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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1917)
1 AY lift WATCH FOR "THE DARl DEVIL" - NEW SERIAL TO START IN THE CLOSE........ WHIN AOU ADV...4 THS CLOSE YOU TX CILLIAM COUNTY IVYl GILLIAM COUNTY'S LEADING HOME PAPER VOL. 27 CONDON, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 5, 1917 NO. iff as life "mm 1916 EXPORTS FROM CONDON GAIN0VER1915 The records at the local station show that G43 loaded cars were shipped from ths Condon yards during 1916. This exceeds the total shipments of 1915 by C5 car load, although the cars of some produce in 1916 f til far short of 1915. Following is the compari son of shipments for the two years: Loads in 1916 Lottds Id 1915 231 Wheat 252 46 Barley 17 47 Horses 70 44 Hops 64 12 Cattl 102 119 Sheep 60 19 Wool 22 4 Hay Rye 1 4 Emigrant 643 ' 578 The total value of the 1916 shipments, not including the emi grant cars, is approximately $1,513:500. The fact that less wheat was shipped last year than in 1915 is not due to any lack of this grain for the Condon ware houses are full and much' yet to be hauled. The farmers are holding their wheat Had they sold earlier the wheat shipments for 1916 would have far exceed ed those of 1915. In spite of this 1916 has been the record year for Gilliam county as far as ship irents of produce are concerned. AID RECEIVES NEW MEMBERS The Ladies' Aid held its regular meeting in the Congregation il church yesterday afternoon. Twenty membera and five visitors were present and later in the afternoon three of the visitors, Meadamcs F. P. Mills, N. K. Clarke and C. R. Schain, joined the Aid. Mm. Parman, who was recently elected president handed in her resignation and Mrs. F. M. Bock was elected to fill the vacancy. Mesdames Fitz maurice and Hollen served de licious refreshments. T Dr. W. J. Miller returned Sat urday from visiting at Portland and SiIverton,yt"CV)s Miller and baby will reMW ifLf flferton for a few weeks. S. M. Dupraz of Olex is work ing in Lester Wade's clothing Btore during the absence of T. G. Johnson. STRIKING STYLES in Men's Suits The first thing: that strikes you in our splendid line of Ed V. Price samples is their strict conformity to the most advanced styles in pattern and cut :: r :: :: Not a back number in the lot Lester Wade's Exclusive Store for Men REBEKAHS INSTALL OFFICERS WEDNESDAY The local Rebckah lodge No. 109 installed officers Wednesday night in the I. O. O F. hall as follows: Mr. Frank Woosely, N. G.; Miss Jessie Ilardie, V. G ; Mias Myrtle Ferguson, R. S. N. G ; Mrs. M. O. Clarke, L. S N. G.; Mrs. J. C. Sturgill, R. 8. V, G ; Miss Veva Portwood, L. S. V. G. ; Garland Ferguson, I. G.; E, W. Moore, O. G.; Mrs. Lula Searcy, treasuser; Miss Georgia Searcy, secretary; Miss Bessie LafTerty, warden. Miss Ferguson was (he installing officer. After the business session refreshments were served and all enjoyed a social hour. BOOZE AND FIGHT C0ST$75 George York of Clem was arrested by Marshal Wheir Wed nesday night- on two different charges; one for being drunk and the other for disturbing the peace and engaging in a brawl. York was taken before Recorder Hollen and plended guilty to both complaints. Recorder Hollen fined him $25 on the first charge and $50 on the second. York and F. M. Couey, who conducts one of the pastimes here, quar reled over some money matter, so it is reported, and the quarrel developed into a fight during which York cut Couey quite badly with a knife. Alex Hardie returned from Portland Monday evening and attended the big Scotch dance here. Mr. Ilardie spent the holidays with his mother in Port land. Miss C'ara Blais and Miss Enid Leeper returned Monday even ing from their vacation trips and have resumed their work in the High School. Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart of Trail Fork were in Monday for the Scotch dance,. George Parman bought a new Ford this week. Sidney Smyth is fixing up Gil liam county roads again after spending the holidays with his family in Portland. . Mrs. Merle Shatswell left Sun day foe Klamath Falls where her husband works in a laundry. GILLIAM SCOTS i MEET HERE AND ORGANIZE CLUB A well attended meeting of the Scotchmen of Gilliam county was held in Condon Tuesday for the purpose of organizing a Condon Caledonian Club. Officers were elected as follows: A. B. Rob ertson, Chief; James Walker, Second Chief; D. N. Mackay, Secretary-Treasurer. A com mittee, consisting of John Jack son, Alex Marshall and