Designated U. a. Depoeltary for Portal Savings Deposits In Ci.ndoa Menber Federal Reserve Bank Farm Implements at Right Prices Our Implements w satisfy von Our boys "are giving all they have to give for their country It will pay vou end save you t OUR DUTY lies in raising the amount of the Liberty Loan without a murmur to help the boys win the war Work and Money tested ' Implements. LET US DO OUR DUTY CONDON NATIONAL BANK The e&JlL Store REMEMBER When You Buy A Liberty Bond You Swat the Kaiser GRAVES & GRAVES . The Up-to-the-minute Druggists g CONDON :: :: OREGON a nt , -i ,. 1 We are NOT announcing the arrival of several CARLOADS of Farming Machinery which were bought at the High Prices of Today, but we are glad to advise you that we have several CARLOADS OF FARMING MACHINERY which were bought long ago, at prices considerably lower than the present cost, and we are POSITIVELY selling these on the basis of our cost, and not on a basis of the present cost. Our line consists of the BEST Up-to-date Farming Implements on the market. These are what we offer you at PRICES the other fellow cannot touch. If you are going to buy any kind of an Implement it will pay you to investigate A. H. HOLLEN & SONS Hardware and Implements I Condon, Oregon For Representative I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the Republican nomination for Representative for Giliiam, Sherman and Wheel er counties. Jas. S. Stewart. Will Kill Rodent Peiti From first pafce .Read '"Over the Top. IDSZ9BBS Spring Showing ....of. New and Up-to-date Dry Goods Ladies' Coats, Skirts, Waists Fancy Neckwear and Shoes We have just received a splendid line of silks, woolens and wash fabrics Your Inspection Invited Dunn Brothers, Inc . Merchandise of Merit Condon, Oregon I THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ' STATE OF OREGON FOR GILLIAM COUNTY Id the matter of Estate of Grant Wade, Deceased. NOTICE OF 31LE OF REAL PROPERTY Under authority of an order granted by the County Court of Gilliam County, Oregon, dated April 1, 1P18, I, the un dersigned administrator, will fell at PRIVATE SALE the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: Northwest quarter Section 14, the East half -jf the Eaathalf of Section 15, all of that part of the Southeast quarter of the South east quarter of Sect! m 10, except that portion deeded away which is described as fallows: Beginning at a point on the subdivitional line 4.6 chain West of the Northeast coiner of Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 10, running thence West 15.6 chains to the Northwest corner of Southeast quarter of Section 10, thence South 19 875 chains to the Southwest corner of the said Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 10, thence East on the Section line between Sections 10 end 15, a distance of 6.6 chains to the center of the canyon, thence in a Northeasterly direction oo a direct line to the place of beginning, If aving remaining in said quarter Mo tion to be sold herein, 19. 12 acres more or less; also West half of Southwest quarter of Section Eleven, except 86 square rods conveyed to the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church a shown by the deed recorded in book "H" page 370, deed record of Gilliam cour.ty, Oregon, and also excepting the land described in that deed recorded in book "P" page 280, deed records Gil liam county, Oregon, all in Township One South of Range Twenty-One, E.W. M Gilliam county, Oregon, together with the water rights appurtenant thereto, and all the ditches, canals, reservoirs, and the whole of the irriga tion plant or plants, if any, that are now on the said premises or which right of use of water right may be vested in the heirs of said estate. The sale will be made on or after the first day of May, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and sealed bida in writing will be received by the under signed at Condon National Bank, Con don, Oregon. - The terms of sale will' be cash, sub ject to confirmation by the County Court of Gilliam county, Oregon. Dated this 2nd day of April, 1918. Geo. B. Dukek, Administrator of Grant Wade Estate. farmer escapes the added expense and likelihood of loss through improper mixing, or poisoning of livestock. Last Sunday at May ville a squirrel club was organized to prosecute the campaign in a community way. W. J. Ed wards was elected president and B. H. Hull, secretary treasurer. In Deschute3 county several squirrel clubs have been in ope ration for three years ar.d have done remarkably successful work in eradicating the pests. J. C.'Sturgill will discuss boys and girls' club work at the meet ing-s next week: four-minute men will discuss world problems and P. L. Ballard of the Oregon Agri cultural College, who has organ ized 16 farmers' elevator com panies in Oregon during the past winter, will discuss the handling of grain in bulk. The schedule of meetings is as follows: Rock Creek, April 8, at 8 P. M. ; Mikkalo, April 9, 8 P. M. ; Ajax, April 10, 8 P. M. ; Olex, April 11, 8 P. M. ; Clem, April 12, 8 P. M ; Lone Rock, April 13, 2 P. M. A. M. Bryant, who has hod cbartre of the local depot during the absence of D. Tierney, left Wednesday morning for Cascade Locks. Sale Is Great Success The public sale held in this city Saturday by I. A. Hoskin was a decided success. A good crowd was in attendance anl the prices , paid were good, in fact Mr. Hoskin states that the receipts were considerably more than he had estimated. Mrs. Stella Crooks, evangelist, will speak at the Pentacostal Nazarene church in this city each night at 8 o'clock, April 7 to 28. Mrs. Crooks is a fearless, forceful preacher of the gospel and you are invited to hear her. i i v The "service flag" is not offi cial, but its general ase is en couraged by the Government. It has been putented by private parties. The matter of having n official service flag not so con trolled is under consideration by Congress. Mrs. Cave Cottmire and two children left yesterday for an extended stay in Portland. Announcement To the Republican voters of Gilliam county, I hereby beg to announce my candidacy for the Republicun nomination for Coun ty Clerk of Gilliam county, sub ject to the will of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 17th, 1918. Jake E. Sciiroeder. ' A carload of hardwood material just received. Also a car of Burbank pota toes for seed or table use. Expecting a shlpnjit of American Wonder seed potatoe?. These are new dry land variety. ' All this handled through ti.e Interior Warehouse. Prices right 8d Farmer's Union. Tom Clover was severely injured Wednesday by a blast In the American Theatre building where he was work Ing. It was only a small charge and be thought It had exploded and went back to the hole just as It went off. He was cut on the fuce and bead but sustained no serious injuries. Mr. and Mr. A. A. Anderson of Lost Valley went to Hood Ulver Wednesday. Mrs. M. D. Shanks returned Portland Tuesday. from PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Apri 6th will be the first anniversary of our en tering tho war with Germany and the beginning of the drive for the Third Liberty Loan and; WHEREAS, the President of the United States and the Gov ernor of Oresron have proclaimed said day a holiday, and that the State Liberty Loan Committee has requested that all Mayors of all towns in the state give their aid in the movement: NOW THEREFORE, I, M. Fitzmaurice, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Condon do hereby proclaim Saturday, April the 6ch, a holiday in said City, and ask that the people of Condon join with the Home Guard, in devot ing said day for the celebration of the above mentioned events in an appropriate and patriotic manner. J' M. Fitzmaurice, i Mayor.: MEMBER FEDERAL. RESERVE SYSTEM The Liberty Loan is necessary for the protection of your home. Do you want it protected? Loan your money to Uncle Sam. I First National JBank 4