THE CONDON GLOBE PAQE 2 THE CON Oil GLOBE H. A. Hartshorn. Ed tor Published Erery Friday ty The Clotw Pablishlni Company. Entered a second class mail mattei at the port office at Condon, Oreyor bacriiiM rata: tl.J pw ymn glx KMtW far n mtv Adwtklaa rW tim wUatiae. B10THER PATriSON IS BACK S. A. Pattison, editor of the Condon Giobe in the early daxp, has rece rtly purchased the Her ald at Hepprer and the first cepv under his manngerr ent has just reached our desk. Itisadecidtd improvement over former issues. Mr. Pattiso i is a sr-vjd newspaper man and he will give the Heppnt r people (rood service. THEY SAY- THAT garbage cans should be carefully disinfected and !aid away. There may cornea time when they will be in demand again. It's Up to You Don't wear clothes that make ycu look deformed when you cai get the perfect fitting in the Gold Medal Brand with practi cal tailoring from start to finish at ' $15.00 TO $35.00 The largest and most complete line of medium and standard weight woolens that I have ever shown in Condon. Ladies Suits, Coats and One piece Dresses made to order from jour own cloth or mine. :: :: Cleaning, Pressing and Alter ation on all garments J. A. CONLEY Side Entrance First National Bank Bldg, Condon, Oregon Residence 54X :: PHONES: :: Shop 54A R3 Our Repair Men Are real motor car experts who are just as . much at home under your car'asgthe doctor is who goes exploring after your appendix. The only difference is they are not so expensive Drive in anyway and say "Howdy." L. E. SHELLEY'S GARAGE CONDON ' OREGON HIGHEST PRICES Paid for wool, hides and pelts. We have a supply of stock salt, wool bags and twine at all times Agents for Black Leak 40 Sh.ep Dip - INTERIOR WAREHOUSE CO. Good Grades Right Price CONE LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers of all kinds of rough awl dressed lumber and mouldings Phone M51 Lost Valley, Oregon iMi THAT they are talking of pass-! ing a law to protect skunks for their skins. Most of the skins we know are skunks who should receive no protection. THAT potatoes have eyes but cannot see. Help the blind $3.t0 per. THAT if corn, having ears, ever hears of the price potatoes me bringing, it will cost more to get an ear of corn than it now does to get the ear of a politi cian. THAT buying ribbons for type writers is legitimate-but straw hats with snow on the ground, not, THAT gasoline is going to be higher cn account of the scarcity ot potatoes. That ex cuse is rs good as any other. THAT it is better to have love.1 a short man than never to have loved a tall. THAT one of Bernstorff 's secre taries carried away with him over 200 suits of pajamas. Good night, shirt! ! THAT it doest.'t pay to be toi j inquisitive. It was Eve's cu ijsity that got her in bad, you l remember. To Get the Best roe ' FRONT. 5HOVIKI HL7 ' t 6 I iron i MroTiClWf ! IN THE COUNTY COURT OF fltE STATE OF OREGON FOR UlLLIAM COUNTY In the matter of Estate of Grant Wade, Deceased. NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under authority nf an order granted by the County Court of the County of Gilliam, State if Oregon, dated the 2lst day of February, 1917, and as modified on February 27th. 191?, I, the undersigned, adminiitrator, will sell at private aale the following described real esUte, to-wit: The West half of Section 13, the West half of the West half of Section 12. and the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, all In Township I, South of Range 20, E. W. M.tUlllara County, Oregon. The sale wilt be made on or after the 31st day of March, 1917, and sealed bids In writing will be received by the undersigned at the office of the Condon National Bank, Condon. Oregon. The terms of sale wi)l be at least $9000.00 in cash, balance secured by a second mortgage against the above promises, with interest on the balance due until paid at the rate of 8 per tfent per annum for term not to exceed two yean, and the first mortgage against the land to be not to exceed $7000.00 and for a term not short of S years, and the said sale will be made subject to a subsisting lease against said premises for the year 1917, pur chaser to have the rents and profits which are to be collected at his own ex pense and trouble. Dated this 1st day of March, 1917. Geo. B. Dukek, Administrator of the estate of Grant Wade, Deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t012129) Department op the Interior U.S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon February 24th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Glenn David Garrett of Condon, Uregon, who, on October 16th, 