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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1917)
THE CONDON GLOBE PAGE 4 OC Keady Lash Always Finds " A Listening Ear y o Th m in with a goodly balance in the bank has canfi lence. When he talks his words have we:jfht. Always be sure that you are prepared for a temporary setback by having money in the bank. If your busi ness is well established and on a sound basis, raae it doubly so, for almost every day some new dsal presents itself. Money makes money is as true today as it ever was. We will be glad to explain our bank ing system to you. Don't Have Catarrh U One efficient way to remova nmsr catarrh is to treat its cause which in most cases is physical weakness. The system needs more oil and easily digested liquid-food, and you should take a spoonful ot SOOTS jsmsm Condon Nat'l Bank & .J u i0 OCDC The Stora 8 How Rich and Red Is Your Blood i A physician can take an accurate inventory of your strength and vitality by counting the red 'corpuscles in your blood. J How rich and red is your blood? You can tell pretty well by the reserve energy you have. If your complexion is muddy, your digestion poor, your liver in active, and your energy deficient, try BAM BO BRIER BLOOD BUILDER Q This is a remedy which makes new, rich blood and builds up the entire system. Don't endure that run-down feeling when you may as well feel fine. Bambo Brier Blood Builder is guaranteed. Large bottle, $2.00. GRAVES & GRAVES after each meal to enrich your blood and help heal the sensi tive membranes with its pur oil-food properties. The results of this Seott't Emahion treatment will surprise those who have used irritating snuffs and vapors Get the Genuine SCOTT'S Revival meetings at the old sehoolhouse beginning Friday night, March 16, 1917, und clos ing April 1. Conducted by Rev. John T. Little, our district super intendent. Come out and hear this man of God. WANTED , People with big hearts to donate to the British Red Cross Fu id. Hard donations to Jas. Wal. ei or leave at Interior YVarehou&t office. 52if L. E. Fowler sold his Stude baker on Monday to George Christenson of Mikkulo. Hv then bought a Hudson from L. E. Shelley. We will call for and deliver your laundiy. Model Laundry Phone 19x Wm. Jensen, Agent. 52d3 ONDON The Up-to-the-minute Druggists :: :: OREGON f G. L. McCalley of Gooseberry was in Condon Monday. He lives on the old Case ranch. S. W. Dunn caine up from The Dalle3 last week to work in Shelley's Garaie. Earney Gaffney was over from Fossil Tuesday. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (012344) (013330) KEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon March 10th, 1917. Notice it hereby given that Mary Hawkins Cameron, formerly Mary Hawkins of Condon, Oregon, who, on February 18th, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 012544 and on June 2nd, 1914, made additional Homestead Entry, No 013330 for SE 1-4 S W 14, Sec. 8 W 'i NE 1-4, E 1-2 NW 1-4, NW 1-4 NW 1-4 NE 1-t SW 1-4, Sec. 17 NE 1-4 NE 1-4. Sec. 18, Township 4 South, Range 20 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be for J. D. Weed, U. S. Commissioner, at Condon, Oregon, on the 21st day of April, Wl. Claimant names as witnesses: A.M. Patterson, William Myers, Louis Couture, S. B. Couture, all of Condon, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register. ? $ DoiCl fMSS Viarouivd half iFISHBRAND REFLEX SLICKER'a will koop yoi dry and comfortable. DEALERS EVERY WHERt, OUR 80ta YEAR A,JTOWtCO. lOITON. THE DAREDEVIL Continued from pag 3 of fiRi3 to llie soltflrr of Fmlu-e, then I will vtlli go away to ttio battti-bVId of France before It Is dUcotered by nil who have given a (IV t Ion to Hubert Carrutuera thnt he Is a-lie. I will loave lore for me an J for Franca lu all of these kind hearts, which will comfort me when I fight for the re publlque or live for her during long year. I grlove exceedluKly, but I go!" I feel a certaluty that If I should coutluue to be au American man for nil of the day I may live, to that threescore aud ten age. I would never he able to galu In any way even t nial portion of what my One Mr. Buza I'lendonnlng calls "hustle." I went at his side for the three days which Intervened between the news of the arrival of that Lleuteuaut Count Je Bourdon and that actual arrival, la what seemed to me to lie the pace of i very fleet horse or even as the flight it a