THE CONDON QLODE PAQE 8 H ..THIS STORE .. Will be closed all day on Sunday and erery week day at 6 P. M. until further notice. Thla la in line with the dealre of the gov ernment In conserving fuel. THE LAST BATTLESHIP Continued from page 4 Lester Wade's - Exclusive Store for Men. Condon, Oregon WMMI H MM HHIM FomII, Phons S Condon, MSI Mayvillf, 3 CONE LUMBER COMPANY Lone Rock, Oregon Manufacturers of all kind ef rough and dreased lumber aad mouldings Aa up-to-date mllL Newly Improved Good Grades Right Priced MEN A'l men Wt neater and feel btUr whta their clothing 1 ccatly cleaned and pressed. We do all klndi of cleaning, preaaing and repairing. You ran alwaya tell our patrona by their appearance on the atreet. ' Clothing may not make the man, but keeping it cleaned and pressed makes him a deal more attractive. C. A. DAMAREE TAILOR SHOP CXhNDON, OREO. The Pleasures of Life ri They are of many kinds and derived from many sources. 'V The greatest source of pleasure, and one that is always commendable is Beauty. And there is no object of Beauty that sur passes appropriate ...Jewelry.... Our line is especially choice. You will experience great pleasure in just seeing thesa splendid articles, and greater atill from possessing them. HEAR THE PATHEPUONE E. W. HUTCHINSON South Main Street :: Condon, Oregon mait. "All rlnht. Feud blin aft." Feltou was pushed rather lhao led to tbo man amidships. "How do yon dor be aald kindly. "So you thought you'd visit us. Wa rat- b aU our fish this way." "My God. captain." answered FeV ton, "I'm not visiting! I Jumped out of an airship and waa cocked into your tube.. I'm glad I'm alive." And thn-wii tbe'tlqoor affecting bla brain T-tb captain's face, tin for line, feature for feature, was toe tact of the captain of the airabip, whom taut be bad ea aprawllng above bim hi tuldalr. Uad be beaten bim down anJ been picked up firatf It teemed Impossible. "How what bow" be stammered, rubbing bla eyra. "Bow did you get here, captain? You jumped after mt." "1 Juuid a.'ter you You art wan derlng. I aaw you all jump through the periscope, but I wat here." "Then It'a the cloaeat resemblance 1 ever aaw. You're tbe II ring Image of the airship's commander, or elae lt'a the liquor. My bead feebj Queer." "No doubt, but It'a not the liquor. You've bad a terrible experience. Ifa a wonder tbe Jump didn't kill yea at well aa affect your mind." Felton waa not satisfied with tbe ex plana tlon. It waa a ttrangt and strlav log resemblance, nothing more, an1 he waa about to aay aa much when man came forward from the engine with an oil can. He waa tbe duplicate In face and form of tbe man be bad pommeled, but without tbe contusions. Felton blinked In amazement, the looked at tbe otbera, whom In the agi tation of bla entrance be bad. not closely observed. Man for man, nine In all. they duplicated the crew of the airship. "My God." be stuttered, "am I mad or druukf You've drugged me," be relied lusauely. "Every man here la a double of another." "Bteady-eteady, now," aald the cap tain. "You're not drugged. You're little off your balance, and tbe drink waa too heavy. Every drunken man soes double, lin't that so?" Thla seemed logical, and Felton stanv mere J ascent. It was a terrible jump -ano f-t R bad ei-H death by a miracle. Men had gone Insane un der less pressure, and be bad taken two drinks- of a powerful stimulant He would be all right In time after a little sleep. The captain waa peering Into tbe periscope, tbe uou magnifying telescope wblvb gives a view of tbe seascaiw. "Come tin here." be aald. "and take a look." Felton climbed to tbe small platform on which tbe captain stood. Just be fore bim was tbe eyepiece of tbe peri scone, and nt a sl:n from tbe captain he peeped Into It. Pictured on the lens was tbo dismantled wreck of the Argyll, down by the head, a helpless. sinking wreck. "Fbe's flofitlnj: cn five oomjiartmcnta," said the cnptalu. "1 just filled the sixth, and I think we'll fill two at once this time.. By the way, what did you fellows butt In fort It was my QKlit. I bit her last night and blew ud the forward magazine. Then I lost her in the dark." "But, say." answered Felton. "which side are you on In this mix? -You blew up the turret, you aay, and the air shin destroyed