Don't get to turn your clock ahead one hour, when you go to hed tomorrow night Buy Your Liberty Bond Back Up the Boy GILLIAM COUNTY'S LEADING HOME PAPER VOL. 29 CONDON. OREGON, FRIDAY. MAR. 29, 1918 NO. 2 A. COUNTY'S SHARE OF LIBERTY LOAN REDUCED BY HALF Gilliam county I reedy and walling to go "over the tup" when the signal eound on Saturday, . April 8, for the , beginning of tlio grot drive for the Third Liberty Loan. Tbla baa beeo the feeling all over tht county and now that tha eutinty'a quota ha bean cut In two, it It assured that tha objective will be gained the flrat day In thia county. Ueo. B. Dukek, county chair man, baa been officially Informed that thli county'a enure la now about cue half the amount called for at II ret ao the Individual ratinga or aiaeaamenU, whkh were fixed by the Local Eiecu- tlvt Committee tnd mailed out, will be reduced about one-hair. Thoee rated at $1000 will underetand that their rat ing will now be $600; tha ratinga of 2U are now $150 ami the rating of liUO U now $50. . Of course, thoee wish ing to take the full amount aeaeeewi may do ao and eeveral have asked to do thia. A number will take mora than their original assessment. However, awry persun In the county la expected to buy aume of thoee bonda td It is your duty to send In your aubecnpUon at once. Thoee not reporting may be listed on a yellow card and reported to Washington. Although tha people had fully decided to subscribe the flrat quota with a rush, this reduction will be a relief for this Is the time of year In this county when ready money la lose than at any other time. Another loan may be floated next fall but that will be the teason when thia county will have tha cash. Don't delay In aendlng In your subscription. '. GimAM PIONEER GOES TO JOIN OLD COaiRADES Another Civil War veteran and early pioneer of GilUam county answered his last call Monday, March 25, when Anion Hertman passed away at his tome In this city. ! ' Anon Uartman waa born in Adams county, Illinois, March 20, 1849, and died in Condon, Oregon, March 26, 19IS, at the age of 69 years and 6 days. He served hia country In tha Civil War with the 1st Texas Volunteer Cavalry in 1804-65. He was with Sheridan In the Shenandoah and waa wounded near Cedar Creek. He waa with Sheridan when he defeated Early at Winchester and Fisher's Hill October 18-19, 1804. and was one of five cavalrymen who escaped from Andersonville Prison and returned to his command after three dsys of hardship and hunger. After the war Mr. Hartman returned to Texas and married Miss Laura Dunn at Spring Creek on October 21, 1806. They moved to California 41 years agoi ami lived there nine years when tha family moved to Oregon and took t homestead near Condon. They lived there for 80 years. In all Mr. Hartman had bten a resident of Gilliam county iZ yeara. He leaves the wife who pio neered here with him and three sons, Bert, Henry and Edward and one grandson who is now serving with the U. S. Troops in France. Mr. Hartmaa belonged to the I. O. O. F. order and waa one of the charter members of the Condon lodge. The funeral aervices were held at the home Tuesday morn ing. Burial was made in tha local cem etery and conducted by the Oddfellows with tho Condon Home Guard as escort of honor. Mr. Hartman waa deeply in terested in the work of the Home Guard and never failed to give help when the Guard asked foi it. Ha was a friend and neighbor and a fine eitlien and his memory will always be revered by those who knew him. SCOUTS RAISE FUND The Boy Scouts put on the picture Bhow in the American Theatre last Friday evening: to raise their quota of the national scouting fund. They took In $41 and after paying all expenses had left 14 which with donations makes up the Condon Scouts' quota. v Vf Mrs. Wf C. Brown and son returned , the first of the week f ro.Ti an extended visit in Port land, j Mrs. J. D. Weed was in Port ' land this week ' attending the Liberty Loan convention. WAGE SCALE AND LABOR SITUATION fly J. O. Hawkins, County Agent A meeting will be held in the court house In Condon next Friday, one week' from todsy, to discuss the farm wage scale and tha problems of tha labor situation. Every farmer Is asked ti be here aa tbla is a move of great Importance. J. W. Brewer, gov ernment farm labor specialist, will be here. These meetings are being held all over eastern Oregon to decide on a wage ao that It will be uniform In this state and also In southern Washington and la Idaho. Don't miss this meeting. A meeting of the farmers Is to be held tomorrow at Blal ock to organise to build an elevator. F. L. BaUard, government specialist on elevator or ganisation, will be there to assist. Tha County Agent is a busy man making aquiirel poison for the farmers and will have four or Ave squirrel clubs In full operation next week. Thoee farmers who use asckj are urged to get them at once if they want to get the price of 25 cejits. There are only two million sacks to be hsd at thia figure while tha crop will demand sixty million and (he aacka that are im ported will cost 30 cents or more. The Boy Scouts of Condon will have a troop garden on the city's vacant lots under the personal supervision of County Agent Hawkins. Pour lots will be used and these have already been oC fered. Work will be started right away. OLLIE RINEHART IS IN EAST; LIKES THE ARMY Oliver JUaeaart, one of Condon's boys who la now in Uncle Sam'a service la now at Camp Morrison in Virginia. Ha aaya; "I landed in thia place on the 28th of February, juat