THE CONDON GLOBE PAGE 3 f If 30E 30E lonrnoE on o Ik aoin u rn tt ti r a t xr ti t s k r k Ttr O THE HOME OF QUALITY AND SHELTER OF THE BKST Just M we have a Thomas II. Cut at our place of busincHu thut has proved him self the Champion of all Ohampeensby cufTitijr tho Ina l of every eanino in town until it runic, so with our selection of stock always the beat to be had. We are making some very low prices on winter goods. We are still handling the best in the line of groceries. We are headquarters for home furniHhings and auto supplies. THE S. B. BARKER COMPANY 01301 or OE 301 OE CLASSIFIED AND LEGAL ADVERTISING 8TRAYED: Light biy horse coming three years old, branded with pipe on left sHIle, Has three white feet and whit strip in face. 15 offered for rtturn or for in formation U'luiing to recovery, Not'fy E L Palmer, Ajax, Oregon. STRAYED: One red and white spotted heifer, very fine, Shorthorn yeuring. Branded (J) on right hip. Strayed from I). S. Brown's pasture. Suitate re ward for information. 0 C. Veatch. Omdon, Oregon. 42tf "Will thee sell thy lands, Or whatsoever on them stands, Then place them in our hand, Without fail." Condon Realty Co. 27tf Opp. P.O. Phone ICY County Treasurer's Notice All outstanding warrants drawn on the Genera Fund and all war rat.ts drawn on the Road Fund up to and including No. 625, Scries A, will be paid upon pre sentation at my office. Interest on road warrants cease October 13ih, 1916. Fiiki) Anderson. County Treasurer. Notice to Creditors. Notice i hereby given thit the utulerniuKoil him been appointed by the lion. County Court of Gilliam C-junty an RilminiHlrs'or of the eatate of Culvin MyetidiK'cMoil; and alt prsona having claims airaintit the said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned administrator at the Con Ion NntianHl Bank In Condon, Ore gon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of his notice. Date of this notice and ante of first publication is December 8, 1916. George B. Dukkk Administrator. Executor's Notice to Creditors Nitico is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Executor of the Entitle of Sophia LntTerty, De ceased, by the County Court of Giltinm ilounty, Oregon. All persona having claims against said estate are required to present the samo, with proper vouch ers duly verified to N. Laughrige Executor, at tho ofllce of the County Clerk in tho CourthouHe, Condon, Ore gon; within six months from the date of this notice, the same being the date of the first publication thereof. , Dated and first published December 22, 1916. C. N. IAUGHRIGE, Executor. VUr4W Beat it MY FISH BRAND V V . v Krr r.x Keeps oit all tKe wet DEALERS EVERYWHERE Waterproofs, tcWE Absolute. H3l on Marked thus tisiwsfi A.J. TOWER CO. BOSTON SLICKER SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Cillium County. Eugene H. Evans, I'luiiitin, VS. Oscar II. Bell an-J Louiaa Hull, his wife; C. E. Curran and Mrs. V.. E. Curran, his wife, Defendants, SUMMONS To Oscar II. Bell and I.ouina Bell, his wife; C. E. urrari and Mrs. C. E. Curran, husband and wife: IN THE NAMEOK THE STATE OK OREGON: You and e.uh of you are hereby required and commanded to ap pearand answer the complaint of the plaintiff on file herein, on or before January 12th, 1917, the date of the lunt publication of summons herein, and if you fail to so appear and anitwer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the comprint on file herein, which U substantially as fol lows: For a judgement and decree in favor of tho plaintiff for the sum of 500.00, with Interest thereon from October IKJtn 1916, until paid, at the rate of seven per cent per annum, and $50.00 ittor ney'a fees; a aecond judgment and :e croe for J583.42, with interest thereon from January 15th, 1H15, until paid, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, together with $60.00 attorney's fees, and the coats and diKburxcrncnl of thin suit. For a judgment and de.