D. N. Mackay, was appointed by Chief Robertson to prepare a constitu tion and by laws for the Club and to submit the same for adop tion at the next meeting which will be held on January 26 in this city. A dance will also be given on that date, it being the anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns. The eight grade class of Agri culture at the Condon Public Sehojl ha bjen stuiying the principles of milk and cream testing- In tha'HUtein milk brought by ow of the boys the butter fat teat was 21 in four different tests and a sample of Jersey milk tested 37 per cent butterfat. The county court had a busy session this week. Full proceed ings in next week's Globe. CITY COUNCIL PUTS BAN ON PLAYING CARDS FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE; ALCOHOL SELLING RAPPED The city council met In regular session Tuesday night with all members present except Council man Farr. Ralph H. Schneeloch, of Clark, Kendall &Co., a bond company of Portland, appeared and showed how the city couid save almost $2000 a year by bond ing to take up the warrant in debtedness. The city has now about 17,000 in outstanding warrants which draws interest at the rate of six per cent and also has a bonded indebtedness which has been due for several years and which draw3 eight per cent. Mr. Schneeloch offered to buy bonds of the city to the amount necessary to take up the warrant indebtedness and the eight per cent bonds at a figure slightly less than five and one- half per cent. The council re fused to sign Mr. Schneeloch's contract but advised him that a special election will be called to allow the taxpayers to express their wishes in this matter. This election will probably be he' 1 in the near future. Charles O. Williams appeared before the council asking for the appoint ment as night marshal and pre sented a paper showing that ten of the business Arms in town of fered to pay $2.50 each per month on his salary. After discussing the matter the council decided that no night marshal would be appointed at prosent. Bills amounting to $751 62 were audit ed and ordered paid. It was de cided that card playing for any REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF TIV CONDOn NATIONAL jjAHl v . CONDO.N;' OKKGOX ' '"'it " At the uioba oi Business, vec. -7, xit,j i . BKSOl'RCKS Loans & Discounts - $249,174.84 Bonds & Securities - - 28,839.44 Real Estate, Furniture - , '- & Fixtures - - - 17.924.94 Cash & Due From Banks, C7.2S3.43 CONDON LOCAL NO. 30 ELECTS NEWOFFICERS The Condon Local No. 30, Farmers' Union, held its annual election of officers last Saturday in the Union hall in this cicy. The following officers were elected:- I. A. Iloskin, president; L. E. Fowler, vice president, C. R Peugh, secretary-treasurer; John Billingsley, conductor; Fred Greiner, door-keeper; Mrs. Hos kin, chaplain; D. S. Brown. J.E. Brown and II. N. Anderson, ex ecutive board. Installation will be held tomorrow and the County Convention will be held in Con don January 13. Reports show that Condon Local is flourishing. Paid up membership is now 175. Of these 117 are men and 58 women. Saturday's meeting was an all-day enjoyable session with a bountiful dinner at noon and a dance at night. H. H. Berry passed away at the local hospital Tuesday, He was brought to Condon last week from Spray and underwent an operation for appendicitis. The remains were taken to Fossil Wednesday for interment. Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Kenyon re turned Monday- from Walla Walla. They also visited in Baker while away. thing of value must be stopped and Marshal Wheir was instruct ed to arrest any proprietor allow ing cards to be played in his place of business for any chips, treats or anything else. -x The ; pastimes will be allowed to keep the card tables and allow their patrons to play cards for mere pleasure, the council having de cided that it could not banish tho cards entirely. Proprietors of pastimes and pool halls must also refuse admittance to minors un less they partition the poolroom or card room from the other part of the business when minors may be allowed in the front room or confectionery. The council has decided that tliese measures will be rigidly enforced. In the mat ter of alcohol selling it has been found according to the report ot the council's committee, that persons have purchased alcohoi in Condon without a permit from the city authorities and the coun cil decided that this must stop. Any further violation of this ordinance will , be prosecuted Marshal Wheir was instructed to arrest any auto owner operating his car without a 1917 license, An application for a street light on one of the dark. "corners in southwest Condon was read, and the " request , will probably ; be granted. The city treasurer's report was read and accepted. The city is slowly but surely go ing ahead financially. "Every month shows a gain. ' ; . i.i .ttui.ariKM Capital Stock ' - , i $ 5U.0UO.O0 Circulation Surplus Dtsposits . I2.500.0U . - t - IS 1,46. 