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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1918)
rr Oliver Farming Implements Our line of these fine implements is now complete consisting of I PLOWS, HARROWS, THOMAS DRILLS, PACKERS WAGONS, TRUCKS, MOWERS, RAKES, ETC. WATCH YOUR VALUES That U j ist what wa help you to do at this store. Etch and every article in our store is offered, at the lowest price consistent with safe mrchaticlijing and we can and do guarantee you a full doliar's worth for every dollar y ju spend with us. :: :: We have received a fresh stock of Groceries and Canned Goods the best on the market. Visit our Grocery Department and save money by buying here IT PA'S TO TRADE WITH THE S. B. BARKER COMPANY The Quality Store Condon, Oregon Have you paid up your Globe subscription? FEDERAL TRUCKS We have a carload of FEDERAL TRUCKS corning and we are anxious to quote our prices to our Farmer Customers or anyone who is iiiterested in a way to haul their wheat to the market in 1?S3 than half the time it takes to haul it with a team. Trucks fro'm 1 to 5 ton capacity. We sell the United States Royal Cord Tires. They meet every motor in need and price and are the "INDIVIDUALIZED TIRES" We handle Monogram and Valvoline Oil. Val voline Tiactor Oil Coc per gallon f. o. b. , Portland. We can do a lot for our customers. We even lielp them do away with profanity by filling their tires with the Universal Tire Filler guaranteed for 100.000 miles. L. E. SHELLEY'S GARAGE CONDON OREGON A QL03E WANT AD WILL 8ELL IT FOR YOU THE CONDON GLOBE H. A. Hartshorn, Editor Published Avery Friday by Th Globe Publishing Company. Entered a aecond claaa mail matUi at the pout office at Condon, Oregon ; lubMTlpUaa Man S1.M gar rn Hi mbUm I 'or 71 NnU. AJwtLln rmkM tin apw pellcatloa. WE GIVE FULL WEIGHT IM PURE. FRESH GROCERIES WE HAVE A FEW METHODS IN OUR BUSINESS THAT WE WANT VOU TO KNOW ABOUT. THEY ARE: . 1. WE HANDLE ONLY HIGH GRADE GROCERIES. 2. WE SELL AT A FAIR. HONEST PRICE. 3. WE GIVE FULL WEIGHT. 4. WE GIVE YOU A SQUARE DEAL. 5. WE STAND BEHIND OUR GOODS AND MAKE GOOD. DON'T YOU WANT TO TRADE WITH THIS KIND OF A GROCERY 8TORE. GIVB US YOUR GROCERY ORDER TODAY. W. VS. Fair's Cash Store Condon Oregon LOAN OR GIVE? This war will be won by men. money and materials end thest all must come largely from this country. The men are going ev ery day, there is no lack in this essential, and materials also art ready, but it takes money to fur nish the materials and get tin men ready and on the field of action. For this purpose there is needed a large part of the en tire savings of the people and they must be given up either as taxes or as loans. The more freely we purchase the Liberty bonds and the wider their ctiatri bution the lighter taxation can be made. Since our savings must go to the government in one form or another, it is ob viously to our interest aa Individ uals to give them as loans, which will in the end be repaid to us. than in the form of tuxes, which will not be repaid. The drive for the Third Liberty Loan starts tomorrow and it should be heart ily received and promoted. Re member, money is just as neces sary as men and materials and we who cannot go to the front will hav to hold up our corner of the triangle which is monev. i Also it is much better for us to I loan it to Uncle Sam than to give 'it in taxes. "OVER THE TOP" At various timet G!ob readers have mentioned that they would like to read the great war story, ''Over the Top," and we are pleased to announce that we have secured this atory and the first installment will appear next week. The atory was written by Em per, an American, who went over there is soon as the Lusitania was sunk and battled for two years wit h the Canadians He stw more real fighting than probably any other man who hue written about the war. "Over the Top" is the best seller of th season in book form and is wel1 worth the time it takes to read it Rockefeller bws just finished paying his income tax. amount ing to $32,400,XX). This leaver him only 22,000.000 with whicl; to support his family this year With tht help of the Hoover reg u'ationa, this should be made to answer if he gives careful atten tion to the garden. The kaiser is said to be a dili gent student of the career ol Napoleon. There are a few inci dents towards tht close of that career that are not calculated tc dive William any great amount of satisfaction if he would emu late the little Cotsican. There are, of course, many citizens whose civic pride maker sucIhu suggestion needless, but the movement Tor a cleaner citj this summer should be carried into every nook and corner ol Condon. The men of this country havt decided that they will not per mit the women to Jn all the con serving of clothing, so they wil give up the belts of their coats. It would seem that there h nothing too improbable to hap pen. A Kentuckian has aiec from too much whiskey. MICKIE'8 OOLYUM I'm the new "Devil" and ont of the first things the boss told me was that I had a certain part of this page to fill each week. 1 thought I had plenty to do as i was and just between you and me I think the boss had a crust to expect me to put over any tuing cm ii my biuii gen dv nim I should worry. Mickie. I heard one of our neighboit tell my mother that her aunt said that she heard at the Gossif. Club that Winnie Whitesocks ano Fanny Fatankle couldn't go tt church Easter Sunday btcaust Winnie's new hat didn't corm and Fanny had not received hei aew camouflage suit. 1 told tht boss and he said "it's probably i ;ood thing for if the expected j i . 