1913, made Home stead Entry, No. 012129, for W 1-2 SE 1-4, S 1-2 SW 1-4, Section 9. Township 3 South, Range 20 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before O. N. Laughrige, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Condon, Oregon, -n the 6th daj of April, 1917. , Claimant names as witnesses: M. C. Clarke, James Walkenshaw, A. B. Shell, all of Condon, Oregon; L. L. Turney, of Ajax, Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock, Register- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR GILLIAM COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of S. A.D. Gurley, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given thai the undersigned, Ola M. Ogle, formeily Ola M. Gurley, Administratrix of the above named Court has set Monday the 26th day of March, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon ef said day, at the (kmrt Room of the above entitled Court in the Courthouse at Condon, Oregon, as the time and pkee for hearing said report and any oujections thereto that may be offered and all persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified to appear be fore the above named court at sail time and place and show cause if any they have, why said estate should not be finally settled, the Administratrix discharged, her bondsmen exonerated, and the property distributed as by law provided. Ola M. OolF, Administrator. Date of first publication, Feb. 23, 1917. Date of last publication. Mar. 23, 1917 Henry Wilkins was up from Clem Saturday. hake Off j When Spring comes, with its changeable weather and your exposure, it is best to clear away all the symptoms left after an attack of grip. That evil disease leaves you weakened, and when its victim attempts to "do his bit" he exposes himself to the risk of a second attack, for which he is less prepared, and which may have graver consequences. There's Danger in Delay April and May are pneumonia months. In tbjs time a weak cned system is a constant source of danger, for the pneumonia ond grip infections are in the air, and after a long winter the body is so clogged with waste it cannot resist them. Fortify the health, remove the catarrh, and improve the digestion. For Quick Relief Thi3 reliable tonic is recommended to remove the waste from he body, counteract the catarrhal poisons and allay the inflammation that is catarrh, restore the regular appetite and lone up the entire system to resist disease. A well man is safe. As a tonic after grip it has won many commendations, while its effect iveness in catarrhal conditions Is unquestioned. Take no chances Take Pcruna. Peruna Tablets arm alwayi nody to taJtt. Yoa may carry a box vjith you and ward off cold and chill. Thm liquid mtdilino in your Itomt u a gnat tafegaard. Protect your family. The Parana Company, Columbus, Ohio COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS At regular term of the County Court of Oregon for Gilliam County, held at Condon Wednesday, March 7, 1917, when were present U. W. Par man, County Judge,' John W. Maid- ment and Sherman Wade, Commission ers, the following proceedings were had, lo-wit: In the matter of county road petition of C C Clark et al beginning at City of Arlington, thence westerly to John Day River Continued. In the matter of the county road p tition of E C Maddock et al beginning at the City ot Arlington thence easter ly via Butcher Knife cabin to Rhea's Contlni.ed. In the matter of the county road pe tition of D M Burnett et al beginning near corner common to Sect 22, 23, 26, 27, Tp f S. R. 2. E W M, thence west erly to 80-Mile It appearing to the Court from the report of the road view ers that the cost of construction of said road would be approximately 124,000, It is considered by the court that the travel is not sufficient over it to justify the expense ot construction at the pre (. ent time. In the matter of the petition of the O.-W. R. & N. Co., for achange In the county road at Quimby Station Con tinued. In the matter of the petition of J S Smith for gateway Petition a Howie" and county board of road viewers order ed to meet March 21, 1917, and view out auch gateway, or public road, and that notice be given the land owners over whote land said right of way is demanded o; the time and place of the meeting of said viewers. In the matter of the statement of the County Clerk showing bounties paid Statement approved. In the matter of the application of Sarah Young of Arlington for county aid Allowed in the sum of $10 per month. In the matter of the approval of bonds of road supervisors, road master and county