her. But the crew of that nlrsblp displayed mortal fear of you and Jumped overboard at sight of you." "Exactly. They would have gone off at a tangent If they hadn't. It'a bet ter to die on your planet than to be come a comet for all eternity." "Like the airship. I aee. But bow did you do lt..lf I may askr "I reversed his polarity; that's all See that? louk and listen." - The captain turned a lever, and a dynamo near by began to revolve, while an arc lamp auspended from above glowed, glistened and aparkled us the current passed through the car bona. Soon It besau a curious, mu steal buzzing, and the captain shut It off. "Merely an alternating current throuch an arc." he explained. "But the electric impulses aent out by that singing arc are of a wave length and frequency produced by no other means They are Just right to turn bla two magnetic poles into one, and away be goes." ' . "1 don't understand. Yes. I under stand that you might reverse bis polar Ity or combine It. aa you aay, by aomo wireless method. But which aide are you on?" "Tbo side of the Lord." "Lock herd, captain." said rsiton an grily, "that la tbe answer your double gava me when I asked bim the same question last night It means noth ing. I am either a prisoner of war or a guest entitled to consideration. Why do you treat me like a fool r Because you are t fool. You be lieve lu tbe Invulnerability of lbs bat tleship. Well, there la one of tbe best. Look at br." "I tee. Destroyed, but not by you: by an enemy of yours, one who feared you." Yes, as mediocrity fears intelligence, aa the child fears tht dark, the aavaga the gun of the civilized soldier, human ity aa a whole the unseen, tbe unex pected, the Invisible. Tbe airship la potential, but not final; ahe can tm seen." And shot," estd Felton doggedly. "Did that battleship bit your air ship? You know that abe could not Tbe airship's limitations art contained In ber visibility. She cannot be bit by shot or shell, but abe can be seen and projected Into apace." "Granted, but suppose abe dropped a bomb on to your back before you saw berr "She could not, except In tbe dark; then abe would bare to strike a knife edge, and It would be an accident, one chance In millions. We art construct ed like a razorback bog to deflect fall ing bombs." But you cannot deflect horizontal torpedoes," said Felton, looking op at the dome of tbe submarine. It looked curiously like tbe dome aaaped roof of tbe airship. "I know well," be went on, talking aa waa bla wont among bla fellow officers, "tbat If I could see your periscope tube wltb a telescope I could bit you with one of my tor pedoes." "Your torpedoes V "I am torpedo officer of that battle- ahlp. . I was on tbe turret top when yon blew It up last night and went up with It I landed on tbe airship." "You are a member of that battle ship's crew7' "I am." Felton dropped bis eyea at tbe menace In tbe captain's voice. On tbe way his glance took In the curving walla of tbe submarine. They bad be come aeniltransparent, and even aa be looked they vanished, leaving a clear view of the aky and horizon wltb lta atring of fighting ablpe. pursued and pursuing. lie' was again In tbe air ship, and the upright stanchions tbat be bad first obeerved aa anomalies In a submarine now served their legitl mate purpose of supports to tbe roof. "Tbe drink," be murmured, while bla brain awam and bla soundings disap peared In a mist "They've drugged Attention' .Farmers You belong to that battleshlpr roared the captain, but Felton bad sunk to the floor. Incapable of volun. tary action. The captain blew a whts tie. and bla crew answered. Back to the battleship'" thundered the captain. "Load bim into tbe tube. Expend that torpedo and make room." Men sprang to tbe tube and turned levers. The captain sprang to the perl- scope. "Right," be saw. "Ill nulsn ber." How an airship could fire a torpedo waa beyond Felton'a benumbed facul ties at tbe time. He waa struggling weakly, trying to strike, but unable to. pounded on the face and body by the Implacable victim of bla fists In the former tight, helplessly borne along to ward the tube, now emptied of water. "Back to tbe battleshlpr' tbey cho rused. "In wltb html" Powerless te resist, be waa Jammed bead first Into the tube. He beard tbe