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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1917)
V THE CONDON GLOBE - 0. A. Hartshorn, Editor PuhtisM Every Friday by The Globe ribliahinf Company. Entered m terond cUn mail matter at the post office at Condon, Oregon FafcxriptiM rates tlM pr Bit mtmti far TS mk. AtrartMnf tml ilea gieaa aaaa appucateaa. A GOOD STAIiT ?TaV city ouncil started the ' New Year right. The first meet ing of the year is a pattern which will keep the ci'y fathers going some if they follow it in their other meetings of the year. They put a good big crimp in the sell ing of alcohol and they handed a 't to thi ci-d playing which will make it unprofitable to the pistimaa to ke?p ctrd tables. And 1917 is just as easy. Farmers, Protect Yourselves Takc'no chances on losing the result of your year's labor; insure your crop in the field, stack and warehouse with A. B. ROBERTSON CONDON Endymion Lodge No. 66 Kls-eU Tuesday Evening In Castle Hall CONDON, OREGON Rank of Knight nest Tuesday nijht, June 23) xt T i f r i o I J. A. CONLET The Tail or SHOP Up-to-date Ton sorial Parlors Randall & Seale ...PROPRIETORS... lit Doot North Fir it Natieaal Baak BSoES SURE1T PREYENTEB kf CUTTER'S BLACKIE8 FILLS Lov-crtced, fresh, feLUbltt, preferred by western stock men. because prscMi ftntrvraw -3 wweinM la.l. fjr WHtttWbeolcletaadtesrfrr-vfalt. JO-fcM (HfeMKIMl PHI 1JJU SCMam Bki. UadUM Fitta. 14.08 Vx wry inkctof , bfet Cwttw's simp and stroa rest The superiority of Cutter iroduets tods to over 15 years of specfeHxlftt ta VaCCISBS AKD SlKVMft OKLY. INUST OJ CVTTaUtft, St twAtMMUc, order direct. Tha Catter UMratMT. Batata. Ewwwt Condon Dray & Transfer line F. E. BEN NET, Proprietor. Light and Heavy Hauling Hauling Trunks and all Job work a specialty. - . CONDON. , Phone No. 10X : OREGON AN EFFI SOME PLAIN TALK are getting an efficient car. one that does not have to go to the shop very often, one tat stands up. 11170 for the Six ... - ' ' - ? The Four $785 . Both are worth the price Then again, if you 'do tff need repairs our 8hop is fitted with all the modern machinery and the work manship of our mechanics is guaranteed. ' . E. SHELLEY'S GARAGE - PORTLAND IS BETTER From Portland comes the news that the stores there enjoyed the best Christma? lusincss they have had for years and the pro prietor all claim that it is due to the fact that Portland is dry. One large store ha 1 an unusual sale of toys and it is the opinion of one of tha proprietors that the money which paid for these toys formerly went over the bar. The owner of a large greenhouse says that his business in flowers this year was exceptionally good and that he was not asked for credit while his Christmas business last year was largely credit end he lost $SW in acootmts. r WE ARE EXTRAVAGANT Ojr grandmothers, could they cnne back, would be thoroughly seanda'ized at our profligate ex : travagance, and yet the strange j thing to us is thit they managed to extract abcut r.s much happi ness from 'life as we do if not a little more. . H3TElE333E5 Horner & Anderson Abstracters i Abstracts i f Title to Gilliam County LanJj ; Office in Court House ; GLOBE PRINTING IS EEST Brave the wind AND STORM .1 m tia pcsi wet voathcr togs ever iiweivtad tM FISH BRAND -REFtEXTSLICKER IPATErlTELj uv '.'