THE CONDON GLOBE PAGE 4 Entertains Friends in Honor of Birthday Vivian Wilson entertained a number of her little friends at the home of her parents in this city last Saturday afternoon. The affair was in honor of her seventh birthday. Clarence Olson left Tuesday morning for Portland. Musicale Has Been Indefinitely Postponed The musical entertainment ! which was advertised for tonight has been indefinitely postponed on account of the fact that the County Board of Health decided that it would be better to have no public gatherings until the cases of scarlet fever were well under control. Official Proceedings of Our County Court Continued from first page 9 Not Measured in Dollars and Cents The full measure of a bank account is not merely in the number of dollars and cents you succeed in getting to gether. The full measure is found in Habits of Thrift inculcated during the time an account is accumulating. This bank solicits the opDortunity to co operate with you in accumulating both the account and the habit. We pay 5 per cent interest on all time deposits. Condon Nat'l Bank Road Supervisors, the following p pointed-No. 1, F. W. White; No. , G E. Van Winkle; No. S, W.K. France ami W. T. Solvestr;No. 4, J. F. Hurt; No. 5. II . A Stewart; No, e.Conlinued; So. 7, W. ti. Myer; No. 8. C R. Peugh; No. 9, L. A. Syboutt for Et Sid and B. Schomp for West tide; No. 10, A. A. Anderson; No. 11, A. Neel; No. la, L. H. McCulloch; No. 13, None appointed; No. 14, R. S. Wilson; No. 16. M. H. Eaton. Bonds Axed at 1500. In the matter of approval of official bonds -The following approved: Chaa. Dtthlke, Justice of the Peae; C N. Laughrige, tlounty Clerk; J. C Sturgill, School Superintendent; 0. S. Ebi, Cor oner, A. S. Hollen, justice of the Peace. In the matter of the petition of D.M. Burnett et al for county road Petition allowed and board of road viewers, at follows; J. W. Kirschner, aurveyor; Sidney Smith, road master, and K T. Hurlburt, appoint! to meet February 21, 1917, to view the said road. In the matter of the resignation of r.f. Mobley as fruit inspector, resigna tion accepted and H. U. Kanuall ap pointed. In the matter of auditing and allow ing road bills against Gilliam county fhe following allowed and ordered paid: o ft miaUtW MMMMHaf aa taJ6seF VlWMi J r The 1lJI& Store How Rich and Red Is Your Blood J A physician can take an accurate inventory of your strength and vitality by counting the red corpuscles in your blood. J How rich and red is your blood? You can tell pretty well by the reserve energy you have. If your complexion is muddy, your digestion poor, your liver in active, and your energy deficient, try BAMBO BRIER BLOOD BUILDER J This is a remedy which makes new, rich blood and builds up the entire system. Don't endure that run-down fee in wherryou rruy as well feel fine. Bambo Brier Blood Builder is guaranteed. Large bottle, $2.00. GRAVES & GRAVES F. W. White, road work, $38.00 Adolf Haidltn, road work SlOil 00 Fred Bloom, road work, 60 EJ Williams, road work 7 50 C. A. Hansen, road work and teams John Billingsley, man and teams Sidney Smith, salary and expenses 236 HO Jack Flett, labor Wolf Hollow 175 00 R B Chaney, labor Hay Creek grade. G A Alkire, Cunningham Bridge 0 A Lewis, labor Cunningham bridge (.'has J Ames, auto hire C V Phegley, road work H E Snyder, repairs G Anderson road signs Uodson-Feenaugl.ty, road drags, Dunn Bros, supplies G H Ross, road work 1916 account 65 OX Jamieson Marshall, repairs for engine 2 16 Arlington Lumber Co. supplies 9 96 ('. N. Laughrige, County Clerk, Deals in Dirt As Recorded Last Week I K. French et ux to W. II. Trindle, 200 acre, $10. Simon J. Kuster et ux to Fred Edwards, 160 acres, 11500. D. R. Parker et ux to Michael Creegan, 4 lots Condon, (1600. C. O. Port wood to Mary J. Lamberson, two lots Condon $250. State of Oregon to Levi S lines, 120 acres, 11050. J. J. Wasson et ux to Lottie ECeizur et al, one-half lot Condon, $350. C. A. Selvy et ux to A. K. York et ux, 160 acres, $2400. J, S. Burres to Geo. L. Garrett, 480 acres, 11. N. P. Railway Co. to Edward Bottemiller, 160 acres, $250. ATTENTION! I wish to close out my large wallpaper stock and will, until furthtr notice, give 25 per cent discount on all sales. Nearly all my stock was ordered before the rise of paper stock. Paper is still going up and this is the time to buy. W. A. Darling, 47tf. Armory Hall Annex, 13 85 858 15 00 3(X 4 00 7 00 20 87 23 75 424 74 58 2 50 Q The Up-to-the-rnjnute Druggists n CONDON :: :: OREGON fl QQQ CZ 2D J THE DAREDEVIL Continued from Page 2 for he really needs Buzz. "Now, you run home and get ready for one great time at a party I'm giving to you to night. And, Robert, remember to tell me everything the flies say, translated in your United States." "I will, and I go, my Gouverneur Faulkner," I made an answer to t!m, with a laugh, in which I did not show entirely all of the pleasure I experi enced when I discovered I was to be in the place of bis secretary, that fine Buzz Clendenning. . And with much haste I took niy de parture from the capitol of the state of Harpeth to Twin Oaks In the car of my uncle, the General Robert, for I