door ereak t to place behind bim; then mgmm WMw4m iff-" Metr mim'l iiiiii) II Qe Gets Days of Comfort out of a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Real Gravely Plug it auch good tobacco (just enough sweetening: to flavor), that a plus of Real Gravely lasts much longer than an ordinary plug, and rives the com fort and satisfaction of good tobacco. Clve any man a chew of Real Gra-relyTiug, and be will ti-ll yon that's the kind to send. Send the best! Ordinary plug is false economy. It coats lees per week to chew Real Gravely, because a small chew of it lasts a long while. If you smoke a pipe, slice Gravely with your knife end add a little to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor improve your smoke. . SEND YOUR FR1FND IN THE V. S. SEBVICE A POIICU OF GRAVELY DWl all srarmd fear carry it in 10c. pouch. A Sc. sUmp will pot It into his buds in m Trainins Camp or Sea port of tb U. S. A. E. "orr th.r" a Ac. sump will Uk Ittehira. Yoot-ImIw will supply nnlop and sfrsvouofli. cud diractioiM tow to addret-It. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO., Danville, Va. ft Pa toil Itaft tops ft FnA mi Ctan mi Coi A b not Real Cnoely wi&oat Mil rYsttdKM Seel Established 183 Powerless to Resist, He Was Jammad Hsad First Into the Tube. be felt the Impact of cold water. Then. faintly as the voice of a telephone, came tbe voice of a man: "The forrard door'a Jammed; It wou'l open." "Hammer It", came the captain': voice. "Get n ton maul." An ape or two went by while Feltou lay Imprisoned in the tube, holding bis brontb end immersed in water. Tuen, faintly as the voices, came the sound of a heavy hammer on tbe walls of tbe tube: "Clang clang, clang clang." Keltcu awoke In bis berth aa wet with perspiration as though still tm merscd iu that tube. Tbe gunroom orderly tapped at his door. "El8ht bells, sir, he said. "All right," be answered. "Eight bells," be murmured to himself. "I hearilHhe first four of tbem let'a see about twelve honrs ago. Twelve hours t of experience lietween the fonrth and fifth strokes. Flow long does a dream taket Darn a dream, anyhow 1" Owing to the war I have decided to cut prices to the lowest possible limit and live Cash Prices f.o.b. MMalo, Oregon -:- on -:- -foot Oliver Double Cutaway Disc Barrewe, Is discs... U40.M 1 1-4 Heavy Wlneoa Mta. Qean. 42-ii wheals, Sxft-S tire US.M 120-tooth Steel Marrows..... . 19B Oliver Chilled -bottom Plows te eat 12. 14 or 16 In.. 149.M 19B O iver Chilled 2-bottom Plows to sat 12, 14 er 16 in. 7.W I have the Discs, Wagons and Har rows in my warehouse at Mikkalo and will have the plows on hand in a very short time. First come, first served, as my stock is iimited .Mail Orders Promptly . Filled Satisfaction Guaranteed FRANK LITTLE General Merchandise Mikkalo, Oren 1 Oc o o You Send the Order We Do the Rest We're right here every day in the year ready to supply you with any and every thing you need in the Best and Purest Family Groceries in the Markets. When you plan a special dinner, better see us we can give you some valuable pointers, not only on articles to buy but attractive prices as well. ... ' It's your order we are after never fear but we will fill it to your satisfaction. We've everything to fill it with, and every inducement to fill it properly. You send the order and we'll do the rest-and YOU' LL feE SATISFIED. o o FRANK SMITH Cor. Summit and Main Condon, Oregon u t I nt 'I' The next Morgan Robertson will be "The Trade Wind." story Endymion Lodge No. 66 KNIGHTS of PYTHIAS 1 1 Heeta Tuesday Evening In Caatle Hall CONDON. OREGON Rank' of Esquire ' next Tuesday night J. C. SturgUl, K., R. andS. CONDON DRAY & TRANSFER LINE P. E. BENNET, Proprietor Light and Heavy Hauling Hauling Trunks and J " ail lob work a specialty . f CONDON Phone No. 10X OREGO" I ' Home Cooked Meals Everything Clean THE OREGON RESTAURANT - : Mrs. B. B. Sbadley, Prop. J Ask about meal ticket Best In Condon W-A-T-E-R on the Farm is An Absolute Necessity. A Good Well on J T7I 1 !eV ..1 iA timaa tA AAof aftf that Z your rami increases sis vaiuc ich .unca.nit well. ' --...-V -V WE FURNISH IT ? Anything In the plumbing line Will retjelve our . prompt attention, - JAMESON & MARSHALL Sanitarv Plumbers Condon, Oregon L tkmtmmOmltKmlCrml 1111 HH