Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, March 09, 1917, Image 1

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Reud all the ads this week and
aave money by buying in Condon.
. -i Civa the hum merphant a rkanna
The Globe aims to be ef service
to you. Let us knew if we ea
help. We are always willing
VOL 27
Slow-moving vehicle mutt keep a
far to right of road a practicable, to
permit swlfily. moving vehicle reason
ably fr passage to th left.
Before Hartlng, driver muat flrt ta
thara la room to turn or back Into road,
and muat glva vlalbl and audible algnali
to warn oncoming vehicles of hi intant
Ambulanrai and physicana' autoa ara
exempted from apoed llmlta only whan
answering emergency call.
Light mut ba dimmed, or o direct
that raya ahall atrika grotnd not to ex
ceed 75 feet In front of vehicle.
No metal block, atud, cleat or bead
pvrmuieu to project mora than a
quarter-Inch from tlra.
k Noglaaa, bottle, nail., tacke. hoopa,
wire, or cana permitted to ba thrown
on highway.
No person, other than a law officer,
permitted to olimb into or monkey
with the cranks or lever with
out tha owner' or driver' permission.
No person under 15 year of age
permitted to drive a car upless parent,
guardian or owner ara In tha ear.
NO. 61
Condon should have f 1,931. 69 to uaa
In building good itreet thia year.
IMJ waa the amount estimated fcr
atraeU In tha city budget, and tha
balance, $1.4 11.69 cornea from the 2 1-2
mill special road law. tlnwau h.
city levy for all purpose a advertlaed
in tha budget may fall ahort
actual amount In taxea to be collected
by tha city will fall ahort of tha budget
estimate by approximaU-iy $3000.
How ear. the apecial road levy,
which cannot be used for anythlns- but
atreet work, will enable the city to put
many or tna street In flrstclau con
The Condon Commercial Club
met latt Friday niirht in the
Armory Hall to discuss the road
question and cither matters which
might be brought ud. Senator
Shanks spoke on the $0,000,000.
bonding bill am a number of
questions about this measure
were digeuRBfxl Th
discussion about the spring race
meet. The attendance was very
good, some of the prominent
business men beinsr Dresent and
each expressed much interest in
the work of the Club.
Al Collins and G. W. Parman
are two of (Jilliam county farm
ers who will use Marquis seed
wheat this year. This wheat
was grown by Dustin Avery near
Mikkalo. Marquis is the highest
priced wheat on the market.
Gilliam county will have this
year $62,931.67 with which to
build roads and take ud out
standing road warrants. This
sum comes from the 2 mill
special road levy, which brines
$25,931 67, and $37,000 which is
included in the general county
The total valuation of the coun
ty, according to th tax roll, is
tl0.371,573.59and thja will raise
for all purposes the sum of
159.206 58. This is segregated
as follows.- State. 2 5 mill?.
$53 932.18; school and library, 1
mill, 10,371.67; High School, .8
mill, 18,297.26: City of Arlington.
special levy on valuation of
344.547 94, 10 mil!, $3,445.48;
City of Condon, special lew on
valuation of $572,337. E2, 14 mills.
$8,013.12; special road lew of
2 1-2 mills, $23,373 86. Gain in
figuring taxes, $2 51.
The warrant indebtedness of
the county is approximately
35.000. The county's financial
condition is excellent and the
tax levy is low when compared
$23,928 93; county, (and this in-1 with most of the other counties
eludes road money) 5 2 mills, of the state.
Fir almost totally destroyed the
lock of the Grand Leader store in the
Farmers' Union building- In thla cilv
early Sunday mornlnir. Tha
the ' h(' g0n ,Urt when ""e'vered and,
. IttlthAtltvIl 111 .l.m fpmm . . . I. I
. .. .tMiiii wa lurucu 111 miu
tha firemen responded at once, the
stock waa damaged to auch an extent
that it la a total loss. The origin of
the Are Is unknown. It i reported that
the Grand Leader will open in another
building soon. Tha Farmera' Union
building was considerably damaged. '
The Farmers Union has just
received a carload of seed wheat
of the Early IJaart variety. This
grain came from Kennewick,
Wabhinsr:on. It is a fine spring
grain and has proved superior to
Bluestem where it has been
grown both in yield and price
and it is hoped that it will prove
so m this county,
Quarterly communion service
next Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Evening sermon theme,
"Two Men the man called Jesus
and the man blind from his
birth." Christian Endeavor topic,
"Spreading the Good News' f
Willard Savage and Bertha
Hileman were united in marriage
Saturday at the court house by
Judge D. R. Parker. The bride
comes from Seattle and Mr.
