The Liberty Loan drive will start Saturday, April 6. Gilliam county is anxious to put over her share of this loan with,that undefeatable spirit our boys are now showing: in the first-line trenches. Show your fighting spirit ' Buy Your Liberty Bond Back Up the Boy GILLIAM COUNTY'S LEADING HOME PAPER VOL 29 CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAR. 22, 1918 N0.1 BIG CELEBRATION IS PLANNED FOR APRIL 6 TO OPEN DRIVE FOR LOAN There Will Be "Something Doing" All the Time from Noon until Early Sunday Morning; II. G. in Charge The Condon Home Guards will start Gilliam county over the top on Saturday, April 6, by staging a patriotic celebration, the 'occa sion being the first anniversary of America's entry into the war on the side of humanity and the opening day of the. big drive for the third Libery Loan. At noon the national salute, of 21. guns will be fired and at 2 o'clock the Mayville and "Condon Guaids, children from Condon and May- ville schools and decorated autos and floats will join in a patriotic parad. At 3:30 the Four minute! Prospects for a successful meet men and others will speak from' looking better every day. the aland on Main street. The1 Work on the track has been un Condon and Mayville Guard will jder way for several days and it drill at 5 o'clock and tbi. will be ' to very good condition now. followed by the firing squad, the 'The barns have all been put in loweiing of Old Glory. From 7 j shape for use and will be occupied to 9 Main street will be the scene xn. according to letters received of fun ard frolic. Horns, from horsemen who are coming, whistles, belli and other harm- Sixty-six head of horses have al less devices for making noise may ready been promised for this le uBed. This demonstration! will be confined to Main street only. At 8:15 the Guard mem bers will handle a display of fire works.. The Hard Time Balf will start at 8:30 and continue until 1 A. M. -The proceeds of this dance will be used to hdlp pay the expenses of the Liberty Loan drive. Governor James Withycombe has announced that he will be a. candidate for re-election. The best plow-Oliver Chilled at The S. B. Barker Co. Some Story; Valley Paper Has Tale Which Is Pure Pipe-dream A wotl-authentiraled atory comes ' from near Arlington, Oregon, which runs aa follows: A stranger pasting through the county stopped about noon at a large ranch and asked if he could have dinner. The ' housewife replied that Bhe was preparing dinner and if he - would wait he could share the meal. The man took a scat on the front porch. The lady left the house momentar ily on an errand connected with her meal when the man quietly slipped in side and taking a bottle containing a red liquid, poured it into a pot of beans cooking on the stove. He thought he was unobserved, but a sick child lay in an adjoining room, and saw the act of the stranger. When the mother came in the child revealed to her what he had seen, and when the husband and furm hands reported for dinner the secret was made known to them also. At firBt it was thought to have the stranger arrested, but they decided to handle the matter in a different way. Nothing was said oponly and they sat down to dinner. The beans were first pmsed to the stranger, who declined to partake, saying that hfcVpever ate Ml Elder M. II. Cook . will speak in the Saints Church, in Condon Siturday, March 23, at 8 P. M. and Sunday, the 24th, at 11 and 8 o'clock, " ST. Patrick's day iSjENTERTAINMENT FITTINGLY CELEBRATED The entertainment and dance Riven la the rink Saturday night aa a celebration of St. Patrick 'i Day and an a benefit for the Knlghta of Columbus war fund was a complete success. The program was very enjoyable and the address of the evening ly Frank J. Lonergan of Portland was one of the best ever heard in Condon. After the program a large crowd remained to dance and enjoy themselves. -Lunch was served in the rear of the hall. The receipts at the hall and from the lunch amounted to $302 75 yid the expenses were $25.45. LOOKS GOOD FOR SUCCESSFUL MEET Sixty-six Horses Promised; Track In Good Condition riana for the race meet are going- forward rapidly and the meet and they are coming from every part of the northwest and California. Purses amounting to 12750 will be arranged soon with $250 in reserve for specials. U A. Lamaree successor 10 Ross Kennedy. Id2 Miss Grace Brown went to i Portland Thursday. , A. Hartman was quite low the nrst or the week but has rallied and is much better. 0 Gilliam will go over the top with a rush in the Bond drive beans. One of the men then produced from under the table a pistol and point ing it at the stranger said: "This is the time when you eat beans." The man was reluctant to partake but did so. In fifteen minutes he was taken aick and in an hour he was dead. The men went to the county Beat and told the officers of the law what had hap pened. The reply was that they were to go back to their work and the proper authorities would take care of the body. These facts were conveyed by a neigh bor of the family to a relative in this city and the truth of the story is un doubted for this reason. The evident purpose of the man wan to kill several persona at one stroke and hinder the production of the crop on a large farm. In the absence of any other known mo tive, thaC is the conclusion of the people of the neighborhood. McMinnville Tel ephone Register, February 22. This story was recently published in the McMinnville Telephone-Register, The Globe man was asked to investigate, old so and found that it was a mere fabrication without fact or foundation. Mrs. Barrett, who has been visiting at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Chas. Simpson, for some time, left Tuesday morning for Casper, Wyoming. 