-ree again! the above named defendants to the ef fect that the two mortgage liens, upon the real estate herein to be foreclosed, and that their internU, or either of them, are subsequent and inferior in right to the lien of the plniti tilT 'n two mortgRges. For a judgment and decree foreclos ing the mortgage liens of the plaintiff upon the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of ihe North west Quarter of Section 18, Townxnip 2, S. R. 20. E. W. M., Gilliam County, Oregon; that the first mortgage bo re formed so that the description of Oie land read as just above described; that all persons claiming any interest in said real estate by, through or under said defendants, or either of them, be forever barred from claiming any in terest in said premises or any part thereof; that the premises be sold to satisfy the above judgments and de crees, and coats and disbursements of suit. That any party to this suit be allow ed to become a purchaser at said sale, and ordering the sherilT of Gilliam County, Oregon, to place such purchaser Into possession. This summons is served upon you and each of you by publication hereof in the Condon Globe, for a period of six consecutive weeks, seven isnues, commencing with the issue of Decem ber 1st, 1910, and ending with the issue of January 12th, 1917, by order of Hit Honorable D. R. Parker, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 24th day of November. 1916. T. A. Weinke, Attorney for Plaintiff. Kuggles and Ola Kuggles, his wife; lois Olds and W. It. Olds, her husband: I.ucy Kuggles, unmarried; Lucy S. Rubles, a widow; Eva Landry and J. N. Landry, her husband; Sara Ruggles, unmarried; Florence Frey, a widow; Muble Justice and Tbumas Justice, her husband; Charles Frey, unmarried; Daisy Farra ami Samuel rarra. her husband; Elton Frey, unmarried, and Feryl Frey, unmarried, defendant?, which sail execution and order of sale is to me directed and commanding me to sell tho property hereinafter de scribed, for thf purpose of satisfying the judgment of the plaintiff in said eausK for the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred .Sixty-five and noHXJ Dollars, and Three Hundred Dollars attorney fees and the costs and disbursements of said suit taxed at Eighty-two and 5.1-100 Doll urn, and costs upon this Writ Therefore, in compliance with said execution and order of sale, 1 will on Saturday, the 10th day of February, 1917 at thehour of 2:00 o'clock P.M.. at the Court House door In Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, for the purpose of satisfying the judg ment and decree mentioned, the follow ing described real property to-wit; All that portion of I.ota Two (2), Five (5), and Six (f.) in Section Thirty-one (31), also Lot Eleven (II) in Section Thirty (JO), all in Township One (1) South of Range Nineteen (19) East of Willamette Meridian, situated in Gilliam county, Oregon, in the muuner provided by law and in conformity with the practice of ibis Court. DuUd this 8th day of January. 1917. J. W. Liluf, SherilTGillium County, Oregon. The Place for Your Want Adi. City Treasurer's Notice All outstanding city warrants I up to and including No. 771 Class I" C" will be paid upon presents tion at my office. Interest ceases Nov. 16. 1916. Myrtle Ferguson, Citv Treasurer. TYPHOID than Smallpox. mtr cxpttlenctt DM uenxnunimni .1 I - l.antln.ia -f Ma 111. HUM Cacy, aod haimlanua, ol Antityphoid Vaccination. Bo vaccinated NOW by your phyilclan, you sod your family. It U mors vital thin houM InnjrnM. Aid rout pny Ictao, drug glit, Of lend fot Hava you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccina, irtulu from ua , and danger from Typhoid Camera, Tl CIITTTB lABOSATORY, BCtHCLCY. CAU rwauciaa tacciKli a usual uaua V. S. tat. uctaai SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that an exe cution and order of sale wai issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Sherman county, on the 21st day of December, 1916, upon a decree therein rendered on the -Itli day of November, 1916, in favor of William N. Froebo, as guardian of the estate of Kathleen McDonald, Joseph Ralph Mc Donald, William Byron McDonald and Patrick McDonald, minors, plaintiffs, and against O. N. Kuggles, as adminis trator of the Estate of Phillip M. Ruggles deceased; O. N. Ruggles and Allie Ruggles, his wife; E. S. Ruggles and Cassie Ruggles, his wife; W. A. S'OTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that an cxe ution and order of sale was regularly issued out of the Circuit Curt of the Sfute of Oregon for Gilliam county on a judgment and decree given and made therein on the 8th day of January, 1917, in a cause therein pending wherein Walther-Williams Hardware Company, a corporation, was plaintiff, and Louis Comini and Amollta Comini, husband and wife, and G. Gruber and Christ Schlappi, were defendants, which said execution and order of sale is directed and was delivered to me and commands me to sell the property hereinafter de- 4crihc.d for the purpose of satisfying the judgment and decree in said ca ise, namely for tho sum of $2447 00 with in terest thereon from the 19th day of October, 1912, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, for the further sum of 150.