1 i nui ana sun icouea anyining UKt- the ones they sported last yeai they wouldn't have made any hit with the Almighty anyway." This paper wishes it under stood that it welcomes spring poetry and cannot get too much of it. We intend to start earl to lay in our winter fuel. If being in love didn't take away the reasoning power, it i& my humble opinion there would be fewer marriages. If your garden is made and your housecleaning done, it is safe for you to feel well enough to go fishing. Did Hindenburg eat dinner in Paris April 1? He did not But he may get there yet as a pris oner. The man who is pleased with himself is usually hard to please in other ways. The common people will be un commonly popular from now un til May 17. How does it seem to be up be fore the sun? Started your War garden ? No one loves a knocker. Well, it's full So I'll see you ' Next Friday. ...WE ARE IN TO WIN... And We Will Win We at home have a duty to per form. It is to buy Liberty Bonds so that our boy may "(0 over th top" effectively. :: :: Let's take our quota the first day JOHN JACKSON Condon's Leading- Stationer and Confectioner SUMMONS In th Circuit Court of th Slat of Oittfon for the County of Clllism. J. B. HoiforJ. riln tiff. v Earl Shan, George Shane, Alvln Shan, Milti.n Shan, Shane, Eva Shane, and J. W. Smith, alio all other persons or parties unknown claiming any rljiht, title, estate, lien or Inter at In th ral estatues-ribd In th complaint herein, Defendants. SUMMONS To Raymond Shan and J. W. Smith, also all other persona or partie un known claiming any right, title, fitate, Han or Intercat in th real eatat de scribed In the complaint herein. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORKtiON, you and each of you ar hereby required and commanded to ap pear and answer th complaint of the Plaintiff on file herein on or before April 12. 1918. th date of th laatpuh. tlcation of summon herein and If yu fail to so appear and answer the Plain tiff will apply to th Court for th re lief demanded in the complaint on file herein which la substantially a follows; For a Decree of this Court compell ing th Defendant to redeem the lands described in the complaint within sixty days from the entry of said order, and that If they fall so to redeem that the xaid Defendants and all persona claim ing or to claim by through or under them b forever barred and foreclosed of all Interest, title or estate in oi to said premises or any part thereof, and that th true date of the fun closure Decree recited In th Sheriff's Deed to the Interior Warehouse Company be made to appear on record as Svptem ber Wnd, 1908, and for such other re lief ai to the Court may seem meet and equitable in the premises. This summons is served upon you and each of you by publication hereof in th Condon Globe for a peiiod of six consecutive weeks, seven issues, com mencing with th issue of March 1, 1918, and ending with llio insue of April, 12, 1918, by order of the Honourable D. R. Parker, Judge of the above en titled Court, mad and entered on the 26th day of February, 1918. D. N. Mack ay, Attorney for Plaintiff. Poatoffic Address Condon, Oregon. Data of first publication March ), J918. Date of last publication, April 12, 1918 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY S. tUtitVl Ut TT IIIICIIll Physicians & Surgeons First Nat l Hank Bulldtng CONDON. OREGON TYPHOIDs than S m u 1 1 p o x , kttnj txptslenc bM toranritxfitfd tiit almost mtroculouf efll Cacy tndhermlrwnMi.of Antityphoid Vaccination. li TBcclnaUtij NOW by yotif thyMto, you t4 your f unity, tt It mora vital then huuaa liurarRnca. Aik your phyilrUn, dmjrcltt, or trod for Maa yon bad Typhoid?1 telling irf Typhoid Vaccina, rrsuita from us , tod dnrci from Typhoid Ctfttcra, TlfC CIITTTB WnonATOSY. BCWiritY, fAU taotwciaa vwciaca a naum naDia a, a. aov. uciaat Chas. II. Horner ABSTRACTER Abstracts of Title to Gilliam County Lands Office in Court House 0. K. SHOP UP-TO-DATE TONSORIAL PARLORS Randall & Seale PROPRIETORS k 1st Door N. First National Bank County Treasurer' Notice . All outstanding warrants drawn on the General Road Fund of Gilliam County, Orepron, up to and including No. A 1091, will be paid upon presentation. Inter est ceases March 15, 1918. ' W. A. Graves, County Treasurer, C. r. Cath.y. m P H A. Calhty. at. U Drs. Cat hey Physicians & Surgeons Con.lon National lUok UulMIng ClVSlJU.N, OHKUON L. L. Taylor, M. D. V. Veterinary Physlciun & Surgeon CONDON. OREGON Dr. R. W. Hanneman Dentist All Work Guaranteed Phone to Cundun National Bank Building CONDON. ORKO.ON Dr. J. O. Kenyon Dentist First Nat'l Bank Building CONDON. OREGON D. N. Mackay Attorney-at-Law CONDON, ORifiUO.N The Condon Gicbe High Class Job Printing PHONE 43 CONDON. OREGON T. A. Weinke Lawyer Office m Court House CONDON, Or.KOON J. D. Weed Lawyer U. S. Land Commissioner CONDON, ORKOON Dr. W. II. Reynolds Chiropractic Nerve Bpeelallat If you art tick and hav trlod tvtryihlnc ! with no mult try tlilrupnutic aplnal adjualmtnta and a-i wHI First Nal. Bank Bidfl., Condon. Or. Dr. J. G. Turner Eye Specialist Portland, Oregon Kctfular monthly visit to Condon Watch paper for date ABSTRACTS to Gilliam County Land. , Gilliam County Abtract Co. L. C. Ballard. Prop. . j. D. Wd. Mr. City Treasurer's Notice All outstanding city warrants up to andincludingNo.1078 Class C" will be paid upon present tion at my office. Interest cease Nov. 12. 1917. 1 Myrtle Ferguson, City Treasurer.