Savage has been living in the
Mayville neighborhood.
With the idea of making the most
extensive Glee Club trip, of any uni
versity a brilliant success, tha Willam
ette varsity wai blera have atarted on a
2000 mile tour of eaitora Oregon,
Washington and Idaho.
Thirty-five engagements have been
contracted for and the proposed tour
will consume six week. The. manage
ment has arranged for a apecial car in
which the group will live enroute. They
w.ll be In Condon next Tuesday, March
13. Remember the date and place
Tuesday evening at tha American.
Wlntworth Lord, who passed awav
recently at McMinnville, was one of
tha pioneers of thia aection of the atale
and well known in thia vicinity, lie
cam to Tha Halloa in 1KM ami .nrr...,l
in the mercantile business He had nnf nf l ho f.mA ...J il,;, u....
, - . . v iuiiu, aiivi ftllia WIOUSC
lm mm Hilaln... Inl.M.I. .I.!- ... i -
' "' c"uniat,ie aforesaid counties have been
Editor Globe:
In compliance with your re
quest for an article on the
6,000,000 bond bill for good
roada that will be up for vote of
the people ot this Btate next
June, I hand to you a brief com-
ment on the same.
The question that is foremost
in the minds of the people in re
lation to this meisure and the
one most frequently asked is this
Where will the 6,000,000 be
spent and how much road will
itbuiid? Subdivisions 1. 4 and
5 of Section 6 of the act ptovide
that out of the funds derived
from the sale of bonds enough
thereof to build a Daved road in
the counties of Clatsop, Columbia,
Hood River and Jackson be paid
these roads,, except that the
paving companies have provided
that part of it shall be hard sur
faced. We do not know what
material will be used in the build
ing of the post-roads or forest
roads. If the post-roads are to
be built of ordinary dirt, proper
Geo. B. Dukek sold h! r&nr-h
in the May ville countrv lat wk
to r. tu. bm:tn. The rjrie mii
was per aero and the olare
comprised 1268 acres of which
about 900 acres are tillable.
inisaeai gives Mr. Sm th one
of the best farms in Gilliam
county. ' With the farm he al
ready owned, this buv cHvm Mr
qm:i v?a . . . ...
oiiuui iiw acres oi land all in
practically one body. The tIaee
is well watered and the improve
ments are good. Mr. Smith is
a good farmer and will now raise
more wheat than ever.
Herbert Brown. who-haa been
in the sheep business in Idaho
lor the last 14 years, is back in
Gilliam county and will make his
home on the old Brown ranch
on Rock Creek.
London Local No. 30. P. E &
j. U.. reppnrlv mmta tn t A
- ' J - ' J w AW A.
ly graded, such road will not do j Ward, assistant in the U. S.
Bureau of Biological Survey, and
asked him for the most effective
Arthur Panishand Miss Bethal
Rayl were united in marriasa
Sunday, March 4, at the home
of the bride's parents near
Gwendolen. Rev G. C. Wicker.
pastor of the Nazarene church
of this city, preformed the cere
mony in the presence of the
immediate relatives and a few
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Parrish
will make their home in this city.