('0 attorney's fee, and for costs and disbursements of the suit amount ing to $26.0(i uid accruing costs. NOW THEREFORE, in pursuance of said execution and order of sale and for the purpose of satisfying said judg ment and decree and the costs of this sale, I will, on Saturday, the 17th day of February, 1917, at the hour of three o'clock P. M. at the front door of the Court House in Condon, Gilliam county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand all of the following described real property: The Northwest Quarter and the South half of Section :'8, the West half of tho Southwest Quarter of Section 27, and the North half of the Northwest Quarter of Section !i3, all in Township three South of Range 20 E. W. M; the East half of the Southwest Quarter, the Southwest Quarter f the South west quarter of Section one, tho North west quarter of the Northwest Quarter the west half of the Northeast Quarter the East half of the Northwest quarter of Section 12, all in Township 3 South of Range 22 E. W. M. Also lots 1, 2, II and 12 in Hlock 37 East Sddilton to Condon. Said property will be sold subject to the mortgage of one William MacMas ter of $5000.00 and the mortgage of John Hogan in the sum of $1990.00. Dated this 9th day of January, 1917. J. W. LlLiLIE, Sheriff of Gilliam County, Oregon. THE DAREDEVIL Continued from Page 2 ou the ocean In ipict of a womau's fate In a tiaiiK' "untry. ";rt bark to America, Itob. and go Straight to your I'm Ih Robert at I IJuyesvINc, In the lfnrH-lh valley. Hi cut me loose lH'aiio tin didn't under stand when Dinrrliil your mother out of the French ira In I'srlx. Wlicu I named you Itolxrta for blui be returned Ihe letter 1 sent, but with nolle of thousand dollar In Mon roe A Co. for you. I didn't tell him when your mother died. Yet, I've been bitter. Hut tlieae Orman bul lets bsve rut the life out of uie, and I see more plainly. Oct the money and take Nsiiuette and the kiddle ou the Brat boat There's starvation and maybe worse In Paris for you. Take (be mouey-uiid-Kct to Brother Hub ert God of America take them and guide" And that was all. I held him In my arms for long time, while old Nan nette and amall IVrre wept beside me. am) then I laid blui uimm hit pil low and straightened the little tricolor that Ihe gool sister of the old gray convent In which be lay had given me to place In bis hand when be bad begged for It. My mother's country had nieaut my mother to blui. and he bad given bis life for her and France In the trenches of the Vows And tbua at bis bidding I was on the very high seas of adventure, r'rom this thought of blm I was very suddenly recalled by old Naiinette. who came upon the deck from below. "I.e bon Dleu." she sighed as she settled herself In her steamer chair and look out the lace knitting. "Is It not of a goodness that I have tied In my stocking the nccessury francs that we may land In that Atnerha nlietv all Is of such a good fortune? And also by my skill we have I.Vl frnut above that need, which must be al most a Inmdriil of their huge and wasteful dollars. All U well with us." And as she spoke ln pulled up tin? collar of Pierre's soft hlne serge blouse around his pnlr tliiu IV e and eased the cushion behind his rrooke.l small back. "Is Ih that n! which remains of tho $l,r(H) we found to I In that bank. Naiinclle'" I asked of hep with a great uncertainty. .My mother's fortune, de scended from her father, the Marquis de Greit ami live, and the Income of my father from his government post bad made life easy to live In that old house by Ihe quay, where so many from the I'aulioiirg St. Germalne camp to hear her sing after her fortune and children took her from the opera and to go for the summer In the gray old Chateau tie Grez but of Ihe Invest ment of francs or dollars ami cents I had no knowledge. In s;ltc of my claims to N an Ainerh an girl of much prores. My Mother had luughed and very greatly adored my assumption of au extreme American manner, copied us nearly us poslli!e after thnl of Biy father, and hud "failed to teach to even thai thrift which Is a part of the dot of every French flrl from the Fuulxmrg St. Germalne t.