surveyor The following ap proved: Jos W Kirschner, surveyor. Sidney Smyth, roadmaster; A A Ander son. F W White. E B Schomp, J W Hire, L II McCulloch, J F Hurt,, rotid Continued on next page The Daredevil si By Maria Thompson Daviess Author of 'The Ktltiol of Molly" Copyright, 151. by the Rsllly urltton Co. Continued from last week "What Is it that you will now do. Roberta, marquise of Grex and 3y7" 1 asked of myself, with a slight shak ing or my knees In their Cheviot trousers. "It Is hardly pcss'.lile that you will escape from revealing your woman's estate to this Frenchman of your own class. Here all mistakes of a man's estate are forgiven you and laid to the fact of your being an alien, but that Lieutenant Count de Bourdon will nsk qiw.Mtlons of you nod perhaps has a knowle lite of your relatives and friends United, must have Also al ready that wicked Madam Whltwortll entertains auspicious of you, WhaJ 's It that you will do?" And after I had asked myself for a second time that question I snt and looked Into the eves of that Grand mamma Carrutbers for many long mo ments and bad an argument with my- That Grip PERUNA COLUMBIA Phonographs and Records . For a present any time, UUSUIltlll 1YUUUR Spalding Athletic Goods Finest Chocolates and Hon Dons JOHN JACKSON Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner 44444 Havo you paid up your m44 self. TUi'ii I answered lo her as 1 ruse to my feet so tliut my eyes came , more nearly on a level with her' , "No, Ma da it Ancettiress. born of her whom not an Indian or a At'iv hear could frlguteu away from her duty of protection to those of her affections, I will not flee. 1 will stay lure by the to of my uncle, the General Hubert, nud my great chief, that Uouverueur t'aulkiier. to Oiftit for their honor and to protect France from rubbery. Then, If I be discovered and ran do no more .'or lucm. I will go from their pres ence quhkly In the ulijlit and be lout In tbo trenches of Trance beforo I am detained, And. If It be that I am not discovered In-fore all Is made well con. vemlug those mules for transportation Cont'n' eJ on li st page BLACK"! IDSStS SOKLT PHTOITfi CUTTtl I aUCKUQ mil LEG'- Swh. MUM i tr4 1 lo-sau stg. ettcfcitt nut, si. en 10 Sin ska. SlaoUM Plllt. 14.00 I'm Mr taMcw. but Oner! Mplptt md MmtfM Th KiMttamv CwtM (tu-1 M .1". to tnn II panoTflMvUltilot TAittau u l only. launuCvnui. 11 uuUiuk .dM dtaX ..... . Tlw Cirtitr Utsntwv. iMnsma Horner & Anderson ABSTRACTERS Abstracts of Title to Gilliam County Lands Office in Court House 0. K. SHOP UP-TO-DATE TONSORIAL PARLORS Randall & Scale PROPRIETORS 1st Door N. First National Bank EXPRESS and Light Hauling For Quick Service See WM. JENSEN or leave ortlcrs at Jackson's Store, Phone 19.x Kndymion Lodge No. 66 KNIGHTS of PYTHIAS Meets Tuesday Evening In Castle Hall CONDON. OREGON Rank of Ei q lire and Knight next Tuesday night, Mar 13 Fred Anderson. K., R. and S. County Treasurer's Notice All outstanding warrants drawn on the Genera Fund and all war rants drawn on the Road Fund up to and including No. 625, Series A, will be'paid upgrr pre sentation at my office. Interest on road warrants ceasea October 13th, 1916. , Fred Anderson. County Treasurer. City Treasurer's Notice All outstanding city warrants up to and including No. 771 Class "C" will be paid upon presenta-J tion at my office. Interest ceases Nov. 16, 1916. Myrtle Ferguson, City Treasurer, 8 an is always good. We have them Globe subscription? 444 PROFESSIONAL DIREOTORY T. A. Weinke Lawyer Offks In Court Houss CONLXJN, CREOOM J. D. Weed Lawyer U. S. Land Commissioner CONDON, OREOO. J. F. Wood, M. D. Physician & Surgeon W tuning Hy . Pliont Main l?lv HOHTLAND, ORKOOtt Drs. Miller & Wilhelm Physicians & Surgeons First Nat l Bnnk Building CONDON. OREUON Chas. II. Williams Optometrist Offtc at Rtdnce CONDON, OREOON Dr. W. II. Reynolds Chiropractic. Nerve Specialist If you are lck and hv triad tvmyihliiK with no results try C'lilruiiractlo spinal adjustments and wl wll. Fint Nt. Bank Bldg., Condon, Or. c. r. cthr, m. D. U. A. Coth.y, M. D. Drs. Cathey Physicians & Surgeons Condon National Bank Bulldlne CONDON, OKKUON L. L. Taylor, M. D. V. Veterinary Physician & Surgeon CONDON, ' OREOON Dr. R. W. Hanneman Dentist All Work Ouurantsad Phon la : Condon National Bunk Building CONDON, OREOON Dr. J. O. Kenyon Dentist First Nut'l Bank Building CONDON, ' OREQO Dr. George T. Darland Chiropractic Physician ' Office over First National Bank CONDON, , OREOON D. N. Mackay Attorney-at-Law CONDON, OREdON The Condon Globe High Class Job Printing ' PHONE 43 CONDON. ri OREGON