Don't mm Empey's.1' great war, story this week. Every -chapter interesting. " Your advertisement will have a much greater effect if it appears in the Globe. GILLIAM. COUNTY'S LEADING HOME PAPER VOL. 29 CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAYTAPR. 19, 1918 NO. 5 Gilliam County Has Many Acres in Grain; Prospects Are Good Although it is "till curly to judge the ' mat on the average yield I low by at poulbllitiM of tut crop in Gilliam least two bushel per acre and a num. county, oreient uroaiwcta are exceu- ber aay by three or four bushels. It i uonaiiy g'joii. r rom an parn oi me county come optimistic report at to acreage and Oi condition of growing grain. The atand seems to be unusual ly good everywhere and the woed poata are lest noticeable! than usual. A crop dilToronce eitlmale prepared here aome tlmo ago partly be accounted forby the fact that for the government place the amount ( the fannera have been getting In aa In crop at 130,847 and the total average much aprlng grain aa possible. How yield wa estimated at ten buahela to ever, taking 00 per cent aa the acreage appear to be conservative statement to aay that the acreage in crop right now amount to at leant 60 per ctnt of the total available acreage and thle would be 157,l'M acre. Perhaps the in the two ettimatca may CLEM SERVES FOR RED CROSS Dinner It Enjoyed by Big Crowd; ' Many Condon Folki There the a.. re. I'erhap the government wanted a very conservative re port but the opinion of many who are intimately acquainted with different sections of the county agree that thia eatimata I really below the actual num. ber of acrea in crop and that the esti- and the yield at twelve buahela would give Gilliam county nearly 2,000,000 buahela of grain. ThU would not break the record by any mean o It may be taken a a fair eatimate under present condition. County Agent Urges Farmers to Buy Sacks Now Will Hare Gilliam County Day at Moro Station; Farmer' Paper Out By J. C. Hawkins, County Agent The first edition of the Agri cultural Council News was pub liahed thin week under tbe aus pices of the Council and with J. C. Hawkins as editor, ft car ried live articles of interest to the farmers of the' county, and a number of ads for those who want to buy or sell stock. It will be issued monthly. Order your sacks now or make other arrangements to handle your grain for present conditions indicate that it will be practically impossible to get them if you wait much longer. The county agent cm get 250 sacks of Karly Baart seed wheat f torn Moro if un one still wants it. Remember your summerfallow and do it early. This is tbe prop er M?Qn and if not dons now is practically useless. - It has been decided that Gil liam county farmers will have a wage scale fixed for harvest. Thoao farm account books will be a great help. If you want one call at the county agent's office or write him. Quite a number of Gilliam county farmers plan to go to the Experiment Station at Moro some time in June to study the work being carried on there. The day they decide to .o will be desig nated as Gilliam County Day and j aU who possibly enn should 'plan . to be there. Over ninety dollar wore realised from the dinner given by the Red -Croaa lad if of Clem .at that place laat Sun- A. f :, w. .1: t.l.. aeveral Condon people attended and tv " r umte(J ln lo,n 'hclr were wi ll repaid for the trip by the ex- bit in war work. A Red Cross ceilent chicken dinner etrved to them. i unit wa organized there Wednes Prior to th dinner an njoyable pro-1 afternoon and the following gram was given at the achoolhouse -d offi were 8eecte,J: ;vlr8. Effie interesting addrenaea were, delivered , . . , . ... n Q1.i,,,,i r ; Martin, chairman; Mrs. W. J. Stuigill. both of whom dicmed our j Keeney, vice chairman; Mrs. T. C. duty to our country and to the boy ln j Mobley, treasurer;" Miss Miriam the trench. . -i no reaiucnu or cim .Keeney, corresponding eecretary, are to bo congratulated on the-ucceaianj v.,aarlrhV finanr-ial ..I...: i... -... .L....I.I i "f r "-i be classed aa 100 per cent Americans. NEW RED CROSS UNIT AT OLEX! T JlT PlUl H7 F len more uiuium men L,zuve Soon to Join Uncle Sam's Army Wat Organized Wednesday With ' Fifteen Members Present Olex is a small town but the people who live there are among the most progressive in thecoun Condon Man Appointed J. W. Kocker, drillmaster of the Condon Home Guard, has been appointed as 1st Lieutenant in the Oregon State Police and will be second in command in eastern Oregon. His hoadquart ers will be in Condon and he is at present signing up recruits in this section of the state. Several in this county have already made application for service in the State Police and there will be no trouble in filling the battalion. Lieutenant Kocker will not take applications for anyone who is in farm work. In speakingof Lieu secretary. Fifteen members were 'present at this meeting. The Olex unit will work for both Condon and Arlington organizations.'