THE CONDON GLOBE PAGE 4. You doubtless appreciate prompt, pains taking attention to the details of your BANKING BUSINESS This is where We can be of real service to you AW girt? particular ttt tvut foi to the Uusfiess of lfurnierst and Staokmen him eurxlially invite them to rimfce fiis ffiefr Hanking Home. We have h room n( your tfspos iti where von omi (ninsiol Make Us Prove It We dare not exaggerate to you. We are dependent upon jour patronage. To get It we must have your trust and confi dence. We make the following- statements with a full under Handing of what they mean to us. You are safe when you believe in these statements. votir ousfness most privacy. with tlte tit' ...Condon National Bank... ltNDERMVERN I For the Bowels If you only Vniw s much as we ml those who have used them know atuut liriall Orderlies, you would lx enthusiastic about rvcommeud In tliriu iu we are. They taste just like rnmly. They art so easily and so (ilctuuuitly that the ULiu u( thtiu it a pleasure. Even children lika Rnll Order liin; ami you know that if medi cine appeals to child, il will appeal to grown-up. help chase gloom, dispel blue and li' iir you feel hap y by thair spieu dil imne, rleanstitg and strengthen iim I'fftvt upon the bowels. They a--t to fn-e the system and keep il irtn fmm the distrr-u and ill feeling naturally mult from Irregular and inactive bowvlv Knall Orderlies do this quietly, ulioiit enping or causing nausea, ptircmi; or ripeasive loosencaa. They at-i lo ovorcouie aud remove the causa of bowel III and In a ahort lima usually make unnecessary the con turned use of phyaica aud purgatives, thus tending to atop such unhealthy habit a may have been formed. Make Us Prove This We do not a-k you to take out word for this. W want you to maka us prove it, and at no cost to you. tuy a bo I of Retail Orderlies at our store. I'se tbem once, or uas up the whole boi. Then, if you are not thoroughly satisfied, lust rum back empty handed and tell us. Without obligating you or question, ing you w will return the uiousg you paid us for them. Doesn't that Indicata that Retail Orderlies are at least worthy of trial f loesn't it prove our faith In th.uif IHiean't it merit your eonridenref Could any offer be more fair to youf We particularly recommend Retail Orderlies for children, drlical auj aged persons. Retail Orderlies coma in couveuient vest-porkrt sise tin botes. I J tablets, 10c; 30 lablsta, 26c; SO tablets, &0c. ORE. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE FARMERS' WEEK December 8th to Wit, 1913 This will be a notable event In the educational hlatory of Oregon. Farmer' Co-operation will be Inn leading topic of a timulaling aerie of lectures. The week will be crowded with discussions, ami demount rations in every thing Hint muke for llic welfare of the farmer and homc-mukcr. Winter 8hort Course January5 to 30, 1114 The College ha -pared no effort to muke this the moat complete abort course in lis hiatory. A very wide Go to the Red Cross Drug Co For That Christmas Present They have the best assortment of watches, jewel ry, silverware, cards and candy. C ACTION- riease hear In mind that Retail Orderlies are not sold by all drug. lirti. u can buy Retail Orderlies oubj a The Retail Mores. I ju cau buy Retail Orderlies iu this commuuity only at our store: GRAVES VAN SLYPE condon The &caJUL Store oreg Son. is sTeinD Store In nearly every town and ejty In the tTnited fttstee. Cansds and Gr.-.t Itntnm. I'tier m s different Heiall for nearly every buiuan Ul eu.'li wpeciaov detsmd for the particular ill fur which M w recomniendvd. the trenail Stores) are America's Drug Stores Taken Ud. 1 Born to the wife of Earnest " " , ' Santo of Clem, on December 10th Atv-ut a monm ago on me 1 a daughter N. Anderson ranch on Pine Ridge I - one Lincoln buck with underbit Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Selby of in left ear. Owner can have Tine Ridge were Condon visitor? same 1 y proving properly and yesterday n:ivintr fh.trtres. F.D SFLBY - I mi . . . ine case oi Armstrong vs lioi- len, which has been in the court for years, was definitely settler at the last term of court. B this decision Armstrong was al lowed OO while he asked foi about $1100. Weinke appeared for Hollen and Shanks and Hor ner for Armstrong, J. D. Weed, the new lawyer, has his professional card in this issue. He has also received the appointment as U. S. Land Com missioner. His office is on the east side of Main street in the Campbell building. The Ladies Aid of the Congre gational church will meet next Thursday with Mrs. II. H. Wit burn. All ladies interested in the welrare of the churdh, whether members of the Aid or not, are re'iuested to be present. When selecting YOUR OVERCOAT insist on the four essentials, Quality Style Fit Economy Almost any good