bird. And as fast as we went from the arrangement of one detail of Hitertalument to auotber the beautiful Madam Wbltwortb wntt with us, with U?r eyes of the flower blue very bright with a great excitement. I was glad bat lu all matter It was necessary hat my fine Ruts also consult with Vt, and thus 1 waa not exposed to any f her wickedness alone. And lu my own heart was also a treat excitement, for It seemed to me that I was fighting a great battle for Trance all alone. All day I could aet that that Mr Jefferson Wbltwortb and lie other men of wealth who with him were seeking to be robbers to my o'Jntry were first In consultutlon with hemsclrcs and then wt;u my uncle, he General Robert and alio thu Jouvernour Faulkner. Would their wverful wickedness prevail and tie ible to force a signing of that paper oi he gouvernevr? Was that lu Ibd rawer? 1 asked myself, and In my Iru ante 1 did not know nn answer aud md no person .to deninnd one from There was do ease of heart to me when the days went by, and I was so it work with my Buzz that I had no line for words from my Gouvernevr Paulkncr or glance from those eyes of the dawu star. I could only murmur to myself: "Vive lu France and Harpetb Amerl ...Spring Work... Is upon us and the farmer who has the best implements will of course get more work done. We have the implements and we hare the price. Special Introductory Offer Ten Per Cent Discount for Cash THIS WEEK ONLY "18-92" Pure Spun Aluminum Cooking Utensils ORIGINAL - - OLDEST - - BEST GUARANTEED TO LAST 20 YEARS .....Watch for Our Special Next Week A. S. HOLLEN & SONS 1 iiniiMi in. i mm ii.n mil -Continued next week ' FOR SALE- FOR 8 ALE , j ? i . . , v Five ycarcd hcrfe weighing Loo8e and baled olfalta nay. ,onn A u..i- , n Can deliver at Condon or Rock l2? u"drt-, A bargai"' 'a11 , Creek station. Address E. C. Rt L- E- Fry's Garage. Condon, Butler. Rock Creek. Oregon. Oregon. 48tf ATTENTION! FOR 8ALE OR TRADE: I wish to c ose out my large n . , n u wallpaper stock and will unti Pcheron further notice, give 25 per cent stallion, 7 years, weighs 2000 lbs. liscount on all sales. Nearly all Will trade for young horses or ny stock was ordered before the sell reasonably. Also one full- rise of . paper stock Paper is tended Durham bull which will still going up and this is the , , , . ., , ... lime to buy trat,e for your, bu" of llke ' W. A. DARLING, breeding or sell for $80. 47tf. Armory Hall Annex. 50tf Oicar Maley, Condon.' Ore. ACTS: J INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE An impartial jury will always give verdict in accordance with FACTS. YOU ARE THE JURY, and the facts are plainly in evidence at this store. The superior quality of ED. V. PRICE Suits is a f-a-c-t. Our exceedingly low prices is another f-ac-t. And when you consider these facts you will decide to buy your Spring Suit ot the BEST PLACE IN TOWN Lester Wade's Exclusive Store for Men FOR 8ALE: A Rood light buggy I shop. at Dunlap'a 6ltf WANTED: Girl of experience wants fun eral house work on ranch. In quire at this office. 'P'Ci BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Parties wanting trees, chrubp, vines or anything in that line for spring planting should make ar rangements for them now by seeing F. W. Burns. This immense factory is the home of IMkMII.lMM, Time to Re-tire? (Buy Fisk) The Standard of Tire Value DUYat least one pair of FiskNon Skids. Leam from actual use that they are the best tire value you can buy. This great manufacturing plant shown above grew from a very small beginning is the result of making and selling honesttire Value at an honest price. Get acquainted with fisk Quality Fisk Value. "W hen you pay more than Fisfc prices you pay for some thing that does not exist." They are recommended by dealers everywhere. FISK DEALER IN CONDON W. S. FARR K eeping With the Present Day 5tep.... I It is hard to do in an ill-fitting, unshapely shoe. Your feet need your BEST attention they support you. Slip them into a pair of our superb shoes and you will have PERFECT FOOT EASE The hurry and rush of the times demand the FULL and FREE use of your feet. You are assured of this when you wear the shoes carried by us. They cost no more than the "other" kin J. Call and see our line of new goods. We are always glad to show you our stock. Watch this space for other announcements. Dunn Brothers, Incorporated Merchandise of Merit . .:::. Condon. Oresron H sa