. New Fuel Regulations Although no limitation on the amount of fuel that may be stor ed has been fixed,, arrangements have been completed for register ing every fuel purchase in the state of Oregon. Within a few days every purchaser of wood or coal will be compelled to file a declaration as to the amount of fuel used last year, the quantity remaining on hand and the Gilliam county will send ten! more men to the country's ser vice in the near future. Eight will go on April 28 and the other tv7o between the 1st and 4th of May, The Local Board has call ed fourteen to report on April 27 as follows: Erl C Shane, Wm L Chaney, Frank Rice, Welcome B Moore, George Stewart, Irwin C Brown. Roy Montague, Thomas P Barker, Clarence A Witchey, Perry J Teague, Warren O Edwards, M J Creegan, Jewett P Murray, and Roy W Wilson. Some of these will be exempted for the reason that they are ac tively engaged in farm work and two affidavits to this end have already been filed by Welcome Moore and W. O. Edwards. It is not the plan of the department to take those who are needed at home to care for the crops. The ' Board has notified Howard" E Rice and Claud H Holland to ap pear the first of May.. People Must Use Only Half Amount of Wheat Everybody Asked to Use Substitutes to Help Feed the Allied Army quantity desired. Purchasers tenant Kocker' appointment the wi fi,e their statement and fuel Oregon Journal says: ."Lieuten ant J. W. Kocker has had an especially brilliant military ca reer. He was a member of the famous Twentieth Kansas volun teers in the war with Spain and served nine years in the regular army, reaching th grade of first sereeant. With, the regulars he orders with their. dealers and the dealers in turn will forward the data to the -fuel, administrator's office. "Everybody" says the fuel administrator.J-shouJd order their fuel now. Otherwise they are taking big chances of being caught in a shortage next fall." Also fuel is' cheaper now than it isaw service in the Boxer uprising wi" B Uten. There 'will be u dance in the' . Dr. Turner, eye specialist of Grange Hall at Alville April 26, Portland, will be in Condon one week from tonight. Ladies again Wednesday and Thursday, are requested to bring lunch. The May 1 and 2. In Fossil Tuet'day, dance will continue all night and April 30. Consult him. Don't tickets will be $1. 5d i forget the date 5d6 and withthe Chinese relief expedition."." Mrs. Mary Young ; returned 'Tuesday from, western Oregon. A reduction of one-half the ordinary consumption of wheat until after harvest must be made as a military necessity to furnish the armies of America and her allies with war bread. After the army's requirements have been met and wheat has been set aside for seed and othT special pur poses, there remains an allow ance of approximately one and one half pounds for each person and every bit of flour and wheat products in every form used in any way must cotie within that ration. Those who can, - must give up wheat almost entirely and use potatoes, cornmoal and oatmeal as much as possible for wheat is strictly limited and there is little barley and rye left. Pub lic eating houses must keep with in the same allowance for every 21 meals served. No wheat ia to be used in the manufacture of anything but food. There ia nothing in this program which need interfere with wholesome living. Those who can should use as little as possible to give a small margin for those who can not adapt their circumstances to so large a use of substitutes. Un til after harvest the government asks for the patience and sacri fice of all citizens in this impor tant matter. - PROGRAM . AT MOTION PICTURE THEATRE; GOOD. FEATURES THE BALANCE Of POWER Our Hats Are in the Ring Announcement I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Gilliam county, Oregon, on the Democratic ticket. It had not been my intention to again become a candidate for the office, but since nearly ail of the uheriffs. throughout the United States have for over a year made themselves familiar with the draft law, and are now the chairmen of the local draft boards, the War Department of the United States Government has recommended that the pres-' ent sheriffs of the United States be retained in office, so as not to interfere with the draft machin ery which is so essential at th's time to help bring victory to us in this great war. Many persons who have the beat interests of our government at heart in tbis crisis, have informed me that it is my duty to retain the office for another term. And since true Americanism requires that every one do not alone his bit but his all in a time like this, I have con eluded to again become a candi date. If I am nominated and elected I shall accord to the pub lic the same courteous treatment in the future as in the past. J. W. LlLLlE Announcement To the Republican, votera . of Gilliam county: I vflffte a can didaie for the republican nomina tion for the office of County Clerk of Gilliam county at the coming primary election, lprom ise that if I am nominated and elected I will conduct the affairs of the office in a business like manner, and it will be my earnest endeavor to co-operate with all the departments of the -United States Government in regard to all war work, in connection with the office. Bruce H. Hull. Announcement To the Republican voters of Gilliam county, I hereby beg to announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Coun ty Clerk of Gilliam county, sub ject to the will of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 17th, 1918 J AKE E. SCHROEDER. For .Representative I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the Republican nomination for Representative for Gilliam, Sherman and Wheel er counties. ' : ' ' " Jas. S. Stewart. For Representative I would deem it an honor to i ..... represent so loyal and patriotic a people as those of the 28h Rep resentative district in the follow ing platform: I will use my best endeavor to advance the interests of the state; to be economical, but not to the extent of retarding development or hampering efficiency;' and to aid and support a vigorous prose cution of the war to a successful conclusion; and will do my duty to the very beat of my under standing and ability. A. M. Wright.. t i 4V:::!. 