THE CONDON GLOBE PAOE 2 THE CONDON GLOBE H. A. tlarttborn. Editor a lesson to every city ami town in this country. The subject is full of vital possibilities for Con don. Have you ever tried to estimate how many acres of idle Published Every FrUT by Tha Glob land there are in this town in PablUhinx Company. Entered ai aecond clana mail matter t the post office at Condon, Orerna HHa rstcat tl.M pw rrt 3t Math far TS (MM. ANrtial( nlM (ia aa awliaUM. THE BUSINESS KEN HAVE A DUTY It is regretted that more of Condon's tuines men were not present at the rf the Commercial Oluh Wednesday night when rH. legislation was discussed. The rop-wd John Day highway is of more im oortance to this town than any thing that his ever been brought up since Condon became a town and the business men should realize this and take a proper interest The meeting was thoroughly representative but in taking up such a plan every man should add prestige to the our town? Give a little thought to the. number of vacant lots that are now given over to weeds, tin cans and rubbish generally. Then 'calculate the possibilities of thess vacant lots and see what a little energy would accomplish. Gardens on these lots will cut down materially the high cost of living that is heard discussed on all sides. Foodstuffs raised en these lots will yield ns much nourishment s if bouvtht from somebody else ar.d will cost much le.'s. Tluis a litt'o energy will reduce the high cost of living and it also covers another im portant phase. An hour or two of such work is nature's finest tonic. It will dissipate the worst ci-se of grouch; it is a perfect liver regulator, cures dyspepsia, is an excellent remedy for rheu matism and makes you feel that life is really worth living. While we thus conserve our health and lighten the strain on our income meeting by his presence and show that he has the welfare o'j there will be another important the town at heart. I thing accomplished we w ill beautify the town. Such a plan TOWN IMPROVEMENT j w511 (l wy with many of the The qjetion of using idle city J weeds and a large part of the lands for food pro luc'.ion is just ca,,s and rubbish and make Con now engaging the atten'ion of don look more ,ike what il really the people of England, as it has isa Ptod business town and a already done those of Germany, ood place to live. Don't over and 'efforts are being made to ,ook tne fact ,hat t strangers conserve this uotential source of iine appearance counts more than wealth. It is estimated thtt in the city of L-mdon alone there are 14 000 acres of idle land, cioable of pr.-wlucing annual!'.- iryi worth of fooistufTs per acre! a. amazing to:t! of 7 anything else. What do you think about it? THE ONLY LOGICAL WAY Eijjht hurdrel feet lower at ,0X,OQO'Shp hiuhest rVmt than any yearly. I other highway across east- This item of ne-vs should carry I ern Orecon, IS" mile shorter. e.sier and cheaper by far to build, much more passable dur ing the winter month?, an outlet to a rich section of the state that has no transportation facilities now are a few of the reasons that the proposed John Day high way should be designated as the state highway for eastern Ore gon. The man who never had a chance never took one. A town improvement commit tee would be a decidedly sensible and profitable thing for this town. If, in its squabble over the state highwavs and the stata road money, the legitlature fails to recognize the merits of the John Day highway, it will be another big link in thechain that will finally abolish the legislature altogether. Paper is no longer high. It is higher, come. The "est" is yet to The fe'Iow who boasts of get ting something for nothing us ually finds that worth just what he gave for it You know that the John Day highway is the logical route for the connecting link between the Columbia highway and the Lincoln highway. Write to your representative at Salem and tell him or them to gee busy along that line. Judge people by what they do, net by what you unthinking think they do, or what others say they do. The Daredevil By Maria Thompson Daviess AutLor or "Th Mltin ot Kolly" Copyrlctit. mi, by Die Untton Co, Rtllly ! COLUMBIA Phonographs