.'..The Condon church will be represented by the pastor and two delegates. Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Cathey were chosen as delegates with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parman as alternates. Phil Newman is driving a new Buick bought of L. E Shelley. L. E. Shelley delivered a Buick to Carl Rogers this week. Mrs. J. E Crowe returned Monday evening, from a short visit in Portland. Kleoh Austin went to Portland yesterday to enlist with th Oregon Military Police. L. E. Shelley unloaded anothei carload of Buicks the first of th week. it '' FARMERS' UNION LOCAL ORGANIZED SATURDAY AT HIKKALO How About Your Sacks? Items by County Agent ' A Farmers' Union local was organised at Mikkalo Saturday night with the following officers: Tom Conner, presi dent; J. B. Aahenfelter, vice president and Frank Cook, secretary-treasurer. "Gilliam County Day" at the Moro Experiment Station baa been set for Saturday, Jane 15. This ia thoday when Gilliam county folks will journey to Moro to see bow tbe work is carried on there. Everybody is requested to go-, ,' Country Gets Credit, The big cities are not getting the credit for putting oyer the Liberty Loan this time. They are doing their part but it is the smaller cities and country dis tricts that have set the pace in this campaign and it is conceded that the great publicity campaign carried on by the country papers is without question chiefly re sponsible for the showing made. ENVELOPE DAY, MAY 13 Everyone should use an envel ope with a printed return address for a letter that is worth mailing is certainly worth insuring that it will come back if it does not reach its destination. In transit addresses sometimes become il legible or obliterated altogether and in such a case with no return on the envelope the letter is lost. Isn't it worth a cent each to in. sure the safety of. your letters Get your envelopes at the Globe office, the Service Shop, on En velope Day and you can insure them for less than one eentench. Envelope Day will be on Monday, May 13, and you can bring your order or mail and phone it in. One hundred best quality white envelopes will be furnished that day with your return address printed thereon for only 85 cents. Send your order in now. The majority of Condon's pop ulation spent a large part of Sun day on Kock Creek and Thirty- mile and these creeks were whip ped to a foam by these ardent lovers of the piscatorial pastime. Quite a number got their share of trout, many got more than their share of sunburn and some orxly got back. Mrs. Sandstone of McMinnville was in Condon the first of the week on business. While here she was a guest at the Hartman home. . Mrs. W. G. NeVill returned Saturday from a visit in Spokane. Garland Ferguson went to Port land Wednesday. G. M. Blakely was a Portland visitor this week. FIRE DESTROYS HOUSE ROCK; OTHER Scott Neel mother, Mrs. took his grand Davis, to Fossil Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Case have returned to Condon. T. S. Lyons and family have moved to the Ark Andrews place which they bought recently. The Andrews family moved to the D. C. Andrews place. Wilbur Bennett was here a few days last week. He has gone to Condon where he will work until called in the draft. H S. Neel has a new Stude- baker. ; x Mr, and Mrs. Morgan Ward are io Portland where the former Members of the Agricultural Council for Gilliam county will meet in Condon May 4, a week from tomorrow. It ia important that every member be prea ent at this meeting. Grain sacks are going higher and higher what about yours? The County Agriculturist still has a few farmer's account books to give ewsy. Also a considerable supply of squirrel poison on band. Appreciates Home News Staryl C. Auetin is now a corporal In the 834th Aero Squadron stationed at Garden City, Long Island, N. Y. He saye: 'Thi being Saturday afternoon means a half holiday in camp and moat of tbe boys are either getting ready to . go to town or writing letters. Atpree ent we arc camped oa th eld site of Camp Mills where the Oregon boys spent last winter but the eamp ia Un proved quite bit t think. The tents are all ditched, the squadron, streets graded and graveled and tbe roads are paved.' They are sou improving is ana claim it will be one of the beet camps in the United States. It is an Ideal lo cation with two large aviation fielda adjoining and has the advantage of be log cloae to the largest harbor la the country together with plenty of level grounds for drilL Speaking of drill, ! haven't done any drilling since I left Texas in February but have been ia quarantine three weeka and in school two weeka. Not, a thing to do Wbea we were in quarantine except take three medical inspections every day which t will admit were rather strenuous bpt necessary. Moved up to this eamp bt Monday and have been ou detail work aince, digging ditches and workiitg t&ei roads. There ia not much doing in the aviation camps at present although on a nice day we can look in any direction and see 7 or 8 aeroplanes but it is get ting so common that we never give any attention unless it is some- stunt artist and we watch to see if he tumbles. There are , two . French war .machines at one field and a French aviator who sometimes goes upjuat to sjhow every one what real flying ia. 1 have seen him go up 200 feet and atari looping tbe loop, which is considered rmty dan gerous at less than 1000 feet but be doesn't seem to mind it la the least. I often wish the folks at home could see us at our work; men who never did a day's work in their life before working with a pick and shovel the same as we poor guys who have worked all our lives. The army is no respecter of person; the sons of the "big guns" have to obey orders the Same aa anyone eke. This is a great life; I have never felt better. Thank you for the Globe which is just like' a letter from home and I assure you ia eagerly read, ads and all. This equadron is on the outgoing list ao don't know how long we will be here." Go to the S. B. Barker Co. for shorts and Holstein Dairy Feed'. . 6d7 . Mr. and Mrs. L A. Hoskin re turned Saturdav from a trip through Idaho. Mrs Frank Hollen is improving i rapidly. ..' - -: AND CONTENTS AT LONE NEWSY ITEMS is taking treatments. Mrs; Lillie Oatrnan of Fossil was nere Sunday visiting ne: mother, Mrs. Sarah Scott A. M. " Patterson brough Elizabeth Dunn and Mrs. Te Palmer over from Buckhorn Sat urday... They returned Sunday. Mrs. Maude Ashbaugh d Hardman was here Sunday. , ' F ire destroyed J. W. Harrison house and contents Friday even ing. It is thought the fire start ed from a defective flue. Mr. and Mrs. Page of Nei Mexico are visiting their daugi ter, Mrs. Steve Crenshaw.