. SV JS- - V FrX-1 tt 1 OH I1A1 i t' lZ- Dealers c'crywhcra O-ur BOii year. : e i ' V 4 A.J. TO iVER CO. BOSTON 1 J 1 .: fMi'. .tm V5 V T 1 course you will want a car that - will stand up to it3 wOrlfiP'Kepairs are costly and you can't affonrto keep your car in the shop half the time. When you get a Buick Six or Four you OREGON A FEW GLOBULES . If you own an auto don't for get to have your 191? license in full display before appearing on the streets of Condon. . It always seemed appropriate that Bend should be in Crook but it isn't any more, says an ex change.' The fellow who "knows it all" . - . t doesn i neea an airsnip or an auto. His own wind carries him right along to nowhere. Prom the number of bills pre sented at the first of the year one can hardly believe in the shortage of paper. . The fellow who remembers to build the kitchen fire generally finds that his wife has a good breakfast to put under his belt. THE By TOWN SLOUCH ELLIS M. CLARKE. Whinivw Cy Cawkin Gttt Rtfltotivo Mia' Cawkina' Industry la Mighty Comfortin' to Him. Th' world doesn't care how a Plan aattlaa down. Nor Is It particular when. Providln' he has a repute In th' town Of settlln' up now an then. With tli' average man Monday U th' cak etui of tlie seven financially. HOW IT HAPPENED There are at least Short intervals Of time When the Globe man's life Is worth while. Only the other evening When we were Locking the office To go home for the night, A subset iber came in And paid $6 on Back subscription and Two years in advance .. And While we were fixing Up his receipt The telephone rang And a business man said He wanted a whole page Of space In every issue From now until April 1. Then a little girl Brought in $10 And said Her pa sent it up and For us to just Give him credit on His paper. For about two hours They kept coming And we took in More money In those two hours Than we ever took in In two weeks Before. And just when we reached Home the telephone Rang and it was the Bank and they said A distant relative of ours Had died And left us Four million dollars. It made us feel So good That we just had to hug Our wife, And she said: "Jerry, stop that; It's half past six And Time to get up." ; fe- Chrome Catarrh is Curable Nothing limor distressing tothiufTcrr undhlifrlen-i.. Chiontal catarrh is systemic thstis, it is present throughout the body. thouuhK it may manifest itself in a Iocs! ulceration. r j iaiy cuuiHUMuni trtauiuenc win ovareomo systemie eatarrh. Local treatments sometimes help the acuta manifestation, but they 1 PERUNA Has Helped Thdusand f . t tr f f. ..(.nil PViA nnl..t.... . . I .... tablisbea that, rerun benefits in anumberof ways. I'erunahulliia np the d lgesUoo, restored the strength, and belpa put tha srstemin condition. mm tlMMae IDOU1, ! JQ1 J RABBITS MAY YET BE MONEY MAKERS HERE When Congressman Sinnott went to the big hat factories in the east with the proposition that they try Oregon jackrabbit fur for the making of hats he met with a cold reception. However, he stuck to it and the hatters are now asking for jackrabbit skins that they may experiment with them. Crook county has been asked to prepare 100 skins for on firm. may in time solve the jackrabbit probltm in some sectio'ls ot Gilliam county and at the same time prove profitable. RECENT TRANSFERS OF mi ESTATE W. K. France et ux to Monroe Estay, 2S0 acre?, $10- Henry A. Coh?n to Ethel Tim merman, 1G0 acres, 10. S. A. Pattison et ux to S. B Barker, 160 acres, $2000. Walter HarlfielJ ft ux to A. II Porter et ux interest in land, $10 Eiiwanl Morgan et ux to A. 11 Porter, 720 acres. 