03 ROSELAWN DAIRY TO SHIP MILK TO CONDON! G. R. Huff, proprietor of Rose- lawn Dairy near Arlington, was in Condon a few days this week and while here made arrange ments with the Variety Store to handle milk from bis dairy. Anyone who wishes to make per manent arrangements for milk may do so by seeing Miss Myrtle Ferguson at the Variety Store on Lower Main street. Mr. Huff will ship the milk up every day. The Roselawn Dairy milk is giv ing universal satisfaction in Arlington and Mr. Huff promiies satisfaction to his customers in Condon. "HAT TALKS" AT MEN'S CLUB The Men's Club will meet next Monday night in the lecture room of the Congregational church at 7:30 and all men are cordially invited to be present Garland Ferguson will have charge of the meeting and "Hat Talks" will constitute most of the program. This was the meeting scheduled for January 22 but owing to circumstances the regular subject for next Monday night had to be post poned so the two meetings have been transposed. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Robertson went to Portland Wednesday to visit relatives and friends for a week. They drove to Arlington in their car. A. D. Haley renewed his sub scription to the Globe last week and ordered the Semi-Weekly Journal. The Condon Grange will have a meeting in the Farmers' Union hall ..Friday eveninsr, January 12. Mrs. W. V. Pryor left Werie; day for Cheney, Wash , to join her husband. They will make their home there. nipnn flrnvfH unrWnrent an operation for appendicitis at the local hospital Sunday -morning. Drs. Cathty performed the operation. Mr. Graves is recov: erink rapidly and expects' to li at the store again in a few days. THE AMERICAN .TEA A7 -- SHOWING - MUTJ THIS ;: the Vn? fureatlyama. . v.. Wasted Year. Charact r.3 in the Prologue - MRP TACT-'. Charaeto ;ntl ;May of Yo"th fciXON'l' CT The' Play -. ' FOUR ACTS "the wasted r;.:.r: with Crane Wi'our in t' rnlti ai hp-mi ! f ill Ju-ju l t"rpst dran:i repWte with grippin;. uatiOiU aiti a stronpr c'.. .!;; ;;. which teach in a forceful niaiun'r the great lesson -of -li;'e ur.-on which this t-xtrar.rdinary story is founded. . ELKS TO HERD m rmmnn n'l in tUMUuii uu JANUARY 20Ti: Saturday, January 20, will L Elks' Day in Condon. On that date the Condon Elks will enter tain the Heppner Elks who art coming on a special train. At least 120 Heppner people will be here for that number has signed for the train and it is probata that there will be more, Th--degree team of the Heppner lodge witl be here with full para phenalia and will put on tlv initiatory "work just as soon 8 (he train arrives which will t about three o'clock in the after noon. There will be a class cl about twenty-five candidates t be initiated. The Odd Fellows hall has been secured for the oc casion. The rink has been en gaged for the evening and the start about eight o'clock so that everybody will get plenty c: dancing before midnight at wfcie! time the banquet will be served under the direction of - K. Clarke in the Odd Fellows hall The orchestra that will furnL! the music for .the dance an." banquet will be the best eve: heard in Condon, in fact there i nothing better in the state. ;' Dick Lindsey will have charge of thr ""tmaniyU Walter raPy' t" - wauer u '-t 0hacco g,ves Smith were uniteuJQ.Jes3 in St Patrick's church lJV. land Wednesday morning Father Smith. The young com ' will spend most of the winter i California and will later go t Canada. ! Mr. and Mrs. Will Saait! and Emmet Smith went to Pc: :. land to be present. Rose Sir. A was one of Condon's popu young ladies and will be mis Dr. and Mrs.' wTlf!"" . returned to Condon after spending t.e 1 i Portland and Sale in L.E.Shfelley Super-six to. Qm week.. Dick'. Lindsey Portland a few d, :p fro ys t; PRODUCTIONS THIS Wu.t.ia: i A p w c r T'j S L. u r j $ . . - magnificently staged with an r.- . . ic?c:,t f : r: nt ri"n ntifs rrr - kj ' - - - - as n -stu Jtn" f :" i . J of p? "'. " t-i i.i a chant Phone.0' - iZo and 23c i r