knew that upon this evening I must make a new and terrible toilet and I would require much time thereto. CHAPTER VII. Drama of the War Mule. I HAVE a desire to know if It If j Into the life of every person there comes one night whUJrTie la never to forget until death and perhaps even after. I do not know, but I am sure that I shall always keep the memory of the uigbj; pou which Mr. Robert Carruthers of Grez and Bye wan Introduced to the friends of his ancestors. Ti is my Jewel that seem a drop of heart's blood that I wijl wear forever hid Jn my breast. At dluner sat beside the Gouver neur Williamson Faulkner, and tears came into my eyes as he rose from be side me at the bead of the table and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you to drink to the homecoming of Robert Carruthers, my friend, your friend and everybody his friends." "And now what have you to say to me, boy, the oldest friend you've got in America who hasn't seen you for days that have jEeen too long?" said that Madum Wuitwcrtb, who was seat ed at my side, and as she spoke she turned one lovely bare shoulder in the direction of my uncle, the General Rob ert, and the beautiful Mile. Sue and also Buzz, as if to shut them away from her and me in a little space of world JusJ for two people. "I tail say with truth, madam, that your loveliness tonight Is but the flow ering of my suspicions of it that morn ing upon the railroad train," I answer ed her in words that were a very nice translation of wbut that One young Cossack had once said to me at the Chateau de Grez of my own flowering into rose chiffon after an afternoon's hunting with him in corduroys. And In truth I spoke no falsehood to that Madam Whitwortli, for she was of a very great beauty of body, very much of which was In view from a scanti ness of bodice that I hud never seen excelled in any ballroom in France. "I knew you for a poet from that adorable black mop which I see you have very nicely plastered iu an exact Imitation of Buzz Cleudennlug's red one," she answered me, with a laugh. Follow me from the ballroom just After supper at midulght for a half hour's chat alone In a place 1 know, and don't lot either the general or the governor see you," s'.ie then suld In an undertone as the Gouverneur Faulkner bent forward and began a laughing conversation with her. "I will." I answered her under my breath, and I leaned back In my chair so that the Gouverneur Faulkner could more conveniently converse with her. And to that eud be placed bis arm across the back of my chair, and thus I sat lu his embrace with my shoulder pressed into his. "M midnight," I whispered, while 1 bent for a second tu kiss the baud of the bountiful Madam Wbltworth as she left the room. As I raised my bead from the salutation I encountered the eyes of the Gouverneur Faulkner, which looked Into mine with an expres sion of calm question. And for a mo ment I let the woman rise superior to the raven attire, and I looked back Into those eyes. In which I saw the mys tery of the dawn star, as would have gazed Roberta, marquise of Grez and Bye, bad she been attired In the white tulle and lace abandoned in that New York. Then I beat her back down into my heart and gave him the smile of fealtv that was bis due from Robert Carruthers, his friend. The hours that followed my entry Into the ballroom In the mansion of the exalted Gouverneur Faulkner were like minutes of time that dropped from a golden ciock or joy. i aancea on feet that were strong wings to glide over a floor that was a many colored cloud from the reflection of the soft lights and the silken skirts which ruf fled over It. And, what was most en joyable to me in this case, I glided In whatever direction pleased me and took with me the armful of cloud, There are thousands ot children who are bright but frail not sick but underdeveloped they play with their food they catch colds easily and do not thrive they only need the pure, rich liquid-food in ir mmmi to start them growing and keep them going. Children relish SCOTT'S and it carries rare nutritive qualities to their blood streams and gives them flesh food, bone-food and strength-food. Nothing harmful in SCOTTS. Scott & Borne, Bloomficld, N. J, Url which was the girl with whom I was dancing, on loug swoops of my own will lustead of being led In my flight y another, as had always before beeu the case with my dancing. It was the most of a joy that 1 had ever expert enced, and as I so enjoyed that free dom I did not kuow how It was that I should have such a feeling of dissat isfaction wbeu 1 beheld that beautiful Madam Wbltworth dauclng within the arms of the Gouverneur Williamson Faulkner. I blushed that 1 should be so unworthy, with such an unrcasou able fury lu my heart, and I looked away so that I seemed not to see tho smile that he sent lo me over the bead of the very sweet Belle girl In blue ruffles and silver slippers I was guld lug pas him In the trot of a fox. It Is with burning of countenance that arises from a hot shame, which I do not even to this moment exactly understand, that I recall to my mind that half hour which Mr. Robert Car ruthers of