15000. J. D. Weed et ux to C C. Clark, 320 acres, $11250. John J. Poi twood to Mary I Portwoodt lots Condon, $1. FEW GOOD SEEDS FOR DISTRIBUTION Congressmin Sinnott has re ceived notice from the Depart ment of Agriculture that he has been allotted a limited number of packages tf alfalfa, field peas, millet, Sudan grass and white clover seed. Because of the very limited supply this year the rulf has been made that only one package can be sent to a person Those wishing a package should write to Congressman Sinnott for it at once to insure getting it before the supply is exhausted. It will be a case of "first com first served" a3 long as the supply lasts, COUNTY COURT FIXES TAX LEVY FOR 1917 At a special trm of the County Court held at Condon on December 28, 1916, when were present G. W. Parman, County Judge, and John W. Maidment, Commissioner. The following proceed ings were had to-wit: In the matter of tax levy of Gilliam county for the year 1917, the following levy made in accordance with budget as puni shed: State 2.5 Mills County 6.2 School and Library 1. High School . .81) Total 9.50 . In the matter of auditing and allow ing claims against Gilliam county The following allowed and ordered paid: Road Fond Sidney Smyth, supplies furnished $CP.&8 Swan Bergquist, labor on roads 37 20 C. N. Laughbioe, County Clerk. NOTICE The regular semi-annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Farmers Elevator Company will be held in the Farmers', Union Hall in Condon on Monday, Jan uary 8 at 1:30 P. M. A gcod at tendance is requested at this meeting." . Farmers Elevator Co. H. F. Schilling, Sec'y. A Perunt has special value to catarrh. glvee vlulity to tiie system, restores tone vo uie memoranda and enables tbwetoper. form their (unctions. In many cases Its benefits begin at once, and It rarely (alls when treatment is continued properly. Tha Peruna Medical DeDartn.i.nt wllth- glad to assist you to overcome this discare. Th doctor's advice la (rue. lion't delay treatment. ' - THE PERUNA CO Columbus. O. COLUMBIA : Phonographs For a present any tinkv an ' ; ( , v'' : ' Eastman Kodak s ; is always good. We have them . Spalding Athletic Goods : V Finest Chocolates and Kon Bens JOHN JACKSON' Condon's Leading Stationer and Confectioner Stop! Your auto is on Fire j'-' Insure it against Fire, Theft, Transportation and Collision with the CONDON REALTY CO. BOX 21 - - CONDON, OREGON Under New Management ; Meals at all hours First Class Service all the time OREGON RESTAURANT SMITH A ANDERSON, PROPS. Formerly known as Oregon Hotel Upper Main Street T. A. WEINKE LAWYER Office la Ctrl o Condon, Oirni.n. I m J. D. WEED LAWYER II tt I gain PflMMICCinalfO a V. w. Minn wvmmiuui vnwn t CONDON. OREGON ! r : : J. F. WOOD, M. d. : PHYSICIAN & SURCEON tit Stlliat IsiMist rUseMsialTSt ' : PORTLAND, DHDTt A n lit). rtM ') m : Drs.Miller&Wilhelm;: PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS J J Fir.l Nsfl Btsl Bsilsisi ' J Condon, 0renhi- I a)a)w9v99ffis)a)9sa)9g99aa Dr. W. H. Reynold S CHIROPRACTIC NERVE SPECIALIST ! 1 If yoa ars tick and bave tried etcrvltine ' elie witb io retails try Chiropractic ipif- aj al adjuilment, apd et well. . '".j FirgtNat'l Bank Bltlif t'ondcn.Or v . ' ' PROFESSIONAL II. II. WItBURNs WELL CONTIiAOTOR AND DRILLER CONDON . iOIKC!ON and Records BBS a C. r. Csibr. M. 0. I. A. Coaer. M. 0. : DRS. CATHEY : PHYSICIANS ANDSURCiONS I Cessna KslUasI .alt BeiMlat I-CONDON, OREGON I "lftwMMMIM ; L.L.TAYLOR M.D.V. : VETERINARY I ' fHTSICIAN SUiaON Condon, Oreuon'. I J Dr. R. W.! Hanneman DENTIST All Work Catrutrsa Phase U Laadoi Natieaal Bank Balldlsf CONDON , OREGON J DR. J. O. KENYON : ; DENTIST , Flr.1 Nali tsak taiUias ' . S DENTIST , Condon, '- Oregon. D. N. MAC KAY . ATTORNEY AT-LAW . CONDON OREGON , Condon, Oregon I DIRECTORY i m a ' l-'-.Tn