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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1918)
THE GLOBE PAQfid 1 Dalnatd U. 3. Depositary for Postal Savlnfa Deposit la Cindoa Meaber Federal Reserve Bank ' Our mpementr will satisfy vnr will pay you to buy our iestod Our boys -are giving, all they have to give for their country and save you Work tements. h , 1" u OUR DUTY lies in raising the amount of the Liberty Loan without a murmur to help the boys win the war LET US . DO OUR DUTY CONDON NATIONAL BANK 1 300 fcfcara REMEMBER When You Buy A Liberty Bond You . , . Swat the Kaiser -' GRAVES & GRAVES The Up-to-the-minute Druggist9 CONDON :: :: OREGON n K 1 FARMERS WAR PRICES We are NOT announcing the arrival of several CARLOADS of Farming Machinery which were bought at the High Prices of Today, but we are glad to advise you that we have several CARLOADS OF FARMING MACHINERY which were bought long ago, at prices considerably lower than the present cost, and we are POSITIVELY selling these on the basis of our cost, and not on a basis of the present cost. Our line consists of the BEST Up-to-date Farming Implements on the market. These are what we offer you at PRICES the other fellow cannot touch. If you are going to buy any kind of an Implement it will pay you to investigate. .. .. .. .. . . A. H. HOLLEN & SONS Hardware and Implements i Condon, Oregon PRAISES CHAUTAUQUA Continued from page 1 COOc Spring Showing ..of New and Up-to-date Dry Goods Ladies' Coats Skirts, Waists 1 Fancy Neckwear and Shoes We have just received a splendid line of silks, woolens and wash fabrics v . Your Inspection Invited Dunn Brothers, Inc . Merchandise of Merit :: Condon, Oregon time to thank your organization fur the very real help it has given to America ii the struggle that is concerned with every fundamental element of national life. Your speakers, going from com munity to community, meeting people in the friendly spirit engendered by years of intimate and understanding contact, have been effective messengers for the delivery and interpretation of democracy moaning and imperative needs. 1 he work that the Chautauqua is doing has not lost Importance be cause of war, bat rather has gained new opportunities for service. Let me express the hope that you will let no discouragement weaken your activities, and that the people will not fail in the support of a patriotic insti tution that may be said to be an integ ral part of the national defense. Cordially and sincerely yours, WOODBOW WlLSOK. The usual morning services will be1 held at the Congrega tional church Sunday and in the evening there will be a special Easter service and musical pro gram. Announcement To the Republican voters of Gilliam county, I hereby beg to announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for Coun ty Clerk of Gilliam county, sub ject to the will of the voters at the primaries to be held on May 17ih, 1918. Jake E. Schroeder. FOR SALE: Two story, 6-room house, with two corner lots adjoining in southwest Condon.' Water and electricity in house. Interior newly papered and painted. Good woodshed, etc. Price reasonable. See . D. N. Mackay, 2tf Condon, Oregon. FOR RENT: Good, modern house in north west Condon. Call at Globe office. 2tf FOR SALE: Modern 6-room bungalow, with all conveniences. Abundance of shade trees and flowers. Bull Run water. Five acres ad joining. Situated on Oregon Electric 4 miles west of Port land. Phone, water and car fare at city rate?. For further particulars see D. N. Mackay, 2tf Condon, Oregon. HAS RIGHT SPIRIT Pete Keto, an Italian who has been working in Ferry Canyon, certainly has the right spirit. Hp recently received a letter from his father who is in Italy, saying that one brother had been killed ana another had lost both legu and one arm. Keto immediately quit a good job and went to The Dalles where he hunted up Loui Comini and told him he would give $100 to get into the army right away. Now Keto is an American citizen and comes un der the draft but that method was too slow for him. Mr. Comini told him he did not want his money but would gladly take him to Portland. They went to Portland where they got busy with the authorities and the re sult was that Mr. Keto was of This he refused indignantly and told the officer, who had takin up his case, that he wanted to get to the front and he wanted to get there soon so he could get a crack at the Hun. The officer did his best for Keto and finally got him a place with the heavy artillery and he started his ser vice hapf-y and with the express ed opinion that Uncle Sam was pretty good to him. The three-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred May of this city died Monday.' Death was due to defective circulation. The fun eral was held at 2 F. M. Tuesday and the services were conducted by Mrs. G. Wicker and Mrs. John Harrison. Interment was made in the local cemetery. Miss Helen Engberg and Pern Brown of Condon visited the Leland Stiewersand other friends in Fossil yesterday. Miss Eng berg drove the party over in her car. Fossil Journal. C. A. Damaree successor to Ross Kennedy. ,ld2 Buy a Liberty Bond. MAIL FOR SOLDIERS Persons who send mail to members of the Expeditionary Forres are particu larly requested, in a statement ltud by the Post Office Department, to use ink only in writing the address. Every piece of mail matter should also brar the name and address of the send er. Heavy paper, canvas, or cloth should be used for wrapping packaxes. Wlmn canvas or cloth is used the address should be written on a shipping tog, with the nsme and address of the sender on the reverao side. Given names should be written in full, instead of Initial. The title of the addressee and the full name of the unit or organisation to which he is assigned ! should be added, it being sufficient in the way of further address to ue the words "American Expeditionary Forces." ) Chas. Granti proprietor of' the local shoe shop, went to Pendle ton Tuesday. The Condon High basketball team will go to Fossil tonight to! play the high school team there, j C. A. , Damaree successor to Ross Kennedy. 1J2 1 DEALS IN DIRT A. B. Moore et ux to Mabel A. Tharp, lots Condon, $760. Fred Barker to Win. F. Ryder, ICO acres, $10. Condon National Bank to II. F. Harrison, 640 acres, $10. C. J. Ames et ux to W. K. France, lota Arlington, $10. Mary Dawes et vir to F. E. Rogers, land 500. Jos. Blumberg to W. V. Smith ICO acres. $1050. G. E. McCoy it ux to Chas. S. Fox. 440 acres, II. W. C. Seale et ux to Wm. II. Campbell, 2 lots Condon, $1900. John O'Rourke visited relatives in Condon this week. He has been in Portland for tho pa&t month and was returning to hia work in Heppner.- The Farmers Union id expect ing a carload of early Burbank potatoes this week and will sell them very reasonably. These po tatoes ire suitable for seed or for table use. 2d mi:miii:w federal reserve system WANTED: By young man who is practical experienced tractoV.operator, a long run job. Will' stay year round. Born and raised on big farm and good mechanic. Mar ried, no children. State par ticulars and wages you will pay in first letter. Address Geo. Wilde, Gresham, Ore. 21 The Liberty Loan is necessary for the protection of your home. 1 Do you want it protected? 'Loan your money to Uncle Sam. 1 First National Bank