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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1917)
THE CONDON GLOBE PAQE 6 1 nap. mOL .tip Time to Re -tire? (BuyFisk) Tho Standard o. Tire Value V, Wef Sell and Recommend an We're Proud to nTHEY give you more dollar-for-dollar value than you can get in any other tires, and that's what you want real dollar-for-dollar value. Don't forget this "When you pay more titan Fhk Prices you pay for something that does not exist." Let that be your tire buying motto and you can't go wrong. FI8K DEALER IN CONDON W. S. FAER THE DAREDEVIL Continued from Page t gouremeur aa lie Mx d me again to assume the ruined garment of Cheviot "I waa born In the mountains of the atate of Ilflrpotlj, boy. whore when on eheda bit blood for tlii life of an otber that other W aald to be under bond to bis rescocr. mid that means tie closer than the ordinary one of brother by blrtb. I acknowledge the twnd to you for til time, little brother Now drive on quickly to the mansion before we are In danger of lxln lute for dinner with tbo general. It will take me aoruo few minutes to cot you out of tbat shirt and Into your dinner coat I'll send for It. and yoo can dreta with tie." "Oh, no. my beloved Couverneur Faulkncrl I must (to Immediately to borne and there make inytelf presuuta ble for a dluncr that my Butt baa ar ranged for me. Tbat nice black in J7. Klcile. will with Joy attend on till ecratcb upon my arm." I exclaimed, with great alarm for fear tbat that very strong mind of my gouverneur would command me to make my toilet In bla company In the mansion. "Please do not command me that I (hall not o do." "Of course, youngster, go to yonr frolic with tho rent of the babes and anckllngs, only remember that I ol wny like to hare you with me. Inn never command you when It la not your pleasure," answered that Gouvcr ocur Faulkner to mo; with gentleness. "It la always my pleasure to be wltb you, my gouvenieur, mid Ilo like that you command me," I aald to blm In answer to thut gentleness that bad something of a sod longing In It. "And may I not return Immediately after that supper to tbat club of Old Hickory for conversation with you and my uncle, the General Robert?" I ask ed, wltb eagerness. "Boy, by the time you huve "eaten that Tatted calf nud danced at least a portion of It off your system I'll be , be burning the uiljulylit o'e going over the papers In tbe case of Tlmms. I want to vcl;:u all tbo testimony care fully In tbo in:e given In court about bis own an.) lis brother's relnllons ultli the woman Mary Drown. .-A lon n I urn the governor of the state of Mnrpeth no bone t mnn Is going to ,. 1 1 rmet i.ii;: cuml woman fr 111 tin1 oi'fii- t,f n bnite. And yet T r 1 j 1 c nfev , J !'(. ( rlnie and ileii'lel the in'itlve ' nm e':r.!iilimtUm fallel to ret tJie sti to:';eut from tbe wi.uuiii Hint tuu!J J:wify i:iy reprieving; or P'irUii!ir: b'l:i I Ciiiuiot even seem to illxii. nor the pro ceding of tbe rouitii of the etute ami. boy. I'm Just pliiln-u-H-iiTiiiHt-Il. Here we are st my own We door. Gooj ni-bt and wnl:e n !':-! t uln nr MVt If you want to get to that dinner on time, flood nl :bt airalii!" And with tlio'e word, wlil- h explained bis very deep trouble to me. my (jouvcnici'.r I'uulUner- do 'Cii !eJ from the scat b?sMc me In the f 'berry to il:e pavement bealile his mntti-lun and ba 'e me hurry from blm , All of t'jose very gay and nice "babe and siiH:Iii'.m" which the flouvcnieur Fuiiiliiier bud Mentioned were wltb me at the table with very much laughter and merriment. iilso muKi coureratlon. And In that conversation were very many Jukes upon my Hum because be hud Iwn trmiMported t.i the capltol by my uncle, the ciiernl Hubert, and giv en bard lolw until a I matt the time to arrive for that nice supper which be wan eating with much lumber. "Well. It's not my fault that Tlinriis up and biffed til brother Into eternity all for liiiJi-liij pretty Mary Brown, and I don't see why I hud to be mug In to sort out of a niKllcii sheets of trial evidence the lle he told about It for pour old Cuvenior lilll to mull over ull nl!ii I ny when a man wants to be huui'M in budly at tlmt be ought to get what he's crying for and not butt in on a perfectly Innocent man's afternoon fox trot." was that Mr. Rum Cleiuleiiulng'.t walling to all of the company, "Look the other way. Sue. so as not to tiv. n thlt mullln cold until I get It buttered." "I told my washwomnn, who Is Mary's sMer. that Mary ought to be made to tell Just what did happen, and then It could nil be arranged so tbat the poor man could lie saved