lit time to do tha most important thing in the army--algn the payroll. W a are not permitted to leave the eamp and it is Impossible to get pass for more than twenty four hours. I haven't had a pass yet and from what I hear of Newport News, I don't think I wsnt one. we must have a special pasa to get to Morfork or Richmond and they don't issue special paaea ao we don't go. At preeent we are living in a storehouse nd are very comfortable. . Our camp is about a mile from the James River and the oyster beds. All the white people I see are soldiers. There is plenty of detail work here as this camp ia juat being built' Our company has beeA grubbing atumps all day. I am at present in tho machine gun section of the company and like it fine. I was informed a few days ago that I might be sent to a firm instead of going to the front but I hope not. We don't know how long we will be here nor where we go next. It was hard to leave Omaha for that waa a fine place to soldier. I haven't heard from Will Hardia alnce be left Camp Greene but 1 sea by tha Globe that he is in the offi cers' training camp in France.. I wish him all the luck in the world and hope I have to salute him when we meet again, I hope to be on my way to France when you hear from me next. Best regards to everyone in Condon. Near ly forgot the main thing-many thanks for the Globe." LARCHS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Jake Larch en tertained a party of friends Sun day in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morgan, newly married Con don young people. Mr. and- Mrs. W. S. Farr, parents of Mrs. Morgan, were present as well as a number of others. A bounteous and delicious dinner was served by the hostess. Mrs. Larch's dinners are noted as be ing among the best of the good ones Qillium county women know how to serve. Mrs. Ben Esser returned Sun day from San Francisco where she has been visiting for several weeks. W. E. Smith returned the first of the week from Portland. He is driving a new Hupmobile. Mr W Mothers r ' Fathers M fit' $ Vf' '3?MJ ' By K. E. iVNelll i4 W. 8. Klrkpstrlck. Of fcUir?me moment U the If sue of the war. The price of wheat and the turn of politics are serious mat ters but the Third Liberty Loan In Oregon means more than all. It means Biuking up the boys who have been sent to the overseas battlefields. -.-; . , Troiupt and abundant loani of Spate cash to the war treasury, in local trade terms, is the transUUo-f . . money into airplanes, guns, ammunition, provisions, ships -and every device of modern war for the American. War expenditures roach ever' avenue of business in this state. Therefore, "Bridge the Pond Buy a Liberty Bond," in the words of Mrs. H. M. McKerma of Astoria, and M. Eva linil of Eugene. Prepare for the Third Loan which opens Saturday, April 6, with Victory celebrations throughout Oregon. The Governor and Mayers will proclaim tit significance and crpercy of participation in the raising of OrcKiiii's xhnre of this defense fund. Rallies, open air gatherings, speec'ice, parades, illuminations, the Ring-it-Again Liberty Bell on the door of every household, and by every moans, the citizens of our community are urged to forsake a!l other activities and join in the spirit and the work of the day. Begin buying a Bond the First Day! - This is the firft of a scries of cartoons and slogans by Oregon illustrators and writers which will be pub lished by the LI3ERTY LOAN COMMITTEE and the space for which, is part of the patriotic offering of tha Condon Globe GILLIAM IS NOT THE POLITICAL HOTBED IT WAS Sreftking of politics, the situa tion in Gilliam county this year is about as different from the palmy day when Bowerman pull ed the throttle on the political steam roller as black from white. There was something doine then all the time; there is nothing doing now any of the time. The war has had a great deal to do with the lack of action this year hut political conditions have changed greatly in the last few PUPILS MAKE FINE RECORD A number of the 4th grade pupils at the public school have made excellent records selling Thrift Stamps. Edith Turner heads the list, having sold stamps amounting to $95. The others are Gladys McCarty, Janie Hardie, Marian Weidman, James Walker, Oscar Billingsley and Floyd May and each has sold &0 worth. These boys and girls are all members of the Junior Kainbow Regiment. P. N. Shown was tip from Portland a few days this weelc He is still in the war service in the shipbuilding plants and says ne is doinjr well. They need more men in the shops there now and Mr. Shown says it is good work and of great service. He ordered the Globe while here, . Dr. Wilhelm returned from Portland .Sunday. While there he traded in his old Studebaker and brought home a new Stude baker roadster. ' , Mrs. T. G. Johnson went to Portland Wednesday. . W. E. Smith went to Pasco Wednesday on a business visit. C. A. Damaree successor to Ross Kennedy. Id2 years for which many folks are thankful. ' With only 6even weeks remaining before the pri mary election, there is little talk on the poltical tituation. Only one candidate has made his entry into the race for county honors and his announcement is publish ed for' the first lime this week. This is Jake Schroeder. He wunts to . be ' county clerk. "Shang" Lsughrige has decided not to make the race. One or TURN CLOCK AHEAD Every clock in Condon will be turned ahead one hour tomorrow night' so if you want to be on time at church or any other meet ing the next day