Buy Your Liberty Bond Back Up the Boys GILLIAM COUNTY'S LEADING HOME PAPER L 1 CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY. APR. 5, 1918 JOHN DAY HIGHWAY GILLI1 COUNTY TO "THE LIBERTY BOND IS VICTORY'S WAND" T START SYSTEMATIC Sy It. S. A 1ST), Ulllriioro 4 ?&m-m BY U.S. 01 RAISED TOMORROW ill NO. 3 I GOUHTY S QUOTA IS $102,000: SHOULD BE PRQJEG APPROVED . -It mm mm Wm A ri t- mo SHE mm ii SUIELS V 7 That the Jhn Dy highway U nvt important road and that It Jrlll ulti mately be rom; let h! Irom the Ida! a lint at Ontario to the Columbia River high way In Sherman county la assured by tlx fact thai tba Government baa Juat approved the eunatra tlt-n of 4S 46 miles on tliia road at an estimated coat of II00.U3.79. Thia portion of tha high way I fro-n Ttlley'a ranch below Spray in Wheeler county to Valada'a ranch near Day villa In Grunt county. The portion approved will be paid for a follows U. S. Covarnment, $157,216; State of Oregon, 67,216; Crai.t court ty bxide. V-O.Wi, and Wheeler county b-mds $30,000. In addition to thla the government approved aome time ago the 12-mlle project on I he Spray road utheat of Foul I at the coat of 147,000. It la expected that tha next project to be taken up by the govern ment will be from Mitchell to tha Grant county line and from Foaail to Ajax In thia county. The opening of thit highway will bring an Iromenae territory tributary to Condon and make thla city a much greater shipping point than It la now. it la quite generally known that the approval of iiiia highway I largely da to the constant work of Jea. S. Stewart of Fossil ani he la entitled to an ex presilun of appreciation from the peo ple. Now Mr. Stewart it a candidate for Itopreaentatlve for thia diatrict and the people'a appreciation will material ite by giving him the hcavieat vote ever polled in thii district for any candidate. ARLINGTON AND ROCK CREEK SCHOOLS WIN HONORS Schoola having above 98 per cent of attendance for laat month are aa fol lows: Arlington, Condon. Mikkalo, Olex, City Farm, Qutnn, Unvllle, Mat ney Flat, Early, Richmond. Miaaourl Ridgo, Four Mile, Homestead, Ray Siding. At an entertainment held at Olex over 1200 waa secured, one-half of which waa turned over to the Red Cross and tho remainder waa used for school purposes. The Simmons school recently gave an entertainment at which $20 waa secured for school purposes. In the recent Thrift Stamp drive the pupils' atArlington sold I2W0 worth or an average o' $26 each. At the same time Hock Croek pupila report aalea amounting to $260 or $26 each. The school at Lone Rock gave an en tertainment at which they raised $166 to purchaae stamps for the pupila. 1 he pupils of the Condon public school during the month of March have pur chased for themselves over $700 worth of saving stamps. The pupila of Clem have purchased $30 worth. Tha Maley school f82. Uuckhorn $30, Olex $16.60 and Alvllle $13.60. No other reports renrding the purchase by pupila have been received. Gilliam county has been allotted $32,000 or $20 per capita to be raised this ycHr so It behooves ua to put every extra quarter into stamps. Gilliam county has a number of recruits In the three Junior Regiments of the atate. Each fend every child who by their ef forts secures membership in the reg iments are doing their bit THREE GO TO ARMY Three more Gilliam county men left the first of the week to serve Uncle 8am. This was the county's quota un der the last call. Those Who went were Earnest Beecroft, Horace Cooper and Thomas Chatlerton. Tha laat two mobilized from Portland. Mrs. John Hess arid three children left Sunday 'morning for an extended visit at her old home in California. Don't miss Empey's great war story, "Over the Top" starting next week in the Globe. James Dinnen bought a new Buick from L. E. Shelley last week. Staryl C. Austin is now station ed with his company in New York. P. T. Hurlburt and family spent Edfter with relative? InFoBsil. L. E. Shelley sold a tfuick last week to L. E Degonia. War has been declared on ground squirrels and rodent pests in Gilliam county. In keeping with (lie trend of the tirm-a to ward conservation of food prod uct!, County Agent Hawkins has launched a spring offensive azainst rodent pests which an nuilly destroy crops in Gilliam county to the extent of thousand of dollars. A arries of meetings has been arranged for next week at which lime community poison mijting parties will be held. Mr Hawkins has the formula which has been.' used successfully against ground squirrels by the United States Biological Survey for the past five years. This has proved to be the most effective and economical poiaon yet dis covered. ' The most effective way of erad icating the rodents has proved to be through community effort. By holding a general meeting in the community for the mixing of a large quantity of poison the effectiveness of the mixture used by each man is BMured and the Continued on last page COUNTY AGENT HAS ACCOUNT BOOKS FOR FARMERS "Farming without keeping ac counts is about like doing a bank ing business without bookkeep ing" aays J C. Hawkins, county agricultural agent. In calling attention to the high prices of seed, labor and all kinds of farm supplies, Mr. Hawkins has em