Grex and Rye HiH'iit with the beautiful Madam Patricia Whit worth In one of the deep windows that looked from the private study of his excellency of the state of IIarpth over Into the great hills that surround the city. Things happened In this wise: That Madam Wbltworth made the commencement of our duel of In telllgences by assuming that I was simple French Infant before whom she could dangle the very sweet bonbon o affection and take away from It treasure that It held In the hollow of its hand as a sacred trust; tliut Mad am Wbltworth did not realize that In stead of a very small young boy from ?ay Paris, whose eyes wero closed like these of a very young cat, she was dealing with tho very wicked girl who placed the word "devil" behind the word "dare." I was that girl. "1 suppose it Is absurd for a staid old matron like myself to be jealous, rcnlly jealous, at seeing a child like you being consumed alive by a lot of simpering misses In pink and blue chif fon pinafores, who ought to be In their nursery cots asleep, but I have been and am. boy. Did you forget that I was your oldest friend while Sue Tom linson fed you sweets out of her hand?" And as she spoke she seated herself In the exact center of the window seat and motioned me to place myself .In ASK THE COOK The sure way to keep a GOOD cook U to furnuh her something to COOK WITH. Nothing better pleases her than a perfect stove and utensil;). The perfection of utility and comfort in cocking is obtained if you Install one of our famous Majestic Steel Ranges And be sure that a full supply of our elegant arun ite or aluminum ware goes with it. Come right in and see them. They're beauties. Special on Silverware During the week of February 19 to 21 inclusive, we will give a ten per cent discount on all Holes of Community Silverware. We have a complete stock and this is your opportunity to stock up at a bargain. .Watch for Our Special Next Week. A. S. HOLLEN & SONS WANTED, LOST, FOR SALE: 640 acres 4 miles south of Mikkalo; known as the Lige McPherson place, now owned by W. H. Peugh. For price and terms call on or address C. R. PEUGH, Condon, Ore gon. 4CJ-I9 8TRAYED, FOR 8ALE, ETO. LOST: Auto crank somewhere in Con don. Was lost about January 20th Finder please notify Dr. B. A. Cathey. 46tf FOR SALE At $25 each, Poland China boars, 7 months old and good ones. Call on or address I. A. Hoakin, Condon, Oregon. 48d4) FOR SALE Five year old horse weighing 1200 pounds. A bargain. Call at L E. Fry's Garage, Condon. Oregon. 48rf WANTED: Position by experienced book keeper and stenographer about March 1. Inquire at the Globs oflke. 4Ctf FOUND: Child's ring. Set with red stone. Owner may have same by calling at this office ttml paying charges on this notice. FOR SALE: Well drill; one black Percheron stallion, six years old; also other horses and mules. At my ranch in Ferry Canyon. In quire at Red Cross store. J. A. Richmond. 47p49 FOR 8ALE Two dozen pure bred white Leghorn c hickens. Call on or address Mrs. W.B.Maley, Con don, Oregon, 48pd50. WANTED: To rent 100 to 160 acres of farm land. Answer at once. Address S. B. Amis, Condon, Oregon. 48pd49 the portion of tlie le'ft side tliat'remalu ed. 1 Inserted myself Into the space that was so Indicated ami laid my arm almig the window ledge behind her very much undressed back so that I might give to my lungs space to ex pand for air. 1 think that arrange ments mado very much for the com fort of the Ixniitlful Mudatii Patricia, for she Immediately appropriated Unit arm as a cushion for her undraped shoulders. And there lu the matiHlon of the gouverneur of the state of lliirvicth himself that lovely woman did unfold to me the most wonderful plan for the most enormous robbery of both her own government and mine--r should I say of both of my governments? that It could lie In the piiwer of mortal mind to conceive. It was a beautiful, reasonable, generous, patriotic, sympa thetic draum of the gigantic war tiiuto, and It hntl only one tiny, hidden ob scure line In one of Its verses, but In that line lay all of dishonor that could come to a man and a state who should allow a smaller nation fighting for 1U life and Its honor to lie defrauded of one of the supplies which were of deadly necessity for Us success. I think I even saw flio dastardly scheme moro plainly than did my uncle, the General Itoltert, for I had listened with more than one ear while my eapltalne, the Count do l-assclles. explained to wee I'lerre some of the details of sup plying the army of the rcpuhllque. 1 Continued next week FOREWARNED If You Are Looking for Bargains We give you fair warning, if you are looking for bargains in the line of DRYGOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES HATS, NOTIONS, ETC. we are making a determined effort to clear our shelves of all winter stock. We have for a time lost sight of cost. Goods are going at just what they will bring, often far below wholesale cost. You are forewarned. If you miss these wonderful bargains,don't blame us. It will be your misfortune. But you still have time to gather them in. Dunn Brothers, Incorporated Merchandise of Merit Condon, Oregon