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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1918)
TH QLOdE PAQE 6 Designated U. S. Depositary for Postal Savin r Deposits In Cmdo Meber federal Reserve Bank A MAN and HIS BANK The Best Manufactured And the Price It Right r 1 ILilVWUAM H U U o A checking account is a rnodf rn necessity to every man who d.sirea to handle his affairs in a business like ard methodical manner. It 'a a grat convenience to women. It affords ycu the greatest element of safely and is always an exact check on your i xpendtturs. Thii lmk ii.vites you to open an account. Make it YOUR BANK. Condon National Bank CEO. B. OUKKK.PM. A. OKEINER. Vi PrM. Wil. CnAWt'ORD.CitWr t. J.CLOL'GH L.W. DECKER. Ast. Caihiw WM.WKKRLI - Tte &&aJlt Store Mistakes Are Fatal In the practice of medicine many different . drugs are used. These have frequently to be mixed or "compounded." In this compound ing great care must be used. Sometimes a few graii.s too much of a drug would prove fatal to the patient. Or substituting one drug for ano her would be equally dangerous. The one great aim of this store is ACCURACY IN PRESCRIPTIONS Every ingredient must be of known purity and strength. All must be in correct propor tion. We solicit your prescription custom, our pros perity must be based on your security. GRAVES & GRAVES The Up-to-the-minute Druggists a CONDON :: :: OREGON n Spring Showing of vrlsese New and Up-to-date Dry Goods Ladies' Coats, Skirts, Waists Fancy Neckwear and Shoes We have just received a splendid line of silks, woolens and wash fabrics A STORY WITH A MORAL A long time ago before the, prices of farm implements took their aerial voyage we had a hunch and decided to play it So we ordered a big stock of machinery and implements, buying in carload lots. By doing this we got prices that would be ab solutely impossible today. Our hunch was a winner for us and also for you because we are selling these implements today on a basis of our cost much lower than the present cost Moral Investigate and buy where you get the best, price. A. S. HOLLEN & SONS Hardware and Implements Condon, Oregon For Representative I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the Republican nomination for Representative for Gilliam. Sherman and Wheel er counties. Jas. S. Stewart. R. N. Stanfleld has the inter ests of the state at heart. He will make a good Senator. WANTED: Any kind of work for teams. 4p5 E. A. Burroughs, Condon Your Inspection Invited Dunn Brothers, Inc. Merchandise of Merit Condon, Oregon SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of tb State of Oregon for the County of Gilliam. J. B. Hosford. Plaintiff, -a Earl Shane, Gtorge Shane, Alvln Shane, Milton Shane, Raymond Shane, Eva Shane, and J. W. Smith, also all other persona or partiea unknown claiming any right, title, eatate, lien or Inter eat In the real eatate ocecrtbed In the complaint hereto. Defendant. SUMMONS To Raymond Shane and J. W. Smith, also all other persona or partiea un known claiming any right, title, eatate, lien or Id te rest In the real eatate de scribed in the complaint herein. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON, you and each of yoa are hereby required and commanded to ap pear and anawer the complaint of the Plaintiff on file herein on or before April 12, 1918, the date of the last pub lication of summon herein and If yeu fail to so appear and anawer the Plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded In the complaint on file herein which la substantially as follows: For a Decree of this Court compell ing the Defendants to redeem the lands described in the complaint within sixty days from the entry of said order, and that if they fail so to rudeem that the Raid Defendanta and all persons claim- ing or to claim by through or under I them be forever barred and foreclosed of all interest, title or estate in or to said premises or any part thereof, and that the true date of the foreclosure Decree recited In the Sheriff's Deed to the Interior Warehouse Company be made to appear on record aa Septem ber 22nd, 1908, and for such other re lief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable in the premises. This summons is served upon you and each of you by publication hereof in the Condon Globe for a period of alx consecutive weeka, seven issues, com mencing with the issue of March 1, 1918, and ending with the issue of April, 12. 1918. by order of the Honourable D. R. Parker, Judge of the above en titled Court, made and entered on the 20th day of February, 1918. D. N. Mackat, Attorney for Plaintiff. Postomce Address Condon, Oregon. Date of first publication March 1,1918, Date of last publication, April 12, 1918, Loit Valley Teacher Dies Here Ethel May Drew passed away Monday at St Mary's hospital in this city. She was the teacher of the school at Lost Valley and her home was at St. Helens, Ore gon. The body waa shipped there for burial S. B. Barker came up Portland Wednesday. from NOTICE After Monday, April 15, I will be in my Condon office only from 1:30 to 8:30 P. M. daily. Dr. W. H. Reynolds. Real Estate Transfers Arthur V. Hodgson to A. E & D. P. Sroythe, 160 acres, $800. Dellu M. Smith et vir to W. G. Keys, 2 lots Mayville, 60. Wm. Hunt to 0. A. Tschauner, 960 acres, II. Ed .Wallace is working in the freight office at the local depot, taking the place of A. Parrish, who has resigned to accept a po sition in the S. B. Barker Com pany's store. Guard to Give Free Dance The Home Guard will have its regular business meeting tomor row night at 8 o'clock. All com mitteea are requested to be there at that time to report. After, the business meeting a dance will, be given and it will be free to everyone. Grand opening Liberty Theatre in Condon, Thursday, April 2Tk Special program and special music by Bowker's orchestra of Port land. Big dance at the rink after the show. Try to get in. Alex Hardie Jr. went out to his father's ranch Sunday to help through the lambing season. 0. B. Robertson was a visitor in Mitchell the first of the week. The new submarine fighters which are being built at the Ford plant will be known as "Eagles" and will constitute the Eagle class of boats. Announcement To the Republican voters of Gilliam county, I hereby, beg to announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Coun ty CJerk of Gilliam county, sub ject lo the will of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 17th, 1918. . 4 Jake E. Schroeder. , Bruce Hull was over from May ville this week. Velma Couture and Edesw Campion served a breakfast in one ol the domestic science classes at Washington Hif:h last week. The breakfast was a very good one and was served at a cost of only 15 cents a plato. Each day the domestic science department of the school sends one of its finished products to the library where the article is placed on display. These articles are all made in compliance with the food regulations, and all wishing to get recipes may do so. Port land Oregonian. HELPING BUSINESS I svBBjajgBBasiasiBS Captain MacLaren, a Canadian, who waa wounded on the western front, was in Condon over Sun day. He came here to assist in raising this county's quota of the Liberty Loan and found that he had nothing to do after he airiv- j ed. He talked at the ance Sat urday night, on the street Sun. day afternoon and at the Congre gational, church Sunday night His talks were very interesting. He said the war would end whan we win, not before. More than 70,000 acres of land in this country has been planted with castorbean plants to produce oil for aircraft. L08T: ! Blue shet.herd dog. Anyone finding this dog will let me ,. know and I will make it right. I H. A. Concannon, Condon, Ore 'fgon. 4pd5 STRAYED: Brown mare, branded Lazy S on right hip and 55 under mane. Is saddle marked and shod all around. Had halter on when last seen. $5 reward for in formation leading to her recov ery. Notify Sam Warren, Lone Rock, Oregon. 4pd6 The Federal Reserve Banking System was created largely to protect and benefit those engaged in industry, commerce and agri cultureboth employers and employees. Its main purpose is to help those who bor row and provide a currency more responsive to business needs. We are members of this system and you can secure its benefits and add to its strength by becoming one of our depositors. Stop in and let us see just how we can meet your particular needs. We will .be, glad to serve you. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM First National Bank I A-