13 dKMl MIUM Sum of $205 Is Raised for the School and Red Cross by Selling Good Eatables The school entertainment and basket social given in Wade's Hall al Olex was enjoyed by a large crowd. Many patriotic and Red Cross ideas were carried out in the decorating of the bas kets and 2)5 was raised from the sale of the baskets and coffee. Half the proceeds went to the Red Cross and th ' remainder will be used to install a drinking fountain in the school' house and to improve tiie grounds. ' Revival meetings are being held in the Olex church by Rev. Blackman and Rev.' Williams. . Howard Tobey returned Mon day from The Dalles where he has been ill for two weeks. He is much improved. John Dunn was a business vis itor in Olex Tuesday. C. F Wade made a business trip to Condon Tuesday." . Mrs. J. F. Hurt of Gwendolen is attending the revival meetings here this week. ' " ' ' Several people from Arlington attended the revival services here Sunday. The beat farm machinery comet from the Oliver Chilled Plow works. We just received two carloads. The S. B. Barker Co. Hsrry C. Seymour, State Lead er of Boys and Girls' Industrial Clubs, was in Condon the first of the week conferring with County Agent Hawkins regarding the work in this county. E. H. Hartman was over from Fossil Wednesday. Mrs. W. S. Farr and daughter, Hortense, returned Sunday even ing from a few days' visit in Blalock and Arlington. 6. B. Robertson of Condon went to Mitchell last week to open the new bank at that place. Fred Anderson, formerly county treasurer of Gilliam county, is the cashier, and having known Fred about all his life, we can assure the Mitchell people that he is a man whom they can absolutely depend on, and a citi zen of whom they will have every reason to be proud, Fossil Journal. . A. L. Kenaston shipptd a car of hogs to North Portland Sun day. W. L. Blakely shipped two ears of cattle Sunday to his ranch at Umatilla. " Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Edwards have returned from ' Ashland, wheje they spent the winter, and are at their Mayville home. R M. Rogers returned . from Portland last week. rred flumps of Uiex was a Condon visitor Tuesday.' v ; ; R E. Summers was . up from Portland the first of the week to attend to business matters in connection with his ranch. He renewed his subscription to the Globe while here. POPULAR YOUNG PEOPLE ARE WED Cupid Gets Busy in Two of Gilliam's Best Families; Will Remain in County A quiet home wedding was sol emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Farr in this city Wednesday evening when their daughter. Miss Hortense Farr, became the bride of Ray Moigan. The words which united the lives of these estimable young people wer spoken by Rev. Weidman. The young couple left immediate ly after the ceremony in an auto and took the train at Arlington, going to Portland for a few days. When they return they will make their home for a time with Mr. and Mrs. Farr. Mr. Morgan will continue farming. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan are both popular young people of this city and if good wuhes from many mends are any criterion the outlook-. for a happy and successful life is most favorable. L W. Childs and Miss Cavy WVatherford, both of Olex, were United in marriage Wednesday afternoon 1:30 brtbeUaytisl church in Arlington in the pres ence of the .'immediate relatives and a few friends. The ceremony was spoken by Rev. CP. Bailey of ' The Dalles, an old friend of the Weatherford family: Mr. and Mrs. Childs left that after noon to Bpend a shrt honeymoon in the eastern part of the state. Both are well known in Gilliam county and are among the most popular young people of their home community." They . will Fred make their heme at the Tobey ranch pn 'Shutler That they may enjoy much Fiat hap- giness and success is the wish of their many friends. C. A. Damaree successor to Ross Kennedy'-. ld2 Mrs. O. B. Robertson returned last week from a month s visit in Portland... , Ray Scott, Manager of the O. K. Ranch at Waterman, was in Condon this week on business. . C. E. Near was dovxn from Lone Rock a couple of days this week. Mrs. Walter D'Nelly arrived in Condon the latter part of last I week for a visit with her parents here. " ' " Mrs. J. F. Reisacher of Port land is in Condon this week visit "ing with friends. Mrs. E.. W., Hutchinson return ed Sunday evening from Port land. . Farm machinery may be hard to get. Get your order in early for a wagon, a plow or anything else needed, from our recent shipment from the Oliver Chilled Plow Works. . ' The 8, B. Barker Co. H. E. Mikkalo of Mikkalo transacted business in Condon Tuesday. L. Wv. Childs Olex Tuesday. was up from D. N. 