The session of the Men's Club
Monday night was interesting
and Instructive. Senator Shanks
in his talk on " The Legislature"
explajled many workings of that
body which were not generally
understood before. The next
meeting of the Club will be held
one week from next Monrli.v
night Watch for something
Sunday morning the pastor
will present the doctrine and
government of the Nazarene
church. Preaching in the even
ing followed by communion. All
who love the Lord are invited
to commune with us. -
L. H. McCullochof Clem trans-
acted business in Condon Wed
bonded to almost the constitu
tionul limit. The buildinc of the 1 1
for eastern Oregon in the rainy
or winter season. It will be the
same old sea of mud that we
have had in the past. If the
material usfd is dirt and rock it
would be a good road, depending
upon how it is built, but the cost
thereof would be at least several
thousand dollars per mile, and if
so, the bill does not provide for
enough money with which to
build the roads that are designat
ed in the bill. It is true that the
bill seems to promise us much.
am on my way to the Congregational
church where an entertainment is to
be given tonight by the choir for the
benefit of the organ fund and I want
to be there when it starts at eight o'clock.
Sure! You're invited and it only costs
35 cents for grown-ups and 25 cents for
children. Let's go.
but I venture the stacement that
thev C'AnnrA ho AaVwaraii arA !.
.......... ........ - vuilUlllg VJ LUC HllU IV
navpri rnnnQ in Viaca ie IB mipsfmnama ivhothoi onvnna
- - .. t.WUI.Wi:0 A1C - " "....w... Mi.jvwv
ai the expense of the people of , that helped father the bill ever
the state as a whole and not one;contemplated that it would begin
dollar of the money of the var
ious counties last above mention
ed is to be paid for that purpose.
How many miles of road there
are to be paved in those counties
before the roads there are com
pleted I do not know. I do know
that the roads in these counties
will cost on an average of at least
$8,000 per mile, as portions of it
in Hood River county will cost
as much as $25,000 per mile be
cause of the rugged work to be
done there, and when the matter
is all averaged up it is question
able whether $8,000 Der mile
will care for the cost.
It will be noted from the bill
that there are roads of first im
portance, but there is nothing in
the bill that provides that roads
of first importance shall be first
constructed. There is opportun
ity for rank discrimination in the
building of the various roads
designated in the bill. Then
again if the people vote favorably
on the bill and the monev i
partly spent and the next legis
lature desires to change the law
so that eastern Oregon is cut out
entirely, we are helpless as we
are in the minority in the vote of
the state. We all believe that
the new State Highway Commis
sion will mete out justice to all
parts of the state. But they will
be powerless if the next legisla
ture passe3 a law making it com
pulsory to construct certain roads
in western Oregon first.
There is nothing in th bill
showing the composition of the
material with which to make
to build half the road designated
As far as Gilliam County is
concerned it will not get any
paved road for the simple reason
the bill provides that no paving
shall be done by the Highway
Commission until the base for
such paving has been first laid
at the expense of the county in
which the paving will be done.
And such a base will cost not
less than $6,000 per mile, and
since about 30 miles will be re
quired from the west to the east
end of the countv. we cannot
build it, because it exceeds in
cost the amount of money that
could be raisedlmder the consti
tutional limit which would be
about $100,000 hence we will have
to content ourselves with post-'
roads and at the same time help
pay for the paving of which wo
will get nothing in our county.
Do not understand that I am
against good roads as I am heart-!
ily in favor of good roads. But I
what I contend is that we can- j
not build a system of roads that !
will cost $50,0)0,000 for $6. 000,000 '
and if not, what is the scheme!
behind the bill? I venture toj
say, that if this bill passes in its J
present form, and the monev
provided therein is spent we will j
have in this state a system ofj
roads partly completed. Then
what will the people do about it?
Will you stay with the road
building game like the gambler
does with his came of noker
who has lost or rather invested
recipe for poison for ground
squirrels. The Union also asked
Mr. Ward to speak to the farm
ers in Condon on April 21 on the
subject of eliminating the eauir-
rel pest. Following is the recipe
sent by Mr. Ward and given here
for the benefit of the farmera:
Directions for Poisoning
Ground Squirrels
Mix 1 tablespoonful of dnss
starch in 1 2 teacup of cold water
and stir into 1 2 pint of boiline
water to make a clear thin paste.