you had better fall in and set th alarm one hour earlier than usual. , Mrs.. Pete Wilsou of Rock Creek underwent an operation Monday morning at St. Mary's hospital in this city and is recov ering nicely. Dr. Miller perform ed tha operation. . Floyd DunlaD came ud from Portland the first of- the weok for v'sit with his parents here. He has' been employed in the shipyards in that city for several months. .L. E. Shelley sold a Buick to Lewis Couture the first of the- week. A..W. Dant renewed his sub scription to the Giobe this week. Mr. and Mrs. Rert Hollen have moved in from their ranch. Lester 'Wilkins was up from Clem Tuesday. v H. D. Raudall was up from Olex Monday. - ONCE; ONLY ONE OUT two other names have been men tioned for clerk. ( Walter Graves, the present county treasurer, wants tnat office again and will be on the republican ticket at the primaries. One or two have been mentioned as probable candi dates for sheriff. In state poln tics, the candidates for governor are receiving more attention than any others and they are getting mighty little although some of them have loosed their heavy artillery for a big drive. MAYVILLE FOLKS WED A) wedding of much interest to south ern Gilliam took place In this city Wednesday evening when J. R. John son and Miss Pearl Smith, both of May ville, were married by JuJge D. R. Parker at hia home in Condon. Quite a delegation of MayvlUe folks were here to attend the happy event Mr. and Mrs. Johnson returned to May ville that evening and have taken up house keeping there. The bride Is a daughcer of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith, among the best of Gilliam's pioneers, and Is a winning, capable young lady who will make a good home for her husband. Mr. Johnson is associated with his father in conducting the store at May ville. He la a fine, industrious young man. The happy couple are receiving congratulations from numerous friends among whom the Globe wishes to be numbered. Mrs. Arthur Bousauet and children left Wednesday evening for their home in -St. Paul, after an extended visit at the home of Mrs. B msquet's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, Mrs. Walter D'Nelly accompanied them. Miss Hslen Engberg returned to Portland Wednesday. Bert Esser was a Portland vis itor last we. k. CHAUTAUQUA TO BE IN CONDON AS USUAL, JULY 4TH . Chautauqua will be in Condon this year about June 29 to July 4 inclusive. These dates are prac tically definite and in any event they will not deviate more than one or two days from this time. Condon people will hear this year one of the most effective war lecturers in America today and see the best war pictures. After working on this for a month the -Ellison-White system secured Henry -Warren Poor who has made two extended trips "over there" since the beginning of the war. He has for fourteen years been with Underwood & Underwood, the photographic : headquarters for the Associated Press and this connection gives him first choice of the largest collection of war pictures in the. world. Many other equally good ' attractions have also been secur ed for this circuit. Following is ' a letter from President Wilson to the head of the International Chautauqua Association: , Mr. Montaville KloWen. President, international Lyceum and Chautauqua Association. Hotel LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois. It baa been on my mind for soma Continued on page S NEWTON BROWN LANDS IN FRANCE; GOOD TRIP Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown received a letter this week from their son, -Newton, in whie ha says: "I suppose that by the time thia reachea you, you will know that I am over here at last. rwt - . 1 1 a . bi arc sun on ooara snip aa we just arrived in port today. We had a pretty good trip and didn't get torpedoed al though we were attacked by a submar ine, Wa couldn't sea the periscope -but our convoy did and fired several shots at it. Don't know whether they hit or not but I hope they did, at least that's about all there waa to do. It happened to the war sona and the tub KDtMared on th nnrt t.Kl TK fi-.t I knew about tt waa tha 'call to quae, tera' blowing. I waa a little sick tha third day out. just enough to lose all my desire to be in the navy. We had several days of rough weather and one day it was very rough. 1 will be glad when I get on land again. There are lots of French people around in small boats here,, mostly old men and email boys'-,' ''..,, NEWS OF MIKKALO Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chronicle of Condon visited at the Frank Little home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis aiTd Mrs. Solvester. were Blalock vis itors Tuesday. ; -J ' ' " Mrs. McKinnejy the Misses Agnes and Iris Little and Roilo Solvester attended the Home Guard soc:al at Arlington Satur day night Miriam Eeeney of Olex spent the week , end in Arlington, re turning Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. John Cimmiyoftl and family motored to Condon Sundxy. -.' ' ' ". -- Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Crura are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Monday, March 25. The new depot at Mikkalo wi!l be completed in the near future1, and will add greatly to the ap pearance of the town. V Fred Danielson returned to Hay Creek op Wednesday of last week after visiting relatives at Burlington, Washington, for a few days. . r B. Chaney transacted business in Condon Monday. Mrs. Fred Bock was a passen ger on Wednesday's train or Portland.