phasized to many farmer recent ly the necessity of some kind of farm records and the desirability of a simp!, easily undersiood system of accounting which wilt at lie ud tf tie jeer tlx plainly the results of the year'B work. These records we espec ially desirable now -that the in come tax is in force Mr. Hawkins slates that he has secured a supply of farm record books from the Oregon Agricultural College which is available to farmers who will agrej to keep the records of their business for the entire year. To such farmers these books will be furnished free of charge upon application to his office. Mr. Hawkina will also offer individual assistance in starting the year's record with a complete inventory. The books are very simple to Keep posted and have been in use in parts of Oregon and in other states for several years. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH To tha credit of the officers and teach ers laat Sunday's quarterly report for the first quarter Of 1918 showed the school to be In a flourishing condition. The average attendance waa excellent New supply cabinets have been put in several of the rooms and in the base ment a new room has been finished for Miss Brown's fine class of boys. The Primary department ia very encourag ing having an average attendance eaeh Sunday of about 40 children. Mrs. Crawford has recently been enrolled an a teacher in thia department. We be speak from the parents the name hearty co-operation for che new quarter as in the past Sunday School is at 10 o'clock eaah Sunday morning. The hour of morning worship is 11 o'clock. Theme for next Sunday morn ing, "Unto Caesar the Things That Are Caeaar'a." Evening topic, "One Fold and One Shepherd." Note that the hour of the evening meeting will be changed next Sunday, to 8 o'clock. Let everyone attend church at least once every Sunday. Rev. M. R. WeIdman, Pastor, Sunday evening services at the Congregational church will start at 8 o'clock hereafter during the summar months. ... . , . - - RTJPSmiBINQ for Liberty Bonds does not mean giving anything. It does not m?an even sacrificing unless you call it that to spend more needfully here and use more needfully there. It moans safe, cane, sensible. si'tvant INVESTMENT, backed by the best security In the world our whole United State, and from which you will receiv reasonable Income In INTEREST. Compare this degree of patriotism with the kind that la taking our sons, brothers, husbands and fathers cross the seas to probable hardship and possible death. The balance la in their favor it you were to morttase your entire financial future in order that they may be backed up with those supplies which represent the means for both PREPAREDNESS and PROTECTION. Tbo third Liberty Loan ia at hand. .Don't wait to be personally solicited for your subscriptions. Go to your beak and VOLUNTEER YOUR DOLLARS. LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTED. IMPORTANT MEETING HERE J. W. Itrewer, government farm la bor specialist, will be here tomorrow, Saturday, morning to meet with the farmers at the courthouse at 11 o'clock to discuss the farm wage scale and the labor situation. He was to have been here today but changed his date. This is a very important meeting and all farmers are urged to attend. DOINGS AT MIKKALO Mrs. Frank Little and daugh ters, Agnes and Iris, and Mrs. McKinney spent Easter in Arling ton. Mrs. H. E. Mikkalo, who has been ill at The Dalles Hospital, returned to her home Saturday. , Miss Leora Solvester entertain ed a few friends at dinner Sunday evening. The color scheme was white and yellow. After a de licious repast games and. music were enjoyed. - . " Dale Ashenfelter visited in Mikkalo Sunday evening. Miss Mary . Ogilvy spent the week ;nd with Miss Solvester. Don't forget the Red Cross, social at Mikkalo April 13. Come and kill Kaiser Bill. Let's all plan to put Gilliam at the head of all the counties in the state by subscribing for the full quota of Liberty bonds the first day. Good work has been . done on the City streets during the past two weeks. C.'Beverlin renewed his sub scription to the. Globe last week. J. C. Hawkins is a new sub scriber on the Globe's list. was up from Arlington Saturday. VOLUNTEERS FOR SERVICE Vernon Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mr9. C. F. Kennedy former ly of this city row l'virg in Pendleton, : was one of the American soldiers who volunteer ed a few weeks ago to submit to the injection, of trench fever germ into his bo J; so that the physicians might study the disease and develop some propho lactic treatment. A letter re ceived by his parents states that he is now out of the hospital and fet-ling fine again CITY COUNCIL MEETS .The city council met Monday night with all present but Councilman Miller. The city is considering the disposal of the big engine and some of the equip ment at the Hay Creek plant. Flags for the street intersections were order- ' ed for Saturdy and a light was ordered I for the top of the big elevator. It has ' been found that the receiving oil tan j at the pump bouses have been leaking a. id this accounts for the oil in tht water.. This city has been doing very i good work on the streets the Ubt few weeks and at small cost