'i -Mi."- m ir . . . V. I r . ... : . 'VY; It- .:.! i :l ., Ml UaX II t. . il I M' Ml1 ' Ml,;:- Special Tonight: "Sirens of the Sea;" Saturday: PaMie News, "Mary Lawson's Secret," Police Protection;" Sunday: "The Door Between," Bluebird feature, Weekly and Comedy; . Tuesday: Charles Ka'y in "Sudden Jim." Grand opening of new "Liberty Theatre Thursday, April 25: OVER THE TOP INTERESTING INFORMATION ABOUT THE OREGON PCLICE Oregon will have a military police force whose duties will be somewhat similar to those' of. the Northwest Mounted Tolice of Canada. They will be, on duty in Gilliam coiiuty as in othor counties of the Btato. The fol lowing information may bo of interest; 1. A body of state police to prevent and detect crime and apprehend crimi nals. Z. All mulo citizens of the United States between the aes of 18 and 46 years of age physically qualified, are eligible for service in this body. 3. The term of enlistment will be for two years unless sooner discharged by proper authority. "The Neglected Wife." first in stallment of serial, Pathe Weekly, Scenic and Cartoon, Luke Com edy. Dance after the show. Music by Bowker's orchestra. Mrs. Robinette, who has been visiting for several weeks with her sister, Mrs., B. A. Cathey, left Sunday 'morning for her home a Halsey, Oregpn. News of Olex Neighborhood 4. The entire time of the personnel of the command will be given to their duties, exceptions being governed by regulations. " 5. Remuneration for enlisted men $9 per month and up. Uniform and equipment furnished free of charge. . 6. For those who wish to serve their state and country in the abolishment of sedition and other crimes which are rampant during war this service will be particularly interesting. For further information write or ap ply in person to J. W. Kocker, 1st Lieu tenant Oregon Military Police, Re cruiting Oilieer for Eastern .Oregon; Postoflice address, Bex 227, Condon, Oregon. Phone 36X. A. L. ccme up Duthie of last night The Dalles for a visit with friends and to look after his interests here. - , Dr. Wilhelm reports a daugh ter born Saturday, April 13. to Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Dodson xl Lost Valley. A large crowd attended the meeting held in Wade's hall last Thursday even ing. They enjoyed a very interesting discussion on the war by Rev. M. R. Weidman. J. G. Sturgill spoke- on Boys' and Uirls' Clubs and world prob lems. Different phases of agriculture were discussed by J. C. Hawking, County Agent, and F. L. Ballard. The following representatives were appoint ed to. attend the meeting in Condon May 4: Miriam Keeney, George Crum and C. W. Martin. Miss Anna Keeney, who is attending the Arlington High School spent a few days last week at her home here. A number of Oles people attended the Red Cross entertainments at Mik- kalo and Clem last week and all report a good time. " Ray Martin of The Dalles Garage is here this week on business. He repre sents the OUsmobile and motor trucks. R. H. Cate purchased a Maxwell from Ray Martin this week. Bert Remington of The Dalles was a business visitor in Olex Monday. A. E. Rivers of lone sold a new Paige car to W. J. Keeney this week. Ray Lamoreaux and . family were Olex visitors last Sunday. Mr. and Mri Fred Phillips made a trip to The Dalles in : their Overland roadster Saturday and visiteJ relatives there for a few days. j Word has been received from Ned Norton who was a sergeant in the ser vice stationed at Galveston, 1 exas, say ing that he had received a lieutenancy and had been transferred to the tl-ain- inir camo at Quantico. Virginia. He says that he enjoys the life very much and that Uncle Sam has made a man tif him. He joined the colors in 1915. W. J. Keeney has plowed 1100 . acres of summerfallow wi'h his Holt Cater pillar 75. which pulls twetve 14-inch plows, and has 600 acres yet to plow. He is now running day and night, av orairine 60 acres a day. His thousand acres of Turkey Red wheat ia among j list the finest in this part of the county. Milton Boyoe was unfortunate in his attempts to drive a Ford last Sunday. He ranif nto a fence post three miles south of .Olex,'' upsetting the car and breaking three wheels. Later he se cured Mr. Sperry's Ford and in com pany with Paul Rector and Max Ashen f elter started toward Condon. About a mile from Olex on a bad turn he col lided with Tom Conner in his Stude baker. The Ford went over the ten foot grade and was slightly damaged, while the Connor car received a dam aged radiator, front axle, fender, light and wind shield. The Conner baby was cut above the eye and Mr. Boyce re ceived a few bruises. Tbe Olex garage is busy repairing cars this week. Horses Are at Track Sixteen horses are at the track get ting ready for the meet next month and many more are on the way. Some of the best horses en the coast will b here; David Hardie started lambing Tues day. Since that time he has counted 200 iambs and has lost only two. " i Elevator Ccrrpjny Organized t An elevator company was orgaivzwj Wednesday night at Mikkalo at an en thusiastic meeting of the farmers of that neighborhood. It was decided to build an elevator of 80.0(H) bushels ca pacity. A meeting will be held tomor row night to complete arrangements and also to organize a Farmers' Union local at Mikkalo. Tom Glover has moved hia family to Antone and will work near there on the old Trosper ranch recently purchased by Lloyd Parman. M. S. Andrews of Blalock is a new subscriber on the Globe'j