Mix 1 ounce of powdered Rtrvrh-
nine (alkaloid) with 1 ounea nf !
baking soda (bicarbonate) and
stir the starch to a amrwith
creamy mass free of lumps. Stir
in 1-4 pint Of heaw Corn svrnn
and 1 tablespoonful of irlvcerine
and finally 1..
viws wi s A . a t
of saccharine. Apply to 20
quarts of oats or wheat nnrl mix
thoroughly to coat each kernel.
bach quart of Doisonert o-min
is sufficient for 40 to 60 baits.
This quantity, scattered 1 tea
spoonful to a place, along squirrel
trains or on cles-n hard Burfar
near the holes will not endanger
On of the moat attractive affair of
the aeasen waa tha dinner a-iven at tha
borne of Mr. and Mr. U. W. Parnaa
thia week by tha member of tha
Wednesday Afternoon Beading Club
in honor i.f their husbands. Tha
Parman horn waa admirahlv anitm!
for the occasion and business cares were
quickly forgotten by tha ruesU.
Golden daffodil were effectively ar
ranged around the house and In the
dining room yellow and white pre
dominated. Tha two larsre dininc-
tableewere beautiful with banda nf
yellow streamer and tall was candle
with yellow ahades. In the centn of
the table stood beautiful eat gUes
rases filled with daffodil and foliage.
At the close of severs! delicloas course
the following: ladie resnondei with
toaat; Mesdame Weinke, Bower,
Robertson. Veatch and C.' F. Cathev.
the president of the Club. Mr. Weid-
man, acting aa toaatmaster. Follow
ing ara the name of the amesta: B. A.
Catbey, Weinke, Robertson. Wilburn.
Oraves. Weidtnan, & F. Cathey.
Bower, Veatch. Parman and Mrs.
Janet Smith, mother of Mr. ' Parman.
Miss Marjorie Bardie haa lust com
pleted a ail months term of school in
the Trail Fork district
The recent legislature enacted sever
al school measures which will go into
effect in June of thia year. Two of
aaid measures of particular interest to
the rural schoola are as follows: Tha
minimum eigU months terra of achool
for all districts and the measure ir
mitting all persons, - male or female,
who are legally Qualified voters In a
district, to vote at the annual meeting
for directors and clerk.
Several delayed report have been
received among which I note that The
Nook and District No. 5 report 100 per
cent of attendance, and Mikkalo, Home
stead and Linville report above 9& per
Pay up your subscription.
The Ladies' Aid of theConerecatinrml
church met yesterday afternoon with
23 members and two visitors oresent.
Two names were added to the member
ship when Mrs. Scbott and Mrs. Fry
joined at thia meeting. . Jtet. Weidman
addressed the Aid in regard to the new
organ which is to be purchased for the
church. Mrs. Bock took Dossessien of
the president' . chair at thia time arid
several business matters were diEDosed
of. Mesdamea Hammack, Parker and
Sturgill served dainty refreshment.
Just received a car of Barb Wire,
which we are Belling at lowest price
for cash. Better take out what yon
will need before further advance in
price. S. B. BARKER CO.
Miss Georgia Smith of Mayville
was a Condon visitor Saturday.
Continued on last page
' ' 111111 1 " 1 " i i' i 'i in"
theuiobehas asked several to present their opinions of the $6,000,000
lAr1in Villi l I - ft . n. .
uiMiuuiis u... i...wuKn vuetitr coiumna. senator Shanks has promised an article for
next week. The Globe's idea is to give its readers the facts regarding this
. pusoiuie, mat mrougn an intelligent discussion all voters1
; uiuv uccuiue laminar wun ine nrnTtsmni nr th. mA...... t. 1 ... ...
. . ...u iuilui., tl, Humes no ainer-
d j ence whether your opinion favors the bill or opposes it, your communication i.
wB.uumo. i no great question seems to be with those who oppose the bill
''Will the undeveloped section of th state get the roads they deserve through
Willamette University
3 In Concert
- . t. . ...
College Songs, Readings, Imper
sonations and Stunts, Darktown
Melodies and Lullabys, also the
A High-Class Entertainment
American Theatre
Next Tuesday, March 13