to her. I think It Is hard on Mary to lose both lovers," said that very Intelligent Mil FACTS INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE An impartial jury will always give a verdict in accordance with FACTS. YOU ARE THE JURY, and the facts are plainly in evidence at this store. The superior quality of ED. V. PRICE Suits is a f-a-c-t. Our exceedingly low prices is another f-ac-t. And when you consider these (acts you will decide to buy your Spnng Suit at the BEST PLACE IN TOWN Lester Wade's Exclusive Store for Men :: drcd fiunnnera. "They live Just over beyond tbe back gate, f.uppofic we all go and put It up to the attractive Mory to speak up and ke? Li7. from the danger of over work a second time." said a bice young gcu;'?rti with what I considered a great Intelligence, but . which caused uukIi laujT'.ter. And at that surretlon which caused the tuuvb merriment tbat daredevil within r.obe.ta, mnnpibe of Crct and live, again arose and commanded me to rtten.lon., "Oo. P.obert Carruthcrs. and obtain that paper of statement from that Mnry, ao that your chief, tbat good Oouveroeur Faulk, ler. does not work In the iilfht. wbt"b la for rest, and tbat your beloved Burz may not agatu bare to work in bla afternoon, which, ta for dancing. Go and find that Mary as aoju as this dinner Is at an end." And what was It possible for me to do but to answer tbe command of tbe daredevil person within me? All of which I did. I made excuse of my ac'f on account of a lie which Involved my attendance on my uncle, tbe Gen eral Robert, and departed after I bad bad but one nice alldo wltb tbe lovely Puc. but bad obtubied a promise of one from Mil?. Belle If I found It pos sible to return by tho hour of 10 o'chf'k. After many Imiultiea In small streets I wus at last led to tbe borne of the Mary Brawn. All was dark within the very small house, but upon the steps. In the light from the moon and also a street arc, sat tho person tbat man of whom I had asked guidance suld to be the woman whom I sought. She rested her head In ber hands, as hod done thut poor human In tbe cage In that state prison, and from ber I heard the sounds of slow weeping. "What It It that I shall say to herr I asked of myself. And then sudden ly something answered from within mo from the same place that had arl eu that knowledge to spring In be tween my Gouvenieur Faulkner and the bright knife I bad not even tetn. That place Is lorated In tbe heart of Itoberta, marquise of Grea and Bye. and not In that daredevil, . ) were gulag to kill J wltlj rop tbe man 1 loved 1 would , lay down my own Ufa that ba should live, ir you writ on little paper to ay tbat b murdered Id defense of you tbe good Oouverneur Faulkner will aav blm to you. air to m that paper." "Oo a wayT she moaned at she shook ber bead and cried Into '-or arms. "See, Mary: Here U . pencil and tbe paper to writ the word of life for Tliuuis to tbat Oouverneur Faulk ner," I aald as I seated myself beside Her and extracted my notebook aud pencil from the pocket of my overcoat where I had placed tbem on leaving my room aa la alway beat. I deemed, for a aecretary. Tber are Just two thing that are tbe duty of women, Mary-to bear men 'and to aav tbem. Have yours now, Mary. Much will hap pen, It may be, but tbat Tlmma 1 a good man and must live." "I dassent n told m Dot to. Tlmma did." "If a knife wa aimed at Tlmma I heart, would oa not throw yourself netweea Dim and It cut. Mary, even though commanded by blm not to ao aave bimT" "Tea." "Tbe knife 1 aimed and here's tbe paper by which you can throw your person on tbat knife. Ia It of aucb moment that It cut Into your own heart, tbat you atand ai.d let It glv death to hint" . "I give up! 1 glv up. mister! 1 can't let nobody murder bio. Nobody rer put It tbat way to me. Give me tbat paper and let me git to blm fer Jest one minute tomorrow," tbe made answer to me at she seized the paper and pencil aud began to write with tbe paper spread bealde ber upon tbe tep. "Will that do, mlstcrr tbe asked wltb anrlety On that paper abe had written: Hn Tlmma had locked me In the room end attacking ire when Oab broke In and got me swav from htm. Hs had to bust hi bMd with a tlallron to make him let go of me. I am a com) woman. MART BROWN. "Yes. good Mary, tbl will tblelJ Tlmmt from that knife, 1 feel a cer tainty, and I will send for you and tee that you go to an Interview wltb blm at 10 o'clock cf the tomorrow morning. And now good night, wltb great re spect to you for a brave woman," I said aa ! rose to my feet "Who are you. mister, tbat bar tKke to my heart Uke they ain't no body