THE CONDON GLOBE PAQE 2 THE GONDDN GLOBE 0. A. Uartthorn, Editor Published Every Friday by Tht GIob Publishing Company. F.ntmd u second data mail matter at the post cffic at Condon, Orcfoa FaWrtptlm nlM: li t rar )v 8!l KMlW far 74 cmta. Airtl.i nlM fi 9lieatia. BOTH ARE NEEDED NOW AM'JCH A5EVEI Wnile the Pilcrima my . not have been a perfect set of mor tals by a long way, their Work in he aggrvjra'e may be fairly spokt'fi of as lie cliief factor in the civ.lizition of those nations hich we speak of as the en lightened nations of the earth and we should remember in these days that a'most the first act of those old Pilgrims was to build a church and school house. They pushed trie school and church be iWe them into th wilderness a'td we should not gt the idea into our heads ihtt our need for WE SELL AND REPAIR 1. CARS The Hudson Super-Six and All Sizes of the New iiuic'kS L. E. SHELLEY'S GARAGE CONDON O.K. SHOP Up-to-date Ton soiaal Parlors r RandainSeale ...PROPRIETORS. tit Doer North Fir,; NatioufT Bank Horner & Anderson I Abstracters i Abstracts of Title to , Gilliam County Lands Office in Court House T everything about tMfmio worn in fsw:; comfort .wear thcFi1 BRAND A.J. Tower Co ff REFLEX S (oral Boston i Condon Dray & Transfer Line F. E. BEN.VET, Proprietor Light and Heavy Hauling Hauling Trunks and all Job work a specialty. CONDON, " Phone No. 10X OREGON eith -r or both is any less than was theirs. Some peop'e claim that a whiskey breath is pood enough evidence that the ow m r of the bteath ha in hi? possession more or less of the fluid that exhila rates and intoxicates. After the Oregon Lc-eis'aUire finally wind up the bone dry question this ought to justify the creation of one more oublic ofti.v that of "The Publio Official ttreath Smel !er Have jou ever thought wha' the result woul 1 be if t'e people of this town sn'd nothing but pood of each o: her for thirty or -ixtv days? It would work a revolution in I usiness and s cial atl.iirs By thus .upirvssi- ihe vicious in man ami woman kind it wouM allov the best traits to come to the surface If every ma t in to wn would spend ha'f an hour a week in cleaning up rubbish and air cuinula'ions we would soon have a clean "own, a beit r ointn aiity, a happier set of people jind a lower death rate. I it worth thirty minutes a week? R1 It matters not the make of j our car, we have expert ma cninists who can, quickly locate and correct any and all car troubles. We can sell you r of two wonderful cars at a price that will nriLe you want to t-keit right home with you. Q jality and service are there. OREGON CLOSE PRINTING IS BEST :: EXPRESS :: AN,; LIGHT HAULING For Quick Service See Wm. Jensen or leave orders at Jackson's Store, Phone I9X Eitdymion Lodge No. 66 KNIGHTS of PYTHIAS Meets TtKtulay Evening In Castle Hall CONDONi OREGON Rank of Esquire next Tjesiiay niit. .Ian. '6 C. N. I-MifHriire. K.. 11. nnd S J. A CONLEY The TiUnfS Cleaning, Pressing, Jtepuiring CONDOrf, OREGON CATARRH CANNOT B!? CURED with LOCAL APPLICATfqNS as they cannot reach the seat of tffe disease. Catarrh is a local disease, gjeatly in fluenced by constitutionr'conditionj and in order to cure it yow must take an internal remedy: H.' Catarrh Cure is taken internally sin acts thru the blood on the maffSus surfaces of the system. HaU'jf Catarrh Cure wss prescribed by one Mi the best physician, in this country for years. It is com posed of some the best tonic3 known, combined v.'Mh some of the beat blood purifiers. TheVierfect combination of the ingredients m Hall's Catarrh Cure is what produces euch wonderful re suits in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. F. jLHENEY & CO., Props. ' Toledo, Ohio. AydruKgif ts, 75c. Hail'3 Family Piils for constipation. Willi t PrintiniT 8 veryne knows printing an art the art of reproducing charac MCJinS tO Us ters on paper and other materials and we, as members of the Globe force, are striving to give to you the best of this art We endeavor to improve our ability to serve you day bv day and as the Globe stands for perfection through progressivene8s you can trust us lo five you satisfac tion in the most particular printing. To us PRINTING is not merely the means of gaining a livelihood but rather the attain ment of perfection in our chosen line of work. During the 400 years in which printing has been modernized and recog