and Records Continued from last week The greatest possession Uself-possess'.on. WONDERFUL PICTURE We have become so accustomed to ti e umnual work of which the Buick car is cap ihle that we often fail to emphasize thesi tacts but the lOuO fen of film to be shown at the American between Feb. 5 and 11 will show you hw the Buick Six . overcomes coiidiJoiis that arc- generally considered impossible. This interesting picture shows -a Buick Six on its record run into Bar valley t iiro-jgh mui, water, S.nd, snow ar.d k:e. oee this picture and then see the car at L. E. SHELLEY'S GARAGE Advertising has built uo more businesses and pus.hed them ahead faster than any other one element in the selling process. Washing your hands of a thing does not always wash your mind of it. Being kind doesn't cost you anj thing and will pay in the end. ! Minding other people's busi ness is what brings so much care and worry into some faces. CONDON The man who is unusually polite to the ladies in public is sometimes mean to his wife. There are some people who are suspicious of you when you are doing them a kindness. The hardst 'vork some men have to do is to be cheerfu1. OREGON B. v . 1 Every new thing has its knock ers. Some women are not a bit enthusiastic about the short skirts. SYNOPSIS Roberta, an orphan, half French, hall AmcrUNin, Hurting for America to ttay with an uncle, meet Count tie Laull crueali to eecuie limine (or Frame. By a mlstnke. R.lierta'a uncle billrve alie la a nephew. Knowir.e dim to be a woman hater, Itubtrta adcii man' attire. nal ever let ttieui gvt a ' night of you. wlili'h he irotialily won't. Now go to the tno!" For many yearn, alu- the lotirly day Just ufter the drnlh of tny moth er, when uiy father took mo Into ttio furl bent tlrpttn of bla and heart and told uie of liU exile from the place In whU-b he hud been borti ami uhaut the cklcr brother who bad hated my beautiful mother, who bated all wq uieu. I had eut uiueb time ereotltig lu my mind a Mimic that would be tbe aeuiblnm-e of that wicked and cruel uncle. 1 bad taken every dt trrrraule feature of face and body that I tH'Su'M In ouother htimna or In a pit ture or had read of In the tale of that remm-katile Mr. Dlckcua, who could ho paint lu words motiatroua person to come whou the lltthta are out to haunt the iliirktiea. and had carefully patched thetu one upou an other o ax to make tticin luto an Ideal of an old uncle of great wlckinlneta. On that very ship Itself I bad U-held a man, who came ujiou the lower dock from the engine, who hud but one eye and n ureal nonr wliere that oilier eve Hhould have lieen placed Immediate ly my linage f the tieiieral Robert ("nrrulbera lost one of the wicked eye I had kIvpu him from out the head of the stepfather who did ho cruelly ntare at the pimr yomc; lavld Cupporttold and Ihh unit' a man with only one eye which still held the iiiiilevoli'me that was hurled nt that m;ill lnvld. And with tbU P'liint. crooked, evil ImnKe of the (General rinhcit Civruthera lu my heart 1 allulitcd from the train Into the city of n.'iyevl!!e. which U the cflpltnl of the crent American Mate of llanieth. The black man bad awumt hliiKctf off with my lintta and that of the iH-nullful Madam Whit- worth, who. with me. was the lat of tbe pnssonjrers to descend from the ntep of the car. "My dear Jeff!" exclaimed tny bo lovely new friend she raised her roll for a very seemly kUs from a Cull and quite hmad Kcntlcman with a very wide hat and Ioiir mnstachloa that dropped far down with want of was that ft I the cii'tum to uo for their elovat'n-i In France, a I well know frum lay father's wrathy re marks to his valet If he made a too Krent ne of 't iiKin h!s. "And this la Ceneriil f.irruthcrs' nephew who atne d' wn mi the train with me My husband, Mr. t.'arrnthera of Orel and" with whldi Introduction the confronted me with the gentleman. "tilud to know yi ii, j ntiu man: glad to know you," he answered o he took my hand ami K.'ive It an em brace of Kin h v'dr tlmt I uhniisi made outcry. "There'a the eeuerul over there li I:!nvt lur you Onto t" ee um soirc time, fume oi. Patsy!" For n present any time, an Eastman Kodak v. is always good. We have them