-t the Koule vard St. Mh liel. But even In my Ig norance the Information of Nanuctto as to the snialhiess of our fortuue gave to me an alarm. "What will you, mademoiselle? It was necessary that I purchase the rai ment needful to the young Marquis de Ore according to bis state and for the mnrqulse, his sister, ulso. It was not to be contcmpluied that we should travel except In apartments of the very best In the ship. Is not gold enough In America even for sending In great snms for relief of suffering? Have : not seen It given In the Btrects of Par Is? Is It irnt there for us? Do you make me reproaches?" And Naiinette began to weep Into the flue lawn of her nurse's handkerchief. "No, no. Naiinette! I know It was of a necessity to us to have the clothes, and of course we had to travel In the first class. Do not have distress. If we need money In America 1 will obtain It." I made that answer with a gesture of soothing upon her old shoulders, which I could never re mcmlicr as not bent In an attitude of hovering over Fierre or me. "Eh blenl" she answered, wltii a pcr- 0 3Q 0 Continued on next page Catarrh means inflammation. Inflammation is the stagnation of blood the gorging of the circulation with impute blood. Of course you can't bo well Under this condition. It means, headaches, indigestion, kidney trouble, coughs, colds, etc ( Ppninn By s8is,tn X KM.lO. nutrition In creases the circulation, Invigorates the system, removes the waste matter and brightens you up. Over 44 Years Of service to the public entitles It to a place with you. It Makes Good The Peruns Company Columbus, Ohio You can get Peruna in tablet form for convenience. O WHICH IS THE RIGHT ROAD? THAT DEPENDS ON WHERE YOU ARE GOING If you are in search of the freshest, cleanest and best line of Groceries The right road U the'one that leads straight ito our store. You will find here just what y oujare looking for. It is our constant endeavor to supply our customers with the cream of the mar ket in all lines. Don't lie Side-tracked Come straight to Veatch's Cash Store GROCERY A.ND BAKERY U o n O G2 1 lOG 0 t OWC FPICMO TULS AWCIMtS WHY SH CUT T00AC60 IS BtiT MO CHEAPEST HV POOCH Ct W-b CUT tobacco ism't a cio a vooa Loose PAPfft ACH.BUr ITS SLTTfR AMB CHIAPIO, RCCAUll IT CI wmflli AWD LASTS LONGER JUDfct.IHAT m HA I CAUGHT ON TO IT ALL f RIGHT, j 1 HERE'S something curious about W-B CUT Chew ingit takes less out of your pocket and puts a better chew into your mouth. No big. plug sagging your pocket, no big wad sagging your cheefc?Hbiiefl'.niucb oi this rich tobocco goes twice as far as ordinaryt $Iug. W-B saves your silver and gives you a silver-lining feel ing of happiness all over. You can't help from telling your friends about W-B. Bbfc tr WETMAK-BRUTOS COMPART, SO Cm Sent, Ke York Or WATER on the Farm u An Absolute Necessity, on your Farm increases its Take ten of the well A Good Well times the cost WE FURNISH IT Anything in the plumbing line wpl receive oar prompt attention. JAMIESON & MARSHALL Sanitary Plumbers S Condon, Oregon Globe Pointing Means Satisfaction THE OLD MADE NEW fcon't throw that old suit away. Remember I can jnake it look like new. If your clothes need cleaning, 'pressing or repairing, telephone 48X and I will call f for them and return them to you. The best of work and the right price. :: :: :: :: . :: V Dehler, The Tailor Old First Nat'l Bank Main St Condon, Ore. J. II. Cne H. P. Cone Cone Lumber Company Lone Rock, Oregon Manobattarari oi all kiailt ol roafi aad drened Ioniser mi oldil Good Grades Right Prices BBS BSHSHBBHSiaHfBB Gilijam County Risai Estate If you wish to buy, sell, rent or exchange any kind of prop erty see me first. A can help you if you give me a chance. Office at residencelierhiKh school. Call. Phone 240. MRS. ERMA EST, CONDON. OREGON