nized ns a coming industry many men have devoted their lives to bringing this line of art to the point where it will mean the most to the public. Having this object in view we beg to leave with you the thought that we are here to serve you at all times To be sorry for yourself, to go about looking sorry, will ntver win sympathy. Be cheerful. A man who finds not satisfaction in himself, seeks (or it in vain elsewhere. A depressed man is not a good business Keep all mem bers of the force enthusiastic. One of the most common mistakes of the prestnt day is to value things for what they have cost and not for what they are worth. The daredevil 3f; By Author of 'The Mcltiof of Molly" CopyriKht. 1911!. by lh fUitly Brltton Co. Continued from last week SYNOPSIS Roberto, an orphan, half Fronch, half American, aturllins tor America to stay with an uncle, meett Count da LaaKllea crosakw to secure mulca (or Franca. "I U'llev? t'.ie tiuullt.v wtileb will tie ttost !e.iilreil of t!ie women of the era tv hi.ii ! u.!Le Is Is inuraj'e a!:d then mor' I'oumse. moinieur." I made nu sw-cr t- liiai ns If I tuid been discus in-- s itu" question with him In my fa thor's tsmoklns room at the Chateau do Cre::. ns I often came In to do with :v f.itiKr and hl friends after the '.entli of my mother when the evenings se:'rt:(U too Ions al'me. They had ;i:i'd that 1 so came at times, and the oM Count do Brcaux ouce had re-uiBi-keJ feiiiinlno jnj;'athy vai ... ( x w'uh whUh men made ao',12 tQelr muds Into a uuanUnous purpose. He bai been speaking of that war a few weeks after Lou value, and I bad risen ani had stood very tall and very hanfjlity before him and ny father. "The women of France to come after this camn?e to mold a nation fr. in what romalus to them, mon sieur." I hu.i sn'd to lilm as 1 looked stiiiis'it Into his face. "Is not thp coura.-'e of women a war supply upon which to rely?" "What are the young women smh women as she eowi to do In the years that come after i!il dc-hue, Ilenrl of America?" he had tunde a muttering questiou to my father as his old eyes smoldered over me in the firelight. Frou th? memory of the smoking room at the Chateau d;? Civz my mind suddenly returned to the rail of the ship and the Frenchman beside me. who was looking Into my face with the same klixily question ns to my fu ture that h:-d been In the eyes of my old rolfuther nod wlilr-b had stirred my father's heart to Its American depths and made him send me back to his own country. "Ah. yes. that courage Is a good weapon wlih which to adventure In this America of the grizzled bear, mademoiselle." I found the strange man saying to me. with a nice amuse ment as well as Interest. "My father had shot seven grizzlies before his twenty-first birthday. We have the altlna. four of them, n the great hall of the Chateau de G res or -or we did have them before bo fore" My voice faltered, and I could not continue speaking for the teara that rose In my throat and eyes. Quickly the man at my aide turned his broad shoulders that he should shield me from the laughing and cx- i claiming groups of people upon the deck near us. "Pefore Ypres, mademoiselle?" be asked, with tears also In the depths of his voice. "Yes." I nnswered. "And I am now DO YOU DREAD WIMTER? If every man, woman and child in this vicinity would only take one spoonful of G TP if IA II- after meals for one month, it would put vigor in their blood tP withstand the rigors of winter weather and neip prevent coias, grippe ana wiuer siciuiess. SCOTT'S is a fortifying medicinal-food of particu lar benefit in changing seasons, and every drop yields direct returns in richer blood, strongef lungs rnd greater resistive power. No alcohol in SCOTT'S. Scott & Bona. Bloomfiald.N.X i.t Kohi ; Into the AmeiUn wllh iu crippled bryllier mid tih uur e a'oae It is tlw land of my faiher, and I have bit eo:irn;:e. 1 must liuve aN.i that of a Fi-euehwoiiiau. I have It. monsieur." And as I sp.'ke I drew myself to my full, round shouldered height, which was almost r.ipial to that of the man beside u.e "Mademoiselle. 