Spalding Athletic Goods Finest Chocolates and Hon Buns JOHN JACKSON Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner HIGHEST PRICES Paid for wool, hides end pelts. Wc have a supply of stock salt, wool bags and twine" at all times Agents for Black Leak 49 Sheep Dip INTERIOR WAREHOUSE CO. Continued on next page ! Horner & Anderson Abstracters ! Endymion Lodge No. 6fi KNIGHTS of PYTHIAS Abstracts of Title to Gilliam County LanJi Office in Court IIousj Meet Tatsd.iy Everiinjr In Castle Hail , COMXiX, OREGON Rank of Page nt Taesttay lr::;ht, Ft-b. Fred Anderson. K.. rnnd S, J "Will thee sf-ii thy J.iniK J ; Or whatsoever, on tftm stand: J j Tiif.n piaCR them in otfr hand0, j Without fail." ' 27tf Opp. P.O. Phoe 1GY : ; I ! Brave the wind VE AND STORM ii iiva pes i wex ever liwcrvtcd a, FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER (PATENTED) 00 PROTECTOR HAT T5 Dealers everywhere fir i ('.: W, OMr80iivoar. V v' A f tauib r-r vncmtt 4 J County Treasurer's Notice All outstanding warrants drawn on the Genera FurW and all war rants drawn orvWe Road Fund up to and inclddin No. 625, Series A, will be paid upon pre sentation at nry office. Interest on road warrants ceasn October 13th, 1916.' Fred Anderson BY OUR BLOOD WE LIVE If you tire easily, are subject to cold hands or feetif you catch colds readily or have rheumatic pains your blood or circulation is probably at fault and you need HI 111 OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL which is nature's easily-assimilated food, to increase your red corpuscles and charge the blood with life sustaining richness. Scott's creates warmth to throw off colds and gives resistance to prevent sickness. No Alcohol In SCOTT'S. Every Druggist hat it. SCOTT & BOWNE, BloonfoU, N. J. i.ii m mm e Mil LM rf haw. ("ountv Treasurer. i City Treasurer's Notice ' All outstanding city warrants upto and including No. 771 Class 'C" will be paid upon presenta tion at my office. Interest ceases Nov. 16. 1916. Myrtle Ferguson, City Treasurer. Salesmen Wanted! One of the largest publishers in the northwest desires the services of hustling representatives for local and traveling positions. Experience unnecessary. Ambi tious men make big money on our new one hundred per cent profit proposition. Preference given to those own ing rig or automobile. Post card will bring complete information FREE. Apply by letter or in person. A. E. STEPHENS 800 Oregonian Bldg., Portland, Oregon O.K. SHOP Up-to-date Ton sorial Parlors Randall & Seale ...PROPRIETORS... lit Daw t FWM NiUm1 Bk EXPRESS AND LIGHT HAULING For Quick Service See Wm. Jensen or leave orders at Jackson's Store, Phone 19X GLOBE PRlNflNGlS BEST Condon Dray & Transfer Line F. E. I1ENNET, Proprietor Light and IK-avv Hauling Haullni; Trunka and all Jub CONDON. i work a Xecialty. Phone No. luX OREGON Globe "Envelope Day" Monday, January 20th PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T. A. WEINKE iawyfb I Offk m Curt Hm Condon, Oicu-n. I J. D. WEED lawyer : : U. S. LAND COMMISSIONER ; ; CONDON, OREGON I : d. F. wood, m. d. : PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 111 S.I1ui tMm, riM Hh 175 2 PORTLAND. ORbCON. I aeaeeeaaeea ; Drs.Miller&Wilhclm I PHYSICIANS & SURCL0NS ( finl Nil'l Bank EaiUim Condon, C. t. UiWr. M. D. I. A. C.iW, M. D. DR3. OATHEY : PHYSICIANS ANOSURCrONS I Cin NiiUmI Bk lIMh( 2 CONDON, OREGON i j L.L.TAYLOR M.D.V. : VETERINARY rursicuit 4 iurceon 2 Oregon. 2 Condon, 2 Dr. R. W. Hanneman 2 DENTIST I PkaaaSa All Work CaatJ ; CONDON OREGON I DR. J. O. KENYON 2 DENTIST t... . vrrytm. Chas H. Williams OPTOMETRIST Office at Residence CONDON ORECON 2 Dr. W. H. Reynolds 2 CHIROPRACTIC NERVE SPECIALIST 2 I If Ton rt tick anil Lave tried tYrvtkin ? ell witk a r.iolli try Chiropractic ipio- o al djutmnt and fet well. First Nat'l Rank Bldg Condon, Or. a a o a T a finl K.l'l B..V g.iMla, 2 W Oregon. 2 2 Condon, D. N. MACKmY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CONDON OREGON J. A. C0NLEY The Tailor Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing CONDON, OREGON' II. II. WILBURN WELL CONTRACTOR AND DRILLER SATISFACTION GUA HANTKKI) CONDON - - OREGON f """I I'.i-ia', WJ',J'' ,mm 'f 'I