THE OONDON GLOBE PAGE 4 y 13 o la, 3C30 Let Us Join Hands For A Prosperous New Year Even if we had no convictions in the matter, ot:r years of meeting the public in the banking house has convinced us that the policy that coitribuus to our tn ltual benefit is SECURITY To a certain degree our interests are interdepend ent and with this in mind we have to offer you se curity for your banking interests and courteous accommodation in your banking business. Condon Nat'l Bank J LOWERING THE H. C OF L Last Friday evening the mem bers of the Baptist church in this city completely surprised their new pastor and his family in a way that will long bo remem bored. At 7:W in the evening they began to arrive at the par sonage until quite a number were present, among them being Mrs. l'houvenel and two daughters, Murrell and Gladys West, Miss Lottie Keizur, Mrs. Hammack and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glover. Mrs. Cochran, Mrs. Joe Mattu gly and Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop and son and daugh ter. After all were present Mr. Bishop and Mr. Glover began to un'oad the former's bigdray and there were ootatoes by the sack. O ' Hour by the sack and sugar by j the sack, canned goods, jars of ! fruit and vegetables, apples in ! boxes and sacks and other things ' too numerous to mention. The j parsonage dining room looked U I like a grocery stoie. Some who I had part were not there but they win oe rememoerea. wun grate ful hearts the pastor and his family thank all those who had a part in the showtr and pra God's blessing to be upon them and the people of Condon. Rev. V. Z. A. Wright and Family. Economical Economy SEE I FOR SALE One of the biggest Jacks in the state. He stands 16 hands high. Will tra Je for sheop. Mervyn Stephenson returned to 0. A. C. Sunday, after spend ing his vacation at his home here. 8 pure bred Rose Comb Rhode Inland Red Cockerels. These are urusually fine l irds. Blanche Caven went to The Dalles Sunday, where she will re sume her studies at St Mary's Academy. I. A. 3 registered, big type Poiand Chira maVs. old emugh for service The sire and dam of these were imported from Iowa :: :: :: :: Call on or address HOSKIN ::: CONDON, ORE. W. L. McCaleb of Turner, Ore gon, was in Condori a few days this week on business. Mr. Mcfaleb was formerly a resident of Condon. Gat on the Globe 9 subscription list for Miss Tressa Jones is suffer ing from a severe attack of ton- x31 silitis at the J. W. Lillie home in 1917 this city. ON THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES AT THE GRAND LE ADER For Friday, Saturday and Monday "A 500 yards of 15c Outingat8c per yard. 50 Woolnap Blankets at $2.43"$2.95 and $3.50 per pair. 300 yards Window Scrim 15c quality a 8c per yard. 1 One lot of high top black kid with white tops Ladies' Shoes at rsijiii pri533. Wj ci savd yoi $2.50 on each pair; the regular price would be $8.50 a pair our prices are $5.75, $4.95 and $3.50. Come early before the sizes are broken. $17.50 Oregon Cashmere Suifsfor Men at $12.50. 50 Boys' Suits, all sizes, all styles, at greatly re- ducedymces. THE GRAND LEADER MARCUS KOPPLE, PROPRIETOR CONDON, OREGON CAREFUL HOUSEWIVES when they undertake to economize have two objects in view - - - QUALITY and PRICE and if they cannot find these at one place will try at another. :: :: :: " Quality at an exhorbitant price is not economy. Low price without good quality is very poor economy. ECONOMICAL ECONOMY is high quality at REASON ABLE PRICE. :: :: We Have This Combination. Dunn Bros., Inc. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Examination are being held this week. There will be a slight change in the course of study at the beginning of the second semester. Economics will be substituted for psychology and botany for biology and commercial arithmetic or spelling will be given and penman ship from 3:15 to 4.CK. Following is the program for the de bute Friday evening between Fossil and Condon: Duet. Misses Anderson; vocal selection, Men's Trio; solo, Mrs. Parker; debate, "Resolved, "That Ore gon should adopt a health insurance law embodying the essential features of the 'Standard Bill' of the American Association for Labor Legislation." Affirmative: Herbert Welshons, Nell Uoodwin, Condon High School; Nega tive: Arthur Stewart, Harry Smith. Fossil High School. Decision of thi judges. Bert Keisur of Gwendolen re newed his subscription to tin Globe this week. Mrs. S. A. Scott of Lone Rock has ordered the Globe for another year. "THE DAREDEVIL Continued from Page 3 feci su'ilsfa' tlon t my assumption or all the responsibilities of our three existences. And as I leaned ngaltiBt the deck roll am looked out Into a future as limit less us tlint water ahead of us Into wlik'b the great ship was plowing 1 tnude a remark to myself that bad In It all the wisdom of those who are Ig norant. "Tuo best of life Is not to know what will happen next." "Ah, that was so extraordinary com ing from a woman that you must par dnn mo for listening and making ex clamation," came an answer In a nice voice near at my elbow. The words were spoken lu as perfect English as The Go2i Store o o 1 Don't Let A Cold Catch You J In reality you don't catch a cold, but the cold catches you. You can avoid the cold if you act in tim. J When you sneez. or have an unucual sense ot dryness if. the nostrils or irritation of the throat that marks the advent of a cold, take immediate step9 to stop further development. Rexall Cold Cure J The remedy can do nothing but good. It has a laxative effect, promotes proper circulation and increases the activ ity of the kidneys. Keep a bottle of this remedy on hand ready to combat the first cold of the season. ....Trice, 23c... GRAVES & GRAVES Tho Up-to-thc-minute Druggists n CONDON OREGON ft 0 CVaViTi'i'-'" Tr" OOP ""T "if """"'""u" Q "I know why it is that you go to Amer ica I" I bad learned from my futher, but In theui I observed to be an Intonation that my French ear detected as Pa risian. "Also, mademoiselle, are you young women of tho new era to be without that very delightful but often danger creating qual!tyvof curiosity?" As I turned I looked with startled eyes Into the grave face of a man less than forty years, whose sad eyes were for the moment lighting with a great tenderness which I did not under stand; Continued next week Your Trade This Year We Want It And if fair dealing, courteous service ai.d astonishingly low prices offer sufficiently attractive inducements we'll get it. You will find us ...ON THE SQUARE... in every particular. We protect your interests an jealously as our own. Our customers MUST be pleased and satisfied, else we can't do business. And our stock will be kept at the top notch of efficiency. Try us this year on our plan GUARANTEED TO PLEASE A. S. Hollen & Sons Condon, Oregon Always a Square Deal O O o IB pwamii.'iwiBBfwwawM