coat contains SOME of these. Those sold at this store assure you of ALL in a garment made from all-wool fabrics suitable for this climate. Don't forget our big sacrifice snle on men's up-to-the-minute, ready-to-wear suits. Going fast. The Ed. V. Price fabrics are always the best of the high class but these are even better, if possible, than usual. A large variety of beautiful fabrics in the latest weaves. t You know also that the tailoring of the Ed. V. Price garments cannot be excelled. i notice: There will be a meeting of the Women of Woodcraft next Wtd nesday night, December 17th. Eva Cuendet, G. N. Anna Bishop, Clerk. D. R. Parker, C. N. Laughrige and Otis Campbell went goose hunting yesterday. range of courses will h. offered In (ioncral Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry. Dairying, Poultry Keeping, Mechanic Art, iHimeatlo Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry, anil Muaie. Ntimeroua Ircturva and ilia cuaaioimon KAUMKKS' CO-OI'KJtA-HON, at home and abroad, will be a leading feature. Make thlaa pleasant and pmlltidiie winter outing. No tuU lion. Aeeommodationa reasonable. Kctluced ratea on all railroada. For further information address 11. M. TKNNANT, Registrar, t'orvallls, Oregon. Farmer' Hulnea Courae by Cor rcKini!cnce without tuition. , I'd 3H I About Three Weeks More ! Notice I have moved my paint sl op into the Estes building on upper Main street. Anyone wishing painting or papern anging may call on me there, Delbert Ward. I have a few fine Barred Rock Roosters for sale at $1.00 each. Call on Duncan Robertson, Condon. Attention Elkt There will be a meeting of all Elks in the Club Rooms Sunday at 2 p. m. Important. Don't miss it. Guy Penepacker Pres. For Sale. Ssveral fine Buff Orpington and Blue Andalusian Cockerels at $1.00 each, 85pd38 Mrs. E. II Hartman. CONDON OREGON LESTER WADE Agent for Ed V. Price High Grade Clothes One dozen turkeys for young fowls just Christmas dinner, II. F. Downer. Mammoth Bronze stle. Fine, fat, right for Call on Statement of the Ownership, management, etc. of the Condon Globe, published weekly at Con don, Oregon for October 1, 1913. Editor, managing Editor, Busi ness manager - II. A. Hartshorn. Publisher - Globe Publishing Co, Owner - Lillian Brown Hart shorn. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders - none. H. A. Hartshorn, Editor. Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this 11th day of Decem ber, 1913. R. M. Rogers, . Notary Public for Oregon. J. D. WEED LAWYER LAND COMMISSIONER until our I'inno Contest will Close positively. Some one la to get well paid for their time and troublo. Who will it be7 Thia we can not tell, but you J can materially help your favorite contestant and not coat a cent if you will. For the benefit of all partie not understanding our I'ledgeof Patronage S Cards we wish to state that when a $10 00 card for Instance is signed It J merely asserts the fact that you will give us a chance on that many dollar worth of your business, during one year from date signed. That ia that you agree to come to our store, get prices and after considering the quality 1 of the goods you find thut you can buy cheaper, then you are at perfect J liberty to buy whore you choose and have fulfilled to that amount all that ia required in our pledge of Patronage Card. Itut you do agreo to give us a chance on your business, acording to the amount signed up for lithe Pledge 2 of Patronage Cards. Tho standing in our Contest for the week ending Wed. Dec. 10th is as follows; MO Nettie Wallace 2SG I.ury Cuendet 205 llortense Farr Hell RiidctitT 259 Zehlia Shurte 2.)1 Francis Smith 2K3 Maudie lirider 270 Dehlia Guild 2X7 With Wel.diona M) I.ela Sloan $.102H)n.C0 221M78.I5 1 Mil 13.30 109910.70 . lOOtMlGfi bt;:to.9o 9 D107.70 4207.70 1107,65 You will do well to remember thut the way our Pledge of Patronage Card count it would nut take long to grt as many counts as even the highest. : A. S. HOLLEN & SONS, CONDON, ORECON yE REXALL .Settle Your Christmas Gift Problems. Good Taste Here is a tip to you, gallant gentlemen, and to you, fair maids and matrons, whose slightest preference express ed will govern many a choice of Christmas Remembrance. Choice Candies, Stylish Stationery, Cut Glass, French Ivory, High Grade Leather Goods, Perfumes, etc. Graves & Van Slype Leading Druggists Holiday Fares From All Stations On the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co Sale Dates Dec. 18 to 24 1913 To' Final Return Limit Jan. 5th 1914 All Points in Oregon Washington and Idaho and return The First Time in the History of the Northwest That holiday rates have been in effect Tuke advantage of the low fares and spend Christmas and New Year with friends. Ask particulars of any Agent of the O-W. R. & N. u. s CONDON, OREGON TTTf fttiH 'Tifi"