spoke to Itt suffering yet, though you ain't aald many word, and tbem la curlout-llke?" ahe asked of me a I prepared to take a hurried departure. "I am tbe secretary of tbe Gouver uenr Faulkner, Mary, and and I know bow women love men. I" "I bet a many of 'em have loved yon. God blcsa your sweet eye. Good night, slrr And with those kind words from tbe poor female, who wag beginning again to sob, but with auotber motive In ber weeping. I took my departure down tbe street-or up I did not know In Just which direction. I bad tbe In tention of returning to tbe bouse of the party to obtain the cherry, which 1 bad left standing before tbe door, and In It convey tbe message to my Oouverneur Faulkner tbat should bring relief to bis anilety, but I soon found that 1 bad lost myself upon streets that I bad never seen before. What was It tbat I should dc? My heart Buffered that my Gouverneur Faulkner should not know the relief of tbat paper I bad In tbe pocket of my dlaner coat, but I could not End myself, and 1 did not know exectly what questions I should ask. Then I bethought me of tbat telephone, which In America Is ao much used, but not In France. I entered Into a store for mcllcmes upon the corner of one of the sheets in my waaderlns, looked diligently In a book to find the num ber of the manslcn of the oouverneur, and, after many tellings of my desire, at last my Gjuverr.eur Fnaliaer made an auswer in my ear that was aa beautiful In voice as the words he apoke to me In bis presence. "Welir be asked me. "This Is Robert Carruthcrs who speata." "Oh, all right youngster! How did Continued on next page our ome .. ., i . t I i T" , t V !)'-; .y.i. mi f n ! I ;'."! ? r- ;:iiiin iiliitiiiiiiiuii!:- ...Oar Goods Are Here... All our stock except one shipment has arrived and is on display. THE LINES WE CARRY ART GOODS LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR NOTIONS MEN'S SHIRTS, SOX. TIES, SUSPENDERS AND HANDKERCHIEFS GRANITE WARE, TIN WARE, FANCY DISHES SMALL KITCHEN WARE YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL VARIETY STORE C. Beverlin, Proprietor Condon, Oregon e need be a dream no longer. We have a complete set of blue print and specifications for this modern bungalow, also print of built-'n features that are the work of expert and are the most modern in architecture and usefulness. Compare these plant with other and note the step-saving arrangement. No. t ."j! JlV Srfiftr 1 NO. 2 it , t Jaw : ''' lrl""" TTTJ Hundreds of other plans. You'a're invited to call arid 'see them. We will be glad to explain thein to you: Arlington Lumber Co. Condon . V" . . v :. Oregon 1 I STALLIONS At Aha Stable?, Pendleton, Oregon Imported Percheron and Belgian Stallions that are extra good. Besides other Percheron, Belgian, English Shire and Clydesdales with imported ancestors that are young and good,- with correct pedigrees that are de sirable. One pair extra Percheron mares. Ifyouarea customer and want to save your money, take time to come and see me. Remember, cood stallions and low prices. J. R. JUSTICE, Importer Pendleton, Oregon If You Have Stallion That Yon Cannot Use Longer, I Might Change FOR SALE...... CROP MORTGAGS, REAL MORTGAGES, CHATTEL MORTGAGES AND SATISFACTION MORTGAGES . CONDON GLOBE .L Classified Advertising.... GLOBE "WANT ADS" ARE RESULT GETTERS FOR SALE On TRADE: One registered Percheron stallion, 7 years, weighs 2000 lbs. Will trade for young horses or sell reasonably. Also one full blooded Durham bull which will trade for young bull of like breeding or se for $80. 50tf. Oscar Maley, Condon. Ore. FOR SALE: Loose and baled alfalfa hay. Can deliver at Condon or Rock Creek station. Address E. C. Butler, Rock Creek, Oregon. . . 51pd54 ' FOR SALE: Mammoth bronze gobbler. See or write Mrs. E. C. Maley, Condon, Oregon.- 50pd51 BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Parties wanting trees, shrubs, vines or anything in that line for spring planting should make ar rangements for them now by seeing F, W. Burns. FOUND: Chld's ring. Set . with red stone. Owner may have same bylcalling at this office and paying charges on this notice. FOR SALE Five year old horse weighing 1200 pounds. A bargain, ('all at L. E. Fry's Garage, Condon, Oregon. 4Stf ATTENTION! I wish to close out my large wall paper stock and will, until further notice, give 25 per cent discount on all sales. Nearly all , my stock "was ordered before the rise of paper' stock. Paper is still going up and this ia the time to buy. W. A. Darling, 47tf. Armory Hall Annex. Old papers to trade for clean rags. Inquire at this office. II- , 4 i 4 'MS