'Mackay and A. R. Rob ertson transacted business in lone Sunday. ENTERTAINMENT GOOD; TO BUY THRIFT STAMPS The entertainment given by the Lone Rock school March 16 was very successful, every one doing his part The net pro ceeds derived from the sale of baskets amounted to $75.10, and this sum will be invested in Thrift Stamps to be divided equally htnong the pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Dimmick of Can by, Oregon, are here visiting Mrs. George McLaughin and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Tracy Lyons is quite well again after a short severe illness. io to The S. B. Barker Co. for Oliver Chilled Plows. PHONE LINE FOR BUCKHORN FOLKS Has Long Been Needed and Will Be of Great Worth The farmers of the Buckhorn community have organized a tele phone company and will build a line from that part of the county to Condon. The company wilt probably have twenty-five mem bers and in putting in the line and phones will use only the best of equipment. TMi line will be a valuable improvement for that section of the county- and will also be of much worth to Condon. Mrs. Dan Tierney left yester day morning for Portland where she will meet Mr. Tierney on his return from a trip through the southern states. They will visit their sons at ML Angel and go to Seattle before returning to Condon. Mrs. Ed Schott and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schott visited relatives at Rock Creek the first of the week. . Bert Hollen was in from his homestead in Lost Valley Wednesday. K.ofC. War Fund Gets Retidy Aid in Condon; Those Who Gave Last week J. T. Fagan circulat ed a paper in Condon and vicinity soliciting donations for the Knights of Columbus war fund and he secured 1723 without mnch trouble. Mr, Fagan says he met very few who refused to donate. The amount be raised together with the net proceeds of the entertainment and lunch made $1,000 30 which he sent to headquarters to be used in aid ing the soldiers. Following arts the amounts and names of those who donated. $50 J D Burns. S25--J T Fagan, J W Engberg, G M Blakely, 0 B Robertson, J B Wand, W E Smith, J Murths. . $20 S B Barker. ' $10--Mrs D Tierney, Jimmie Dinnen, Al Collins. W H CamplNslt, Ed Russell, Lester Wade, Dr. Reynolds, Frank Maddock, I. E Shelley, Mike Campbell, j A M Patterson, Emmett Smith, S B Couture. $5 M D Shanks, Wm Wehrli, Patj Mcl ntyre, John Cimmiyotti, B A Cathey, J P Hess, Dave Cottmire, John Jack- j Ron. M Fitzmaurice. J W Lillie. T G i Johnson. J A RHndall. F M Bock. W S Farr, C II Horner, J Gilleese, G Burns, F T Hurlburt, J Campbell, A 3 Hollen. COUNTY AGENT IS LINING UP WORK AND ORGANIZING COUNTY COUNCIL County Divided into Twelve District; To Hare Series of Meetings Soon; Sayi Farmers Want the Fair Gilliam county's agricultural agent is on the job J. C Hawkins . received the appointment last week and has already started the work of organizing the county to get the beat results. He quite well known in GiUUrflfeSfT-' ing conductetLseVeral demonstra--tions at various times in treating j seed grain for smut. He wail formerly a train expert with the U. S. Department of Agricul ture and bis experience in thia line will be valuable. : He hal . divided the county into twelve - " districts and will hold a meeting in' each district to organiie it. These meetings will start April ; 15. TBen on Majr 4 big meet- -ing will be held in Condon, wit! ; -representatives of each district; present, to organize a council tor .the county and to decide on the projects the farmers want taken , up first Mr. Hawkins says that the' farmers he has talked with want a county fair and will fur nish exhibits. . ' . ; We have just received ' two carload . of wagons, plows and all kinds of farm machinery from the Oliver Chtl'.ed Plow Works. Get your order in. Thb S. B. Barkeb Co. Miss Frances Brown was a f Portland passenger on Thursday's train. Are you .preparing to buy a Liberty Bond? ' Ralph Schott returned from" Portland Wednesday. G B Dukek, Dr. Ranneman. Grave A Graves, Peter Monaban, Frank Smith, MB F Greiner, G W Purdy, L E Fowler. Ed Klink, F C Greiner, F , E Bennett, i W Anderson, R E Sam mere, Chas Dionen, F M Shannon, L B Scrivner, Pat McNamee, Pete Campbell, John Creegan, A Greiner, P B Stephenson, . W J Smith, L CCooney, D Herdie, M II Eaton, J P Doyle, Tom Dlnnen, ,E Cooney, W M Cooney. W S Blakelf. H A Hartshorn, S S Grider. Al Seerc, W H McCulley, W O NeVUl, J J Coot ure, J J Portwood, C N Laughrige, G Ferguson, DB Thomas, Frank Moore, A M Shaffer, W W Wehrli, R P Wehrli, S M Cooneyv Si Phil Newman. 12.50 J O'Roarke. 52.00-J P Reilly, M Foley. J 11 Wehrli, M J Miller. Edgar Moore, J W Walker, J W Rocker, W E Seale, Wm Dunlap, J W Oarrico. O O Veatch, T B ! Ferguson. j $l.50Wm Welch. $1.00 A Friend. Mrs S S Grider. Ben Esser, U C Yeater, F E Rogers, C A. Fenton, L L Shreve, T A Weinke; Frank Holle.0, T Womeldorf,' J D ThouveneL C. W.. Harris. . i f, SturgiU, - E Wheir, Henry Shannon, X W Scrivner, H C Nelson, E F Case, W G Myers. Dan . McFarlane, J W Mvers. T W Brennan, H A Stewart. j Fred Welch, W L Shannon. J P Greiner, J George Greiner, Pat Muitha.