to the tax payers. ' L. E Shelley expects anoilvi carload cf Buicks in the nth. future and some of these hav been contracted. The way in which his last carload was sold indicates that the Buick is a pop ular car and those wanting Buicks should get their order in early. O. VV. Jarvia and family left theflrstof the week for Night ingale,' Alberta. J. F. Thomas was over from May ville Wednesday. George Crum of Olex was in Condon Wednesday. M STOCK MUST BE KEPT UP Thia is the season when almo! everyone is putting in a garden and it is also the season when hose who own stock or pouliry mu9t keep them up. Marshal Wheir wishes to advise the people of Condon that this ordinance will b enforced to the letter this year and he says if the owne"s find their stock locked up in the pound or their chickens killed, they alone will be to b'amc REVIVAL MEETINGS ; Revival meetings will be held in the Nazarene church in Condon from April 7 to 28. conducted by Evangelist Mrs Stella Crooks, assisted by Mrs. Wells. Don't fail to hear this woman of God. The object of this meeting ia not to build up the Nasarene church but to get people saved and then they' may find the church of their choice. We cordial ly invito all to come to these meetings and get all the good out of them you can and do all the good in them you can. Come let ua have a real . old-time Holy Ghost revival. G. C Wicker, Pastor. Tomorrow Gil. am county goes over the too in th- drive for the Third Liberty Loan. It is hoped the objective of $lv2,000 will be) gained the first day. A. Shaffer Sr. of " Arlington visited over Sunday at the home of his son south of Condon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop and daughter, Grace, motored to the Bert Hartman ranch south of Fossil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. B.Carter were over from May ville Saturday. J. S. Boyer is a new subscriber on the G obe's list Mrs. W. G. NeVill is visiting friends in Spokane, Gilliam county's share of the ' Third Lilierty Loan has been fix iat $102,000 iid this makes. the quota for the Condon district approximately $70,000. The com mittee in charge hopes to have the entire quota subscribed to morrow,' April 6, the day the drive opens. As explained in iast week's Globe the assessments have been reduced one half. Jf you were rated or apsegned for $10fl0ou should Bubfcribe for $300 and if your assessment waa for $250 yonr fubrcripHcm thou'd be for 150. Ever) body is urged to mail in FubscripMons at once. Just fill out the blank form on the letter st-nf you by the execu tive committee and mail it to your bank. The banks will be open tomorrow, to receive aub 8cription although it will he a holiday throughout the TJ-iipd States, so proclaimed .by the President, the Governors of the states and i he Mayors of the var ious cities. It will be the big gest day in Condon since. the completion of the railroad in the summer of 1905. TOMORROW WILL BE HOLIDAY; BIG TIME IN CONDON Starting at 2 o'clock tomorrow after- . noon, there will be something doing all the time until midnight The big pa rade will form promptly at two at tha . rink and all autoa and floata moat be there on time. After the parade the May ville and Condon Guards wilt drill on the atreet and then everybody ia expected to go to the elevator where the new flag will be raised. After this there will be speaking by the Foor minute men. At aix everybody will gather outside the rink and sing the Star Spangled Banner and tb flag will -be lowered. At 7:30 the noise carnival on Main street will start and anyone may join with any noise device that ia harmless. The fireworka will be fired from the top of the elevator aa aoon aa it ia dark. The bard time ball at the nnk will close the day. Everyone dancing must wear hard time clothes. It ia expected that long before evening Condon's quota of liberty bonds will be over-subscribed. THE OLEX NEWS Spencer Ptnmmer and family are vis iting with relatives in Olex thia week. Mrs Bell Wade Is moving to Portland this week. The revival meeting cloetd at Clex last Sunday. A number of Arlington people attend er the revival meetings here last week. Mr. and Mr. Edgar Irby of Kent, Oregon, are now located on the T. C Mobley ranch and will make their horn there. L. A. Farley transacted business la Olex the first of the week. It ia reported that Wade and Martin are moving their stock over to Wash ington for summer range. They have also moved a band of sheep to Hay ('reek and have been very successful in lambing, .having averaged tOO per cent increase. . i Word waa received last week from Eph Wilson who ia in France. Be is feeling well and it ia supposed that be is now at the battle front Miss Wilms Beardaley of Arlington ia working for Mrs. W. W. Weather ford on Kock Creek. p .... v 7. n.... h. hi in 200 acres of spring grain. Ihe pros pects for a record crop in this eummuu- ity are very good. Miss Steeves, stenographer at the First National Bank, spent Easter at her home in The Dalles. Don't miss the first instalment of "Over the Top" in the Globe next week. J. D. Burns is driving a nv Buick bought last week of L K. Shelley. . Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tierney rt tnrned from Portland Saturday 'I