1 salute the courage born of an American vlm fought be fore the guns of the Murne and of a Frenchwoman wii sent him there!" And as be iqioke thus he removed from his bond bis silk deck cap and held It at his shoulder in a way that I knew was a ealute from a French officer to the memory of a brother. "And also may I be permitted to present myself, as It Is a sad necessity that you travel without one from whom I might re quest the Introduction ?" be asked of me with a beautiful reverence. After a aearvb In his pocket fr a few seeondi. he at last discovered a case of leather and presented to me a card. As be handed It to me his color rose up under his black eyes, and grave trouble looked from between their lonx Mack lashes. I glanced down-at tin' card and read: "Cupltalne le Coin t Annond de Lassol'es. Paris, Frnixe Forty-fouith Cbasst-ur de t Hepob Itque Fruncalse." "M. le Count. I know-l know wiiv it Is that you gu to America!" I mad exclamation ns I clasped to my breast my hatid-j. mid my eyes slmue with ex clteiiieut. "I have read It In Lc Mnllu just the day before yesterday. You go to buy grain against the winter of starvation In the republique. No man Is so great r. financier as you and o brave a soldier, with your wound not healed from the trenches In the Vosgea. Monsieur, 1 dulute you!" And I bent my head and held out my hand to him. "We're to expert nimble wits ns well as courage of you young shall 1 say American women?" he laughed as he bent over my hand. "Now shall I not be led for Introduction to the small brother ami the old nurse?" ho asked, with much friendly Interest In his kind eyes. It was a very wonderful thing to ob serve the wee Pierre listen to the nar ration of rupltaln?. t'le Count do I.ns sidles, concerning the act Ions of a small boy who bail run out of a night of ibot and shell Into the heart of his regiment aud who bad now lived five mouths In the trenches with them Pierre's small face Is all of France, and In his heart under his bent chest burns a soul all of France. It Is ns If In her death, at his birth, my beauti ful mother had stamped her race upon him wllh the greater emphasis. "Is It that the small Caslou Is .1 daredevil iike Is my Itoh'" he ques tioned as we all made n laughter at the story of the Count de I.asselles concerning the sortie of the small Idol from the trendies In the dead of ono peaceful nlht V return with a very wide thick flannel shirt of one of the enemy, which he had caught hanging upon a temiiorary laundry line back of the German trenches. "And your medal of honor, M. Cop! talne? Is It permitted that I lay for a little moment just one linger upon it?" Pierre asked of him as the great soldier stood tall above the steamer chair. Nannette sobbed Into her lace, and I turned my head away as the tall man bent and laid the, frail little hand against his der-orntlon, which be wore almost entirely hidden under the pocket of his tweed Norfolk of Eng lish manufacture. Only French eyes Continued on next page M fffl yy COLUMBIA Phonographs nnd Kecordfl For a present any time, an Eastman Kodak is always good. Wc have them Spalding Athletic Goods Finest Chocolates and Hon Hons JOHN JACKSON Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner Stop! Your auto is on Fire Insure it against Fire, Theft, Transportation nnd Collision with the CONDON REALTY CO. BOX 24 Farmers, Protect Yourselves Take no chance on losing the result of your year's labor; insure your crop in the field, stack and warehouse with . 15. ROBERTSON j IIIIIIIMMMIM I ! Globe "Envelope Day" j pSioiiii j T. A. WEINKE LAWYER OIImi In Cirl H-m o Cuiulon, Onutn. J. D. WEED : lawyer : U. S. LAND COMMISSIONER 1 I COfiDON. . OliEGOU I J. F. WOOD, M. D. : I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I lit S.IIIm B.i!Jim J PORTLAND, Fliou 3750 . ORtGON. I I Drs.Miller&Wiihelm ; PHYSICIANS & SURCEONS a Flnl N.l'l Bk Baildlw a Conduit, 0rcaih. I I Dr. W. H. Reynolds I CHIROPRACTIC NERVE SPECIALIST I t II you art tick ind h tried .rrrylhii f with no retullt try Chlropr.cllc ipin- l tdjnilmnlt and gel well. First Nafl Bank Hld(f Cundon.Or. II. II. W I LB URN WELL CONTRACTOR AND DRILLER SATISFACTION CilJA ItA NTI2I2D CONDON - - tHiKGON CONDON. OREGON OREGON Monday, January 20th C. F. C.iU,. M. D i. a. c.iw. a. o. DRS. CATHEY nilunifinun akin .M .... CmJm K.IUul Ink E.UJIm 4 ; CONDON, OREGON I I L.L.TAYLOR M.D.V. : VETERINARY FHTIICIAN SURCI0X I Conduit, Ore gun. 7 I Dr. R.W. Hanneman : DENTIST I All Work Guaranteed Phona 8 Condon National Baak Building ! CONDON OREGON I J DR. J. O. KENYCN I DENTIST rint Nal'l Faak I.IUiaa Condon, Oregon. D. N. MACKaY ATTORNEY AT-LAW CONDON OREGON